must I choose between love
and life?
must I choose between love
and freedom? the threads flow around my head
waiting to be woven into the cloth of coherent thought
I pick some out, and play with them.
is it better to be loved than to be free?
rather, perhaps - is it easier?
for slaves must be struck from their chains
but a babe's first instinct is to root for the breast.
much easier to the mind and heart, then.
but which is better for the person?
love or liberty?
but who am I to decided that for others.
true, true.
But who are others to decide for me?
Who is God, to say so?
For the wages of "love" is Heaven,
but the wages of freedom is Hell.
What love? Total obedience?
That is not love. ai ja nai.
Indeed, it would be said that love IS freedom.
Set the precious thing free, they say -
if it returns, it truly loves you.
I returned to God, but God did not return to me.
Love is respect, love is comfort and care.
Love is caring enough to let go when one must.
i miss you evan...
So, love is freedom.
Freedom is choice.
Slavery and torment is no real choice,
thus no real freedom,
thus no real love.
Is this yet a tapestry?
Or perhaps a friendship bracelet?
For who, though?
Keinii? Goddess of Heralds?
Perhaps the Mute Lord of the Sun,
as he has honored me so in his work.
Perhaps a blanket
for Sakura.
I know not.
and life?
must I choose between love
and freedom? the threads flow around my head
waiting to be woven into the cloth of coherent thought
I pick some out, and play with them.
is it better to be loved than to be free?
rather, perhaps - is it easier?
for slaves must be struck from their chains
but a babe's first instinct is to root for the breast.
much easier to the mind and heart, then.
but which is better for the person?
love or liberty?
but who am I to decided that for others.
true, true.
But who are others to decide for me?
Who is God, to say so?
For the wages of "love" is Heaven,
but the wages of freedom is Hell.
What love? Total obedience?
That is not love. ai ja nai.
Indeed, it would be said that love IS freedom.
Set the precious thing free, they say -
if it returns, it truly loves you.
I returned to God, but God did not return to me.
Love is respect, love is comfort and care.
Love is caring enough to let go when one must.
i miss you evan...
So, love is freedom.
Freedom is choice.
Slavery and torment is no real choice,
thus no real freedom,
thus no real love.
Is this yet a tapestry?
Or perhaps a friendship bracelet?
For who, though?
Keinii? Goddess of Heralds?
Perhaps the Mute Lord of the Sun,
as he has honored me so in his work.
Perhaps a blanket
for Sakura.
I know not.