TA: hey biitch

TA: havent gotten an eyefull of your obnoxiiou2 tyrade2 iin a miinute

TA: tiired of our 2hiit already, 'leader'?

TA: la2t tiime we talked wa2 when vrii2ka..

TA: anyway

TA: you BETTER not be mad at me or iill bee 2o pii22ed

TA: thii2 2iilence ii2nt liike you

TA: ii mean ii can ba2iically hear when you type ANYTHING

TA: re2pondiing a2ap ii2 iin your be2t iintere2t

TA: al2o miine 2o

TA: do that

TA: later

gardenGnostic [GG] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG]


TG: yo

GG: are you absolutely positive you guys dont need help at the club?

TG: jade youve already got that vet clinic to take care of

TG: least i can do is give you money

GG: nooo

TG: a loan

GG: NOOO! :(

TG: fuck!

TG: why not

GG: becaaauuuuseeee

GG: ill only accept money if i earn it!


GG: plus

GG: youre still in school

TG: bruh

TG: for music

GG: so!

TG: harley

TG: i s2g take our money

TG: as a gift!

TG: happy birthday bitch!

GG: fiiine :/

TG: rly

GG: nope! :)

gardenGnostic [GG] blocked turntechGodhead [TG]

TG: whatd i do wrong

Future gardenGnostic [FGG] unblocked turntechGodhead [TG]

You woke with your head resting on your girlfriend's warm breasts. Mmm… You would've loved to stay like that for hours but you knew you had something much more pressing to tend to so you got up, ate a little yogurt with Rose and requested her help again with the sleepy kid cage.

You had her take care of opening the clinic up while you ran some procedures on him. From the x-ray, it was clear he had several fractures so you ran an MRI as well to make sure the bones weren't harming any nearby organs. You were grateful the injuries weren't as severe as flail chest but you know you'll still need to perform surgery, which, admittedly, makes you incredibly anxious. You'll definitely need to do a blood transfusion as well. Shit! From the looks of things, you wouldn't be surprised if he didn't wake up for days.. Which you guess is advantageous to you so you decide you're taking care of this as soon as possible.

You pick up the troll and transfer him to an exam room.

Rose apparently followed you in. "Got a diagnosis?"

"Multiple fractures in his ribs, thankfully not flailed.. Unfortunately, we'll have to perform surgery anyway, so." You walk over to the desk and put on some gloves. "I need some blood from him."

Rose turns green. "So everything's under control, yes?"

"If I need your help, I'll scream."

Before you're finished talking to her, she's already left, getting as far away from the needles as she can.

You shaved off a small segment of fur on his leg, sanitize and take a liiiiittle sample of blood. Sorry, kiddo!

gardenGnostic [GG] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG]

GG: hey dave whats your blood type?

GG: asking for a friend :)

TG: oh

TG: thats not threatening at all

GG: tell meee

GG: im not threatening you!

GG: im trying to save a juvinile troll with o negative!

TG: oh shit well why didnt you fuckin say so

TG: context is key before i start disclosin some personal ass info

TG: yes im o-

TG: y didnt u ask rose

GG: shes trypanophobic

GG: i wouldnt do that to her :(

TG: shit

TG: all according to your plan

GG: to save a kids life?

GG: absofuckinglutely it is!

TG: you can take my blood after class aight


GG: thanks dave!

GG: youre an actual lifesaver!

TG: am i gonna meet em

GG: prolly!

GG: he might be with us for a bit while he heals and we look for a forever home to take him in

TG: sweet

TG: i can brag abt him having some cool kid dna

TG: thats from me btw

GG: dont do that

technologicallyAdequate [TA] began trolling gleamingAmbers [GA]

TA: kn

TA: uh

TA: ugh thii2 ii2 2o embara22iing iim probably gonna hate my2elf after thii2

TA: youre kk2 moiiraiil riight

TA: ha2 he me22aged you iin a while?

GA: Erm

GA: No Times Two

GA: Unfortunately I Dont Think He Will For A While Longer

TA: how do you know that?

GA: Karkat Did Not Have Any Technology Of His Own At Nepetas

TA: he LEFT?!

TA: he diidn't 2ay goodbye two me..?

GA: Not A Word To Anyone

TA: grr

GA: Hes Not In The Best Place Right Now

GA: Probably

TA: but were here two help hiim!

TA: were hii2 FRIIEND2!

GA: There Are More Things Going On In His Life Than Us

GA: Sollux I Cant Tell You Anything Alright !

GA: So Please Dont Message Me About Him Again

GA: Or At All

GA: Its For Your Own Good

gleamingAmbers [GA] blocked technologicallyAdequate [TA]

Dave walked into the clinic and you remember you neglected to let Rose know he was coming. Oops.

"Ah, shouldn't you be going to the club? I'm almost certain we aren't on the way there."

"Relax. I'm here to save a life. I await applause?"

"I'm fairly certain that no lo-fi song will heal broken ribs, brother."

"Yeesh. I'm giving my blood, Rose."

"How kind. I'll leave you to that." Rose takes her leave to the back of the clinic, the shelter.

"What, you're not gonna stay 'n hold my hand?"

"No, Dave. You're a big boy." She calls back.

"Eh, your loss."

A few moments of silence pass as you ready everything.

"So, is this payback or somethin'?" You wrap that rubber thingy around his arm.

"Clench your fist?- For what, Dave?"

"Leaving for Texas without sayin' goodbye?"

"I was kinda pissed at you but.. You came back, so. Punching you as soon as I saw you for the first time since high school was enough for me."

"That shit hurt, Harley."

"Yeah, well, you deserved it." You find his vein. "Needle time."

"Stick that shit. Coulda given me a lil more notice on takin' a ton of blood outta me. Woulda stuffed my face with veggies and healthy shit for the kid instead of instant ramen for days."

"A little sodium never hurt anyone. Especially if you're as emaciated as this kid is… And, y'know, I didn't have any warning either. John found him in an alley after getting mauled by something.. I have to save him. He's special, I can tell, not only from his blood type and color."

"... That's why we all love you. 'Specially, Rose. Your passion. I wanna have that same kinda drive you do."

You're a little thrown off by the sentimentality that comes out of Dave Strider's mouth. "Dude, have you seen yourself writing and playing music? That's Dave Strider passion. Seeing you smile is so rare, especially these days.. When you're playing those funky jams, you look happy."

Dave's cheeks flush brightly and he visibly squirms a little. Shit, did you say too much?

"You really noticed that, huh.."

You place a cotton ball on his forearm.

"Got any Spongebob band-aids? I would die."

Aaand the wall's back up. It's his fault for starting the sentimental junk! … No, you don't mean that.

"We have tape."


"This is a vet clinic! Not a pediatrician!"

"Lame. Just don't put it on my arm hair."

"What arm hair?"

You rub the shitty tape on his arm and leave to get some water and a cookie from your bag. You're just the tiniest bit disappointed you didn't get to eat this cookie but any time your cousin Jane visits, she does so with a fuckton of cookies, so.. Worth it.

"Are you done?" Rose asks.


"Then allow me to accompany you."

"Of course!"

Rose walks with you to Dave and you hand him the delicious treat.

"Oh fuck yeah. Thanks, Harley." He opens the zip-loc bag and starts chewing the chocolate chunk cookie.

"You know, it's just so you don't get faint." Rose smirks and Dave gives her a Look.

Rose walks over and picks up the plastic container with Dave's blood.

"It's like I'm holding liquid David in the palm of my hands.."

"Does that make you happy?" Dave chuckles.

"Very. It's still warm."

"You're lucky I was willing to do this. You owe me."

"Owe what? Your blood will come back, Dave." Rose pouts her lips.

"Go refrigerate his blood, dear." You say, eager to end the conversation.

"Yes, dear." Rose leaves the room.

"So are you going to the club tonight?"

"Yup. If Dirk could come in, I'd rest up but.. As uncomfortable as it'll be to DJ like this," Dave pauses and rigidly mimes scratching a record. "I'd be even more uncomfy if we left Bro in charge a' the music. Not here for gettin' another complaint about him playin' jazz in a nightclub." Dave blows his hair out of his eyes, or glasses, technically.

You share a laugh.

"Thank again, really."

"You better save this kid's life." Dave nudges you with his shoulder.

You hear light padding on the floor and soon, little Kanaya flaps up onto the counter.

"Hey Kanaya! What's up?"

"Um… When will you be doing the surgery?"

"Soon… Once we do the transfusion, we'll start ASAP. We'll get you some dinner first, okay?"

Kanaya shakes her head. "I don't want any.. I want to be there."

"A-Are you sur, Kan? I don't think I'd wanna be there while.."

..A doctor opens my friend up.

"I have to. He's my friend."

You smile. You see jade tears filling her eyes but she turns her head and wipes them away. You hug her tightly.

"I'll save him. I promise."

The little girl hugs you too and nuzzles you before you let go and she jumps down to the floor.

Before she leaves, she contemplates a moment then offers Dave a warm, "Thank you. You really can be selfless, when you try."

You allow yourself another laugh. "Right on point as usual."

"Damn.. She takes after Rose so much it's creepy… Does she know him?"

"Yeah.. But I think she's more worried about another friend of hers and how he'll react when he finds out about this."

The surgery was a success. You used screws and titanium plates to fix the ribs so they can heal in place. Kanaya insisted on staying during the surgery. You're certain she saw his blood color but she didn't seem perturbed… In fact, you're sure she never left his side until he woke up- wait. HE'S UP!

The little boy with nubby horns opens his eyes and looks around. He makes eye contact with Kanaya.

"Kanaya?" Red tears fill his eyes and start spilling over his cheeks. "No… No, no.."

Kanaya's smile fades as he starts to panic. He forces himself to sit up.

"Ah- Hey, hey, hey!" You gently push him back onto the bed. He scratches wildly at you all the while. You think it was a good decision to have gloves on. "It's okay, honey, hold on… You were really hurt a few days ago. You need to rest."

"Grr… NO! Why am I here?! I should've died, I.."

Oh, no… Seems his wounds aren't only physical. "No, you didn't deserve to die there! You-"


Tears are streaming down Kanaya's face. For the first time, you hear her scream and you can't say you blame her.


"Kanaya…" Rose rushes over to Kanaya's side. In Rose's arms, Kanaya sobbed.

"Two trolls tried to kill me for my blood color and I was terrified… They called me weak, a mutant… What else could I do? … Kanaya… I'm sorry but this was a wasted effort."

"No." Rose practically growls. "We won't let it be a waste. We saved you because we wanted to and we're keeping you here whether you like it or not."

"We want to help you… So… please, trust me… We will keep you safe, okay?"

There's a silence except for collective tearshed. With a clear strain, the child turns away from all of you.

"Karkat?" Kanaya whimpers.

"I'll sleep on it."