Chapter Ten
End of an Era

The Grand Ballroom of the Navy Yard Catering and Conference Center is, on this Wednesday evening, given over to NCIS' First Annual 'Agent of the Year Awards' Night Dinner and Dance.

Up to this year the Awards Ceremony, where recognitions in a variety of fields were made, had been a very low key event normally held in the Second Floor Briefing Room and both the Awards themselves and the attendance had always reflected that low key format. The Awards were framed Certificates and Service Medals and while the first two events filled the wisely chosen small room – fifty people can appear a crowd in a closet – recent years had witnessed a steady decline to where on many occasions the recipients themselves did not attend and the only adjectives Jennifer Shepherd could assign to last year's event were frustrating and lonely.

Then Cynthia Sumner had approached her with the idea to revamp the entire operation. The first step was to enhance the quality of the Awards to wood mounted golden plaques engraved with the recipiant' s name, award name and date under representations of the round and colorful NCIS sigil, things that recipients would be honored to receive. The idea of one Agent of the Year was abandoned in favor of one from each of the twelve MCR teams and then from each Department from Accounting through Threat Awareness, each Supervisor designating one of their own to step into the spotlight.

The next step was to set aside an evening rather than a half hour in the Briefing Room. This Hall was reserved and a band engaged.

Then the wives, husbands and significant others were individually and formally Invited through mailed contacts, urged to attend and to make sure their counterparts brought them to the key Social Occasion of the Year.

For those that have them, Dress Uniforms were strongly recommended, some requiring unpacking and alterations while, for those who did not, Tuxedo Shops and Dressmakers alike enjoyed an unexpected burst of profitable activity.


1800 strikes with a Reception in the Hall's anteroom where guests sip cocktails or indulge in somewhat stronger spirits and receive their table assignments for the 1900 commencement, where the guests are played in by members of the Marine Corps Band.

Where Gibbs wears his Dress Gunnery Sergeant Uniform with Sniper emblem, which no one is surprised fits after so many years, and other men and women are resplendent in a variety of Dress Uniforms, the majority of gentlemen appear in several subtly different black tuxedos really distinguished only by various understated lapel pins, Award and Medal bars being the most distinguishing features. Several who have already received AOY bars have dug them out of drawers for the occasion.

Understatement is the common theme among the gentlemen because no one tries to vie with the rainbow that highlights the women's gowns. For agents whose normal attire is minimized, the collection of elegant gowns threatens to send shockwaves through those who know the ladies best.

Perhaps the most effective antithesis of her normal appearance is the snow white gown Abby Sciuto presents.

The affectionate white gown halts at her knees, perches on the edges of her shoulders and plunges to a depth that adds new dimension to the word daring. If she shrugs wrong or even sneezes this could be her most memorable night. This, combined with even whiter high heeled slippers, serves to reinforce the impression Tim McGee had of her aboard the Pacific Princess when, somewhat stunned, he'd christened her 'Antimatter Abby'.

In fact, black is not to be found among any of the women who not only congregate with their teams but among one another and the various wives and girlfriends of the male agents.

Predictably, the conversations the men overhear range from general socializing to the comparisons of the elegant gowns and the sources thereof.

At one point Ziva, Michelle, Jeanne Benoit and Siobhan McGee find themselves congregated about table 13. It's close to 14 where Hollis Mann (at 13 with Gibbs) and Jordan Hampton (at 14 as Ducky's guest) encounter Samantha Sky standing between a seated Bill Marsters and Abby Sciuto. As the artist and Gallery owner has met Gibbs, DiNozzo and McGee, she's granted he won't have much luck mingling and keeps a mental clock running on how soon she'll have to rescue him.

Janet Levy is one of those filling out 14 together with Kevin Lamb. They're 'Stag and Doe' even as the arrangement would have been had the SSA escorted Lisa DuBois as it had originally been intended. Dating lives are difficult enough to arrange without throwing in the complications of varying 24/7 jobs, the details of which cannot be discussed.

This is an opportunity for the ladies to shine, and occasionally discreetly flaunt, such as the replica of the blue gown Ziva wore as a lounge singer on an Overseas Mossad Op, but Siobhan's scarlet, Michelle's royal blue, Jeanne's lavender and Jordan's gold do not surprise anyone who knows them.

Predictably, much of the conversation starts with welcomes to Janet Levy and concern and the search for news about Lisa DuBois. When Janet mentions that she had been chosen by Lamb a few weeks ago as their team's Agent of the Year, a clear ploy on his part to both recognize her for her service and to coax her back into harness, she'd firmly nixed the idea in favor of Lisa's receiving the honor. That this had happened before the tragic shooting makes the moment more poignant.

Neither woman should have suffered the tragedies they've experienced this year.


The signal that the evening is formally begun is given by the five piece band's fanfare and, when eyes are turned to the edge of the dance floor Jennifer Shepherd and Siobhan McGee, their red gowns a coincidence (Shepherd's is the deeper red one she wore to the Marine Corps Birthday Gala under Ducky's escort while Siobhan's is a more vibrant though not as demonstrative style), Shepherd welcomes the Agents and their loved ones to the First Annual Awards Dinner Dance, introduces the members of the band and then asks all present to rise and give their attentions to the Invocation.

"Father, we thank you for this evening of Honor and Celebration, for Friendships new and renewed. Tonight we gather to honor our fellows who are as much honored in our hearts, and we ask you to bless and keep them. Bless this food to our use, our lives to thy continued service. And we ask you most especially to bless, comfort and care for Lisa DuBois and all who love her, and we ask that you guide the hearts and hands of those who minister to her, that she may return to us whole in body and spirit. Amen."

The acknowledgment comes back in many traditions and languages.

"Thank you, Reverend," Shepherd says and Siobhan returns to table 13.

"This evening there won't be any Speeches–" thunderous applause threatens the many windows which surround them, "except for the Brevities at the actual Presentations of the Awards, which will commence after the soup and salad. Enjoy."


Conversations throughout the many large tables continues through the appetizer. Abby, at table 14, notices under Sammy's seat her violin case. "What, are you working tonight?"

"Kinda," the petite blonde woman replies. "Not a lot, but I've been asked by someone to play a little something special for someone."

"Do tell."

"Will not. You'll see later."


At table 13, Tony reaches into the jacket of his tuxedo and, with some difficultly, pries loose a large and thick envelope and passes it to Jeanne with a finger point for her to pass it on to Gibbs. "Siobhan and Tim, that envelope is for you two." When it passes on from Hollis to Tim he finds it to be quite densely packed, but when he examines it not only is it sealed but tape lines every inch of space on the folds. It's an unnecessary but very effective way of ensuring that while the envelope won't be perfectly protected from intrusion, it cannot be opened without detection. "But there's one provision: you may not open it until after Church this Sunday morning. Until then, you'd better handle it, Siobhan, because we both know your husband can't be trusted when it comes to a mystery."

"I can be trusted."

"Of course you can, darling." She pushes it into her purse.


The time for the Award Presentations at hand, a large table laden with low boxes is carried in and placed beside the band. Shepherd displays the first wooden plaque with NCIS Sigil above a golden Presentation plate and, when called upon in what seems no particular order, Division Supervisors and Team Leaders advance in turn with their Honorees to receive the unboxed awards from the Director. The first Supervisor reads in full the text of the plaque to his partner, each presenter in turn including a brief synopsis of Service and why this man or woman has been selected for this honor. After a few presentations it becomes clear that the boxes are arranged alphabetically by Supervisor.

In due course, Gibbs and David go up, later Higgins and Kirchner, Kelman and Templeton; all the presentations, including many words of embellishment, are met with general applause always centered in specific parts of the hall.

But when Kevin Lamb escorts Janet Levy to the table and announces that the Award is being received by her for Lisa DuBois the standing applause threatens the stability of the chandelier and runs for so long, ebbs and then reflows so many times that Lamb is unable to recount the woman's record. No one needs it, everyone is quite satisfied with her worth. By the time it fades to eventual silence, neither Levy nor Lamb can speak but, hugging one another, they bear the symbol, carried by renewed waves of support, to their table.


Dinner is served then, as it is inconceivable that future awards can follow that outpouring of emotion with due honor to later recipients without a break.

The presentations continue after most have dined and in due time the ceremony is concluded. But as Shepherd awaits the removal of the table - she intends to thank Cynthia Sumner, also a Recipient - and her team for all their hard work in planning and implementing the evening, Tony DiNozzo escorts Jeanne Benoit and Sammy Sky, violin in her hand, up to her.

"Director, might we have a moment?"

Shepherd has lowered the microphone to her side so she can tell the agent that "This isn't a good time."

"Trust me."

She decides she can either refuse and the tableaux appear very uncomfortable or she can trust her agent. She turns over the microphone to him and takes a step back, 'you had better know what you're doing' shining in her eyes.

"Good evening. For those of you who don't know me, you're extremely lucky." A spattering of chuckles. "I'm Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, this is Dr. Jeanne Benoit and our accompanist is Dr. Samantha Sky and we are here on an Errand of Mercy."

He lets that percolate for a moment as Sammy readies her violin.

"A very good friend of, well, of many of us, has decided that here, tonight, is the perfect moment to Pop the Question to the love of his life." Applause and a lot of turning of heads as the mysterious couple is sought out. In that moment a waiter carries out a wireless microphone for Jeanne. "He wanted Romance, he wanted Surprise, and he wanted his friends and colleagues to be the split second to know.

"He turned to me for help, and how could I turn that down? So with my assistants, and your indulgence, we'll get him and his Lady Love onto the floor."


Sammy plays the first bars as Tony steps away from the band and raises the microphone, following no course among the tables. "Someday, when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you and the way you look tonight."

Jeanne steps out and follows her own undirected course, but as she doesn't know who she's looking for she searches the men's faces, hoping that if she's the one to pass close he'll identify himself. "You're lovely, with your smile so warm, and your cheek so soft, there is nothing for me but to love you, just the way you look tonight."

Tony, in his meandering path, continues his verse and passes table 13 but Gibbs, despite the expression on Hollis' face, doesn't move. He looks pointedly to McGee and Palmer, but Tim puts his arm around Siobhan's shoulder and pulls her close, mouthing 'Too late' while Michelle, holding Jimmy's hand in both of hers, silently tells him that 'He's taken.' "With each word, your tenderness grows, tearing my fears apart. And that laugh that wrinkles your nose touches my foolish heart."

Jeanne has passed many tables in her meandering path, not really having expected to have found anyone. She's sure the couple is in Tony's sector and he's killing time before he latches onto the couple and brings them up on the last verse as they'd rehearsed. "Lovely, never ever change. Keep that breathless charm. Won't you please arrange it 'cause I love you just the way you look tonight."

Their slow wanders continue, Sammy playing a loving accompaniment as they search the tables in no particular order.

After two verses, Tony picks up "With each word, your tenderness grows, tearing my fears apart. And that laugh that wrinkles your nose touches my foolish heart."


Having reached the last table, no more finding the couple than she'd expected, it's time for the Reveal and Jeanne starts slowly across the wide dance floor, singing the last verse in duet with Tony: "Lovely, never ever change. Keep that breathless charm. Won't you please arrange it 'cause I love you just the way you look tonight."

She's walking back and the last lingering notes "just the way you look tonight" blend in a duet that almost falters when she sees he's returning alone.

At the bandstand, again beside Sammy, they're alone and repeat that last phrase in duet, but no one has moved. Unfulfilled anticipation hangs thick in the air.

Jeanne looks about the room. What went wrong? Sammy plays out the last notes, the final echo of the final line. Jeanne looks to Jennifer standing a few feet away. What happened? She looks to Sammy who shrugs quite helplessly, embarrassment heavy in her eyes.

She sees Shepherd angle her gaze low. She turns.


He's gone down on one knee, raises to her a small blue box, lifts it open, a silver band and clear faceted gem twinkle in the thousand lights.

Her breath trembles. The entire world must be vibrating. This cannot be–

"Jeanne, would you do me the honor, and grant me the greatest joy, by consenting to become my wife?"


She can't speak. She tries. She tries over and over but, lips apart, nothing can be forced through her trembling breaths. Shaking, staring at him past the upraised symbol, she's finally fortunate that they both hold their microphones for the whisper forced out is very tiny yet fills the room. "Yes!"


Pandemonium rules as Tony and Jeanne barely finish the giving and receiving of the ring when it seems a hundred celebrating women fill a space that a score would overflow. The men arrive somewhat more sedately but their enthusiasm is as heartfelt.

The next on the planned agenda prior to the desert course had been dancing and that commences with Jeanne and Tony, by tacit agreement of all present, taking the first turn on the floor and the surprisingly enhanced celebration continues.


The evening had been anticipated to end by 2200 but very few seem inclined to depart after the deserts have been removed.

But Jennifer Shepherd steps beside the band, takes and lightly taps the microphone, the rhythmic alerts capturing attention. "Would you please take your seats?" As the revelers comply, she says "I have an announcement, not that I think it can top that earlier one but it is important."

Her serious tone tamps down the spirits of the guests, but she waits until everyone is seated and their attentions are locked.

"This is a very special night, notwithstanding Tony and Jeanne and my sincerest Congratulations to you both," encore applause, "but this announcement had been a planned one.

"We have been together for along time but, like the man says, 'nothing lasts forever'. Would Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs please rise?"

He does so, resplendent in his Dress Uniform but his expression is utterly serious. Concern mounts throughout the huge room, but on Abby Sciuto's face is not concern but devastation. Nothing lasts forever?

"As many of you know, several months ago the Special Agent-in-Charge of the Pensacola Office stepped down and his Deputy took the post pro-tem, as she was already approaching Retirement. Now she too is stepping down effective Monday coming and that necessitated a Search for her successor. It was a lengthy search but I believe it resulted in the selection of the best man to take over the reins.

"It gives me great pleasure and satisfaction to present to you, effective Monday 0900, the new Special Agent-in-Charge of NCIS Pensacola, Florida.

Applause stuffs the room but Gibbs immediately sits down, unable to miss the devastation on Abby's face, but where the applause would normally follow him as he walked up to stand beside the Director, the accolades fade and silence is heavy as everyone in the room holds their collective breath.

What happened?

Anthony DiNozzo stands up.


It takes several seconds for the collective mental reset before the applause, as heavy as the last time he was up front, crashes through the room. But while the celebration is general, it's loudest from tables 13 and 14.

Tim McGee, however, notices one thing absent from his wife's expression, the surprise that characterizes most of the room. "You knew."

"Yes, a grá, I knew. He came to Saint Mary's the other day to ask for advice, but I was sworn to secrecy."

Michelle is in position to see across the room to Tina Larsen's utter astonishment, and she recalls the woman had said her promotion and transfer to take over Document Analysis in Pensacola had been handled through the director.

Tony embraces Jennifer, kisses her left cheek before he accepts the microphone from her.

"Thank you, Director Shepherd. Thank you one and all. Sorry for the misdirection, but I think you'll agree it was effective." More applause.

"I think …" he needs a moment, "that if I tried to say what's in my heart at this moment you'd see a grown man break down and cry.

"I love you all, and there's no way to follow that up. And when winter hits here in about four months I hope you'll think of me and my lovely bride, in sunny Florida, as warmly as I think of you in this minute."

He has to lower the microphone by his leg for a few moments.


"I wish now that I'd asked my partner McWordsmith, and I promise you that's the final one, to write a nice speech for me but I'd have to have told him why and he never could keep a secret. But the one thing you do keep, Tim, is friendship. I love you man."

He needs more seconds to continue.

"Ziva, you have been a challenge to my dictionary but never to my spirit. I wish I could tell you how, since those first minutes when we met and you played so well with my head, that it was all the very best, every moment.

"Michelle, our Probette, you have been a wonder and on some days I almost came close to figuring you out. You're destined for great things, this I know, and I wish I could be here to see some of them. And you'd better send me that Birth Announcement.

"Leroy… Jethro... Gibbs, Deputy Special Agent-in-Charge…. Hey, I outrank you now! My mentor, my confidant, you kept me on the straight and narrow," he rubs the back of his head with a whispered 'ow', "and I think that my standing here this minute is so much your doing. Your teaching, your guidance, your friendship, your…."

His face crumples and, having reached his last with a hundred more people to single out, he hands the microphone back to Jennifer, stands with arms wide and his breaking voice fills the room. "I LOVE YOU ALL!"


Of An Era

Next Episode: Hit and Run: It has been a fortnight since Tony DiNozzo departed for Florida and his successor, Alexandra Quinn, is getting used to the differences between Glynco, GA and Washington DC. But when a Naval Commander is involved in a hit and run she learns Rule #64.