I promised them and now they're here! They won't be as long as the actual story chapters, they're just short stories. Sorry, guys.

Each chapter will have different times and locations, and I doubt they will be in any kind of organized order. So I will try to leave notes at the beginning of each short story to say where and when. Some may be centered around one person in particular, or during an event mentioned in 'The Emerald Rose'. And later on, the sequel that I decided shall be titled 'The Snake Charmer'.

Hope you guys enjoy them! ^^

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece or Harry Potter.

Here the Chapter Starts

Evelyn Potter – Age 14

Flashes of light one after another nearly blinded her vision. Emerald eyes blinked rapidly to try and block out the flashing. "Aster, try to hold that thing steady," she told the serpent currently coiled on the toilet, camera in his mouth and tail tip pressing the button. "Or give it here so I can turn the flash off."

The shrunken basilisk shook his head before placing the camera on the bathroom counter, then looked to his mistress with calculating yellow eyes. "This is their camera, they'll notice it was used," he pointed out. "And how, exactly, do you plan on getting the pictures made without anyone noticing?"

"When I'm sent out again, I'll go to a store that develops pictures and give them all the information they need," she answered, picking the camera back up in order to cover the little opening for the flash. "Such as Uncle Vernon's name and address. When they develop the pictures, they see what they are. They legally should inform the police when they see these pictures. If they don't say anything and I go get them, I give the pictures to the police anyway, with the same information. And they get in trouble for not saying anything."

"In that case, you should take pictures of your room," he pointed out. "It's in just as poor a shape as you."

"Trust me, I plan on it," she sighed heavily, handing the camera back. "Try to hold it steady now." She removed her shirt and bra, the fabric worn thin and the straps frayed, before turning her back to the basilisk and pulling her long black hair over her shoulder to show her damaged back.

Aster hissed harshly, picking the camera up again and continuing to use his tail press the button then to wind the dial for the next picture. Several scars decorated her skin, some old and faded, other fresh and pink, and some still open with obvious signs of infection settling in. Her skin was taut against her vertebrae, the bumps of her spine sticking out as obviously as her ribs and visible hip bones.

Once the clicking stopped, Evelyn placed an arm across her chest and turned around. Bruises bloomed across her skin, her hips and stomach holding the most discolored patches. A few more pictures were taken before the teenage girl took off her tattered pants, undressing until she was only in her panties that were in worse shape than rags. Thick lines of bruising wrapped around her thighs and across her legs. Thankfully, the only scars were on her back since Vernon and Petunia did not want to risk any chance of the physical abuse to be shown.

At first glance, the pictures would seem like she was being shown for prostitution, probably. Maybe more so as a potential sexual abuse or rape case. The pictures are damning, and she knows it. That was the whole point.

"Do you want to include that new bruise of yours?" Aster asked, his voice slightly muffled because of the camera.

Letting out a shaky breath, she lowered her arm that covered her breasts. The left mound had a hand-shaped bruise upon it. Vernon had never actually abused her sexually before. But since she started developing, he was getting more grabby. This one was from this morning when she was cooking. He somehow managed to get behind her, her mental alarm blaring loudly that she was in danger of a sort. She was expecting a smack on the head, perhaps a flipped skillet of grease to her face. Yet the hand suddenly grabbing her breast and squeezing it tight enough to leave a mark was not what she anticipated.

She told herself over and over as the camera clicked, her eyes screwed shut to hold back the tears of what Vernon could have done if Petunia didn't come back into the kitchen, this is worth it. This is the final straw. Her marked and battered body will be all the proof that is needed. The Dursleys, even their son who had recently started doing drugs, will pay for every single second of her pain and misery.

"I think that's it," the basilisk commented, placing the camera back down. Once his jaws were free from holding it, he shook his head and flexed his lower jaw slightly to ease the discomfort. "I'll never understand why you humans just have to create these complicated things."

"We like being complicated," she offered jokingly as she put her clothes back on her. "I hope this works."

"It will," Aster reassured her as he slithered onto the counter in order to butt his head against her stomach. "You really think that you'll be able to leave this place forever?" He truly hopes so. Tommy boy thinks his life was so tough, being picked on for having magic while not knowing what it even is. This poor girl has suffered more so than anyone he had ever seen. If she can't get away from here forever, then he'll just have to kill those disgusting walking, talking pigs and twig horse.

"Sal thinks so," she replied, pulling her shirt back on. "We go back to school this year and get the things we need. I hope there won't be anything to make things worse."

The serpent sighed gently before being scooped up into her arms and carried back to her room. If it could even be called that. Four walls, a floor, and a ceiling make up a cell, too. Entering the room, the familiar hoot of the snowy owl greeted them.

"I'll let you out, girl," Evelyn told her faithful owl, her finger sticking in between the bars. "But promise that you'll stay close and come back here if you see them coming home."

Hedwig nipped affectionately at her fingers, a silent promise from the avian. With a small smile, Evelyn opened the cage and allowed Hedwig to perch on her hand. Opening the window next, she allowed the owl to fly out for a quick hunt.

"Now to take pictures of the room," she murmured to herself, holding the camera up and unblocking the flash.

The first was of her 'bed'. What used to be an actual bed was now a mat on the floor, old blood staining it, no pillow, and a torn sheet for cover. Next was her meager closet, not even a quarter full of old clothes too thin for even summer weather, holes clumsily sown shut, and threads sticking out of the seams. Stepping back to the doorway, Aster coiled at her feet in order to remain out of the picture, she took the last one of the entire room.

When the pictures of her body are seen, they will not only see her damaged flesh, but also the fact that the bathroom was sparkling clean. It would show that the family is well off enough to keep the home clean, meaning that there truly was no excuse for her to be in the shape she is in. Adding in the pitiful state of her room would only rouse more suspicion.

"That's it, then," she sighed in relief.

Aster tilted his head back to look up at his mistress. "I have a question," he asked. "What do you plan on doing with Hedwig? I can handle travelling to another realm due to being magical in nature. But your owl is just an owl, no matter how intelligent she is. There is no magic in her to keep her safe during the travel."

"She can't come with us?" Evelyn asked, her head dropping down to look at him in surprise.

"Unfortunately not," he answered with a shake of his head. "I am sorry to tell you this, but it is true. Humans dimensional travelling isn't as difficult on them as some would think. Their bodies just have to adjust to new environments and they would be a bit weaker to the diseases of that realm. That and the travel may cause them to lose consciousness, but that's about it. Animals need some form of protection for the travel, or risk being torn to pieces. I'm safe because I'm a magical creature in general. Normal animals…well…."

Frowning, the teenage girl looked to the cage. Hedwig had been with her since she stepped into the magical world. She was a constant and a faithful friend that was always a warm comfort when she needed one. It hurts to think that she won't be able to come along with them. But she won't risk Hedwig's health like that. "I'll set her free," she said. "She's smart and knows how to take care of herself. She knows which people are okay to approach and which to leave alone. She'll be okay."

"I'm sure she will be," the basilisk agreed, nodding his head. "Now…when do you think you'll be able to get those pictures developed and how long will it take?"

Here is a line!

Vernon Dursley liked to consider that the next several months will be perfectly normal and satisfactory. His little freak of a niece went off to her freakish school just yesterday. Perhaps she will be killed this time around, though it would be such a waste. She is growing into a pretty little thing that several would pay high dollar for. Even he could not resist a grab. He would have felt more if Petunia didn't come into the kitchen, but he supposes he will get more chances next summer when the little bitch comes back.

"I'm off to work, Pet!" he announced joyously as he managed to move his girth through the doorway.

"Enjoy your day, Darling!" Petunia called back with a wave of her hand.

Smiling at her, he turned to his car only to freeze at the sight on the street. Three police vehicles with lights flashing in front of his house. HIS house! Face burning, he marched up to the officers. "What is this meaning of this?" he demanded.

"Are you Vernon Dursley?" one officer asked him.

"Of course I am!" he answered. "Now I demand to know what your business here is!"

"We received troubling pictures concerning a young girl we believe to be in your care," the officer explained. "Your name, address, as well as her name and relation to you, were provided by our tipper. Now, Mr. Dursley, this can be easy or difficult. Where is the girl?"

"What girl?!" he denied. "There is no girl here! The only child living under my roof is my son!"

"So you do not know an Evelyn Potter, fourteen years old with black hair and green eyes?" another officer asked critically, his eyes more watchful for any tick Vernon may give. The purpling face of the man was all he needed.

"There is no girl living here and I know no such person!" the large man continued to deny.

"We asked around the neighborhood about her," the second officer pointed out. "Your neighbors all say she is your niece. Sir, we're going to have to ask you to come in with us. As well as your family." Turning to the other officers, he nodded. "Search the house and find that room."

"Yes, sir!" the others accepted.

"You do not have my permission to search my house for anything!" Vernon exclaimed in anger, his rage drawing out neighbors to watch the spectacle.

"We have a search warrant, which does allow us to search your home and seize evidence with or without your approval," the first officer pointed out, producing the warrant that Vernon quickly snatched from him to read over.

The purple started fading into a pale green. "This is…this is ridiculous! I am an upstanding citizen of England! I pay my bills on time! I provide for my family! I work hard every day of the week!"

"Sir, we'll have to ask you to calm down before we take extreme measures," the officer warned.

Next door to the Dursley household, a woman watched through her window, petting a cat that tried vying for her attention. Seeing the Dursley man try to assault an officer in his rage caused a gasp to escape her as her hand flew to her chest. Dursley was wrestled down, handcuffed, and even shocked before being thrown into the back of a vehicle.

His wife was soon escorted out as well, wide-eyed and frantic while begging the police to see that they have the wrong people. One officer approached another and told him something, which earned a nod before he went inside while the others handled the Durlsey couple.

Oh, what is she to do? She looked around her home before her eyes landed on the fireplace. Of course! She has to call Dumbledore. He'll clear this all up! First she has to know what is going on.

Here is a line!

Dumbledore rubbed his forehead, stress and annoyance flooding into him. When Arabella contacted him about the Dursleys being arrested for child abuse and sexual assault of a child, from what she could manage to get an officer to tell her, the news was already too wide spread. Too many witnesses to obliviate and pictures hidden away in the police precinct that could easily surface again. Not to mention the people who could have already seen them that he doesn't know about.

He did know of the abuse. But it was all for the greater good. If one child must suffer so that several more can continue to survive, then so be it. Now he just has to find out how such pictures were made and find some way to make all this go away. Evelyn Potter has to stay under his control. Perhaps finding some way to get her into the tournament. But how?

Here the Chapter Ends

Like I said. These are short stories that won't be very long. Just little glances. I may continue on with this one later, or I may let you guys imagine it all anyway. Have fun, either way! ^^ See you guys next time!