...Wow. I haven't used this account in a few years. But I suddenly had an urge to revitalize this account. And a few years to improve my writing style kind of helps. I still don't think I'm perfect at this, but hey, I tried. This chapter was also uploaded to my deviantART account in October last year, and I would have uploaded more chapters, but my Microsoft Word unexpectedly expired. I do have access to school computers, so that may fix that. In any case, this is my version of the not-so elaborated story on these two. Homestuck belongs to Andrew Hussie.
It was evening on the planet of Alternia, and it was just as dangerous, frightful, and violent like any other day. Even though some lived in contentment, as trolls like Her Imperious Condescension surely were, many others suffer and die under the hands of their own kind every day, if the beasts didn't get them first. And even if The Condesce was not around, trolls especially of the lower caste would still find themselves enslaved by her right hand man, The Grand Highblood. They would even face prejudice by those of the violent high-bloods. As horrible as their situation was, it was the nature of their environment. Even through the violence of the world, the race still continues thanks to an invaluable creature.
Deep within the caves of Alternia was the brooding caverns, where the beloved Mother Grub lie laying her eggs. They would hatch and new grubs would emerge, unaware of the cruel reality of their world. Some grubs would emerge out of these caves ready to face the world with their guardian lusus, while others will surely die, never seeing the outside world. Of course, the Mother Grub would never be able to care for them all on her own. That is why a particular caste was chosen to care for her, the trolls whose veins carried blood the color of jade. These jade trolls were destined to care for the Mother Grub for life, rarely, if ever, leaving the caves themselves. One such troll had been serving the grub dutifully, a kind, motherly, and yet numb troll known formally as The Dolorosa, or for her real name, Porrim. For her, it had just been another day in her life. She didn't know that an event that would transpire later in the night would change her way of life forever.
The Dolorosa had been assigned to counting the number of eggs that hatched for the day. "And that little bunch there makes 372," she said. "It seems that burgundy and bronze blooded trolls have the highest numbers again today, not that I'm surprised of course. And these indigo and purple trolls make 384."
"Porrim, we have 16 olive and teal ones here," another troll said.
"Alright, thanks Katrin! That's 400 exactly."
As she counted the number of grubs that had emerged from their eggs, she started to wonder how many of these grubs will make it out of the caves. As beautiful as the miracle of life was, the harsh nature of their society forces these grubs to go through rigorous trials to prove they are strong enough. Weak ones don't stand a chance. The strong ones possibly changing from innocent to bloodthirsty. She frowned at this thought.
"How is the hatching process Porrim," a voice said, bringing her out of her thoughts. It was an elder troll whose name was Lilian.
"Very well, We have counted precisely 400; many lower castes and some high-bloods. We even have a few jade bloods that hatched."
"Excellent. Hopefully the ones that make it will grow to be powerful. And if some of those jade grubs make it, it seems we'll have new recruits in the future."
"The more the better I suppose," Porrim said as she watched the other trolls. Jade blooded trolls live a relatively long life, not nearly as long as a violet or even rarer fuchsia blooded troll, but a few hundred years is still a long time. She supposes that more of her caste down working in these caverns wouldn't be too bad, and they are relatively safe in that retrospect. She was snapped out of her thoughts again by Lilian.
"That reminds me, I was supposed to ask you a favor, as I'm too busy to do it myself."
"What is it," the Dolorosa asked.
Lilian handed her a big basket, "I need you to head to the burying grounds. These grubs didn't make the cut."
"O-Oh, alright then," she frowned taking the basket. "I'll take care of it right away."
"Very good, I must go back to work immediately. Good evening Porrim," she bowed.
The Dolorosa bowed likewise. She was slightly saddened by the task, but after seeing so many grubs die over the many years she worked in the brooding caverns she became numb to what used to upset her greatly. She looked in the basket to see the dead grubs, hardly any of them were of the higher caste, save one cerulean grub who was unable to see at all when it was alive. It was another horrible thing in her culture; if one was discovered disabled in some way, they would usually be culled, or in other words, killed.
"Well, the burying grounds are quite a walk, might as well get going."
As she made the trek to the burying grounds, she heard other trolls gossiping. Rumors of a matespritship with a bronze blood and a violet blood, rumors about a purple blooded troll who disliked something called Faygo, and was killed by their beast of a leader as a result, and most surprisingly, rumors about a meteor. She overheard two trolls talking about said meteor, one saying she knows because her friend that lives in the mountains told her about it. The Dolorosa didn't hear anything about oncoming meteors, but she decided to brush it off and continue with her business.
Arriving at her destination, she started to bury the dead grubs in the ground. It was a somber place. Some of the grubs buried here died as a result of the trials they faced, some were lime blooded trolls who were automatically slated for culling per order of The Condesce, wiping them off the face of the planet, others due to disabilities. As sad as it was that they will never get a chance to live, she did find solace knowing that, at the very least, they won't have to suffer the hardships of the world.
After having finished burying the last dead grub, she started to feel tremors. At first they were faint, and made her think it was an earthquake, but in mere moments the tremors increased with intensity. Afraid that the cave was probably collapsing, she ran off, hearing screams of those ahead of her. Before she was able to reach the brooding caverns, she heard an impact, which shook the ground so violently she was thrown to the ground. She didn't move again until the tremors ceased. She didn't know what had just happened, though she figured it may have been the meteor she heard about. And it was somewhere behind her. She argued whether or not to ignore it and keep heading to safety in the brooding caverns, but she decided to go with her gut and find it.
As there were different channels she was somewhat lost. There were no other trolls in the hallways, and she figured they were probably in their shelters. After a few minutes of running she was about to give up, having seen no sign up what caused the impact. Until she heard a cry. A weak cry that could only be uttered by a grub.
"Show me where you are," she said as she ran in the direction of the cry. Going through one channel where the cry was most prominent, she was surprised at what she saw. A large crater was present in the ground, at a few large holes above where the meteor went through the ground, showing a visible night sky illuminated by a bright moon. When she peered into the ground, she saw not only the meteor itself, but a crying grub, though it was too small to see where she was standing. She went into the crater itself and walked closer to the grub. And when she saw it, she was utterly stunned. It's body was a bright red hue, one that she had never seen on a grub before, and probably never would again. She had seen countless burgundy colored grubs before sure, but never one as red as this. Countless thoughts were running through her mind.
"Where did it come from? Why is it in a crater? Was this an oversight? How could this grub be, this blood color shouldn't exist. What will the others think? He'll be culled for sure! There is no way he would be allowed to live!"
She looked back down on the grub, noticing it wasn't crying anymore. It was looking straight at her with its large eyes, transparent red tears still visible. Looking at him, her heart melted. She lifted it up, and was able to figure out this grub was male. He felt comforted by the pair of arms that held him, and he fell asleep. She smiled at him, never having felt this way about grubs since the first years she started caring for them. She didn't know what it was about him, all she knew was this: he was surely special. Then she made a serious face, as she knew that he is in danger just from being here.
With his unique blood color, he could potentially be culled by the other trolls. And even if he isn't, there is no way a lusus would care to look after him, they wouldn't care for a young troll that has blood they aren't familiar with. This grub has no hope of living with so many odds against him.
"What can I do for him," she yelled quietly.
Pacing back and forth for a few minutes, she had finally come up with a decision. There will be no one to care for him. No one, except herself. Without thinking twice she headed towards her hive underground.
The other trolls were nowhere in sight, still hiding in case another one showed up. Good, she didn't want anyone to see her. It would surely cause a huge fuss, one that could result even the Grand Highblood to hear of it, and then there would be hell to pay. She decided to grab only what she needed to survive, no reason to be weighed down by unnecessary valuables. After grabbing her necessities, she started heading towards an exit, but not before taking one last glance at the Mother Grub. She spent her whole life down in the caves. She was born here, she survived the trials, and she began working in these caves tending to the grub and her young. She was prepared to spend her whole life with her, and here she was about to abandon her duties and head into the unknown. All for the sake of a single grub.
"Goodbye Mother," she whispered shakily, and headed to the exit of the cavern. It was quite the walk, but when she had reached the exit, she was met with a cool breeze. It was still dark out, there were no trolls or monsters around, except a few harmless lusii flying way above her. The small grub wriggled slightly in her arms, still fast asleep. She smiled at him again. It was then she realized that since he doesn't have a sign, and since she took him without anyone knowing, he probably never would. She would figure out his name later, for she needed to find or make a shelter for the both of them.
"It'll be tough, but I'll make sure we survive in this cruel world of ours, or we'll die trying. Let us be off, my son."
She grabbed her bags and her precious son, and headed off into the unknown. She was scared to death, but for him, she will be brave. It is the duty she has given herself, as a guardian, and a mother.
Also I read that the ancestors shared the names of their previous selves; so the Dolorosa is named Porrim.
Katrin is short for Katherine, which means pure.
Lilian is derived from the flower Lily, a symbol of purity.
If you haven't guessed I was going with the symbol virgo, the virgin, for name references.