A/N: - Well that's it folks, hope you liked it, I tried to put everything in here, but also was intentionally vague about others xx Alexis

Thank you all, Watching cracked the 20,000 hit barrier during the last chapter xx

Six short months have passed since Sam and Leah's two weddings, many changes have taken place in that small space of time. But none more strange than the meeting of Esme's new mate. Carlisle was recalled home for the event, Isabella and Charlie asked to attend as future members of the Olympic Coven and even Edward was allowed to partake via Skype.

Jasper noticed his feelings first, of course, Joshua was calm and content, but an underlying sense of self-loathing was ever present. That was something Jasper recognised with ease, he himself had been that way until his rebirth as it were, as one man.

Joshua neither smelt like a human or a wolf, not even a vampire really, but a pleasant alluring combination of all three. Alice hated his presence immediately as her visions were blocked completely by him, but as the months passed she began to see him as a blessing, giving her relief from the constant flashes of the future, letting her be well as normal as a vampire can be.

Emmett and Rose liked him right away and Carlisle was barely able to contain himself with the science of it all, Edward said little, but everyone could see his eyes never left Carlisle, as he watched how excited and animated his mate had become. This bringing forth a heartfelt smile on Edward's face that none had seen before.

Esme had kept her word and her, Joshua and Emmett had done up the cottage on the grounds, but it was Charlie and Alice who moved in, basically so Charlie wouldn't starve to death, as Alice was beyond hopeless in the kitchen. Esme was happy to feed him along with Joshua who ate human food, as well as the occasional hunt as a huge white wolf for the raw meat, this satisfied the vampire in him too as the blood of his prey was also consumed.


Jasper and Isabella lived in Charlie's house and although it caused a minor scandal at first, they ignored the town gossips until they became yesterday's news. But not before Isabella had put Nurse Mallory in her place, in the supermarket which was the font of all gossip in the town.

Nurse Mallory was suggesting very loudly, that Jasper was breaking the law by sleeping with a patient and Isabella soon put her straight equally as loud, reminding her that Carlisle was her doctor and at no time had Jasper treated her, but wasn't it time the older woman gave up her little pathetic fantasy, as if a young, and might she add hot, Doctor like Jasper would be interested in her, the town bike!

She had attempted to claw Isabella's face for that comment and had found herself slipping on something that had appeared on the floor, courtesy of Esme who was incensed at the slur on her son's good name.

The fall did two things, made her hairpiece fly off and ruptured one of her fake overfilled boobs, this final humiliation had the Mallory's suddenly moving away. The town heaved a sigh of relief and some even came up and thanked Isabella.

Although living together, Jasper and Isabella had yet to take the final step in their relationship, he was afraid that she would be hurt by him. So Isabella had accepted this but insisted that they work towards it and they had been starting to hit all the bases.

She knew it was just a matter of time before he could no longer hold back, this she was looking forward to immensely and spent a lot of time subtly pushing his buttons. He may be a vampire but he was also just a man.


By far the hardest thing to have happened was to reintroduce Joshua to his two sons. Esme had asked that Sam and Leah, Embry and their two mothers, plus Old Quill meet at the treaty line two weeks after the weddings.

She explained that she had found her mate, telling them it was like their imprinting, that he had connections to the tribe and would like to make his peace with them. As he approached the line neither of the young wolves recognised him but their mothers surely did. They had aged twenty plus years but he had not, silence reigned as the young men began to realise just who this was.

Old Quill had broken it by saying,

"The spirits said you were coming Josh, but not in this form. I thank you, my time is almost done and I feared for the tribe. Not having a shaman to guide them, could have been devastating"

"Shaman!" both women had then said together,

"Yes, the visions, the blackouts you both witnessed were it beginning, regrettably I panicked and ran, instead of talking to Quill I hid inside a bottle, hoping to drown it out!" he replied,

"Where have you been all this time?" Leah had cautiously asked her new father-in-law,

he had been watching her as she held the hands of both his sons, steadying them and giving them comfort, something that their mothers seemed unwilling to provide.

Beside him he had felt Esme itching to grab them both up in a hug, her hands going up in an involuntary manner, her motherly love obvious for all to see. Before he could reply to Leah's question, Alison Uley had spoken scathingly.

"Why are you with her? You are my husband, so why do you stand with that woman?" Sam's mother had blurted out.

"Alison Alaruk! Do you truly believe you're own lies after all this time? We were never married and you know that, neither in the sight of the spirits or the law, I thank you for giving my son, my name. But I am not and never was your husband!" he said sadly and all eyes turned to Alison,

"You lied to me all this time? You used his name to beat me over the head with for all these years, telling me I was as worthless as him! Why mother?" Sam had asked in a pain filled voice. Esme gasped then and stepped closer to the line and to Sam, he'd smiled and reached out across it, to take her hand.

"Thank you for your concern Esme, I'm fine" he had said squeezing her hand before letting go.

"For once you're very quiet mother, nothing to say? Suddenly all those little digs and asides about Sam and his mother make sense!" Embry had said then in a low ominous tone.

"Yes, well I did put the cart before the horse, unfortunately! I knew he was destined for greatness, but not when. I also knew they were not married so I planned to be Mrs Joshua Uley" Tiffany Call had said, then turned to Joshua,

" But before I could tell you I was pregnant, you disappeared and the Makah's threw me out. I had brought shame to the tribe they told me! I came to 'La Push' hoping to find you, but alas, no!" she told him.

"So you took your failed attempt at power out on me? Me, your little bastard son! I got the pleasure and became the brunt of your failure, is that it mother?" Embry had said in a voice dripping with disgust.

"I think you ladies and I say that with very little respect, should go now. You have both tried to destroy two of this tribes finest members, but they have not only persevered but succeeded, in spite of you both!" Old Quill had told the women before shooing them away.

Joshua had then apologised to his sons, telling them he had never meant to abandon them. Fate had decreed it otherwise and he had spent the last twenty odd years becoming a better man he hoped and a powerful shaman.

"Can you find it in your hearts to forgive a fool, I had tried to outrun the spirits and lost you both because of it!" he had said with a heavy heart and little hope of ever redeeming himself in their eyes.


Edward had phoned Esme to ask, no to beg to be allowed to return home. Not to the house, he knew that would be impossible, but to the area. He wanted to be nearer Carlisle and he also said Aro was showing far too much interest in the coven's affiliations with the wolves.

So after another meeting, it was decided that as long as he was not living within hearing range of the other's thoughts, then yes Edward could come home. Carlisle was ecstatic and purchased a little house close by, just on the edge of the town limits. As a show of acceptance, Esme offered to do it up for them and move all Edward and Carlisle's things into it.

Emmett was outraged by this, but Esme reminded him that Edward was the catalyst for all that had taken place. If not for him she would not have divorced Carlisle and therefore never found her calling as coven leader or found her mate in Joshua and gained two son's into the bargain. So she was happy to do this for them, as a thank you for setting her free.


School was done, Isabella had graduated with honours, Charlie's notice was all worked through and it was time for them to move on gradually. The business's they had all started were doing well and replacements found and trained.

Alice and Charlie were heading to Alaska soon and the Cullen home they had near the Denali's, there he would be changed and Rose and Emmett would join them for his newborn stage. Jasper and Isabella would eventually head down to Montana and the ranch there with Peter and Charlotte for her change and newborn and Edward were for once going to take time out to see the world together as a couple.

Eventually they would all come together again, they would always be the Cullens and the Olympic coven, but for now, they would all be doing their own thing and enjoying some peace and freedom, but they were a family, a strange and unusual family, but one all the same.


The night after Alice and Charlie left, Isabella and Jasper had moved into the cottage on the Cullens land. Charlie's house was all packed up and now in the process of being sold by Dave Robinson. She loved it right away and was sorry they never got to live here, it was almost fairytale like.

While Jasper had run to the big house to get her something to eat from Esme, Isabella had a look around. When she saw the bedroom her nose scrunched up, but a note was sitting in the centre of the bed with her name on it.


This is Jasper's bed from the main house,

I took the liberty of swapping them for you.

I didn't see anything but figured you might be uncomfortable.

I guess that's woman's intuition, Wow, how human of me!


She had to laugh, only Alice would leave a note like that.

But on one side of the bed was a small bag, a small 'La Perla' bag and she'd grabbed it up. Inside was the most beautiful little teddy. It was sexy, but not over the top and it was white not black as she'd thought. Alice's intuition must have been working overtime because Isabella had decided tonight was going to be the night.

She'd hurried into the shower and had a quick wash, luckily she'd done all the shaving etc, the day before. Drying her hair quickly, but giving it a messy look. she's then slipped on the teddy and a thin robe from behind the door, but left it untied.

Jasper had just arrived back and heard the shower turn off and the hairdryer on, making his mind wander.

'Was she in a tiny towel, as the last of the water ran down her body disappearin' into the towel wrapped around her, the curves of her body showin' while dryin' her hair, or was she naked and her bust barely covered by her glorious strands of hair! Damn stop in now, before you blow your load like a schoolboy',

Jasper chastised himself, he was beginning to reach the point of no return, he wanted, no needed her so much.

As Isabella had opened the door, he'd stood transfixed as she took in his glazed look and extremely aroused body, she had then smiled sweetly and used her shield to pull him closer to her. He had felt the lust rolling off her in waves, crashing into him and stoking up his own, he had barely been able to breathe and that was weird for a man who didn't need too.

Isabella had been practising with her shield on the quiet, doing small things, like opening buttons or maybe unzipping zips! So as Jasper watched her she literally undressed him with her mind and he was so turned on he was purring loudly.

This, in turn, had made Isabella more aroused, he could smell her scent in the air all around them and as his trousers had hit the floor and his erection sprung free he'd pounced, scooping her up and throwing her onto the bed. Her hair splayed out on the pillow and the robe wide open, so he could drink in the sight of her perfect body.

The white teddy was much more alluring to him than a black one would have been. it was innocence and virginity, so demure but sexy at the same time, shame it had had to go. With his teeth, he'd bitten the little straps so the top fell loose and his lips covered every inch of ivory skin they could touch.

Licking, sucking, tasting her skin and driving her to distraction, Jasper had removed the tiny scrap of material separating them and they had both heaved a sigh of relieve. Hot and cold came together in perfect harmony as she wrapped her body around him and her shield around them. He was so engrossed in the taste of her body it was a few minutes before he realised they were hovering above the bed.

This was mind blowing, but not enough to stop him sheathing himself inside her body in one quick thrust, using his gift to sooth the pain she'd felt for a few moments. Their bodies pulled, pushed, glided and thrust together as Isabella rotated them through the air unconsciously.

It was only as they both climaxed together that she lost control and they dropped to the bed and then the floor as his weight broke it. She was lying on top of him laughing her head off and he to could not repress the laughter that burst forth from him. Once they had calmed, she lifted her head to lock eyes with him and as one they had said, whilst staring intently at each other,

"I love you!"


Esme and Joshua were also going to be travelling, but they would be the last to leave as the tribe had made a small home for them on Little James Island. They wanted to enjoy it for a few weeks before they went not only to the other Alpha tribes here in the America's but around the world. The spirits informed him he must now become the 'Eternal Shaman', for all the worlds Alpha tribes, be they Earth, Wind, Water or Fire based.

This confused everyone, as yes, they knew of and had met three of those elements, but no one knew of any fire based Alpha tribes. They were a legend, long gone from this world. So the hunt was on for what was thought to be an extinct species.

During his time with the other tribes, a strange thing happened, as he was accepted and welcomed by them all and rituals performed Joshua gained the ability to shift into each tribes spirit animal. So now he could fly as a condor, swim as a whale and cover the land in many forms, this gave him access to all the world's secret places.

This he realised was how he would find the fire Alpha tribes, somewhere out there he knew deep within his soul 'There be dragons'!


Alice had been raving on before she left, about a double wedding once Charlie and Isabella had been changed, but Isabella had held her tongue. She had no intention of doing that, hell she wasn't sure if they would even marry. What need of human tradition had they?

Once his venom flowed through her body she would be Isabella Whitlock, to her mind that was more important than a piece of paper from the human world. They would be bound more securely and more intimately than any human couple could hope for, they would very soon be just Cowboy and Darlin' for eternity, what more could they ever want or need.

So as they set off for Montana and their new eternal lives together, Isabella took in the scenery of the place she'd come to think of as home, knowing she would possibly not return for a long time, with the exception of Esme's tribal wedding on Little James Island.

"How do you want to be changed darlin', any thoughts?" Jasper asked squeezing her hand gently.

"Oh I always thought I'd like to die in bed, but never expected it to be during sex! But hey, why the hell not!" she said laughing at his shocked expression, he laughed shaking his head,

"You're wish is my command darlin', it will be my pleasure!" he said winking at her, she thought it would also be hers.

I couldn't resist the Fire tribe! sorry xx Alexis