J K Rowling owns all the rights to the books and the amazing characters she created. I write only to satisfy my imagination and use my creativity and make no money from my writings.

Chapter 10 – Aftermath

Within a week Dumbledore was relieved of his position as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and his position as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards was being investigated. He would lose that position before the beginning of the new school year.

James and Sirius were tried for several things but when their glamours were removed their looks betrayed just how sick they were. Poor Lily had been infected by James and she was just as sick and due to the trauma she suffered from losing Jamie, the insane behavior of James and Sirius, being informed of the revelations by Arcturus in the Wizengamot and a general lack of the will to live, she died on August 31, 1992.

Because James had no money left and Sirius' accounts had been frozen they were in dire financial straits. Therefore since they were still technically Aurors they were sent to the prison ward at the Ministry to live out the rest of their lives. They too had deteriorated quickly due to the shock of losing Jamie who really had been their whole lives, the loss of their wealth and the revelations of their real status (or lack of thereof) and the shame of their diseases.

One of the crimes Sirius and to some extent James had been convicted of was knowing just how sick they really were, how very contagious and dangerous the diseases they had were and yet ignored it as they still considered themselves "invincible" and that nothing could really harm the "Golden Gryffindors/Marauders." So both, and especially Sirius, had continued their shagging and carousing without a second thought of the damage they were doing to anybody else.

An alert went out ordering anyone who had had sex with Sirius Black or James Potter in the last three years and/or anybody who had had sex with someone who had done the deed with either Marauder to present themselves for examination and whatever treatment could be given. Many people didn't want to admit even to themselves that they had sex with them or that they could possibly be so sick. However, within three months of the revelation, many people showed signs of being very sick or relatives had reported the strange death of a loved one.

James Potter and Sirius Black would indeed go down in history as starting a nearly unstoppable epidemic in Magical Britain. Within two years 57 witches and 33 wizards had died because of Sirius and James' indifference and selfishness. Another 124 were diagnosed with some if not all of the diseases and the Ministry had passed a law demanding that all potential employees had to be given a physical exam before being hired and all current employees had to be tested every six months. Other businesses soon followed the Ministry's example, voluntarily at first but then it became mandatory. St. Mungo's gave free exams and you could not graduate from Hogwarts unless you were examined by a certified healer from St. Mungo's.

Every person who was confirmed as having HIV/AIDS and the other non-curable diseases (like Herpes) had to take an oath on their life and magic not to have sex either at all or only with other incurables. Many couples who had married after being enjoyed by Sirius (who was much sicker than James) or anyone who had cheated on their spouses usually infected the innocent spouse. British wizards and witches rarely married outside of Britain but now no self-respecting non-British wizard or witch would even consider marrying a Brit.

James died first, on Valentines Day 1993. He had nothing left to live for having lost a wife, the living son and the dead one. He knew he would soon lose Sirius and had basically ended the House of Potter, had lost all of the Potter money, power, popularity, admiration and…the good name of the Potters. He was also in a lot of pain as many of the potions he and Sirius had been taken were pepper-ups because the usual potions had no effect on the diseases. Besides the glamours, they had done, shall we say, some…unconventional (okay, DARK) magic to increase their stamina and their magic as the diseases were affecting their power. Both were afraid they would become Squibs before dying and that was what James feared most.

Sirius watched him die, knowing (and wanting) that he would soon be joining James, Jamie and even Lily (who he never liked because "she had taken James from him"). He had never really believed in an afterlife, despite knowing that ghosts existed so there had to be some life after death. He had believed that he and James would live forever. Okay maybe not forever but for a very long time, living as they wanted to while staying healthy, magically powerful and…totally desirable. The world would always admire and respect them and they would prank to the day they died and crush their enemies.

That was one of the few regrets (other than catching the diseases and his impending death) that Sirius had. Both he and James had demanded that Dumbledore send Snivellus to Azkaban, despite the spying he did on the Order's behalf. They wanted him totally destroyed just because. Luckily for Snape, Dumbledore had need of him not only for his potion skills, but knowing that Voldemort would be back, he still needed to use Snape as a spy.

Sirius and James were slightly pacified when Dumbledore advised them "Snape will be alive and have to serve me to the ends of his days as he will teach potions, spy and carry out any agenda I give him. You will still be able to 'prank' him and he will suffer knowing that he lost Lily and the two of you 'won' and he 'lost' and always will."

He hadn't crushed the Malfoys and a few others who "hadn't shown him or James the proper respect due to them" but at least he had accomplished one goal. He had destroyed the House of Black as Arcturus had disinherited any child of Narcissa's body that was a Malfoy so that left only Dora Tonks, who was a Half-blood and thus even if she married another Pureblood, any son would still not be pure enough for the House of Black.

At least Dumbledore was ruined, which was now Sirius' only joy. He died March 17, 1993 rather annoyed that he couldn't "celebrate" St. Patrick's Day, one of the few Muggle things he liked because of all of the drinking and "mischief" he and James did. But he was glad to go and be with James again.

Dumbledore had also lost all. The ICW cast him out not only as the Supreme Mugwump but as the British representative. He had made many enemies in that august group and in Britain some of the things he had done during his long life came out in the open. Naturally, he lost the one position which concentrated his power – he was fired as Headmaster of Hogwarts.

He also lost the admiration of many people except for a few diehards such as the Weasleys and a few old friends like Daedalus Diggle, Elphias Doge, Arabella Figg and Hagrid.

The new Headmaster was from Germany as it was decided by the Board that there was no one in Britain capable of filling that very important position. As Deputy Head, Minerva McGonagall should have succeeded but she was considered too much of a Dumbledore lackey to be a candidate. Many changes would be made, such as the return of the many courses which Dumbledore had considered "too dark" or irrelevant to be taught at HIS SCHOOL. Within three years most of those lost courses had been revived and by the time Hal and Susan Bones graduated, Hogwarts once again had acquired the sterling reputation for educational excellence it had enjoyed for centuries.

Severus Snape was finally able to accept a position which he had had to refuse for years due to Dumbledore's manipulation and Snape's virtual enslavement. He was now an Unspeakable and happy as the proverbial lark as his main task was inventing new potions and researching recently found potions lost for centuries.

As for Henry Edgar Bones, Arcturus made him the heir to the House of Black and Hal received the lordship when Arcturus died in 1994. The Goblins informed him that despite James disowning him, Harry was, and always had been, the Potter heir and on his 17th birthday he met the requirements set by Charlus and became Lord Potter.

Voldemort never returned. After all he was dead. But since the dark mark had never completely disappeared and actually had darken a few months after Jamie's death, his faithful followers knew he was back but (hopefully) decided not to resurrect his crusade. If only they knew the truth!

Snape never told Dumbledore that his mark had darkened not only out of spite but because he knew that somehow Dumbles would use it to get back his power and Snape couldn't allow that to happen. Britain was finally making decent strides in education, politics and life in general once the old coot was out of power. Snape and many others could finally have a life in a Dumbledore-free Britain and maybe even find happiness and/or contentment. Snape viewed it as his civic duty.

So what was Dumbledore doing and would Voldemort ever return? Well…that's a tale for another time.