As the Dursley house is attacked by deatheaters, Harry escapes in one of his Animagus forms but is injured. The port-key that was given to him by Luna activates and sends him to Mystic Falls where he meets the Mikaelsons and the Mystic Falls Gang.


Future MPREG


Harry sings.

Harry Potter sighs objectively as he sits on his bed in Dudley's second room thinking about the previous year. He just sits on his bed while he holds and stares at the black collar with diamonds and emeralds in crusted into it that one of his friends from Ravenclaw named Luna Lovegood had given him before she says to him "wait for my letter, then put on the collar, it's a port-key, say 'Escape' then transform into one of your animagus forms and run" Harry is confused but takes the collar anyway before she walked away.

Harry wonders about the collar when an owl with a letter flies into the room, onto his bed and Harry takes it before he opens it. The just says 'NOW' Harry gets off his bed before he puts the collar but before he transforms Dudley and Petunia enter the room and Petunia says "a group of people in dark cloaks are here"

"Death-eaters, they are here for me, their master wants me dead and since he is back, they want to capture me as soon as possible, they won't attack yet, I think that they are waiting for their master's word" says Harry.

"what happens if they get you ?" asks Dudley.

"I'll die, well first I'll be tortured and then Voldemort will kill me" replies Harry.

"who's Voldemort ?" asks Dudley.

"he's the man who killed my parents" replies Harry.

"then we'll cause a distraction to keep those deatheaters away from you" says Dudley before he notices the collar and asks "what's with the collar ?"

"it's a long story" replies Harry before they suddenly hear an explosion and Harry grips the collar and says "escape" before he transforms into his White Bengal Tiger form making Dudley exclaim "you're a White Bengal Tiger" Harry nods in his Tiger form before the bedroom door is blasted open. In the doorway stand a group of deatheaters who Harry attacks as Dudley punches one or two of them and after he had done that he runs off. Petunia whacks the deatheaters with a sauce-pan before she runs past the deatheaters who are stunned a bit. When the deatheaters try to chase after Petunia and Dudley, Harry in his animagus form attacks the deatheaters who use their wands to smash the glass close to him.

The glass goes everywhere, some of the glass ends up in Harry's animagus form. Harry runs out of the house, through the front door and down the street before the port-key activates, taking Harry in his bleeding animagus form away from Privet Drive.

He appears on the doorstep of a huge mansion where he collapses in pain.

Niklaus Mikaelson and Rebekah Mikaelson are in a car as Niklaus is driving to the Mikaelson Manor in Mystic Falls. As they pull up to the drive way and parked, Rebekah made a show of using her vampire speed to blur her way out of the car, slamming the door, and up to the front steps where she froze. Klaus soon followed but before he could peer over his sister's shoulder to see what the holdup was, she filled him.

"There's a giant bleeding cat at the door, Nik."

Klaus rolled his eyes at his sister's statement but when he got a look for himself, she was telling the truth. Although it was no ordinary cat that was on his doorstep. It was a White Bengal Tiger.

The tiger seemed to be knocked out but Rebekah took cautious steps towards it anyway. Just because she was immortal, it didn't mean she wanted to get ripped into by the animal with it's teeth and claws. She nudged one of it's back paws with her shoe, grimacing as the animal didn't respond. "Oh well." She shrugged. "Your house, your problem." Without another word, she stepped over the White Bengal Tiger and continued her way inside.

After taking a moment to study and circle the unconscious tiger, his eyes landed on the shining collar around it neck. "what's this?" He murmured to himself and crouched down, his fingers immediately running over the diamonds and emeralds. "such an beautiful and expensive collar for a wild animal"

Seeing that the animal wasn't likely to wake up anytime soon, something in the back of Klaus' mind told him that he should take the animal inside. The tiger had to be someone's pet since it had such a pretty collar around it's neck and if no-one asked questions about it, well at least he'd have a fierce tiger at his side if it was tame enough to keep. Sighing, he rolled back the sleeves of his beige Henley v-neck shirt, shoving his arms beneath the animal to cradle it's limp body in his arms. As the blood slicked over his arms, he grimaced when he felt pieces of glass that were embedded in the animal's body slice into his own arm. "what in the world happened to you?" He wondered. "better yet, where did you come from?"

After he had gotten inside Klaus blurs over to the table where he lays the tiger down, he grabs some bandages and other stuff before he starts plunking the pieces of glass from the tiger's body just as Rebekah enters the room and asks "since when are you become a veterinarian ?"

"don't know, don't care." Klaus replied as he picked up a needle and string from beside him.

Rebekah huffed when she didn't get the rise out of her brother that she usually got. She, instead, settled for pulling up a chair to watch as he worked before asking "why are you even caring for the mangy animal, anyway?"

"he's no mangy animal." Klaus started stitching up the wounds one by one. "if you take a closer look, sister, you'd see that he was well fed and cared for, cared for so much that he's got diamonds and emeralds around his neck."

Rebekah perked up, leaning forward to see what her brother was talking about and sure enough, there was a black collar with diamonds and emeralds in crusted into it around the tiger's neck. "are those real?"

"I believe so." He tied off the last stitch, cutting the string so it didn't hang and bother the poor animal.

As soon as he leaned back, the tiger twitched and his eyes fluttered open.

Luna Lovegood stands in the middle of the field at the Weasley's house after she, her father, the Diggorys and Hermione Granger had visited the Burrow. Luna heads inside when Ron calls her inside. Once she gets inside she sees Arthur Weasley with a teenage boy that same age as Harry and she says "Dudley" making the teenager turn to her and ask "do I know you ?"

"no, but I know your cousin" replies Luna.

"you know him ?" asks Dudley before he asks "where is he ? is he here ?"

"what do you mean ?" asks Hermione before she asks "shouldn't he be at your house ? why are you here ?"

"deatheaters attacked their house" replies Mr Weasley.

"we've been betrayed" says Ron in shock.

"what do you mean ?" Dudley asks Ron.

"only certain people knew that Harry was living with you, the attack means that someone had blabbed" replies Ron before he asks "when did you last see Harry ?"

"when he transformed into a White Bengal Tiger" replies Dudley.

"you serious ?" asks Hermione in shock before she asks "why that form ?" confused.

"wait, he's an animagus ?" asks Mrs Weasley.

"yea, he spent the summer after our third year learning how to do it and preparing himself, he spent our fourth year practising till it was perfect, he has multiple forms, all cats by the way, muggle and magical, he can use them to hide" replies Hermione.

"how do you know ?" Ron asks her.

"because he told me, he was going to tell you but you were a jerk to him because someone placed his name in the goblet of fire and you didn't believe him, he was your friend for three years and you didn't believe him" Hermione yells at him. Dudley steps forward and punches Ron in the nose and says "that was for treating my cousin like shit, he told me all about it, Ronald" Ron grips his nose and Ginny is about to yell at Dudley when Mrs Weasley starts yelling at Ron for the way he treated Harry. After she had finished she turns to Dudley and asks kindly "would you like something to eat, dear ?"

"yes, thank you, Mrs Weasley" replies Dudley.

"how do you know who she is ?" Ron asks Dudley.

"Harry showed me photos, he showed me photos of everyone that he knew from this world, including that Viktor guy, I want to talk with him when I can" replies Dudley before he mutters the last bit.

"why do you want to talk to Viktor Krum ?" asks Ron before he says "I doubt that he would want to talk to a muggle"

"he'll want to talk to him" says Cedric.

"why ?" asks Ron looking at Cedric.

"he'll want to meet Harry's favorite cousin" replies Hermione.

"why ?" asks Ginny.

"it's not really your business" Hermione says to Ginny who pouts before she says "it is if Harry is going to be my husband in the future" Dudley starts snickering before he outright starts laughing which the Weasley twins join in on with Hermione and Cedric while Luna giggles.

"what's so funny ?" demands Ginny pointing her wand while Ron glares at those who are laughing.

"can we get back to the fact that we've been betrayed ?" asks Mrs Weasley knowing why Harry won't be marrying his daughter.

"who could have done it ?" asks Ron concerned.

"it had to be someone who knew where Harry lived, it also had to be someone who had been there" says Mr Weasley before he turns to Dudley and asks "who do you think it was ?"

"you wouldn't believe me" replies Dudley.

"I will" Luna says to him before she says "I am the one who gave him the way to escape"

"escape ?" asks Dudley confused before he realizes and asks her "you're the one who gave him the collar ?"

"you gave him a collar ?" Ginny asks Luna before she says "if you want to date him, you got to do better than that and something less stupid" rudely but Luna isn't fazed.

"I don't want to date him, you just wouldn't stand a chance against who he's meant to be with" Luna tells Ginny before Dudley says to Ginny "he wouldn't date Luna or you"

"why ?" demands Ginny before she asks "he wants Hermione ?" with a disgusted face.

"Hermione is like his sister, like Fleur, he wouldn't date either of them" says Dudley.

"why won't he date me then ?" asks Ginny.

"you have the wrong equipment" replies Dudley confusing Ginny and Ron before Ron realizes and says "oh"

"I think Ron's got it" says Cedric before Ron starts glaring at Cedric raising his wand and he asks "what's your relationship with Harry ? you his boyfriend ?" before he says "you are a bit older than him"

"Harry is like my brother, little brother, just like he is with Fleur" replies Cedric.

"you didn't say anything about Viktor" comments Ginny.

"Viktor is extremely protective of Harry, it's kind of obvious that Viktor wants to date Harry" says Cedric.

"he's too old" says Ron shaking his head.

"by four years and they've already slept together, they did it while Viktor was at Hogwarts" says Hermione.

"what ?" asks Ron in shock, eyes widened.

"he won't be the eldest of Harry's chosen" Luna says in a dreamy way.

"how many chosen will Harry have ?" asks Hermione.

"guess a number between one and a million, you might guess the right number, also only I know where he truly is" says Luna with a cheeky smile before she skips away.

"what number do you think ?" asks Fred.

"if it's a million guys, Harry will end up with the most sorest arse in the world" says George which he gets smacked over the head for by his mother before he and Fred look at each other before Fred says to his twin quietly "she knows where Harry is"

"I don't think anyone else heard her say that she knew where he was" mutters George to Fred, They then look at each other again before they run after Luna.