There were so many things I wanted to do right now. Like, so damn desperately.

First was punching Bellona.

Second was breaking her nose.

And third was snapping her neck.

One would wonder why such sentiment. Bellona was so sweet, why would anyone want to attack her?

I stabbed down hard at the meat in my plate as I thought of her. My appetite was dying but I didn't care. To hell with everything!

See, I was in the Seventieth Games. I placed seventh, and honestly I was happy being dead, even if it was for a very short time.

But then, due to some scientific complications, I had to reach here! When I woke up suddenly on a tent like place, I was met with sweet Bellona's ugly face.

"Oh Dante! Chillax! You just managed to travel to a different timeline and will have to compete in the Games again but you will manage because you're awesome!"

She said that. She literally said that. Just imagine waking from death and listening to that encouraging lecture. So much fun.

And the effort to digest this information was- well- it wasn't easy. She told me I was in different timeline but in Panem itself. A different universe. A different world.

And it was as bad as mine.

"Dante! Your training score is up!" Bellona cried, running towards me, "You got an eight!"

I groaned inwardly. Why, why did I get this score? Now I would be targeted again.

"What happened Dante? You not happy?"

She looked so clueless and so genuinely happy that I facepalmed. Whatever the universe, the Capitolites had to be idiotic.


"Do me a favour," I said politely with a light smile. Her face lit up at that and she beamed at me.

"Sure! Anything for a handsome boy like yoy!"

"Please get lost and never come back again."

She turned a really interesting shade of red at that, something like a tomato. Her features were contorted with rage and and I allowed myself a smirk as she stormed away, muttering about rustics. Ah, this was fun.

But I still wasn't able to eat. Interviews were tomorrow and I felt a sense of doom. Last time I had yelled at the audience on national television for booing at my blind District Partner. Poor Merle... I missed her right now. I missed her innocence and courage, still wishing that I had been a little nicer to her.

But what about this time? Was I still supposed to pretend to be all good and happy? Because I wasn't either, definitely not happy. The only joy I had here was the one moment when I told Bellona to get lost, and even that was fading away now.

There was nothing here for which I would want to return to. My uncle and aunt were in a completely different world, thinking that I was dead...

I cleanched my fists. This wasn't fair to them! They had the right to know. To know where I was stuck. But no! No way to inform them!

I threw the plate across the room and it landed on the floor with a bang, its contents all spread around. Everyone looked at me and the warden was yelling but I didn't care.

Instead, I pushed him aside and stormed away to my room.

It shouldn't be any mystery to anyone who read Glass Glade that Dante was my favourite. He had the qualities of a victor and although I am very happy with Charles I think Dante deserved a second chance. This is for you Ansley. A very own story for Dante Callum. Have a great day you all!