The hinges of the door creaked before swinging closed with a dull thud. Then, silence. I redirected my gaze slowly back to Scorpius. He eyed the door with a distaste that had me wondering whether he regretted his sudden decision to talk.
Scorpius paced past me to the front of the room, long legs eating up the ground. He swept a hand through his hair and leaned against the professor's desk. He opened his mouth to speak, thought better of it, and rolled up his sleeves instead. As he pushed his shirt up his forearms a lock of blonde hair fell across his forehead. He blew it out of the way.
Scorpius was ruffled. Dishevelled. But somehow elegantly so. Perhaps it was the sleek lines of his body or perhaps simply the way he carried himself. Whatever the reason, I'd happily spend the time ogling him rather than talking. His white shirt stretched taut across his shoulders as he crossed his arms. How could I have ever thought of him as anything other than mind-numbingly attractive? The slight downturn of his mouth and the crease in his forehead, which used to have me averting my eyes and walking past silently, now gave rise to an urge to reach out and smooth it away.
"I was drunk."
My eyes snapped up to Scorpius in surprise.
"At the party," Scorpius extrapolated with an awkward gesture of his arm.
Oh yes, the party. How could I have forgotten.
"Did you...happen to be drunk as well?" Scorpius asked, uncertainty flickering in his grey eyes.
"No," I said after a slight pause.
"No," Scorpius repeated. "Of course not. Just me then."
I eyed the wooden door. Had it only been a few minutes ago that I'd been chuckling with Millie?
Scorpius shook his head. "I'm sorry, I'm making a hash out of this. What I meant to say is that we kissed."
My brows hit my hairline. Well, Fenton had said that Scorpius cut through the bullshit like no other. Still, a slightly longer prelude would've been welcome. I did always prefer to dip my toes in the water, inching my body in bit by bit. Scorpius, on the hand, had dived right in. Head first. Dousing me with the splash. Leaving me drenched and gasping from the shock of it all.
"Right?" Scorpius asked, his brow creased and a shadow of uncertainty ghosted across his features.
Oh Merlin, he wasn't sure? He'd jumped into the water without bothering to learn how to swim.
"Only, I thought we kissed. But then you never indicated that it ever happened and none of my friends seemed to have noticed anything and I'm beginning to think I dreamt it up." Scorpius bit his lip. "I was drunk after all."
My jaw was now grazing the stone floor.
Scorpius rubbed the back of his neck. "So, did it happen?"
I stared at him. How easy it would be to brush it under the rug. A simple no and I'd be home free, out of the stifling tension. But if I lied, it'd be a case of two steps back, and another one back for good measure. And how could I walk away when a future with Scorpius suddenly seemed tantalisingly within grasp?
I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. "Um, yes." I winced.
"Oh, thank Merlin I didn't just imagine it." Scorpius exhaled, pulling his tie loose.
The tension lifted for a second before Scorpius turned his expectant gaze back on to me.
"So...was it...good? I mean, okay?" Scorpius fumbled. "You probably wouldn't tell me if it was bad anyway, too polite."
When I didn't respond immediately, his face dropped. "Oh Merlin, I didn't molest you, did I? It was consensual, wasn't it?"
And this was why you never dive straight into the water, folks. Scorpius was drowning. Flailing and floundering as he took in great gulps of water. Luckily for him, I had a state of the art flotation device to fling towards him. If only I had the courage to throw him the line. Why yes, Scorpius. It was, indeed consensual. It also happened to be the best snog of my life. Well done, you. Except the words were caught in my throat. Perhaps because I knew that once I threw him one flotation device, there was every chance I'd end up showering him with every other buoyant item in my vicinity.
"It was consensual," I finally bit out.
"Thank Merlin," Scorpius sighed, placing a hand on his chest. "And? C'mon, give me something here, Rose."
"It was unexpected, but..." Merlin, why was this so hard? I looked at the boy in front of me, his face the most earnest I'd ever seen it. I took a deep breath. "Good. Really good." My face flushed a deep Gryffindor red. Oh hell, where had the 'really good' come from?
A big grin spread across Scorpius' face. A surprised, delighted grin. An endearingly shameless, boyish grin. "Really good?"
"Don't make me say it again," my voice came out more pleading than I would've liked.
Scorpius leaned back against his arms and looked skywards. "I kissed Rose Weasley and she said it was really good."
"Oh Merlin," I groaned, head falling into my hands. I desperately needed to gain back some ground. All of a sudden, he was sitting on a tower of inflatables, floating on top of the world. And there I was, still dangling my feet on the side of the pool. Someone get me a pin. Or at least an inflatable flamingo so I could sail across the water and give him a solid push. "And what did you in your drunken state, think about it?" I prodded.
"Oh, it was really good for me too, from what I can remember." Scorpius' teeth flashed.
"And what do you remember?" I pressed.
Scorpius scratched his head. "Not a whole lot, blurs, just the feel of you…" he trailed off, the tops of his cheeks tinging pink.
The feel of me? Merlin, help me, now I was blushing as well. I restrained myself from asking what I felt like. I summoned some steel back into my voice. "You said you'd come back, but you didn't."
Scorpius winced. "Did I? I'm sorry, drunk Scorpius is an idiot."
I raised an eyebrow. "Drunk Scorpius said sober Scorpius was an idiot."
"I guess I'm just an idiot all round. Forgive me?" And his smile was so disarmingly hopeful that I really had no choice in the matter. "I didn't say anything else idiotic that night, did I?" Scorpius' brow furrowed.
My mind flashed back to that fateful night and I tapped a finger against my chin. "I don't know about idiotic, but you did say some other things."
Scorpius turned a shade paler. "Merlin's beard, here we go."
"You recited what I eat for breakfast. Everyday." I told him.
Scorpius froze. "I did, did I?"
"Uh huh." I waited for an explanation. None was forthcoming.
"Anything else? Let's get this over and done with quickly." Scorpius motioned for me to continue.
"After the kiss, you said..." I trailed off, how much was it safe to divulge?
"Just hit me with it, I can take it," Scorpius urged.
"You said that you'd been wanting to do it for a while," I blurted out.
"Ah." Scorpius stared at a spot on the wall next to me.
"But obviously, you were drunk, so it didn't mean anything," I continued quickly, not wanting him to think that I had any expectations.
"Right," Scorpius said, continuing his thorough inspection of the wall. Then defiance flashed in his grey eyes. "Actually, not right."
My heart jumpstarted. "Not right?"
"It did mean something. I meant exactly what I said."
I was becoming his echo, but this couldn't go unclarified. "You meant that you had wanted to..."
My chest constricted. "And did it live up to your expectations?"
"I have some regrets," Scorpius said with an indiscernible expression on his face.
My flamingo floaty sprung a leak, I started sinking.
"The fact that I was too drunk to remember it for one, and the fact that I couldn't do it properly because I was off my face, also springs to mind," Scorpius continued.
"Oh," I breathed. A lightness filled my body. A fragile breeze that lifted me upwards, but that could all too easily send me plummeting.
"Oh," Scorpius agreed, studying my face intently.
We stared at each other for a few breathless moments.
"Hypothetically," I said into the silence, "if you were to get a second chance, how would you do it? Hypothetically."
A spark entered Scorpius' eyes. "Hypothetically?"
I nodded, biting my lip.
Scorpius pushed off the table and sauntered slowly towards me. His eyes searched mine, checking the meaning of my proposition, double checking. "Hypothetically, you'd be a little closer, so I could hold you like this." He tugged me between his legs and tucked a stray curl behind my ear.
My pulse leapt and my breath quickened. "Hypothetically," I murmured.
"Hypothetically," Scorpius agreed, voice low as he cradled my face with both hands. I had no choice but to look up at him, heart in my mouth and pulse thundering in my ears.
Scorpius' grey eyes perused my face with a languid sweep. "And then hypothetically, I'd kiss you here." Scorpius brushed a chaste kiss on my forehead, my eyes fluttered shut. "And here." He placed a lingering kiss on the corner of my mouth. "And then…" His head remained bent, eyelashes fanned across his cheeks, lips hovering just above mine. My skin tingled at the warmth of his lips, at the nearness of his touch, but he didn't move any closer. Nor did he move away.
"Here," I whispered, closing the gap and kissing his mouth.
"Hypothetically," he murmured against my lips. I felt his mouth turn upwards into a grin. And then he was kissing me so gently, so reverently, my heart ached. He cradled my face like it was made of glass, savoured my lips like nothing had ever tasted so sweet. He kissed me with a tenderness I didn't know he was capable of. He kissed me like I was the most precious thing in this world.
And something in my chest cracked, each delicate caress deepened the fissure. My heart was bursting with a warmth and a yearning it didn't have the capacity to hold. I teetered on a precipice. Fall or fly. I didn't know. All I knew was Scorpius. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, anchoring myself to him, craving more of his touch. Scorpius wrapped an arm around my waist and deepened the kiss. I let out a sigh and leant into him.
"E," Scorpius said as he pulled away, a soft smile on his face.
"What?" I asked, looking up at him in confusion, still catching my breath.
"You asked me whether it lived up to my expectations and I give it an E, for Exceeds Expectations."
I jerked away from him. "An E?"
"Well, hypothetically anyway," Scorpius responded with a quirk of his mouth.
I stared at him in all his quippy, nonchalant glory. "Hypothetically, I'm at an O for Offended," I said, attempting to shake off the remnants of the kiss and catch up with the series of events. How quickly blissful notions of romance shattered.
"Well, I meant it as a compliment, but I should've known, only Rose Weasley would be disappointed at an E," Scorpius said with a nod of understanding. "Not to worry, we'll work towards that Outstanding."
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I'm pretty busy tutoring my first years at the moment, but I could squeeze you in after," Scorpius continued, eyes alight with mischief.
"D," I cut him off, putting a hand on his chest and shrugging out of his grasp. "Your post kiss conduct is Dreadful. At the party, you told me you'd return and you never did. And now you insult me by giving me an E." I shook my head at him. "Simply dreadful."
Scorpius looked appropriately apologetic, but there was still a glint in his eye. "Perhaps you could give me lessons then?"
I let out a long sigh and turned my head away. "To be honest, I don't know if it's even salvageable. I don't know why I should bother."
Scorpius took a step towards me. "I think I could give you a reason to bother."
I didn't doubt it. I didn't doubt that he could reduce me to a puddle within seconds.
"Back to your common rooms, all of you!" McGonagall's voice echoed from the corridor. Both our heads snapped towards the door. "It's almost curfew, you're lucky I haven't given you detentions immediately," McGonagall continued. Her orders were followed by the hasty pattering of feet, then a resounding silence.
I turned slowly back to Scorpius. I inclined my head towards the door. "We should probably get going."
"Probably," Scorpius said, not moving from his position.
I stared at him for a moment longer before turning around and gathering up my books, a wave of shyness suddenly overwhelming me. The light hearted atmosphere dissipated and now some other tension hung in the air. The question of what now?
"Do you want me to walk you to your common room?" Scorpius offered.
"Oh, no. That's okay," I said, shaking my head. "You won't make it back to the dungeons in time then."
Scorpius shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "What's a detention or two?"
I gave him a small smile. "It's okay, truly." I turned my back on him and walked towards the door. Coward, coward, coward, my footsteps seemed to echo.
I paused with my hand on the door knob. Was I really going to leave our relationship hanging in the balance? Again? We'd talked about the kiss at the party, finally. But then we'd kissed again. Were we going to wait another few weeks to hash this one out?
I looked over my shoulder at Scorpius. He'd returned to his original position against the desk, face contemplative. Brooding. Something tugged at my heart. How long had I already made him wait? I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip. This was Scorpius. Not Roy. Scorpius was solid as a rock. Made of stronger stuff.
Still, I couldn't be sure that he wouldn't just leave me at the drop of a hat like Roy did. I couldn't be sure of anything. To any onlooker, Roy seemed like a safe option. Your classically decent guy. And look where that had gotten me. No, there was no such thing as a safe option.
Scorpius looked up and his eyes found mine. His eyebrows twitched upwards ever so slightly. His face held the gentlest of questions. Warmth flooded my body at the softness in his eyes. That was the difference between Scorpius and Roy. Scorpius was all give. He never demanded anything of me. A risk worth taking, my heart whispered to me. I found myself turning towards him, making my way to him, feet moving on their own accord. Even when uncertainty overwhelmed me, I was still drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
"What is it?" Scorpius asked, voice uncharacteristically soft.
"I don't know," I whispered, looking at him as if he held all the answers.
"What is it you're afraid of?" Scorpius asked, tipping my face up to his and searching my eyes.
What was I afraid of? I was afraid of so much. Fancying Scorpius was both exhilarating and terrifying. I knew him and yet there was still so much that I didn't know about him. The only intersection in our lives seemed to be this History of Magic project and even that was ending soon.
I flicked my gaze back to his. "You," I answered honestly.
Scorpius blinked. "Me?" He pulled away from me and something that might have been hurt or disappointment flashed in his eyes.
"Not you, exactly," I backtracked hastily. How many times had he been labelled as scary or intimidating because of his demeanour? How many times had he been written off simply because of his last name? "I'm afraid, because I like you. A bit too much," the confession fell from my lips.
Scorpius' shoulders sagged. "Well, that's a relief, because I like you too, Rose. In case that wasn't obvious."
A spark rekindled in my belly. "It wasn't," I murmured.
"Perhaps not to you," Scorpius said wryly. "Your friend, Delia Dalrymple, is it? She's been giving me looks for weeks." Scorpius scratched his head. "Now that I think of it, even Fenton's been smiling indulgently at me recently."
"Sometimes I see you across the Great Hall and I feel like I don't even know you."
"Sometimes we're just talking in a group and then you look at me and I feel like you know too much about me." Scorpius took my hand, ran his thumb over my fingers. "Not random facts like my favourite colour or my middle name, hopefully, but I feel like you know me, in fundamentals, whether I want you to or not. Kind of terrifying."
I laced my fingers through his. "Sometimes I do think I know you, in fundamentals. But other times, you seem so far away."
"Is it the resting bitch face?" Scorpius asked. "My mum always says I should smile more."
The corner of my mouth twitched. "Just resting?"
"Okay, so it's not always just resting, sometimes it's wilful bitch face," Scorpius admitted. "But mainly so dolts like Fenton don't strike up a conversation with me."
"You secretly like Fenton," I admonished.
Scorpius' teeth flashed and he shrugged. "He's alright."
I glanced down at our hands. "I thought you didn't like holding hands."
Scorpius let out a sigh and gave me a rueful smile. "As I'm learning, you're an exception. To many things."
The saying about feeling warm and fuzzy inside? All true. I'd never felt more like a lush pashmina scarf in my life. The emotion must have shown on my face, because a look of horror flashed across Scorpius' face. "Bloody hell, you're turning me into a sap, Weasley."
"If you were a sap, Malfoy, your post kiss conduct would be much improved," I informed him. "In fact, I've changed my mind. I will take you up on that tutoring offer, we need to increase your sap levels."
"And I've changed my mind as well, I retract th-" Scorpius began.
"I won't hear you disparaging yourself, Malfoy," I cut across him, reinvigorated. I grinned up at him. "I see a potential, I really do. You could go on to do great things. The fact that you tutor a bunch of first years says a lot."
"I charge them," Scorpius announced. "50 sickles a lesson, 75 when we meet on Sundays. Sam's still in debt from the time I yelled at that bully for him in the hallway. It was a Hogsmeade weekend so I charged him public holiday rates. Extremely lucrative business."
"Excellent, you can put that towards your own tuition. My lessons don't come cheap, you know."
"Mates rates?" Scorpius asked, resigning himself to his fate. "Or…more than mates rates?"
A grin tugged at my lips. "I'll see what I can do."
"Well, no time like the present," Scorpius said and stole a quick kiss from my mouth, so swift I barely had time to register it. "Rose Weasley," he proclaimed, holding me by my shoulders, "you are the light of my life."
I raised an eyebrow. "Laying it on a bit thick, aren't you? Sap levels overflowing."
Scorpius shrugged, taking the criticism graciously. He bent to kiss me again, longer and more lingering this time. Just heated enough to have me leaning in for more when he pulled away. "Your handwriting is atrocious, but I'd still rather decipher something written by you than struggling through Fenton's grammatically challenged writing."
I blinked, shaking off his effect on me long enough to process his words. "Well, that's just offensive."
The corner of Scorpius' mouth kicked up. "Well, if at first you don't succeed…" He didn't wait to finish his sentence before pulling me into a deep kiss, plundering my mouth. My eyes fluttered shut and my hands found his hair. "This is way better than setting Fenton on fire for the group project," Scorpius said, a touch breathlessly.
I cocked my head to one side, valiantly trying to keep my grasp on the few rational thoughts I still had floating around even while my whole body tingled from the contact. "I mean, better, I guess? But still really not what we're going for."
All I saw was a wolfish grin before Scorpius' lips were on mine again. My hands swept across his back, the soft shirt doing little to contain the heat and strength emanating from his body. "I wouldn't want anyone else by my side in a snowball fight or in any other fight or non-fight," Scorpius murmured, still a hair's breadth from my lips.
"Better," I whispered.
Scorpius picked me up and carried me over to a desk, cupping my face and kissing me open-mouthed. My body arched up to meet his, straining for the heat of his body. Scorpius obliged, stepping in closer, one hand sliding down my back to rest at my hip, leaving a trail of fire blazing in its wake.
I let out a shaky breath as we separated and was gratified to see that Scorpius was not completely unruffled either. His grey eyes had a dazed look about them and his blonde hair stuck up at the back. I waited expectantly for him to say something.
Scorpius exhaled. "Yeah, I got nothing."
A breathy chuckle escaped my lips. "I'll take that as a compliment."
Scorpius tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
I smiled up at him. "I'd say you've shown a marked improvement today. Very well done, beanie boy."
Scorpius glanced down at his feet before flicking his gaze back to me, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thanks, beanie girl."
I let out a small gasp. "Beanie girl." I clutched at my heart. What had I said earlier about feeling like a lush pashmina scarf? Scratch that, I was the human embodiment of the furriest of Fenton's fur scarves. Dry clean spells only.
"So, I was doing a last minute check on our costumes the other night and what do I discover but a missing wimple," Fenton said, turning his eagle eyes on me, one impeccably groomed eyebrow raised.
I rearranged my face into one of surprise and mild distress. "Oh?"
"Thankfully, I was able to contact the lovely ladies at the shop and they were able to find you a replacement, Rose."
"Thankfully," I responded through a strained smile.
Fenton clapped his hands together. "Well, no point wasting time. Let's try it on." He reached for the aforementioned wimple and descended upon me.
"Argh," I let out a strangled yelp as I threw down my quill and dodged his nimble hands. "Is this necessary?"
"Have to make sure it fits!" Fenton growled through gritted teeth as he made another pass at me and tried to jam it on my head. "Don't think I don't know you attempted to hide it in a rack of tunics," he hissed.
I swerved away and batted his hands away. "It's a wimple for Merlin's sake, it's not fit for anywhere but behind a rack of tunics."
"Your costume won't be complete without it, think about your grades, Rose!"
A low blow. One that struck deep and true. I made the fatal error of pausing momentarily to process his words. Fenton pounced.
"Ack, gerroff me, noo-Scorpius!" I cried in desperation as Fenton lunged across the table and wedged the wimple onto my head. But before I could feel self-conscious about calling for Scorpius, Scorpius had snatched the wimple off my head and chucked it into Fenton's face without so much as looking up from his book.
"No fair," Fenton spluttered, rubbing his face and picking up the fallen wimple.
"No wimple," Scorpius ordered with an unyielding look before turning a page in his book and slinging a casual arm over the back of my chair.
I grinned smugly at Fenton from the safety of Scorpius' shoulder.
Fenton eyed Scorpius' arm on the back of my chair and his expression changed from put out to intrigued. The next thing I knew, he was wiggling his eyebrows at me. The grin threatening to split his face in half was contagious and I found myself barely containing my own exhilaration. Holding my breath, I slowly leaned back in my chair. I risked a glance at Scorpius, but he continued reading, blissfully unaware of the havoc he was causing inside me. I opened my mouth and let out a silent squeal at Fenton.
Fenton shot me a subtle thumbs up.
I released a breath to compose myself and cleared my throat. "Anyway, is there anything we need to go over while we wait for Roy to arrive? Should we practice the flame freezing charm again?"
Scorpius sat up and snapped his book shut. "Yes."
Fenton's eyes narrowed. "You just like setting me on fire…but I wouldn't mind the practice."
"Alright, ready when you are," Scorpius said, a gleam in his eyes as he pulled out his wand with a flourish.
"Still weird to see him convey an emotion other than anger and annoyance," Fenton remarked to me as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck.
Fenton said the flame freezing incantation and a moment later Scorpius had Fenton's feet engulfed in flames.
Scorpius let out a low chuckle that could easily have been interpreted as a cackle. "This never gets old."
Fenton simply shook his head as Scorpius put out the fire. "Do you know what never gets old? That," he said, pointing at Scorpius face with an incredulous expression. "I don't think I'll ever get used to him looking happy." Fenton made two arches with his hands and placed them over his eyes. "His eyes turn into half moons and he actually looks…" Fenton struggled to find the right adjective. "…sweet tempered! Like someone I'd ask for directions if I was ever lost."
"I have an excellent sense of directi-" Scorpius started to say.
"And the dimple!" Fenton exclaimed over Scorpius. "The dimple," Fenton said bitterly, shaking his head at Scorpius. "You, sir, do not deserve a dimple. Dimples should be reserved for nice, charming people. Like myself." Fenton flashed a smile, dazzling in its own right, but noticeably bereft of the slight indentation he so desired.
"You can have the dimple," Scorpius huffed with a careless wave of his hand. "Between you and Rose, I've heard enough about it for a lifetime."
"Let us speak no more of dimples or wimples," I declared.
"Excellent idea," Scorpius said.
"Then let us speak of this." Fenton pointed his finger between me and Scorpius.
I glanced at Scorpius and then back at Fenton. "What do you want to know?"
"Everything. When did it happen? How? Where?" Fenton leaned forward and steepled his fingers.
I let out a conspiratorial chuckle. "Well, did you know that Scorpius tut-"
Scorpius shot me a warning glare so intense I swear the tips of my eyelashes were singed off.
"Scorpius tu…tuna fishes?" I stuttered.
A low groan emerged from Scorpius beside me.
"Scorpius…tuna fishes," Fenton repeated sceptically, his eyes swivelled between me and Scorpius.
I peeked at Scorpius, afraid of what I might see on his face, but his eyes were closed and he was pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Avidly." I nodded as my left eye twitched.
Fenton turned his suspicious gaze onto Scorpius. Probably trying to picture Scorpius in a tan coloured fishing hat and vest, pondering life on the side of a riverbank.
Scorpius directed his unimpressed eyes onto me and let out a sigh of long suffering. Probably wondering what he'd gotten himself into with me. "That's me, spawn of Draco Malfoy and avid tuna fisher," he deadpanned.
Fenton narrowed his eyes before crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair. "Fine," he said snippily, "keep your secrets, don't tell ol' Falfazar what happened."
"If you ever had any chance of finding out what happened, you just singlehandedly destroyed it," Scorpius informed him.
I sighed and rolled my eyes, not this again. "We just talked it out and stuff."
"And stuff…?" Fenton raised a suggestive eyebrow.
"And stuff," Scorpius confirmed with a quirk of his mouth that could almost be described as jaunty.
"Well." Fenton clapped his hands together with renewed vigour. "That's all I needed to know. That wasn't that difficult, was it?"
"You make everything difficult," Scorpius replied sardonically.
"And thus, I die!" Fenton proclaimed with a dramatic flourish of his head. He cast the flame freezing charm and then Scorpius set him on fire.
The class provided a surprisingly gratifying chorus of 'oohs'. Fenton broke character for a moment to preen before snapping back into Wendelin the Weird and acting out the rest of his 'death'. (It involved a lot of strangled screaming and clawing at his body, it was actually kind of disturbing.)
And thus, the curtain fell on our History of Magic group project.
No, really. Fenton arranged for thick red velvet drapes to drop upon the end of our presentation. We had to do bows and everything.
It was ridiculous, but surprisingly enjoyable, as seemed to be the case with this entire group project.
I squeezed Scorpius' hand and shot him a grin as we finished our bows.
An eyelash and a dimple. That's how it started. And that's all it took. I tumbled. And who knew if I was soaring or plummeting, falling or flying, if it was all uphill from here or if I was about to hit rock bottom. All I knew was that a smile was breaking on Scorpius' face like the dawn and it certainly felt like I'd grown wings.
The End.
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has come on this Scorose journey with me. Your support has been invaluable. I hope you enjoyed the ride!
Much love,