Reviews for Seeing Red
jeelchaniyara96 chapter 11 . 9/11
You're really good. I love the way you writefunny, and yet suspenseful. I love that you don't ude misunderstanding as the foundation of the story. I really wish I could get to read more of you somewhere. Any story, any world. Do let me know when you write a book.
blue Hedwig chapter 11 . 9/1
Don't know if you'll read this, but I adore this story :)
Guest chapter 11 . 8/16
Love it! Thank you! And Scorpius Malfoy tuna fishing is just precious.
Guest chapter 9 . 8/16
This is adorable. The legend of the beanie boy, and 10 year old Scorpius and 17 year old Scorpius thinking Rose is adorable, and “fuck the lines.” Everything is just so beautiful and funny and adorable and wonderfulLily-written.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/16
Wow. That a/n. I kind of love it.
Anyway, nice chapter!
Guest chapter 6 . 8/16
Guest chapter 5 . 8/16
Ha. I love the Scorpius-rose interaction. It’s the best.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/16
This is hilarious.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/16
God, this is great. I kind of love Fenton now. He’s really not so bad. Although Scorpius...does he REALLY have to yell all the time?
Guest chapter 2 . 8/16
LOL. This is great.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16
I like this.
ctrprincess chapter 11 . 8/2
Wow. What a ride. The plot description drew me in, I love a good Scorose. The characterizations and humor kept me here. What a great read. Thoroughly entertained.
BH chapter 11 . 4/30
Long time fan here! You write such sweet, fluffy stuff that I revisit your fics from time to time to restock :)
Keep writing!
Love from India!
Blue Hedwig chapter 11 . 4/30
I'm a big fan! You write such fluffy feel-good stuff 3
I reread Of Cobbing and Cuddling every now and then too! Keep writing please :)
Rhy chapter 11 . 4/16
Hypothetically, if I told you this was one of my favourite fics, what would you say? Ahem just "hypothetically." :P
Beanie Boy and Girl are finally together :)
Much love to the matchmaker Falfazar xD
This chapter had so many brilliant lines and if I started quoting them here to say why I liked them, it'd be a page long, at least :)
I love your writing style. You do know how and when to put out a bit of humour and when to let it be serious. The plot and characterizations were absolutely perfect. I loved how it all came together in the end, how our favourite couple Rose and Scorpius finally found closure, not hypothetically :)
I would love it if you wrote more fics, but I understand that you're probably busy with more important things and have given up on fanfiction. But just so you know, you still have fans out there who are reading your works and hoping for more :)
This was the perfect read to get my mind off everything happening in the world today while we're all on lockdown. I hope you and your loved ones are safe during these extremely uncertain times. I also hope you're still doing some writing, hopefully great novels, if not fanfic :)
Stay safe! All my good wishes!
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