Alright, I'm here with another new story.

I won't lie; I only started investing my time into the fate series rather recently, but I really got into it. I went looking through some other fanfiction stories for the series and saw some good ideas, but most of those ended up being either being underwhelming or abandoned... so i figured i'd try my hand at it.

Also: I figured that it would mix well with the universe of Toaru, and thus this story was born!

It has a slow start as the plot begins toe establish itself, but i hope you can stick around and see it to the end!

For reference: This story takes place Post-Unlimited Blade Works Route for Fate/Stay Night, and After the Othinus arc but before the Magic God Invasion/World Rejecter Arc.


There really wasn't much of an explanation as to why Clock Tower decided to close its doors. Though temporary, the decision came out of nowhere, and several rumors spread. Some say there was some kind of explosion, a student's experiment gone mad, or even some kind of rift into hell itself that had erupted below the organization's own halls.

Regardless, Clock Tower was closed down, at least for its student population. They gave the notice that it would only be two weeks, and students were allowed to stay in their lodgings during the time, but staying still and doing nothing for two weeks didn't seem to suit one couple living together; it didn't even sound like a good idea to them.

So when one brought up the idea for a romantic getaway, the other jumped at the chance and took it.

It didn't even occur to him that the location of this romantic getaway was the absolute polar opposite of the world of magic.

-Academy City, Airport, District 22-

"…Tohsaka-san, I know this is the place you wanted to go here specifically… but…" A red-haired man with golden-brown eyes of about nineteen years old said as he exited the airport, carrying luggage with a woman of roughly the same age with wavy black hair and aqua-colored eyes. "…Looking around, plus that information we were given on the flight in… I'm starting to have my doubts about this place."

"What's wrong, Emiya-kun?" The woman responded. "Little Shirou isn't scared of a little futuristic action, are you?" she mocked. The male narrowed his eyes.

"…I should be asking you that." Shirou responded. "I still remember the Blu-ray player incident, Rin."

"S-shut up!" Rin blushed red. "B-besides, I was fine after you showed me how to use it right? Way I see it, this entire city can be under my feet as long as I can figure it out, it's like an adventure of learning!"

"…Fits the surroundings I guess, it is called Academy City after all, city of science and school." Shirou replied. An idea popped into his head as they walked. "…Rin-chan." He called out in an overly pleasant tone.

"Hmm? What is it?" Rin replied.

"You didn't ask me to come with you… just so I can figure out everything for you… right?" Shirou asked in a just as cheerful but somehow more menacing tone.


"Right?" Shirou repeated.

"D-don't get the wrong idea here…" Rin took a step back.


"F-fine! You win! You're better with technology with me so I wanted you to help me, is that so wrong!?" Rin shouted.

"No, but lying about it is." Shirou replied. Rin felt like a dagger hit her in the heart as her ego deflated in defeat. "I don't mind either way. You could have just been honest though; don't you trust me?"

"…Of course I trust you, sorry Shirou-kun." She huffed out, still blushing red. She shrieked when Shirou suddenly picked her up and put her over his shoulder. "H-hey! What the hell are you doing Shirou!?"

"Protection of valuable goods; never know who will run off with a valuable gem." Shirou replied, causing Rin to turn an even deeper shade of red.

"W-what kind of punishment is this!? I can walk myself, put me down!" Rin demanded.

"I'll put you down when we get to the car. Hopefully you'll learn your lesson." Shirou replied.

"Remember, I'm the master and you're the student here! Stop acting all high and mighty and put me down!" She shouted again. She continued to protest her current condition until they arrived at the car they rented, much to her own frustration.

-7 Minutes Later, Driving Around Academy City-

"…You don't have to give me the cold shoulder this much, Tohsaka-san…" Shirou nervously said. Rin was looking out the car window as Shirou drove, her arms crossed and appearing quite angry.

"If you expect us to just kiss and make up after that, you've got another thing coming. Embarrassing me in public like that…"

"Calm down, there aren't any magus here in Academy City, so all those people are just nameless folk; we'll never see them again." Shirou tried to reassure her, but to no effect. Shirou sighed as he resumed focus on his driving.

"…It really has been awhile since we've been to Japan, huh?" Rin suddenly asked after a short time.

"It has, we couldn't make the trip back last year because of those extra classes that we had to take." Shirou responded. "Do you think we have enough time to swing through Fuyuki City on our way back?"

"A night or two there shouldn't put any unnecessary strain on us." Rin replied. "I'm sure Sakura misses you."

"And I'm sure she misses you too. Ignoring adoptions and all, she is still your sister."

"Oh, I remember. I just recall her being rather infatuated with you is all; I even recall her admitting being more than a little jealous of us." Rin continued. "I wonder if Shirou-kun would be able to contain himself if he was left alone with Rin-sama's willing little sister…" she spoke in a coy tone, causing Shirou to blush.

"Hey, don't joke about that!" Shirou replied. "Emiya Shirou isn't a cheater and you know that."

"It's not cheating if Rin-sama allows it, right? Just be sure to let me have my own fun too and we will see where it goes…" Rin smiled coyly.

"…Listen here, there is teasing, then there is giving false hope. And you're walking that very fine line a little too recklessly for my taste." Shirou replied. Rin laughed.

"I got you that well huh? Did you actually think you had an opportunity for the one true male fantasy of two women at once? Sisters no less?" Rin joked.

"…Shut it." Shirou looked at the road, still blushing red. Rin rubbed his back.

"Consider us even for earlier then." Rin smiled and reclined in her seat. Shirou sighed. "So, we have this huge city of scientific wonders all around us, where do you want to go?"

"I figured you had the master plan on the stops." Shirou replied. "I don't know this place very well."

"I do have my own places I want to visit, but I figured that a good apology would be to go wherever you want to go for the first day." Rin replied.

"Only real places I'd even want to visit around here would be the shopping areas, and maybe the arcades. I hear they are both top notch around here."

"Arcade, huh? You never struck me as a gamer." Rin replied.

"Not really; only real stuff I followed was a few fighting games. I pick up most of everything used or broken stuff that I could fix up. But I have a few good memories when I was younger visiting an arcade, so I figured it'd be a nice way to revisit them."

"I see… revisiting some good childhood memories, wish I could do the same, I was sheltered for a good portion of my life." Rin looked out the window.

"Then let's make some good memories for you here then." Shirou replied. "Those are the only two things I can think of that sound good to me; after that, you're in charge Tohsaka-sama."

"Keep that sarcasm in check." Rin warned. "I don't know… lets throw caution to the wind and explore as much as we can! Does that feel like a good idea to you?"

"Sounds like a plan to me. It's a big city and there's only one way to check it out after all." Shirou replied.

-Underground Shopping Mall, District 15-

"I… didn't expect you to… get that good so fast." Shirou mumbled in a defeated tone. They had just spent about an hour at a nearby arcade.

"Are you sure you don't want to go another round? I had trouble at first, but once you know the controls it's really easy!" Rin seemed extremely proud of herself as they walked in the underground mall. "Shirou, are you ok? You didn't get sick did you?"

"N-no, I'm fine!" Shirou replied, trying to hide the fact that his pride has been shattered. "Let's see… where to go next…" Shirou looked around, and then looked back at Rin, who seemed to of stopped walking and was staring at some kind of advertisement on the side of an electronics store.

"…Emiya-kun." Rin called out. "What… is a cell phone…?"

"…Please tell me you're joking." Shirou sighed. Rin immediately turned red.

"W-wait! Give me a chance… I know that cells are what make up everything… so… have they finally invented a telephone so small that it's invisible to the naked eye…? I wonder how the cables work… who would want something so small?" Rin thought out loud.

"…A cellular phone is just like a normal phone, but its wireless. They are battery powered, and sure they are small, but not THAT small." Shirou sighed.

"Wireless? Then how does what you say into it get from place to place?" Rin asked, still confused.

"The phone sends out a signal that bounces to cell towers, that then transmit your signal to where you're trying to call, it's not that complicated." Shirou answered.

"That sounds… like it would take a long time though…" Rin commented.

"…You are truly a girl designed for the past, aren't you?" Shirou commented, angering Rin.

"D-don't look down on me like that!" Rin shouted, turning away.

"…Would you want one?" Shirou asked.

"Why would I want a useless device!?" Rin shouted.

"You just seemed interested… oh, they're having a special." Shirou looked at the advertisement. "For any pair of contracts, phones are buy one get one free…"

"…So if we were both to get one, we'd get some kind of discount?" Rin asked carefully, trying not to embarrass herself further.

"Yeah, a big one. High-end cellphones aren't cheap; a buy one get one free special is big."

"I... if you want one, I-I don't mind being the other half so you can take advantage of the deal." Rin crossed her arms.

"…You know, it'd be better for you if you were more honest." Shirou replied.

"F-Fine!" Rin shouted. "I want one, ok!? Are you happy!?"

"Yeah, I like it when you're more honest with yourself, makes you look more mature than you already are." Shirou smiled. Rin turned an even deeper shade of red and started to push Shirou inside.

"S-shut up and let's get this over with, you idiot!" Rin shouted as they entered the store.

-Academy City Riverside-

The couple walked along the coast, eventually finding a patch of grass that was mostly flat. Across the river was a similar location. After their trip to the store, they wandered the mall on their little adventure, spending much more time there due to the vast amount of goods to look through. They eventually found a place to have dinner, and before long Rin suddenly said she wanted to see the river that travels through Academy City.

"I'm surprised they left this part all grass." Rin commented.

"Maybe they intended to pave it, and just decided the more natural coast banks look better?" Shirou replied. "Even a futuristic city like this one needs a little bit of natural beauty too, I guess."

"It certainly does look nice, contrasting new and old and all. Plus, star gazing on a grassy field is the best!" Rin abruptly fell on her back, looking up into the sky.

"Old school entertainment, huh?" Shirou smiled, sitting down next to her. "I'm surprised we can even see the stars here, are we that far away from the city lights?"

"We must be closer to some of the residential districts. They probably have much less lighting so people can sleep easier." Rin surmised. The two relaxed by the shore for a time.

"I still feel like something is off about this city." Shirou said. "But… I can't deny that I'm having a good time. Maybe it's that feeling that it's a fun place to visit but not to live."

"We are both used to Clock Tower; it's kind of tough to adjust from being in a place that celebrates magecraft to a place that seems to be completely against it." Rin sat up. "But… it's nice to be able to just relax and just be people every once in a while." The two shared each other's company for quite some time before something happened to interrupt their peace.

A boy of about sixteen years old with spikey black hair slid down the side of the bank, landing on the flat portion and started running. They didn't think much of it until a bolt of lightning shot out from just over the bank and hit the ground in front of him. Shortly after, a girl of about fourteen years old slid down the bank as well, seemingly chasing after the boy.

"Oh come on! I just got discharged from the hospital last week!" The boy shouted as he turned to face his pursuer.

"Stop whining, you know you can handle it!" The girl shouted back.

"That doesn't mean I want you throwing lighting-flavored death at me! Me being able to stop it doesn't make it any more pleasant!" The boy shouted back, and the girl started to spark with electricity.

"…A magus?" Rin asked.

"In Academy City? I doubt it… plus she's so young… even if she was a magus, amassing that much power would be way out of a young girl's league, right?" Shirou questioned.

"It would depend on the family… but that is unusual…" Rin questioned. "…It must be one of those espers we heard about when we flew in." As they spoke among themselves the duo across the river continued to shout at each other.

"H-hey! No need to spark everywhere, Misaka! Y-you already beat me, remember!?" The boy slowly stepped back, away from the girl.

"That was a hollow victory… and because you picked today of all days to make me mad…!" The girl gathered a large surge of electricity in her right hand and threw it; the surge forming into a beam of pure electrical power, flying straight toward the boy. Shirou stood up, preparing to step in, but stopped when the blast of lightning actually hit the boy.

Or at least, tried to anyway.

The boy threw out his right hand in front of him, and the blast smashed into it. Sparks flew everywhere, but after a short time, a shattering sound was hard. In an instant, the electricity vanished without a trace.

"…Misaka, seriously, I don't have time for this right now! If I'm home any later, Index will kill me!" The boy called out, despite his apparent ease at dealing with such a violent assault.

"…So die to her, or die to me! I guess you have to pick one!" The girl called out, unleashing more electricity, which the boy blocked again with his right arm. After the assault, the boy ran, despite the shouting girl who was now chasing him once more. It wasn't long before they were out of sight. Several flashes of light could be seen over the bank for quite a while; their fight was far from over it would seem.

"…What was with that?" Shirou asked, confused.

"Sounds like a lovers quarrel to me. No idea what it was about though." Rin replied.

"Seems a bit more intense than just a lovers quarrel…" Shirou scratched his head. Rin shrugged.

"Maybe that's just how they handle it here. Apparently ten percent of the population is an esper in this city, so maybe that's just how espers settle things with other espers."

"…That makes me more than a little better about the fact that we won't be here for a significant amount of time. I'd hate to have to settle little conflicts like that." Shirou commented. Rin stood up.

"Duels between magus aren't that uncommon, but are more for official disputes rather than relationship problems." Rin started to walk up the river bank. "I think it's time we found ourselves a hotel or something, it's getting late." Shirou nodded and followed her as they began their search for a place to stay.

-District 3, Hotel, Floor 4-

"The air in here feels so nice!" Rin practically cheered as she walked into their room, setting their luggage and purchases inside the room.

"It really seems like this place really goes out of its way to make people feel comfortable. You definitely found us a high class place, Tohsaka-san." Shirou commented. "The bed are super soft… you sure one for the two of us is fine?"

"Of course, I made sure that they gave us a large one and a good sized room with it, but that's not all…" Rin knelt down and opened up a mini-fridge, and pulled out a wine bottle. "Tada! I figured since you wanted a little bit more romance earlier, a little bit of this might help set the mood. Better late than never, right?"

"Little bit devious tonight, aren't you?" Shirou commented.

"Drinking age may be twenty here, but as you can see, a little bit of convincing can go a long way." Rin replied. "They must have just put this in… it's not very cold yet. The others I requested are probably the same way too..."

"I think I saw an ice machine downstairs. I can grab us a bucket or two of ice we can use to chill it." Shirou replied. "I have to make sure everything is right so you can get nice and comfortable, right? It's no fun if only one of us is in the mood."

"Oh my, just what are you expecting from this? Hmm?" Rin asked with a coy smirk.

"Not really expecting anything… think of it more like trying to earn it." Shirou replied.

"Trying to earn it huh? I think you're starting to understand women a little bit better." Rin commented, kissing Shirou on the cheek. "I'm going to take a shower, take your time. We have all night just for you and me."

-Undisclosed Location-

"Finally… I have everything I need…" A man in his mid-twenties said to himself as he set up a magic circle. He had jet-black hair and bright blue eyes, his outfit consisting of white pants and a black top, both of which looked rather impressive. His name was Hayden Avalon.

"Add the marks here… the symbols here… and it is now complete!" He said, standing back to admire his work. It was a large and very detailed magic circle. The area around him seemed to be arranged in a way to prioritize air flow, as he appeared to be in a very open area. "Finally… using the elements that this very city of scientific sin has created, I can put a stop to it."

He motioned his arms and the air flow increased. The ground below his feet rumbled a bit as the mage prepared himself.

"I know all of your secrets… Aleister Crowley. And I know one force you won't be able to stop. The absolute power of a god." He mused to himself as the air died down. "That's why Othinus was such a threat to you, right? So much so that you couldn't engage her directly. But with her effectively out of the picture, I know the perfect way to punish you…" The man once again motioned his hands as he gathered his mana, preparing for a spell of some kind.

"Something that not even you can deny. The power created from a Holy Grail War! And I'll bring it right to your face, you waste of human space. And when I'm crowned as its victor, I'll wipe everything you've created off the face of the earth, and take my own place in the realm of the gods!"