Reviews for The Illegal Grail War
Belial Hieronymus chapter 10 . 9/28
He may become Touma's waifu if you underestimate him, mind you, Index.
Belial Hieronymus chapter 1 . 9/28
And when Shirou and Rin enjoy their sweet time, Touma doing... Touma-things, misfortune strikes them all. Or prepares to, not that it's any different.
Sergio644 chapter 1 . 8/29
I wish touma would fucking really hurt misaka mikoto and tell here to stop annoying him. come on touma stand up for yourself from a child that can't do shit without throwing a tantrum other than that it's a great 1st chapter
KingAllen chapter 24 . 8/20
I don’t like the way you try to pair Saber and Touma
Even in the UBW Saber already developing feelings for in one of the ending Saber and have three way relationship with Shirou.
1740 chapter 14 . 7/14
I wanted to point out even though the fic is complete that as of 2019/20 the grand caster is merlin and as there is only 7 grand classes, one for each class that solomon couldn't be the grand caster, sorry for the nit pick I just finished watching fate/grand order babylonia
TheOneDino chapter 8 . 3/14
The way you wrote Rider’s and Accelerator’s dialogue was awesome. They clash surprisingly well and I’m thankful you chose this servant-master partnership.
TheOneDino chapter 6 . 3/14
Your fight scenes are consistently great. Please, keep it up.
TheOneDino chapter 2 . 3/14
Loving your take on summoning!
PUSSYSMASHER chapter 23 . 3/11
Also forgot to mention finishing it
That and good pacing; too many fics dilly dally and focus too much on details
I appreciate that you didn't do any of that nonsense
Also good on you for keeping everyone in character
PUSSYSMASHER chapter 24 . 3/11
Read all the way through, fantastic job!
Not many writers on this site do original plots in cross-overs, and even less write them well and entertaining.
Spectacular work.
RandomPudding chapter 24 . 2/13
This was a really great ride from beginning to end.

Great fucking job.
N2 chapter 24 . 1/24
Great story I would love to see some type of sequel or even a crossover with FGO where Touma is a second master at cheldea.
Spooke125 chapter 13 . 1/9
The noble phantasm that allows you to use all of your weapons from your life is called "Tools of the Trade"
thetyrant67 chapter 24 . 7/19/2019
This is one of the best Fate crossovers I've ever read. I'm also happy it has a sequel.
sondowth chapter 3 . 6/21/2019
Well Imagine Breaker has blocked similar and sometimes more powerful supernatural attacks before. So Touma being able to block Excalibur's sword brains possible as the only known ways to negate Imagine Breaker is for the spell's speed rate being faster than it can be negated or being too powerful. Cutting the arm works though it could potentially unleash the power that is sealed up by Imagine Breaker. Now against Ëa...
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