It ran through my devious mind a while back, what it must have been like for a normal healthy teen-aged boy to grow up surrounded by the most beautiful women on the planet.And to not really know what to do about it.even with Ada's gentle lecture. A WARNING: Please take the "R" rating seriously as this is a pretty frank discussion of sex.

Estel looked up at his brothers with a sheepish grin on his face. "Well, I guess it is my turn to go fetch the arrows."

"Yes it is!" said Elladan ruffling his foster brother's hair. "And make sure you find all of mine!"

"And mine too!" added Elrohir with a grin. The two elves trotted off the archery field as Estel turned to collect the arrows the three had shot on the practice range.

It took him almost an hour to find all the arrows and of course, there were two of Elladan's he could not recover. And knowing the long arm of his brother's archery, Estel went deeper in the surrounding woods to look.

As he brushed aside pine needles and dead leaves, he heard an Elvish maid singing and he stopped to listen. The song, though he did not recognize it, was heartbreakingly beautiful as were most Elvish songs. Momentarily distracted, he decided to seek out the singer. Why someone would be singing alone this far from the house was a mystery.

It didn't take him long to find a lone she-elf sitting by a small waterfall, holding a flower, her head thrown back. She sang her heart out in a shaft of sunlight coming through a stand of maples surrounding the pool of water the fall emptied into.

She was entrancing. Her long brown hair hung loose down her back, her grey eyes closed. The green dress she wore had golden threads running through it and they picked up the sunlight and warmly reflected on her throat.

Estel did not want to disturb her, but he could not help himself. "Lady, why do you sing here unattended?"

Startled, she dropped the flower she was holding and turned to him. Her grey eyes flashed a moment in irritation and then a small smile crossed her face as she saw it was the Lord of Imladris' 15 year-old foster son.

"Estel. I am singing here because," she stood and went past him, "I wanted to be alone." Estel watched her graceful movements as she went through the trees. Quickly picking up the flower she dropped, he put it inside his jerkin.

"Wait lady, I would walk with you if you are going back to the house." He immediately decided he would weather his brothers wrath over the unfound arrows to follow the elf-maid.

"All right, you may accompany me. I am Fanuiriel."

"Fanuiriel. That is a beautiful name."

"Thank you Estel." She pointed at the arrows. "Practicing your archery I see."

"Yes! I did well today! I hit the target every time! Well, almost every time."

"Excellent! You must make Lord Elrond very proud. I hear you are quite a swordsman and a tracker as well."

Grinning, Estel brushed his hair out of his face. How wonderful that this she elf knew about his accomplishments! "It was easy to track you!"

"I was not hiding! I was just singing."

"Do you not sing in the Hall of Fire?"



"Perhaps." She smiled at the ground. "If I get inspired."

"You sing songs of your own making?"

"Yes. I love the old songs, but sometimes, they do not do enough for my soul. I yearn for something more."

The young man nodded. How poetical she sounded! He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye just as they were nearing the archery field. And she was very beautiful.

"Oh look young Estel! Here are some arrows! One in the bush and one on the ground near it!"

Estel stared at the two shafts. They were Elladan's.

"Thanks my lady for finding these! They were the only ones missing!"

"You are welcome young one." Smiling, she brushed a strand of her long dark hair behind a delicately pointed ear.

Estel just sighed and followed her back to the House.

As they stepped into the main hall, Estel bit his lip and then took Fanuiriel's right hand, bent and kissed it a bit hard. The she elf winced slightly, but did not pull her hand away. "Thank you for your help my lady. And the pleasure of your singing!"

"You are most welcome Estel Elrondion." She curtsied and went down the hall, leaving a waft of violet scent in the air.

Estel sighed deeply and went to the armory to return the arrows.

Later that evening, Estel was sitting in the library, watching the nearby candle flames wavering on the window glass before his face.

He had looked for Fanuiriel in the dining hall but had seen no sign of her. And it had been a bit embarrassing, because Elrohir, glancing up from his meal had frowned at him, "Estel, you will get a kink in your neck with all the strange positions you are putting it through. Are you looking for someone?"

"Ah, no, no, no one in particular. Just seeing who is here." Estel hoped his blush was hidden by the dim candlelight.

Elrohir had just nodded, but Estel missed the thoughtful look his brother had given him.

Which brought him here to the library. He had followed his brothers and father to the Hall of Fire and had lingered by the door while the others entered and mingled with the elves already there. He had waited for some time for Fanuiriel to enter, but she did not.

He turned with a disappointed sigh and went into the library, where he found himself staring at the windowpane.

Lately he had noticed how very lovely the Elvish women were. They walked like the wind blowing through the trees or like rose petals drifting down. And they smelled so nice...and they were shaped so nice too.

He lay his head on his knees. He wished one of them would pay attention to him. Him alone. He had watched how his brothers had smiled and talked with some of the elf maids. He had even watched Lord Glorfindel make some shy she-elf laugh.

"I wonder if I can make a she-elf smile?" He thought. "And maybe she would hold my hand and tell me...well, I do not know what." The young man pulled his head up a moment, to brush some hair out of his mouth. And as he did, he found a small piece of chicken in the corner of his lips. Brushing it away angrily, Estel sat up and leaned his forehead against the cool glass. Maybe, well maybe he could talk to Fanuiriel tomorrow. Maybe find her out in the rose gardens.

As he sat there, a hand was placed on his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin. Heart pounding, he turned to find the thoughtful gaze of his father upon him.

"Something troubling you Estel?"

He smiled a little weakly at his father and turned to the window again trying to make his heart slow down. "No, nothing Ada. I am fine."

Lord Elrond looked at his human son appraisingly. He appeared fine, but his furrowed brow said otherwise. He brushed a hand across the creased forehead and said softly, "Tell me, my son."

Estel turned to him and gazed into his father's deep dark eyes. Deep as the night sky outside the window. They were so very black and only the faintest glimmer of light twinkled in them.

Realizing his father would not let him go unless he said something, he shrugged.

"I was just thinking about, about, well how beautiful the she-elves of Rivendell are."

He swallowed and closed his eyes briefly. There he'd said it. Now Ada could begin to laugh...or lecture him. Whatever he decided. He dropped his head again to his knees.

Elrond smiled, went and got a nearby chair and brought it to his son's side.

"And what of their beauty?"

"I-I...well nothing. I just noticed is all."

He lay a hand on Estel's back. "Is there one particular she-elf you find more beautiful?"

Fanuiriel's face briefly crossed his mind and he smiled slightly. "No, not really. They are all quite, well, beautiful." He sounded soft in the head to himself and he winced.

Elrond leaned back into his chair a moment considering his Edain son. Ah, so that was what was beginning to trouble him.

"Do you wish you were...close to one she-elf more than another? That she paid special attention to you, more so than to any one else?

Estel turned his head sharply. Exactly! How did Ada know that? "Yes."

"Do you feel differently?

"A-a little. Not too much. Sometimes, at night. Before I go to bed."

"And in the morning?"

Estel felt a blush creep up his skin. He had never told anyone about that, not even Elladan and Elrohir. It was much too embarrassing.

His father missed none of this. He realized with a start that Estel's maturing was so much quicker than a young male elf.

"It is perfectly normal Estel. It means you are becoming a man among your people. You are old enough to not only take on the responsibilities of an adult male, but you are old enough to be a father as well."

Watching the confusion cross his foster son's face, Elrond tipped his head up towards him.

"How can I be a father? Don't I have to be married for that?"

"That is the preferred arrangement, yes. But you can be a father without being married."

The confusion grew and Estel opened his mouth not sure what his father meant.

"Do you know how you can be a father without being wed?" Elrond asked gently.

"N-no." Estel brushed his hair back and sat up biting his lip.

"You have watched a stallion cover a mare, have you not?"

Another deeper blush crept up like water rising in a cistern over Estel's face. Elrond brought a hand to his cheek. "You have, haven't you?"

"Yes Ada." He desperately wanted to hide. This conversation was making him very uncomfortable and he unconsciously shifted on the bench.

"A man and a woman may be joined in a similar fashion and from this joining a baby may be produced. It is more often in humans, I believe, than it is with the elves. The way your body is in the morning sometimes, that is the condition with which you may enter a woman's body and get her with child."

Estel wanted to run now.

He nodded quickly. Agreeing with Ada might just get him to change the subject.

"Yes, oh of course I understand father." He had a sudden inspiration. "I have heard ta-talk in the armoury and practice rooms. And in the hot springs too."

Mindful of the boy's-the young man's future he added thoughtfully, "Though I hope that is many years away."

"What is?" Estel was so stunned by having this conversation with his father, he could not think

"Marriage and fatherhood."

"Marriage and fatherhood? No Ada!! Do not worry. I do NOT want to get married! Not ever!! I want to slay orcs like my brothers and be a healer like you and-and, none of you are married so---"

Estel swallowed dryly. Of course he knew Ada was married. And he loved and missed Celebrian very much! What had he been thinking to say something like that!? He buried his head on his knees, clenching his hands behind his neck.

There was silence, and then Estel felt a hand on his hair.

But he was afraid to look up. He wanted more than anything to go to his room now.

He glanced up and saw very briefly, a faraway look in his father's eyes and then, his gaze settled warmly back on Estel.

"I-I guess I will just go to my room and finish up my journal entries on the herbs you gave me today."

"All right. But if you need me for anything Estel....anything at all, do not hesitate to ask."

"All right Ada. I will." Estel got up awkwardly from the bench and brushed off his tunic. Elrond waited for him and the two left together in companionable silence.

Fanuiriel waited in the rose garden near the central courtyard of the House, watching for one of Elrond's sons to leave.

It was Elladan whom she saw first as he quickly took the stairs, pulling on his riding gloves, cape snapping behind him.

She went up to the elf and smiled, matching his stride as he went to the stables.

"Good morning my lord, and what will you be doing this fine day?"

"Good morning to you Fanuiriel. I shall be going to one of the upper farms to check on the apple harvest. And perhaps, to sample some of last year's cider!"

"And where is Elrohir?"

Elladan stopped and smiled at he she-elf. She had been quite attentive this last year or so. "He is helping father catalogue herbs."

"Would you like some company to the apple orchards?"

Elladan smiled. "Why that would be very pleasant."

Fanuiriel smiled and they continued on to the stables. Elladan went on ahead to get his stallion Thoron. He had missed completely that Fanuiriel was dressed for riding and swiftly got a mare saddled and ready to go.

As the she-elf joined the patient Elladan, she smiled her most winsome smile. This would work out very well indeed!

In a moment, the two were off and across the bridge.

Estel, having just entered the central courtyard as they left, frowned slightly as he saw Fanuiriel laughing at Elladan, her dark hair flying and floating in the morning light. Where were they going? And why were they going there together?

Suddenly the day went flat and Estel, shoulders slumping, went and got his horse Angren and slowly went on the errand for his father to inspect the laying hens of the chicken coops of the lower valley.

Elladan was quite enjoying the company of Fanuiriel. She was witty, entertaining and was an excellent rider.

When they got up to the apple orchards, Elladan helped her off her mare and as he lifted her, Fanuiriel with a twinkle in her eye, bent and kissed the young elf on the cheek.

Laughing he set her down. "What was that for?" "For luck, and it is a beautiful day!"

"It is indeed. Come let us go find Dalinin who will tell us all about the apple harvest and perhaps, let us sample the cider!"

"I would like that!"

Elladan listened to the elvish apple grower attentively as he described the varieties of apples grown and how much of each was on hand. Which apples were stored and which used for pressing into cider.

Elladan asked questions (having done this before) while Fanuiriel grew more and more bored. Apples! She much preferred grapes, especially ones from the fingers of an attentive elf.

Finally, Fanuiriel lagged further and further behind the two elves.

As they crossed a courtyard overshadowed by gnarled trees, she got an idea.

Smiling rather wickedly, she easily hopped the split rail fence the three had been following and surveyed the orchard she stood before. There! There was the tree that would do nicely!!

"Elladan! Dalinin! I am going to rest here amongst the trees. When you are finished, I shall be waiting!"

Both waved to her in a friendly fashion and she waved back.

Finding the highest tree, she quickly climbed into the upper boughs, testing the successively narrower and thinner branches with her weight.

Ahh the perfect one!

She clambered out on it and surveyed the ground from a rather alarming height. Oh well, it would be much more believable. Going back down to the thicker branches, she waited patiently for Elladan and Dalinin to return.

At last, she saw them coming. Elladan was holding a pitcher of cider no doubt and was talking Dalinin who was laughing and holding a small picnic basket.

Timing it just right, Fanuiriel climbed out on the thin branch and waved excitedly, "Hello! Here I am!" She bounced on the branch a few times and with a sharp intake of breath, she heard the branch beneath her crack and she plummeted towards the ground with a shriek.

Hoping that Elladan and Dalinin saw everything, she cried out even louder as her left arm inadvertently hit the tree with a sickening crunch as she fell.

Elladan and Dalinin both shouted and ran for her.

Elladan half caught Fanuiriel as she dropped and the two of them fell to the ground in a messy tumble.

"Fanuiriel! Are you hurt?" Elladan asked breathlessly.

Fanuiriel did not have to pretend to moan and she rolled her head from side to side. "Oh, my lord, my-my arm!!"

Elladan immediately knelt next to her and gently moved her left arm which, made her hiss in pain and brought tears to her eyes.

Dalinin said, "I have medical supplies here, or would you prefer to take her to your father?"

"I will need to at least temporarily splint the arm to get her down to the House."

He turned to Fanuiriel and brushed her disheveled hair off her face. "This is going to hurt some Fanuiriel, but I must do this until I can get you to father."

Nodding, she blinked back tears and had to swallow a smile with another piteous groan. Elladan was so concerned! This was wonderful. Though the broken arm had not actually been a part of her plan!

But he had been right. By the time he had finished splinting her arm, she was half-fainting from pain.

Dalinin lifted her and Elladan sprinted for Thoron. Fanuiriel's mare would come down to the stables later.

Taking the small she-elf from Dalinin, Elladan road with all haste back to the House. Looking at Fanuriel's pale face glistening with a sheen of sweat, he shook his head. Whatever could she have been thinking of? Surely she knew that branch was too thin to hold her? Was it merely foolishness or had she been distracted?

But his reasoning did not satisfy the nagging thought that Fanuiriel had been up to something. But what it was, he could not fathom.