Chapter 1

In the Outlands of Vale stood alone a Huntsman whose name is regaled as one of the best huntsman of the time despite barely being out of Beacon Academy for a few years.

Qrow Branwen stood on the edge of a cliff looking down at the site of what brought him to the inhospitable lands outside of Vale. There he could see a crater with the scorched of life suggesting the initial impact along with the size and depth of the crater itself, being an uncontrolled fiery descent.

His hand slipped behind him pulling out his ever constant flask of liquor, with a quick swig and the comforting burn, he jumped from the cliff.

Using ledges along the side of the cliff, he maneuvered down to the forest floor his shoes crunched down in the charred splintery remains of trees that were blasted from the impact. Qrow paid it no more heed then he needed too and proceeded to the crater itself.

As Qrow looked down in the blackened soil, he could smell a strange scent in the air both sickening and sweet, the hair on the back of his neck immediately standing up.

His hand unconsciously reaching on the handle of his sword, ready to strike anything or anyone that may come at him. He looked around him, not moving a single muscle, ear straining to pick up the barest of sound that would betray another's presence, there was nothing yet still the feeling of being watched couldn't be shaken.

"There are so many other things I could be doing right now, but noooooo Ozpin wanted me to check out some rumor about a stupid crater in the stupid Outlands." Qrow mumbled to himself as he takes another gulp from his flask, finally letting his instinct calm down. The strange smell from before no longer remaining in the air, with that Qrow stood at the lip of the crater.

"Shit I could have chatted up with that waitress at the Inn yesterday; she looked pretty good in that skirt." Qrow thought aloud as he slowly slid down the side of the crater.

His foot hit something, hard, flailing his arms a bit around to steady himself and at the same time keeping his flask from falling. Qrow finally looked down to see what looked to be a metal container of some sort.

Bending down he shifted earth to get a better look, after a few moments of tedious work, Qrow stood back to look at what he had uncovered. To him it looked to be a metal pod with a glass front, the size was big enough to fit Ruby, who had just turned one.

A small smile tugged at his mouth as he thought of his nieces and best friend, and how happy they were, though with that happiness, a spark of sadness came.

He still didn't know what his sister was thinking in leaving but she better well have a damn good reason.

Though Summer had thankfully stepped in to help Taiyang in his moment of need and now he had Ruby along with Yang.

He shook his head to dispel his current train of thoughts to take out his scroll to take a picture and send it to Ozpin. To him it looked to be incredibly old, rust covered almost all of it, whoever was in it must have left it a long time ago, the metal his foot had hit had practically crumbled at contact.

Though it wouldn't explain why the impact sight still looked fresh, taking in a deep breath he could still smell that faint charring of wood. There were too many inconsistencies in this and it was starting to annoy Qrow.

A response from Ozpin shakes his scroll, he had replied stating his thanks and letting Qrow know he could return home, Qrow snorted in response upon reading.

As he turned to walk away Qrow couldn't help but notice at the top of the container was what seemed to be a two headed bird.

Qrow shrugged as he turned away and left the crater, the shifting of soil upon his departure once again covering the empty pod obscuring it once more.

14 Years Later…

In the small town of Avalon, not far from Vale stood the humble household of the Arc Family, there Alexander Arc and his wife Arabella, with their eight kids, seven girls and a lonesome boy lived out their lives.

The oldest daughters were Katherine and her twin Mina both twenty four years old, though Katherine was mostly absent from the home due to her now being a huntress.

Mina on the other hand had a small Bakery in Avalon but is also well known in town for having a hotheaded attitude to anyone that annoys her. More than a few were surprised that she didn't become a huntress as well.

There has been more than one occasion where she's been seen literally throwing people out of her bakery when they do something they shouldn't have in front of her.

The next girl, Sepherina who was twenty two, was a teacher at the local Elementary school; she tended to be the motherly figure of the home whenever her father and mother were out of town on missions.

The next are the triplets of the family, Helena, Claire, and Miriya who were all eighteen attended the local high-school as seniors and on the hunt for colleges.

Though they would rather spend their time partying and hanging out with their friends then school hunting, however the thought of bringing their mother down on them was enough to keep up the work to avoid proverbial death.

After them comes Nessa the youngest girl, at the age of twelve she's the one that everyone is keen to come protect at a moment's notice. For Nessa was in fact adopted at the young age of six by Alexander when he was returning from a mission in Vacuo, Alexander couldn't bring himself to leave the poor girl.

As a testament to Arabella's caring nature, the moment she had seen the young girl she had immediately wrapped her arms around the young orphan proclaiming that they'll be there for her.

The family immediately had taken the purgative in protecting the Faunus member of their family. Several instances of violence have occurred when they've have been on family outings and one of the more action orientated members of the family took issue to a not so subtle remark a stranger might say.

Alexander has gotten very acquainted with various members of the Vale Police Department when he was forced to pay for bail.

Lastly the second male of the family, Jaune, he's often teased for how he looked so much like a girl in his early childhood.

Often shown proof by the numerous photos of him dressed as a girl. Though he denies ever enjoyed it but he'd never truly fight back when forced to do things like that because no matter what he loves his family and would do anything for them.

Along with that he had learned numerous skills over his short lifespan so far that some men would ridiculed as being too feminine, such as cooking, sewing, hairstyling, dancing, and being adept at massaging. However there's one contention that's been surrounding the home of late, Jaune wants to become a Huntsman.

"I don't get what's wrong with me wanting to become a Huntsman." Jaune said as he pushed around his food at dinner.

The girls at the table remained silent mostly to avoid getting dragged into something that could turn into a fight. His father, who was calmly drinking a glass of water, set it down and looked at his son. Alexander Arc was a giant amongst men, standing at seven feet five inches, his physique in-between that of a bodybuilder and swimmer, close cropped blond hair, ocean blue eyes, and a scar that ran down from the corner of his right eye to chin.

"It's dangerous; you can get hurt, or worse killed, barring that you're not ready to go to Beacon or the likes."

"Yea but I've been training physically and if you or mom help then I could work on my swordsmanship" Jaune plead, his fork clattering onto his plate, and stood up looking into his father's eyes.

A feminine hand gripped his shoulder, Jaune turned to see his mother looking at him with her light blue eyes, and her face was slightly oval, her platinum blond hair going shoulder length, standing slightly smaller than at 6 foot 3 inches. She easily could have been mistaken for one of his sisters not the mother of eight and a huntress.

"Sweetie we know you want to become a hunter but it's just too late now, you're too old to attend a combat school like Signal, and if you applied to Beacon you'd never be able to hold yourself up in comparison to those kids who've trained for years to your year and a half." Jaune deflated with each word she said, turning away so she or his father could see the tears brimming his eyes, his hands clenched and he stepped away from her.

"Why won't you guys believe in me, I don't want to be a cook, or a farmer, or anything else. I just want to protect people and the people I love; I just want to be like you." With that he walked out of the dining room, ignoring his mother calling for him to come back.

The Arc household was a two story home, nothing fancy as some would have in Vale or Atlas but it was comfortable, or well comfortable as a ten person household could get.

As Jaune walked up the stairs he looked back to see Crocea Mors hanging on the wall. The sword had been in the Arc family for generations. The ancient blade that was forged centuries ago has seen action in every major conflict for the last three centuries.

He starred longingly at it wishing to continue the legacy of the Arc Family as many have done over the years. His parent's words echoed in his mind and he turned away before more tears threaten to spill over at their lack of support to his dream.

Jaune knew that no matter what he said that he would never convince his parents to support him like that. Instead Jaune had started planning out a while ago a plan to get into Beacon Academy, one of the most renowned schools in the world that trains Huntsmen and Huntresses. There he could live his dream and show his parents that they were wrong.

So Jaune had prepared by getting in contact with someone from the shady side of society to hook him up with fake documents to get him into the school. It had cost a lot of money; he had sold off the entirety of his beloved X-Ray and Vav collection and used almost all of his savings.

However he stilled had enough to get to Vale and by extension Beacon. The hardest part for the time being was escaping the house without getting caught, and to add onto that he need a weapon and probably some armor.

Jaune opened the door to his room, a simple room with the bed opposite of the room and a desk at the foot with a book and lamp sitting on it. Several shelves attached to the right of the door now sparse with his comic collection now gone. Jaune went to his closet and took out a duffel bag and stuffed two sets of spare clothes, undergarments, and other toiletries, last to go in was his baby blue bunny onesie.

With that he tucked the bag under his bed and lied down on his bed, taking out a pair of white headphones and set his play-list to random, waiting for the right time to move.

Jaune jolted up in his bed, music playing out of his headphones which had slipped off his head and now dangle off the side of his bed. He crawled to the bottom of his bed and hit on his lamp. There he could see a plate covered in foil and knew that his mom must have left it there while he was asleep.

Under it he could see something sticking out from the bottom of the plate and slipped it out from underneath. He opened the piece and paper and smiled sadly, his mother was asking for him to forgive and understand that they don't want to hamper his dreams.

With that being said, they don't want to see him get hurt at the same time, and in the morning they'll start talking about giving him a few lessons and train him a little.

However he knew that he would not meet his end of such a promise for when morning comes and his mother or one of his sisters come to get him, he would be long gone.

Jaune looked at the clock on his desk; it was half past one, time to move. Reaching down for his bag he slipped the straps over his shoulder and slipped out of his room. Turning the light off as he opened the door so that no light bled into the hallway.

As he stood in the darkness waiting for his eyes to adjust a bit, he saw that no light was on in the other rooms. With shoes in hand he slowly crept down the stairs, careful not to send any unnecessary creak of the stairs as he let his weight settle on them.

Soon he was in the living room and looked up at the wall, there sat Crocea Mors, Jaune tentatively reached out to lift it off the wall. He hooked it into his belt and made his way to the garage; there he could possibly find some spare armor that his father may have lying around to use. Jaune reached the door to the garage; before he could grasp it there was a creak above him.

He froze, was there someone getting up, did someone here him, was he going to be caught before he even left?

He wasn't sure but he held still, still in the motion of reaching out for the handle of the door, sweat beaded his forehead. His heart beating against his chest as if it was trying to break out of him and flee in terror of may come. He stood there for a minute, two, three, he wasn't sure but after an agonizing while he slowly released his breath.

He opened the door to the garage and stepped in, the cool air of the garage hitting him like an unwelcomed guest, as he slowly closed the door behind him, Jaune flicked on a set of lights to navigate.

Tracing his way across the wall he looked at the wall to see various sets of tools stacked neatly, whether it was on a hook, a bin, or drawer, he knew his father was a man who kept a tight shop. He always did tell Jaune that it's wise to respect the tools they use for they're always there when one needs them be it mundane or glorious but an ill-kempt tool will fail a man when he needs it most.

Jaune stopped when he saw his father forge locker, opening it softly once again to avoid any sound that may issue from the hinges. Jaune looked to see a large ornate scabbard, the width being nearly six inches and the length almost a meter and a half long. It was covered in a dark ebony leather stretched over a blacken wood piece, the only sign of decoration on it being a golden bird with two heads pointing left and right in the center.

However there was nothing in the scabbard, he remember vaguely of Katherine telling him that Alexander had broken down his sword and reformed it to a smaller version to give to their mother.

It was after their first mission together in the Outlands, mom had a brand new long sword, while dad had used the remains of his old sword to make a glaive. Stating he wanted to honor people from his past, though he never mentioned who they were and what they meant to him, to Jaune or his siblings.

Next to the glaive stood his father's incredibly large golden suit of armor, there stood a massive ornate chest piece with the same symbol from the scabbard, above it lining the neck was a gorget, below it was a smooth plackart.

Lining the shoulders were large pauldrons with neck guards forming over the inside. Going down was a rerebrace that connected to a couter and vambrace, a gauntlet was attached to the vambrace with metal stubs on the knuckles.

Connecting to the plackart was a segmented fauld that had a red cloth was placed between it with the placket that spilling over the armor. From the fauld a three layered tasset ran down. Underneath the tasset, there was a cuisses that covered the top of the thigh, connecting with it was poleyns. Below that was a greave that went down to connect with sabatons.

Jaune however saw in the corner of his eye, a set of white plates, nowhere near as ornate or protective as his fathers but enough to give rudimentary protection to his chest and arms.

Soon he had slipped the plates on, they felt slightly loose and heavy but he figured it was just because of being unaccustomed to it. Now armed and armored Jaune turned the lights off to the garage once more and slowly navigated his way to the door leading outside.

As he slipped outside the cool air embraced him once more as a long lost lover, Jaune took a deep breath and started down the path leading him to the front of the house. Looking up Jaune could see that no one was awake, with a silent goodbye he resolved to himself to return one day to make amends to leaving them like this.

Several Hours Later…

If Jaune had to pick three things he hated most in his life, number one would be people who hurt those he loved.

The second would be flying due to the severe motion sickness he gets when he's on something that flies.

The third would be the classic bully, he hated people who picked on others who were too nice or weak to fight back. Though to be fair he normally was the one getting bullied so the third one is a bias pick. Alas Jaune now looked at his most second hated thing of his life.

"Fuck me…" he whispered, though apparently he wasn't as quiet as he thought he was when a young blond turned to him.

"Not even in your wildest dreams." Jaune blushed and looked away both out of embarrassment of getting caught and the fact that she was a really attractive, like a hundred out of ten kind of attractive.

He looked back at her only to see her giant mane of brilliant golden blond hair swaying away, only then did he notice the shorter girl in a dark red cloak standing practically conjoined to her hip.

Jaune shrugged and walked up the ramp into the airship as a man walking to his death. He stepped into the main section of the ship after following the signs posted on the interior walls; there he could see a bunch of people.

Some of them seemed to be color coded, again he saw the blond bombshell hugging the short girl in the red cloak, and she was saying something. Jaune couldn't tell what exactly she was saying from where he was standing. Whatever it was must been upsetting the smaller girl for she had a forlorn look on her face.

Jaune proceeded farther to the back in hopes of finding a corner where he may avoid the attention of anyone when he experiences his own personal hell.

As he walked by he could see another pair of teenagers, one a short but bubbly girl with orange hair chatting animatedly with a stone faced boy with a lock of pink hair.

Jaune did a slight double take at that, thinking what on earth he did he do to get something like that. As he looked at the boy he didn't realize where he was walking and the next thing he knew he bumped into something hard, the cold sensation of metal brushing his cheek quickly before falling onto his ass.

"Watch where you're going punk." A voice growled out, Jaune looked up to see the sneer of a tall teen with burnt orange hair starring down at him, the guy wore a dull gray armor, a bird with outstretched wings lay in the center.

For a moment Jaune saw a flash of his father's armor, guilt waved through him. Before he could croak out a reply the teen turned away muttering about be surround by freaks. Jaune got up brushing the back of his jeans off, only then did he notice a red hair girl looking at him slightly, the look in her vibrant green eyes was one of curiosity and pity.

"Great not even a day in and I've been teased by a cute girl, looked down on by another guy and garnered the pity of another girl." Jaune groaned softly to himself.

"Things could seriously not get any worse." At that point Jaune knew he fucked up, a ding could be heard and a voice came over the P.A. system.

"Welcome aboard ladies and gentleman we'll now be taking off to Beacon Academy." The sudden jolt of the ship leaving port sent his stomach into a panic dive; the only alteration was the dive was heading up. His hands slapped against his mouth, and he chanted in his head to not throw up on any of the people around him.

After a moment of avoiding complete and utter disaster, Jaune made his way to a small corner and sat down, groaning as he rested his head against the cool metal of the ship.

He sat there eyes heavy, and smiled despite the war going on in his stomach, he's one step closer to becoming a hero, but with that thought came a sense of guilt, he looked at Crocea Mors.

This blade of his ancestors and heroes was now in the hands of a liar and cheater who took the easy route into a school to fight monsters, save people, and in general be heroes for others to look up too.

He however could never really be a hero, a hero was someone like his mom or dad, both have a dream life with a loving spouse, a good house, a healthy family. Yet at the same time they can arm themselves and go out fighting and potentially dying to give others the chance to have a life much as their own, with hard work, determination, and a good heart.

Sure Jaune could argue that he's determined to go through the extra mile to get a place in Beacon, where he could fight and die to help people becoming the Hero that the Arc Family is known for.

However did he really do it to become a hero for others or did he just do it so that he specifically can be the hero?

Anymore of his thoughts were cut off when his stomach jumped up to his throat once again and only then did he notice that they were landing, he jumped up hands covering his mouth, his brain screaming to let his bile escape and end the torture.

The blond from before had also come up to him with the cloaked girl probably to chat with him or something but she withdrew immediately when she noticed his anguished face and hands covering his mouth.

"I swear if you get any vomit on me or even worse in my hair, I'm going to rip a hole in your stomach so the next time you vomit it has less distance to travel." She said a hard frown on her otherwise beautiful face; Jaune could have sworn her lilac eyes even had a tinge of red in them when she said that.

Jaune ignored her and ran as fast as he could when the doors open and found the nearest trashcan to release his contents into. He could hear people laughing behind him, probably at him, as he closed his eyes he added that onto the list of ever growing failures.

He then looked up at the bright blue sky behind the Academy, placing his hands on his hips; he could feel a smile bloom onto his face.

"Welcome to Beacon" He said, just before an explosion goes off in the courtyard in front of him.

Jaune may have screamed like a girl for the briefest of seconds before clearing his throat and looking to see if anyone saw him do that. Looking at the source of the explosion he could see a cloud of smoke with what appear to be lightning going off and the sound of ice breaking apart. Jaune once again knew he'd spoken far too soon and with a heavy sigh he let out the short summary of what may come.


Hi folks, hope you haven't gotten your pitchforks out and decided to come and castrate me. Let it be known that the story will in general follow canon events. This may not be to the liking of some who expect a completely different series of events. Which I understand but you'll have to forgive since this is my first published fanfic I'm sort of using it as rails.

With that being said there will come a point when I'm confident enough to start venturing out on my own. So I won't say when it jumps off that track but once it does, you'll know it.

(Spoiler you're gonna have to wait a few chapters.)

Anyways feel free to leave a review or even PM me whether its criticism, a compliment or even just a random thought that you'd like to see added in at some time. Anyways I hope you enjoy the trip.