Hi! I don't know if anyone will read this but I got bored and decided to post this story I had lying around. It's quite short and I probably won't continue because I'm not good at doing stuff like that. I also realise in the whole story I didn't mention Cally's name once! Oops!

Do you want to know who has the worst luck at Camp Halfblood? Well the answer's pretty obvious: Percy Jackson! But I swear I'm at least in the top 5!

The first words my mother ever said to me were "Are you sure you're my child?" How's that for a family reunion. Feeling the love mom!

My dull blue eyes and slightly squished up face don't really mark me as a child of Aphrodite but did she really need to tell me that the second she saw me! Bit harsh!

But to be honest I don't really care that much! Why would I want to be the daughter of a prissy little b-!

The worst thing about being the daughter of Aphrodite is definitely the cabin. The smell of perfume is enough to stun an elephant and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is the brightest shade of pink you can imagine! You practically need sunglasses.

Like most children of Aphrodite my scent isn't really strong enough to attract monsters so I'd be fine going home in the school year but following my streak of bad luck my dyslexia (what bastard invented that word anyway?!) is too strong to even read! I see my Mom about once a month but it's hard to keep a stable relationship with someone you haven't lived with since the age of ten.

At the moment my lifelong dream is to discover why the fuck the gods have such confusing names! Like seriously it took me 3 years the learn how to spell Poseidon! My other dream is to become ruler of the world but that one's quite far off at the moment.

As the winter solstice was quite near by there were very little campers, only one other Aphrodite kid and he was 4 years younger than me (I'm 15) and a brat.

Like normal I had a small breakfast of toast, getting two slices and sacrificing one to mom, taking pleasure in the fact that it was completely plain. As I ate I mentally wrote a story in my head and debated whether I should write it down in my notebook or not. Soon breakfast was over, today I had sword fighting then Ancient Greek.

I lifted up the only sword I actually liked, as a child of Aphrodite I wasn't naturally strong and I hated hand to hand combat, preferring a bow and arrow. I swiped at the dummy but the blade only went in about an inch. I mentally screamed but kept quiet, not wanting to look like an idiot in front of the two arguing Nike children.

In Ancient Greek I somehow translated 'the anger of one' into 'the ducks are naked' but apart from that the lesson was uneventful.

You might be expecting me to tell you how later a Ginormous monster came crashing in and I defeated it single handedly but nothing like that happened. The most interesting thing happened was when I bumped into a boy. He held out a hand to help me up and I felt a spark of electricity. It was because we were standing in front of the Zeus cabin. That place just radiates static.