Author's Note: This story is a tribute to the (Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age),

also, this is my first fan fiction story so don't hold back, give me your personal feedback or opinions on the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to this game or story, all rights belong to (SQUARE ENIX Developers), but I do own everything that is OC related.


Devine /Demonic Speech...

Inner Thoughts / Flashback story / Story Progression...

Locations / Time Skip...


"In ancient times, long before the Dynast King, when all different races were young,

there was a Man and a Women that were adventurous freedom seekers,

who were born with Mythical Elder Gods blood,

they would later go on to unite all the races of Ivalice against a common enemy."

"The Fallen."

"An ancient clan of banished Elder Gods who wanted to destroy all things that existed in the world of Ivalice, all in order to challenge the Elder Gods authority.

But each time this Man and Women would oppose them time and again with their Godlike power along with their influence over the thirteen Espers.

Thus with the final battle, they banished the Fallen Gods from the face of Ivalice and sent them screaming into the dark reaches of Oblivion,

to forever more curse them as the God slayers of Ivalice."

"Afterwards the races of Ivalice crowned them, the Dynast Emperor and Empress of Ivalice.

Thus, the races of Ivalice under their benevolent rule, they brought in a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity to all across the World of Ivalice.

However, this Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity would not last as they suddenly disappeared from the face of the World as though they never existed.

In so was their legends passed on into myths and their Myths into fairy tales."

Year 688

Continent of Ordallia

The Kingdom of Dalmasca

It was a horrible stormy night, lightning, thunder, strong winds, and heavy rains had come down all across the Giza Plains of Dalmasca,

which had forced many animals, predators, creatures, and humes alike to take shelter from the very harsh weather that was taking place.

The only Hume village that was settled within Giza Plains seem to be the only untouched area where the storm would not tread, or rather like the storm itself

acted as a protective shield around the village, and within this very village a woman was crying out in excruciating pain, she was in the mist of giving

birth to her first and only child, but for some reason, she felt more in pain than she could have possibly imagined in her entire existence.

"Come on my dear hang in there, just a few more pushes and you'll be done!" said an elderly female doctor of the village.


yelled the screaming women, who was pale as a ghost and was crying tears of blood while being supported as well as watched over by two other village

women, suddenly a cloaked figure in all black came into the hut.

"How is milady doing," said the cloaked figure in black.

"Not good she's lost a lot of blood, it's like some unknown force is draining the life out of her, but she's almost there"

said the elderly female doctor.

The figure just nodded and proceeded to stay still as to not get in the way of the birthing process,

that was until another figure in all black came in and whispered "everything is ready" into the first figure's ear,

afterword's the first figure in black dismissed the second figure in black who then proceeded to leave out of the hut,

while the first figure in black was pondering about what to do next.

"Elder Gods if you can hear my prayers, please, please let this child live" thought the figure in black in a moment of silence.

"Come on my dear, give me one big push!" said the elderly female doctor.

Thus with the last bit of her strength the woman that was giving birth had, gave out one last blood-curdling scream and at that exact moment the horrible

storm that was hovering over the Giza Plains had suddenly subsided, and in its place were the crying echoes of a newborn baby.

After a few moments of cleaning the newborn child of all the blood and fluids.

"It's a boy, a beautiful healthy baby boy!" announced the elderly female doctor.

The cloaked figure in black then took a few steps forward.

"Does the boy have it?" asked the cloaked figure in black.

The elderly female doctor looked at the cloaked figure in black for a moment, and then looked back at the baby boy who was just finished being wrapped up

in a white clean blanket by one of the village women.

Once the village women were finished she stepped aside to let the elderly female doctor look at the newborn.

She then proceeded to close her eyes and begin checking for any unusual signs with her left hand while holding the newborn with her right hand.

At first, she didn't feel anything with her analysis magick until she felt an unusual power residing within the newborn,

when all of a sudden the elderly female doctor snapped open her eyes after feeling an overwhelming power push her back,

thus making her release her left hand on the newborn child immediately.

"So does the boy have it or not?" asked the cloaked figure in black.

"ye...yes," said the elderly female doctor in a somewhat scared tone.

Once those three letters left the doctors lips, a wave of relief washed over the cloaked figure in black.

The figure in black immediately dropped to one knee and put his hands together in silent prayer to the Elder Gods.

"Elder Gods if you can hear my prayers, thank you, finally my wait has ended." and with that thought said, the figure in black got up and walked over to get a

better look at the newborn, but within that instant, the weakened woman who gave birth to her child asked if she could touch her child since she

could no longer see or move and the last bits of her energy was all but gone.

The doctor and her two village assistance's immediately took that as a sign to leave the hut, so the doctor laid down the child right next to her and proceeded

to leave the hut, leaving only the cloaked figure in black and the dying woman on the bed with her newborn baby boy next to her.

"My sweet little boy, I've waited so long to hold you in my arms and care for you as a mother should, but alas I am not long for this world and won't be able

to watch you as you grow up, I just hope you can forgive your father and me for leaving you with such a horrible burden, so please, please grow up into a

young man who is accepted by others and in turn wants to protect something that's important to you," said the now-dying woman, as she reached around

her neck for her crest and with a sharp tug, removed the crest to place on top of her newborn child, but in the process of placing the crest on her child, the

newborn instinctively reached out and clutched his dying mother's fingers, the mother then started shedding tears of blood once more, not in pain, but in joy.

"Vaan...your name...will be Vaan," said the dying woman, as she began to smile a little at her now named child.

She then proceeded to turn her head towards the direction of the cloaked figure in black.

"Please...I ask of over my son...keep him safe...from those that do him harm...I trust no one else with this task...but you,"

said the dying woman.

The cloaked figure in black proceeded to pick up the now sleeping Vaan, separating him from his barely alive mother.

"I will milady, I shall keep him from harm, I swear it, until the day my body returns to the soil of Ivalice its self." said the cloaked figure in black.

"Your words...put me at ease, sorry to leave old friend." and with those last words, Vaan's mother passed away.

After a short bow of silence, the cloaked figure in black turned around and carried a sleeping Vaan in one arm through the door of the hut

and into the middle of the small village, where the other compatriot in black had been waiting on the back of a Chocobo while holding the reins to another

chocobo, along with the elderly female doctor of the village who was holding a freshly lit torch in her hand, while her two female assistance's

were standing right behind her.

Once the cloaked figure in black had reached the group, the cloaked figure handed off Vaan to one of the doctor's assistance's then turn towards

the doctor and took the torch from her and proceeded back towards the hut.

Once in front of the hut, the cloaked figure only said two words "Forgive me" and then proceeded to throw the torch into the hut setting it on fire.

Once back on the other Chocobo with Vaan in one arm and asleep, the cloaked figure in black turned towards the other compatriot in black

and motioned with their head towards the doctor and her two assistance's, the compatriot then threw a large bag of gold towards the elderly doctor

who in turn caught it.

"That should be enough to cover your expertise and your hut three times over as well as extra to keep your silence," said the cloaked figure.

"You two don't have to worry about us or the village, just get going before the Dalmascan patrols get here," said the elderly female doctor of the village,

who had a sad smile on her face.

The cloaked figure in black nodded then turned and whipped the reins on their Chocobo who "kweh!",

thus taking off into the night along with their other compatriot in tow.

To Be continued

Author's Note: Like, Love, Hate, Favorite, Follow, Don't care. Just give me some feedback and ill keep rolling out longer posting as soon as possible. ;)