Hey, Chapter 30 is finally posted! I'm sorry that it took so long for me to post an update, but I sorta lost interest in the story for a moment there, and my other story as well as the schoolwork and collegework was occupying my time. Nevertheless, I'm finally here with an update. This chapter is mainly going to be focused on Frieza and what's been happening while the heroes have been hiding. So here we go!

All around the world, the citizens of the different cities were each experiencing a disaster of their own. While Frieza's assault on Earth and the utter devastation he dealt to the S-class heroes was bad, one could say that the damage dealt to the cities was arguably much worse. Due to the heroes being spread so thin and the monster executives ordering their more powerful monsters to attack throughout the globe, there simply weren't enough heroes to deal with them.

The four S-class heroes had initially done their best, but once they retreated to fight Frieza, it left the rest of the monsters to roam free. In W-City, Marshall Gorilla had defeated Heavy Kong despite only being a Tiger-level mysterious being. In D-City, Lightning Genji was unfortunately unable to defeat his two opponents, Maiko Plasma and Electric Catfish Man due to their unique electric immunity. In I-City, Hundred-Eyes Octopus was destroying the city, eating concrete buildings and any unfortunate people who might've been inside the cities. About 15-20 A-class heroes had been sent to kill the monster, and while after a very long battle they'd been able to defeat it, it had come at the price of of not only the lives of several civilians and three of the A-class heroes. In an unknown city, the sadistic dominatrix Do-S was turning heroes and regular citizens into love slaves, and she was just barely stopped by the efforts of Fubuki and the Blizzard Group and forced to retreat. But perhaps the most unfortunate of these attacks was at City-Y, where the monstrous vampire Pureblood had slaughtered hundreds of citizens with no heroes strong enough to stop him. Everything that these monsters had in common were two things: they were from the Monster Association, and they were disaster level Demon.

After a while, they'd returned to the Monster Association due to previous orders from Gyoro Gyoro to return to the Monster Association headquarters after causing enough damage to the hero cities. Of course, some of the monsters had stayed in the cities longer than others. It was the next day, and at the Monster Association, most of the monsters were becoming restless.

At the center of the headquarters, in the throne room, many of the monsters were standing, conversing with one another. According to Gyoro Gyoro, the plan was for the cadres of the Monster Association to go with Orochi and Gyoro Gyoro to go on an unknown mission which they would return from the next day. But the next day had come, and they hadn't returned. Additionally, they'd been told that part of the plan was for Elder Centipede to capture a hostage, the son of a Hero Association benefactor named Waganma, but he hadn't returned either.

Standing at the center of the room were the next most powerful members of the Monster Association, such as Phoenix Man, Do-S, Awakened Cockroach, Bug God, Royal Ripper, Gale Wind, Hellfire Flame, Pureblood and a few other Demon-level monsters. Growing tumultuous on the different balconies of the headquarters there were multiple weaker monsters, wondering what they would do without the leadership of Gyoro or the strength of the cadres.

"You wonder what's going on here?" asked Awakened Cockroach. "I mean we followed orders, what more do they want from us?"

"Their plans interrupted me from properly feasting on the populace of City Y," said Pureblood, "And they don't even have the decency to return from their little mission? The only executive that's still here is that big mutt!" Pureblood pointed to the dragon-level hound that had been left behind as extra protection, and also because it would've been harder for them to bring him along due to his large size and limited intelligence. At the moment, Overgrown Rover was simply sitting quietly in the corner, lying on his stomach with his paws lapped against one another.

"Where the hell are the rest of the executives anyway?" said Bug God, "I know for a fact that Elder Centipede wasn't one of the executives who went on the mission with the others, so why hasn't he come back? Is he trying to search for the child?"

"No..." The other monsters heard the whisper of Phoenix Man, who had been relatively silent ever since he'd come back. His neck was craned downward, and he appeared to be in some kind of shock. "Elder Centipede was ready to capture the hostage, when... he came."

The other monsters gave each other confused looks. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"There was a man!" The one who spoke wasn't Phoenix Man, but instead Sludge Jellyfish, who'd also been there to witness the death of Elder Centipede. "A bald man! He came running out of Elder Centipede's mouth! He tore him from the inside out!"

One of the other Demon-level monsters, Super Mouse, couldn't believe what he just heard. "No way! An executive defeated like that?"

"What's even more," continued Phoenix Man, "He didn't even appear as if he was trying to kill him! And once he killed Elder Centipede, he took care of Senior Centipede and Rhino Wrestler like nothing, both of whom were also Demon-level mysterious beings."

"So what?" The one who spoke next was Royal Ripper, who didn't appear even the slightest bit disturbed over what he was hearing. "They just got careless, that's all. It just goes to show how weak they really were."

"Don't be an idiot, Royal Ripper," said Bug God. Royal Ripper shot the insect monster a venomous look, and held his blade up to the monster's face. "The only reason I don't slice those mandibles off your face is because you're one of the only guys here that I sorta like. But call me that again, and it won't just be your mandibles I cut off."

"Fine," replied the insect monster, "But whoever this guy is, we can't just ignore him."

"Bug God's right," continued Super Mouse, "The executives are in that position for a reason. They're the strongest of all of us. If that man was able to kill Elder Centipede, he's gotta be S-class level at least."

"And who knows where he is or what he's doing!" Phoenix Man yelled with fear in his voice. He knew the limits of his power, and without any way of protection by the other Monster Association executives, he'd be helpless against S-class heroes. "Until Gyoro Gyoro, Orochi and the other cadres return, we've got to be ready for whatever the Hero Association might have in store for us, or even something worse!"

That "something worse" was already on his way to City-Z. After having a good night's rest and having some quality breakfast, Lord Frieza had decided to investigate what Zarbon had told him the day before about the high power levels accumulated in this unknown city. At the moment, Frieza was sitting calmly in his hoverchair, and flying beside him was Zarbon, the Ginyu Force, and about 20 other foot soldiers.

"How much time until our destination?" questioned Frieza.

"It shouldn't be more than a few minutes, my lord," replied Zarbon.

"What do you think we'll find once we reach there?" said Captain Ginyu.

"It's hard to say, but I have high hopes." Frieza recalled the many unique monsters he came across when the welcoming party came to greet him. Each of them had very interesting abilities, especially that Black Sperm. If he was fortunate, they might come across a few monsters with such unique abilities.

The time quickly passed, and coming into view across the horizon was City-Z. As the members of the Frieza Force looked upon this human city, they couldn't find anything remarkable about it. The architecture wasn't anything to comment on, and none of the buildings appeared to hold any advanced machinery or something that stood out. Perhaps this would be easier for the heroes than they thought.

"Everyone turn on their scouters. Change the settings on the scouters to target the energy levels with the highest readings." The Frieza Force soldiers immediately followed his order and turned on their scouters.

On the ground, the citizens of City-Z were attempting to go about their day as if nothing was wrong, but they knew that this could never be the case in the city they lived in. Famously known for being one of the cities with the highest number of mysterious beings, these people only had brief intervals of silence before another monster came in and wreaked havoc across the city. Even more, the citizens had only just recovered from the damage dealt by the meteor, and now after the multiple mysterious being attacks the day before, most of the citizens were shell-shocked, while only some had enough nerves to continue with their lives.

On the streets, the citizens were walking on the sidewalks, when a child noticed several dots appearing in the sky.

"Hey look! Up there!" A few people bothered to pay attention to what the kid said, but once the objects were coming into view, that number multiplied, and the people began to shift nervously while quickly whispering to one another, trying to figure out exactly what it was they were seeing. As Frieza and his minions hovered only a few meters from the street, the citizens grew even more restless, while some began to quietly sprint away from them. After a few seconds of awkward silence, one of the more brave-hearted civilians spoke up. "Who're you supposed to be?"

Frieza looked at the civilian for a moment and softly chuckled. He stood up from his hoverchair and met eyes with Captain Ginyu. He waved his hand toward him, and Captain Ginyu quickly flew up to him. "Is this where the high energy levels are accumulated?" said Frieza softly.

"That's correct, my lord," replied Captain Ginyu, pointing directly beneath them. "Many of them are gathered below us. It's unclear why exactly that's the case. Perhaps they're having some sort of important meeting."

"Yes, that seems like a good assumption." Frieza stood up and softly floated out of his chair, eliciting several more small gasps of shock from the spectating citizens who'd chosen to stay. But what happened next was enough to get nearly all of the remaining civilians to run away in terror: from the palm of the Space Emperor's hand, a ball of energy was formed. That ball of energy quickly descended onto the road, creating a very large blast that sent concrete flying in all directions. A few blocks of the concrete flew at Frieza and the Ginyus, but they were able to effortlessly dodge or destroy these concrete blocks.

Now, these space pirates weren't quite sure what to expect hidden underneath the road, but none of them were expecting to see this monumental spiral column with very advanced architectural designs. Despite this, for some reason, there was some sort of slime and glue over metal sheets. This presumably meant that despite the building's advanced design, it was still quite aged and was starting to fall apart in some areas. Frieza squinted his eyes to try and see at the bottom of this very large spiral staircase, and what he noticed were several forms huddled together.

"I believe we have found what we are looking for." Frieza's smile came to cover his entire face as it widened with giddy anticipation. "Let us deliver them a proper welcome."

The Ginyus and Zarbon straightened their bodies and obediently shouted, "Yes sir!" The space pirates proceeded to gently float down, taking note as they were going down the several different hallways that spanned throughout the headquarters.

"Recoome's head is spinnin'," said the Ginyu Force member. Once the aliens started to come into the view of the monsters standing at the bottom, many of the Demon-level mysterious beings began to take defensive stances. Many of the other weaker monsters began to tense up and quietly whisper to themselves, wondering what exactly was going on here.

"What a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" shouted Frieza. The Space Emperor and his minions stopped their descent once they were about 5-10 meters from the ground. Once they did, each of them began to look around them and really eye what they were looking at. At the bottom of this impressively large spiral staircase, there was a throne room, only without a king to sit in it. "I noticed that there is a very large seat in the center of this room meant for a king. But," Frieza innocently held his hands out and stared at the other monsters, "It appears none of you have taken up the mantle! So, seeing as how I wouldn't want that seat to remain empty, it seems only fitting that "someone" should take that seat." Frieza didn't bother to wait for any proper responses and quickly flew to the throne, where he calmly rested his bottom and eagerly smiled at the other monsters while putting his fingers to his chin.

"Well that's a rather bold move," muttered Phoenix Man, having seen many monsters with overinflated egos but still surprised that this monster would take such a defiant action, as if to say he was already ruler of all of the monsters in this room.

"Who are you?" said Awakened Cockroach, "And how did you know about this place?"

"Since you are all so keen on acquiring my identity, I will assuage your curiosities." Frieza stood up from the throne and took a stance in which he extended his arms and bent his back slightly forward. "My name is Lord Frieza. I am the Emperor of the Universe, and I have voyaged to your planet for my own curiosity and to determine whether there is anything of interest. I was greeted with great alacrity from-"

"Hold on," interrupted Royal Ripper, holding his blade arm up to Frieza, "The hell does "alacrity" mean?"

"Who inquired?" Frieza took a second to search the crowd of monsters and saw the monster in question holding a blade up to him. The Space Emperor squinted his eyes and attempted to study the monster, and the first thing he immediately took from him was that he had a thirst for blood. Being a fervent sadist himself, he could sense killing intent, and while the other monsters did indeed have killing intent, that monster there took it to a whole different level. "To answer your question, "alacrity" means great enthusiasm. And the ones who greeted me with such alacrity were none other than the Hero Association and a few other monsters such as yourself." Hushed whispers began to spread like wildfire through the crowd of monsters. Even the Demon-level mysterious beings felt their hearts skip a beat. It didn't take a genius to put the pieces together and determine that Orochi, Gyoro Gyoro and the rest of the executive members of the Monster Association had already met with this Frieza. "Unfortunately for them, they were unwilling to display any hospitality, so I had no choice but to eliminate them all."

This was the last straw that caused the monsters to erupt in tumultuous panic. Some of them broke out in nervous sweats, and a few of them even had a nervous breakdown. Likewise, the Demon-level mysterious beings felt a few shudders of dismay go down their spines. They all knew the amazing power the executives of the Monster Association possessed. If what Frieza was saying was really true, then none of them stood a sliver of a chance against him.

"That can't be true!" shouted Sludge Jellyfish, "The executives are too powerful to all be eliminated!"

Frieza innocently shrugged his shoulders. "I expected the clouds of doubt to shroud your minds, so I decided to bring something that would clear those clouds of doubt and make you come to terms with the power I possess. You see, I did manage to bring a little souvenir from the battle. Captain Ginyu, if you would? The souvenir is in my hoverchair."

"Yes, Lord Frieza!" Captain Ginyu went up to his master's hoverchair and quickly found was he was looking for. He quickly threw it to his master, who caught it and held it out for the other monsters to see: it was the severed head of Orochi, the leader of the Monster Association.

"I believe this is the head of your king who once sat on this throne I'm standing on now," said Frieza, relishing the looks of fear and the aura of terror emanating from most of the monsters in the room. "I must admit, he possessed quite some power, as did the other monsters who accompanied him. Well, for most standards. But for my standards, I must say that they came exceptionally low. To his misfortune, his power simply was not enough, and it only took me using one hundredth of my full power to eliminate him." Frieza failed to mention that Orochi came dangerously close to ending his life and that he needed to transform to access his full power, but failing to mention this only served as fuel for the terror and hopelessness that struck the hearts of the monsters.

"Now, knowing monsters such as yourselves, I can assume that even after all of this, some of you may still harbor doubts and insist on defying me, so I will now demonstrate just a fraction of my power to all of you in this room." Frieza held his finger up in the air and kept it there for a few seconds, confusing the monsters and heightening the intensity of the atmosphere as well as further adding drama to what would happen next. From his fingertip, a tiny ball of orange energy formed. That orange ball of energy began to swell up like a balloon, gaining mass and potency by the second. In no less than 10 seconds, the ball of energy had become large enough to encompass the entire upper ceiling of the room and reach up to the lower levels of the spiral staircase.

The Space Emperor grinned, and flicked his hand into the air. The ball of energy instantly soared into the sky, and mere moments later, exploded in an absolutely stunning fashion. While the energy ball exploded well above the city, the force and brightness of the energy blast was enough to reach the underground base. Many of the buildings of City Z began to shake, their foundations being loosened by such quaking, and a few of the smaller buildings even fell apart. At the bottom of the headquarters, many of the monsters had to shield their eyes for a few moments. Once the light died down, they slowly turned their heads back to Frieza, who was basking in the glory of his power and their fear.

"Not only am I capable of producing such potent energy blasts," continued Frieza, "But the energy coursing within me grants me immeasurable stores of strength. For instance," Frieza craned his arm back. He then proceeded to yell loudly and throw a punch to the spectating monsters. Fortunately for the monsters, this punch didn't make contact, but the force of this single punch created extremely high-speed gusts of wind. These gusts of wind threw all of the monsters off of their feet and caused many of the pillars in the room to shatter, which in turn caused the floors that were supported by these pillars to fall apart, destroying a few floors of the headquarters in the process.

"So for any of you smart monsters in this room who might've been suspecting or theorizing that while I do possess the ability of energy projection yet lack any physical prowess or hand-to-hand combat abilities, I regrettably inform you that you are mistaken." In a dramatic move, Frieza shot his finger up again into the sky and shouted, "HOWEVER! While many of you may be fearful that I am here to end your lives, I am here to assure you that this is not the case." Frieza decided to make another dramatic move and floated off of his throne and into the center crowd of Demon-level mysterious beings. He stared at the monsters for a moment and proceeded to walk into this crowd. The monsters immediately backed away to let Frieza walk unobstructed. The Space Emperor walked through with his hands held together behind his back, as if what he were doing were a routine inspection.

While he was walking, he was taking close-up looks at many of the monsters. He took great interest in the monsters and how unique their appearances were. As he was looking at these monsters, one of the first ones he took notice of was a monster with a showerhead for a head. "Well, well," said Frieza, standing in front of Showerhead while the other monsters took a few steps back, "I've never seen a creature with such an interesting design as yours. What is your name?"

"Ummm..." Showerhead took a few seconds to compose himself, since he was still afraid of Frieza and the power he possessed. "My name is Showerhead, and I'm a Demon-level threat."

"Well, that name certainly isn't original, but what was that last part you said? "Demon-level threat"? What exactly does that mean?"

Showerhead cleared his throat and straightened himself to give a proper response, "Well, many of us here categorize our power through certain rankings originally created by the Hero Association. The order is: Wolf, the weakest ranking that can barely put up a fight; Tiger, a threat that can cause minor disruption; Demon, a very powerful threat that can threaten an entire city; Dragon, an extremely powerful threat that threatens multiple cities, and the most powerful level is God, a threat that endangers all of humanity. The executives were all dragon-level mysterious beings, while most of us here are demon-level mysterious beings."

After hearing this, Frieza chuckled with delight and a sense of pride. "So I'm assuming I'm the first God-level threat you've ever come across." Showerhead slowly bobbed his head up and down. "Excellent. And let's see what your power level is..." Frieza targeted his scouter to Showerhead and widened his eyes at what he saw. "12,000! Not bad at all. Now then, who else..." Frieza resumed his walking and decided to measure the power levels of everyone else, and came across several very impressive results: 15,000, 20,000, 17,000, 22,000, and several more power levels ranging in the ten thousands and bordered on the twenty thousand marker. But he quickly was met with a surprise when he came across two warriors that had power levels of 30,000. These warriors were two youthful humanoid individuals, with one of them having long wavy blonde hair and the other having short and spiked black hair. "And who might you two be?"

"My name is Gale Wind," said the warrior with blonde hair, "And this is my partner, Hellfire Flame."

"I noticed your power levels are a few thousand above your associates. I'm assuming you're Demon-level mysterious beings though?"

"Well, yes," replied Hellfire Flame, "However, this isn't the fullest extent of our power."

"Is that so?" inquired Frieza, "Well if you wouldn't mind, please reveal to me the fullest extent of your power."

The two ninja monsters did as Frieza asked and began to unleash the restraints put in their human forms. As they allowed the power gained from the monster cells to be unleashed, their bodies began to morph and twist in size. Gale Wind's teeth sharpened, his skin gained black markings. his hair began to stand up on its ends, his scalp sprouting and his eyes began to twist like a lizard while his pupils momentarily disappeared. Hellfire Flame's teeth also sharpened, and his eyes twisted like a lizard as well while his pupils disappeared. The monster's veins pulsated as his body was supplying the power it needed to transform. His fingers sharpened into deadly claws, and his entire body was now imbued with burning flames.

On the scouter, the power levels of Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame drastically rose to 60,000, which only served to excite and please Frieza. "My, my! It appears you were holding back quite some power! Without you telling me, I'd say your power in this form makes you both dragon-level mysterious beings?"

"That's correct," responded Hellfire Flame.

"Very impressive." Frieza looked at the two transformed monsters, but then, a dark object hidden behind them caught Frieza's eye. Frieza walked through the two ninjas, who quickly shuffled out of the way, and chuckled when he saw that this was a large dog. "And what is this canine?"

"That's Overgrown Rover," answered Super Mouse. "He's an executive member of the Monster Association and a Dragon-level threat. Not only is he immensely strong, but he also has the ability to fire powerful energy balls."

Frieza scanned Overgrown Rover's power level, and let out one of his signature "oh-hohs". "His power level is 100,000! What an extraordinary find!"

The Ginyus and Zarbon let out gasps of disbelief. "100,000?" said Jeice, "That's almost as powerful as the Captain!"

"How could a dog become so powerful?" questioned Recoome.

"How indeed..." Frieza then directed himself towards the rest of the demon-level mysterious beings in the group. "All of you undoubtedly have power and abilities that could be very useful in my army. Now, I'm unsure of the reasons why you've all come together to create this organization, but I can make a few guesses." Frieza lifted his hands up and proceeded to float into the air. "I myself am an active pursuer of power, pleasure, and dominance. I have gained these things through my empire and the power I possess, but in order to properly run my empire, I require soldiers. Soldiers who will obey my orders and will enforce my rule without question. How they enforce my rule and what they do in their free time matters not to me. All that matters is getting the message through to my conquered subjects. If you join me, I can assure all of you that not only will you be able to enjoy yourselves and quench your thirst for blood, but through my training and my resources, I can make you all even stronger than before. Even strong enough to reach the level of Dragon." Frieza looked up at the rest of the monsters standing quietly on the balconies. "As for the rest of you, as long as you are strong enough to pull your own weight, you can still have places in the Frieza Force where you can live and do as you please under my rule. So I GIVE YOU A CHOICE!"

Frieza held out his palms to the monsters and calmly smiled. "Option number one: you pledge your loyalty to me and officially become members of the Frieza Force, where you will mostly get to live the lives you want with a few exceptions. Or..." In his right palm, Frieza formed a purple ball of energy. "You can attempt to challenge me right here and die a slow and painful death. Which will it be? Either way, I will get some form of reward." The chamber was deathly quiet. All of the monsters were processing everything that they'd just witnessed and trying to figure out what they could do. Based on everything they'd just been shown, if any of them tried to fight Frieza, it would be a complete slaughter. So what choice did they have.

"Alright!" The first one to break the silence was none other than Royal Ripper, who didn't seem fazed at all by what he'd just seen. "As long as I get to cut up as many people as I want, I don't have a problem with it. Will you make sure I have plenty of victims to satisfy my killing urges?"

"But of course," said Frieza, "And what of the rest of you." The room remained quiet for a few more seconds. Then, out of nowhere, one of the monsters in the crowd shook its fist in the air and softly shouted, "Frieza!" Another monster decided to follow up and began chanting as well. Soon, many of the monsters joined in the chant, until so many of the monsters had joined in the chant, that even the Demon-level mysterious beings in the middle of the room got caught up in the chant. The loud chants echoed through the very large chamber.

"FRIEZA! FRIEZA! FRIEZA! FRIEZA! FRIEZA!" In the air, the Ginyus and Zarbon were surprised by this sudden change of tone and decided to join in on the fun, so along with the rest of the monsters, they chanted their master's name with joy.

In the center of the room, Frieza felt like he was walking on sunshine, being given praise and glory by the weak and knowing that their fear of him was controlling their minds and their actions. It was everything he'd come to enjoy about being Emperor of the Universe. Now, he'd gained control of hundreds of monsters and at least a dozen soldiers as powerful as his right-hand man.

"At last, everything has come together so elegantly. Planet Earth is now in the palm of my hands."

Looks like the Monster Association has officially integrated with the Frieza Force! Now that they're serving Frieza, what do you think will happen as Frieza continues to assert his control over the planet and quickly displays his dominance to the human populace? What will the other heroes do? How strong will they get? What happened to Garou? How long will the heroes wait until they decide to fight back? All of these questions will eventually be answered in Chapter 31 of The Space Emperor's Siege!