Six Months Later
"Tell me."
"Not a chance."
Lorelai Gilmore frowned at Rory. "You have to tell me!"
"No, mom. You'll have to wait."
"But, Rory! You know full well that not telling me things is like starving me of oxygen. We share everything!"
Rory laughed softly. "We aren't telling anyone the names until the babies arrive. Technically we haven't even chosen names yet, since we don't know the sexes of the twins."
"But you have four names, right? Two for boys, two for girls?"
Rory nodded, shifting her position on her mother's sofa. The two of them were spending the day mocking old movies the way they had when it was just the two of them against the world. Lorelai refused to leave Rory alone for too long with her due date rapidly approaching. "I'm still not telling."
Lorelai pouted. "Then I'm cutting you off."
"What? Mom, no!"
"Yup. No more pop tarts until you give me names."
"You wouldn't."
"Oh, I would. I'm not above a bit of blackmail."
The front door banged shut and Rory craned her neck to see who had walked in.
"Ok, who's blackmailing who?" Logan asked as he waltzed into the room, loosening his tie as he walked.
"Mom is holding my pop tarts ransom for the baby names."
"Wow, you still haven't told her?" Logan asked, a smile hovering around his lips. Rory shook her head with a laugh. "Jeez, Lorelai. You must be going crazy."
"You have no idea. Tell me. For the love of all that is sacred, someone tell me the names!"
"Such a drama queen," said Rory, as she made an attempt to sit up. Logan and Lorelai were by her side in an instant.
"Don't get up, ace. What do you need? I'll get it."
"I need to pee, guys. Unless you've magically found a way to do that for me, then I have to get up. Although, I think I need a crane to hoist me off here."
Lorelai grabbed Rory's arm. "Here, let me help."
Logan reached over and caught Rory's other arm, and between the two of them they managed to help Rory get to her feet.
Rory's mouth fell open. "Oh, my…"
"What?" Logan and Lorelai spoke in unison.
"I don't think I have to pee anymore."
Logan raised an eyebrow. "What? Why?"
Her cheeks turned pink as she spoke. "I think I already did."
Lorelai glanced down at the wet patch that was spreading down Rory's legs. "Uh, Ror? Are you sure that's not your waters?"
The panic in Rory's voice was unmissable. "Logan?"
"Yeah, ace?"
"I think the babies are coming."
"Are you sure?"
Rory suddenly doubled over as a contraction hit. "Argh!"
Lorelai rubbed Rory's back. "I think that was a contraction."
Logan staggered backwards. "Oh, my God. The babies are coming."
"Didn't I just say that?"
"What do I do?"
Giving him a little shove, Lorelai took control. "Logan get the bags. Rory, honey, I'm gonna grab my phone to call Luke and then we are going to the hospital, ok?"
Rory nodded, her eyes wide as Logan rushed to grab the bags from Rory's old room. Lorelai gave her arm a gentle squeeze. "It's gonna be fine, hon. Just try to stay relaxed."
Lorelai ran to the stairs, taking them two at a time as Logan returned with Rory's bags. He yelled up the stairs as he passed. "Hurry up, Lor!"
Reaching Rory, he dropped the bags at her feet as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead gently. "You doing ok, ace?"
"I think so…" Rory trailed off as another contraction ripped through her stomach. "Uuugghh."
"Another one?"
"Yeah," Rory panted as the pain subsided. "You ok, Logan? Don't faint on me."
Logan smiled ruefully, shaking his head. "A guy faints one time… You know the doctors said I'm fine, ace. Clean bill of health. No passing out here."
Rory laughed softly. "Ready to meet our babies?"
"You betcha! Lorelai, are you coming?"
Lorelai raced back into the room carrying towels. "For the car. Luke's meeting us there and your dad is on his way. Let's go!"
Rory managed a tired smile. "I know."
"Just wow," Lorelai sighed softly as she cradled the tiny bundle in her arms. "Those eyes… Gilmore eyes."
"Isn't she beautiful?" Luke asked from behind Lorelai as he reached down to hold the baby's tiny hand in his.
"Uh-huh." Lorelai turned to Logan. "Swapsies!"
Logan grinned and the two of them awkwardly shuffled the babies they were holding, until Luke sighed. "Give her to me, while you take him."
Rory laughed. "It's not pass the parcel, guys."
"Oh, Logan, he has your eyes." Lorelai murmured.
"Can you give me and Logan a minute, please?"
"Sure hon." Lorelai gently placed her grandson in Rory's waiting arms. "We'll go find my mom, and your dad. Logan, are your parents here yet?"
"No, they won't be long."
"Ok. We'll be back soon, ok?"
Rory nodded as Luke and Lorelai slipped from the room. Rory shifted in her hospital bed, making enough room for Logan to slide next to her with their daughter. "Logan, we never thought we would have one of each. How are we going to pick their names?"
Logan grinned happily. "You pick, ace. I loved all four of those names. I can't choose."
Rory was silent for a long moment. "I can't choose, either."
Logan stared down at his daughter sleeping peacefully in his arms and pulled his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. "Well, how about a pick and mix?"
"Take both names we had for the girls, and the two for the boys and just have your favourites. Instead of Richard Christopher and Hunter Mitchum Luke, we could have Christopher Luke. What do you think?" Logan explained, reaching out to tenderly stroke his son's cheek.
Rory smiled widely. "I think I know what it should be."
"I trust you, ace."
"I love you, Logan." Rory whispered, as she reached up to kiss her husband. Then raising her voice, she turned to the door. "Mom? I know you're out there."
The door slowly opened as Lorelai stuck her head around the corner. "Does that mean we can come back in?"
"Of course. Did you find dad?"
"He's just making a call to Gigi. Grandma is on her way."
"Good. Can you and Luke come in? I want to introduce you to your grandchildren, properly."
Lorelai smiled excitedly. "With their names?"
Rory laughed and nodded. "Mom, Luke, I'd like you to meet Hunter Richard Gilmore and Lorelai Emily Gilmore."
Lorelai burst into tears. "Lorelai?"
"I had to keep up our tradition, didn't I?"
Luke held out his arms. "Can I hold her?"
Rory nodded as Luke scooped baby Lorelai into his arms. "Hello, Lorelai." He swung his gaze from Rory to his wife and smiled. "You have some big shoes to fill."
"The names are perfect, guys. Hunter and Lory."
Rory raised an eyebrow. "Lory?"
"Well, you're Rory and I'm Lor, so it seems like a good fit for a nickname, don't you think?"
Logan pushed himself up from the bed. "I'm just gonna go call my parents, Rory. Luke, can you show me where the payphone is? My battery is dead from all the pictures."
Luke didn't raise his eyes from staring at baby Lory. "You can use my phone."
Logan moved to his side and tugged at his arm. "I'd really like to grab a coffee too," he said, giving Luke a pointed look.
Finally catching on, Luke nodded. "Uh, yeah, sure. Here, Lor. Take the baby."
The two men exited the room, leaving Rory alone with her mother. Lorelai chuckled. "That was smooth."
"But thoughtful."
"Yeah, it was. Logan's a good guy."
Rory stifled a yawn. "So, how does it feel to be a grandma?"
"As long as they don't call me grandma, it feels amazing. Are you tired, hon? Cause we can go."
"I'm exhausted, but stay. You can watch them while I sleep."
Lorelai nodded and gently placed baby Lory in her cot as she scooped Hunter out of Rory's arms. "Rory?"
"How does it feel to be a mommy?"
Rory's eyes fluttered closed as she sighed gently. "The best feeling ever."
"Hey, you're awake."
"Logan? Why is it so dark?"
"It's the middle of the night, ace."
"Oh. Did I sleep through your parents visit?"
"Yeah. Mom said not to wake you. They weren't here long. They'll be back tomorrow."
"How are the babies?"
"They sleep like their mother."
Rory shifted in her bed until she was sitting upright and leaned over to stare at the sleeping faces of her newborn son and daughter. "They're perfect, aren't they?"
"Beyond perfect."
"Look what we did."
"I know. I can't get past this feeling like it's all a perfect dream and soon I'll wake up back in my dorm room at Yale."
Rory laughed quietly. "Snuggling up to Finn?"
"More than likely. Speaking of Finn, he's coming tomorrow too. He was very cryptic, but I have a feeling the boys have planned something to welcome the babies…"
"They are far too young to be inducted into the Life and Death Brigade!"
Logan chuckled and wrapped his arms around Rory. "In Omnia Paratus, ace."
"I love you, Logan."
"I love you, ace."
The End