Reviews for Gilmore Girls- The ending I wanted to see!
LAtoNE09 chapter 35 . 7/16
Just reread this. It’s so beautiful and captures what I wish would have happened. Keep writing, it so lovely.
b chapter 35 . 6/6
Absolutely wonderful this was! I wish A year in the life went like this. Loved this so much, and loved Logan's proposal. Beautiful writing and story, thank you!
Slitheringlouise chapter 35 . 10/15/2019
This!... needs to be made into a script and made into the final movie! Thank you so much!
teamjacob0729 chapter 20 . 7/29/2019
Bahahaha! Oh Logan.
Kylie Hutchings chapter 35 . 8/20/2018
I loved this story. It’s given me in print the ending I’ve been seeing in my mind. So much better finished off than ASP left it. Thank you :-)
December Jeffries1 chapter 35 . 6/28/2018
Incredible story.
kaleik1 chapter 35 . 4/28/2018
So good loved the fic and I live logan’s Live for Rory, to give it all up and take her name! Such a perfect ending
Ana chapter 35 . 4/9/2018
lilkathra chapter 14 . 1/9/2018
I think Rory should me the one to ask Logan to marry her not him maybe then she would know how much courage it take to ask the person you love to marry u then how much it hurts when the person they love saids no and breaks there heart specially when they been a day just to find away to nicely say no
lilkathra chapter 6 . 1/9/2018
Rory needs to stop hanging out with her exs that's were 99.9% of her problems start from and her moms bad relationship and just because a guy need time to digest the news that he's going to be a dad dose not means he what's nothing to do with her or the baby until he saids I don't want to be a dad she should not bo ho to he fuck exs that still got a thing for her and make more of a mess
Frost Merry Darkness Luver chapter 15 . 11/30/2017
What is that a reference to? It sounds familiar
December Jeffries1 chapter 35 . 8/25/2017
I really enjoyed your story. It was funny ,sweet, dramatic and loving. Exactly what Rogan is.
mommyofone26 chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
I loved your story so much, if only this could have happened in the show. You made me laugh and cry, amazing job.
nightnovice chapter 35 . 5/3/2017
What a wonderful story.
Barbara chapter 35 . 4/19/2017
Loved your story, great writing.
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