Chapter 5
Peter: Somber. I remember when Ryan, Shari and Aiden were in that car accident.
Jan: Sighs. That really hit mom hard.
Greg: It hit all of us hard.
Carolyn: Try losing your twin.
It's a rainy night. Thunder roars, lightning flashes, and rain pours. Carolyn has just finished putting the girls to bed.
Sapphire: Mommy, can I have another drink of water?
Carolyn: You've had three already. Any more than that, and you won't get any sleep.
Sapphire: Protests. But mommy, I'm thirsty.
Carolyn: Stern. You've had enough. Now, go to sleep.
Sapphire: Gives up. Yes, mommy.
Carolyn: Good night! She walks out of the younger girls' room and down the stairs. She sees her mother on the phone. Mom?
Carol waves her off. Carolyn sits on the couch. She sees that her mother looks worried and grows concerned. Carol hangs up the phone, looking wide-eyed at her daughter.
Carolyn: Mom?
Carol: Stammering and signing. There... there... there's b... b... been an accident.
Carolyn: Shocked WHAT?!
Carol: Ryan, Shari and Aiden have been in a car accident. We've gotta go to County General.
Carolyn: The girls! I can't wake them up. Thinks. I'll call Jason and have him stay with the girls. She calls her ex while Carol dresses. He'll be on the way. Kathryn has the boys, so he's free to come over.
Carol: Okay.
Jason arrives shortly after he and Carolyn hang up the phone. Carolyn drives Carol to the hospital. They meet the other Brady kids in a family room. It feels eerily reminiscent of when Mike was involved in the helicopter crash.
Carol: Greg?
Greg: We haven't heard anything yet.
It feels like an eternity when the doctor enters the room.
Doctor: Are you the family of Ryan and Shari Brady?
Carol: We are. She begins to panic.
Doctor: I'm Doctor Campbell.
Greg: How's Ryan and Shari?
Carol: And Aiden? They have a baby. He's two months old.
Doctor: Children go to County Children's Hospital. I can have someone call to see if he went there.
Carol: Thank you.
Jan: And Ryan and Shari?
The doctor sits and looks the family in the eye. Carol instantly knows this is not good news.
Carol: It isn't good.
Doctor: No, Mrs. Brady, it's not. We tried everything we could for Shari and we couldn't save her.
Marcia and Cindy embrace, weeping in each other's arms.
Carol: Afraid to ask. A... and Ry... Ryan?
Doctor: According to the paramedics, Ryan was killed instantly. He waits for the family to absorb the news.
Carol sits in stunned silence. Her youngest son is gone.
Bobby: Shouts. NO! He can't be gone! Not Ry!
Peter: Tries to console his brother. This feels like a nightmare.
Doctor: To Carol. I'm sorry.
Carol: Thank you, Dr. Campbell. She inhales. What do we do next?
Doctor: I'll have them cleaned up, so if you want, you can see her. I'll have the nurse gather their things and check on the whereabouts of... Aiden?
Carol: Yes, Aiden Scott Brady.
Doctor: And he's two months old, you say?
Carol: Yes.
The family comforts each other and the married children call their spouses to tell them the sad news. Carol calls Alice and Sam. After all the phone calls are made, Carol lets the kids know that Alice and Sam will arrive tomorrow. Soon after, a nurse enters.
Nurse: Carol Brady?
Carol: Yes?
Nurse: I've got an update on Aiden.
Greg: How is he?
Nurse: He's able to be released. One of you will need to go over to pick him up. I can walk you over.
Jan: Volunteers. I'll go.
Carol: No, I should go.
Jan: Insists. I'll go. I'll bring him back over here. She leaves with the nurse before anyone can argue.
The rest of the family views Ryan and Shari's bodies. Feelings of shock and sorrow wash over the family. Memories of Mike's helicopter accident creep up as well. Jan returns with Aiden, and the family is about to leave. Carol signs the release papers for Ryan and Shari to go to the local funeral home and the nurse gives the belongings that could be salvaged to Greg.
Nurse: Hands him a piece of paper. Here's the name and number of the police department and officer who is assigned to the case.
Greg: Thanks.
Jan: Holding a sleeping Aiden. I'll take him with me. We've still got PJ's crib and also we bought a port-a-crib when Philip's sister and her family visited last summer. He can use it. Carol starts to protest, but she stops her. Mom, before you say anything, you have your hands full right now. Let us help.
Carol: Okay.
Peter: I'll go by Ryan and Shari's house and get some things for Aiden and then bring them over to you.
Jan: Thanks.
The kids sit in somber silence.
Jan: Breaks the silence. I still can't believe he's gone.
Carolyn: Losing a twin, it feels like part of me is missing.
Greg: I can imagine.
Carolyn: Actually, you can't. You're not a twin.
Jan: Changes the subject slightly. I remember the night after you, Ryan and mom came home from the hospital.
Bobby: Grins. We thought we'd never get to sleep again.
Peter: Tell me about it!
It's the middle of the night. Everyone is asleep in the house. All is quiet. A baby cries. Jan and Cindy sit straight up in bed.
Cindy: Groggy.What time is it?
Jan: Looks at the clock and very groggy. It's two-thirty.
Cindy: I didn't know babies were so loud.
Jan: I'm thirsty. I'm going to the kitchen for some milk.
Cindy: I'll join you.
Jan and Cindy put on their robes and make their way to the kitchen. On the way, they glance into their mom and dad's room. Both babies are wailing at the tops of their lungs. Carol is walking Carolyn and Mike is walking Ryan.
Carol: Shhh. Baby girl, mama's got you. You hungry?
She sits on the bed and adjusts her clothes. Then, she brings Carolyn to a breast and the baby latches on.
Carol: Mike, he may be hungry too.
Carol adjusts her other side and Mike hands her the baby. She brings him to a breast, but he does not latch on.
Carol: You hungry, Ryan?
Ryan does not latch on, but continues to wail. She tries a couple more times, but he will not latch on.
Mike: Lemme see if he needs to be changed. He picks his son up and changes him, however Ryan continues to wail. I'll take him downstairs for a bit so he doesn't wake the others. I'll come back up if he needs to be fed.
Carol: All right.
He exits the bedroom and sees Jan and Cindy. Ryan is wailing at the top of his lungs.
Mike: I'm sorry they woke you.
Jan: It's okay. We were just on our way to get something to drink.
The girls go to the kitchen while Mike walks Ryan in the living room and his office. Peter and Bobby are already in the kitchen, eating some left over cake from dinner.
Peter: Wow, I didn't know babies could wail so loudly.
Bobby: Yeah, at this rate, I'm gonna fall asleep during Algebra.
Cindy: How long will this last?
Jan: As long as it lasts. Now, hand me some cake.
Peter passes the cake to the girls. They each cut a slice.
Cindy: Wonder why Marcia's not down here?
Peter: It's so quiet up there, you can't even hear a nuclear bomb drop in the house.
Bobby: Yeah, she'll be the only one who got decent sleep.
Jan: I'll say.
Alice hears the kids and goes into the kitchen.
Alice: Can't sleep?
Bobby: Who can sleep with all that noise?
Cindy: I don't think we'll ever get a good night's sleep again.
Alice: Hey, you're not being fair. I know it's tough, but this is also tough on your parents. They've got the six of you to take care of, plus two new babies. This isn't easy on them either.
Peter: We're sorry.
Alice: I know you care. It might be a nice gesture if you offer to help around the house or with the babies. Your mom and dad are gonna need some help juggling everything, especially when your father goes back to work next week.
Jan: You're right, Alice. We need to help mom and dad out.
The kids finish up their cake.
Cindy: I'm about to fall asleep. I'm going back to bed. Goodnight.
Jan: Hears Ryan still crying.I think I'll ask dad if he wants me to take over.
Peter: I'm going to bed too.
Bobby: Yeah, me too. Good night.
Alice: Night, kids.
The kids go to bed. Jan approaches her weary father in the den. Ryan is still wailing at the top of his lungs.
Mike: Shhh, son. Daddy's got you.
Jan: Dad, would you like me to take over?
Mike: It's okay. I've got him.
Jan: Dad, you look really tired. Let me help.
Mike: Don't you have school tomorrow?
Jan: Only half day for me because I've got a debate at Coolidge and then I've got the art exhibit and contest. C'mon, let me try.
Mike: Doesn't realize he is yawning. Okay. If he seems to be hungry, bring him up to your mother. Passes the baby to her.Here's his pacifier if you need it. Good night and thanks.
Jan: You're welcome.
Mike leaves the room and Jan begins walking Ryan. Soon, the baby snuggles up against her and falls asleep. Jan sits on the couch and also falls asleep.
Cindy: I can empathise with Carlee and Jake. They had a hard time when I brought Sarah and Michael home from the hospital.
Bobby: Robbie and Halee also had a hard time when we brought Dale and Jeff home. Since they're pretty much identical, Robbie kept getting them mixed up.
Peter: How do you tell them apart? They kept fooling me on purpose.
Bobby: Grins. Well, that's not that difficult.
Peter: Rolls his eyes. Oh, ha ha.
Bobby: They're mirror twins. Dale is right handed and Jeff is left handed. Dale's hair parts to the right and Jeff's to the left. And, Dale has that scar on his lip from the bike accident he had when he was six.
Greg: If he hadn't kept moving when I tried to stitch it up, he wouldn't have the scar. Smirks. Then again, he is a chip off the ole block.
Bobby: Very funny.
-End of Chapter 5-