Hello Everyone, I'm Back!
Can i just first say thank you all for your support and patience. It has been so much fun working on this and prepping for the Shippuden Arc. Seeing all the positive comments and critical reviews really gave me the buzz to get this going. I hope you all enjoy the coming storyline.
As always your reviews are very welcome, and criticisms, we all need constructive help once in a while.
So you all know this will be a separate story - Naruto: Strings and Theory - Shippuden Trials, follows on from where we left off.
this is just a mini teaser for the new story.
To those that did my Sakura weapon challenge, thanks for participating, on that i also say special thanks to xXElectrodeXx, Earth coated fists it is.
To the followers, reviewers and everyone in general that loves a good story, thanks again for your support.
Onwards, to glory
Hidden deep in Rain Country
Storms raged incessantly, the skies flashing sporadically with charged energy.
In the central tower of the village, two figures stood, shrouded in many shadows.
Slowly, one stepped forwards, close to the edge of the tower. Lighting flashed and thunder rang out.
The figure brought his hand upwards and focused on his ring.
'It is time'
Elsewhere in the Elemental Continent.
In Earth Country, two figures slowed the bickering and glanced at their fingers.
In Water Country, one figure casually struck down his attackers as his attention diverted to his hand.
In Wind Country, one figure swore out loud as he tried to find his partner. He's eye dropped every now and then on his finger.
Still in Wind Country, one figure stopped his tinkering and glanced on the softly rattling digit on the table. Then he turned away and commenced his work, ignoring all else.
In Fire Country, one figure stood at a makeshift shrine, deep in the old territories. Incense burned beside him as he stood motionless, gazing towards things unseen. He bowed his head and turned away, bringing his hand to eye view.
All of them had the same thought.
'A call to arms'
Deep in Grass Country
A figure watched with feverish eyes, rife with anticipation. Everything was coming together, but the wait was excruciating. Suddenly his gaze was on a jar, a keepsake from old friends with long memories. He stood up and looked at the severed limb, the ring on a finger, pulsing gently.
'No more stalling'
Deep in the Konoha
The leaves of a tree may prosper, but in the deep of winter they fail. Only the very roots keep the tree alive.
Figures stood at parade, all were silent. Even with their awareness, they missed the entrance. Suddenly their leader was among them.
He surveyed his forces. His merchants of death, his tools of damnation. All for the great tree. Soon they would act.
'No more delays'
Somewhere in the world…
A gentle breeze blew across the horizon. The waves of the sea, clashing against the rocks below, the sounds traveling even as far up the cliff face, with its edge jutting out towards the expanse, as if reaching for the realms far off.
A figure stood not far from the it, concealed in a dark coat. One arm flapped freely in the wind, with no resistance.
The air around him stirred, pulsing with energy. Several figures shimmered into existence and a mist rolled around them. Just as it reached head level his eyes opened.
One eye blue; one eye red. Both slitted
'Let's Begin'