Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter nor am I making any profit from this story.

Summary: Fed up with Privet Drive Harry finds a trunk in the attic before he runs away. He doesn't get far before he is sucked into a portal to another world filled with fantastical beasts, creatures and beings. How will Harry deal with this new twist in his life? Might he find the home he was always wished for or will he find his doom with no help from his own world?





"Foreign Languages"



Chapter One: Welcome to Your New Life

Twelve, nearly thirteen year old, Harry Potter was fed up. He had had enough of his relatives and had decided to run away. He wanted to be gone before Marge got there. Harry had stolen his cousin's new, thick black canvas military camping bag with attached sleeping bag before he headed down the stairs quietly. If he was running away he would need food and something to drink.

Harry gripped the bag eyes screwed shut and wished really hard for it to be light weight and bigger on the inside. Harry knew it was possible and didn't want to be caught using magic like last year so he didn't use his wand. Harry had found out, through talking with Dobby, that Dobby had matched his wand signature when he performed magic at Privet Drive so it had activated the trace on his wand. It took a couple of minutes before Harry felt a tingle travel from his chests, down his arms and into his hands then into the bag.

Grabbing the bag he tried to pick it up and was overjoyed when it was as light as it was when it was empty and even bigger inside. Inside it went a loaf of bread along with several bottles of water and fruit juice. The canteen the bag had come with was filled with water and slid into a special pocket on the side for ease of access. Harry also added several apples and oranges along with a bunch of bananas. Scratching his head in thought Harry also grabbed several cans of soup, breakfast bards, several packages of candy bars, some cans of beef stew, mixed fruit, a few blocks of cheese and a couple of extra large packages of Beef Jerky. Harry felt it was the least the Dursley's could give him.

Also going inside was the money he had stashed away by taking a little bit at a time from his Uncle's pants and wallet, a mechanical can opener, a tooth brush, a couple of tubes of tooth paste, floss, a small first aid kit and a couple bars of soap. A couple of fluffy towels were added as he had always wanted to use them but had had to use some older rattier towels. Dudley's army multi-tool was attached to his belt in it's soft leather case. After some thought Harry had added a lighter, fluid, flints, a big box of matches, a torch with batteries, a rain coat and some spare clothes. Zipping it closed Harry grinned. He loved magic. Without it everything wouldn't have fit inside.

He had been about to leave through the door when he had felt a pull from the upstairs of the house. Even though he thought that it might be unwise he had followed it into the attic. Harry had a hard time resisting his curiosity, something that had gotten him in trouble before. He was just glad that his relatives were such deep sleepers. He could hear his Uncle and Cousin both letting out rumbling snores while his Aunt let out high pitched wheezy breathes.

Following the pull Harry pulled a canvas sheet away from some shelves. Narrowing his eyes he saw a wooden box the size of a VCR tape. Reaching out he nudged it with his finger only to yelp and fall backwards as it grew. Harry gaped a little as he looked at what was now an ornately carved wood and metal trunk.

It looked a lot better than his school trunk and a lot more expensive. The wood was dark red. Cherry Harry thought, and was carved with stags, griffins, and a large family crest. A familiar family crest. Harry hissed as his finger was cut on a sharp piece of metal he hadn't noticed extended from the trunk. His attention was caught by a brief flash of light coming from the trunk.

What the hell? He thought, only to hear a quiet mechanical 'whirring' sound. His family crest appeared to be turning itself before he heard two clicks and the lid popped up. Gulping Harry gathered his courage and reached forward, his hands shaking slightly. Sitting on top of the pile was a pair of letters, letters addressed to him!

He couldn't remember ever seeing the writing before but he excitedly he picked up the first one he saw. It appeared to be written with a more feminine slant like his Aunt and teacher's. The envelope was made from fine parchment. Flipping it over he saw the same crest from the trunk face pressed into wax like he saw in movies about older times. Carefully he pulled it off so as not to break it.


Harry my darling boy I hope with all of my heart that you never have to read this letter. I have spent several nights agonized over it. First off my name is Lilian Margaret Potter nee Evans and I am your mother.

Harry hands shook and he sniffed as a surge of emotion went through him. His mother had written him a letter and signed her 'Gs' the same way he did. Anger was quick to show through his shock and sadness. Why had the Dursley's never shown him this? Was it some other way they wanted to punish him? To make him suffer by denying him something actually written by his mother? No, the Dursley's would have told him about it if they had known if only to deny him access after giving him some hope. Quickly shaking it off, but by no means forgetting it, he turned back to the letter.

I was born in Spinner's End, the second daughter to a lower-middle class couple named Thomas and Rosaline Evans on January thirtieth nineteen sixty. I have one living sibling, an older sister named Petunia. We had a little brother, Mark, but he was born stillborn. We grew up fairly poor but happy together as a family. Petunia and I were best friends as there weren't many other children for us to play with. My father worked at a nearby steel factory while my mother taught at a small local school.

There are things that you must know. A major fact that you should know is that, no matter what anyone has told you, magic is real. I am a witch and your father a wizard. You, my darling boy, are also a wizard. We belong to an entire world hidden from those without magic. We have our own schools, shopping areas, government and even hospitals. I have seen proof of your having magic already, even as young as you are. When you turn eleven you will be contacted by this world so that you may go to their school and learn magic yourself.

Harry paused in his reading. His mother must have thought he would get the message sooner. Harry had already been in the Wizarding World for two years. However there was no way she could have known that.

I discovered the fact that I was a witch when I was fairly young. I met another poor child that lived near us named Severus Snape. He became a close friend to me. Your Aunt never liked him as he was a little strange and dressed in hand-me-down clothes.

Harry gasped in shock. His mother had been friends with Snape? If so, why did Snape treat him the way he did? Was Snape's hatred for his father more powerful than any good feelings for his mother's son? Harry vowed to find out.

He was the one to inform me of the world I would belong to in the future. Even before then I had known that I was different; I had a secret power that I could use to influence the world around me. I remember using it cause flowers to bloom or to slow myself when I jumped from a swing. At times I was even able to use it to heal myself.

Severus was a good friend to me but my friendship with him, along with my powers, drove a wedge between your Aunt and I. Petunia and I had always been close since there were not many children who lived near us. Petunia resented Severus and began to resent me as well. Know this my son, jealousy and resentment can break even the strongest relationships I am afraid. Petunia and I had a big fight the day I left for Hogwarts with her calling me a freak. I admit it was the most hurtful thing she had ever said to me.

Severus and I traveled to Hogwarts on a train called The Hogwarts Express and there I met two immature prats, and Severus' future rivals, that I couldn't stand. James Potter and Sirius Black, your father and godfather respectively. Both were rich pureblood heirs dressed in the finest clothes. While many of our things were second hand since both Severus and I attended on a scholarship.

Harry was confused. He had heard of a Sirius Black of course. He had been on the telly as an escaped convict. Could the two be one and the same? If so why was Black on the muggle news? Why had he been in prison?

When we arrived at Hogwarts we were sorted into our houses. I went into Gryffindor along with your father and Sirius and Severus into Slytherin. At the time Slytherin had a reputation of being the 'dark' or 'evil' house and was often looked down upon by the other three, especially Gryffindor. Your father and his friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew formed their own group called the Marauder's.

The four of them were pranksters to the bone and none were safe from them. Severus just happened to be one of their favorite targets, both because he was my friend and because he was a Slytherin. It was a dark time to be sorted into the House of the Serpent Founder. Many of the old and powerful families were disgruntled with those of lesser blood, half-bloods and muggleborns or mudbloods as they called us, a derogatory slur. They felt that we were invading their world and trying to obliterate their traditions. This belief was fueled by the rising of another Dark Lord who called himself Lord Voldemort.

This anger turned to bullying and attacks against those of lesser blood. This only fueled the feud between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Unfortunately this affected the friendship between Severus and I. He fell in with a bad group in Slytherin, the ones who hated half-bloods and muggleborns and later became Death Eaters, the followers of Voldemort. Severus slowly began to take on their views against muggleborns except for me.

Again and again he tried to excuse his actions and those of his 'friends'. It came to a head after we took our OWL exams. James and Sirius humiliated Severus with a nasty prank and when I intervened Severus turned on me and said he didn't need the help of a mudblood. That was the end of our friendship even though he tried to apologize later. Severus would not turn his back on his friends in Slytherin and I was tired of making excuses for him and his nastiness.

I married your father when we turned nineteen. We were gifted a cottage house by your grandparents Edward and Delilah Potter in Godric's Hallow, a mixed village of magical and non-magical inhabitants. We were quick to make it into a home and I even had a small garden outside. I gave birth to you in our cottage on July thirty-first nineteen eighty at one fifteen in the morning.

I never thought I could love someone more than I love your father but when I saw and held you for this first time the love I felt for you was so intense I was moved to tears. This, coming from a witch who didn't even cry when her favorite calico cat Patches died. You brought precious light into our dark world. You are our greatest creation and joy. There is nothing we would not do for you or two keep you safe.

Right now your father and I and many others are embroiled in a war for the fate of our world. These are dark and dangerous times that we live in and when I found myself with child we were naturally shocked. Soon we were overjoyed that we would welcome a new light to the world. You have brought such happiness to your father and I, and I admit much consternation and sleepless nights. We are not sure who will win this war, either us or our enemies.

The war is being fought, as many wars have been, over different ideals. The "dark side" of the war wish for purebloods, witches and wizards who have had magical ancestors on both sides going back at least five generations, should rule. They look down upon and despise those who are born from muggle, non-magical, people alongside magical creatures and beings. They feel that the others should at least serve them, if not be destroyed outright.

The "light side" fights against this and for the rights of others to live free and happy. At least they do for the most part. I have found that many bigots fight against the dark because they don't necessarily want muggleborns and other despised groups killed but don't necessarily believe that they should have equal rights either. They are led by Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, similar to the muggle's United Nations.

I fear that we will not survive this war. That we will be there to see you grow up in the fine man we known you have the potential to be. I want you to know that you are loved. That you are the most precious thing in this world to us. That we fight so you can live in a better world than the one we live in. We want you to have a peaceful life free from the darkness that plagues us. Before I seal this letter I wish to give you some advice in case I cannot be there for you.

1. Do the best you can at everything in your life no matter how hard it is. It is often true that the hardest tasks grant the greatest rewards.

2. Find friends that will stick with you through thick and thin. Be loyal to your friends but don't make the mistake of staying loyal to them if they do not show you the same in return.

3. Many wax poetically about Good and Evil but they are subject to the opinions and prejudices of different people. Never allow someone else to choose what you believe.

4. Respect your special heritage but never lose touch with the muggle world. I have lived in both worlds and know that there are thing better in both worlds and both contain dangers.

5. Eat your vegetables so that you grow up to be big and strong. Don't just try to subsist on junk food and candy.

6. When you find the one, or ones, that hold your heart never give up them but don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of. Love is the greatest thing in the world and you should stop trying to find it.

Know that there is nothing you could ever do that would make me stop loving you.'

I love you my darling boy,


Harry wept as he read the words of his mother. He could practically feel the love with which she had written. It soothed an ache deep in heart that he always carried. That his mother at least had loved him and had not abandoned him. While he did his best not to believe what the Dursley's said about his parents, a deep treacherous part of himself had always wondered if they were right. This letter put away a lot of his worries.


This is your father James Charles Potter, the Forty-Fourth Earl Potter. I was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts like many in my family. On the train ride I met two wizards who would be my best mates for the rest of my time at school. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. The Black family is a Dark pureblood house that believed that because their relatives were all magical going back many generations that they were better than anyone else. They were what I had been warned against. It was amazing that Sirius and I became such fast friends.

However I soon learned that Sirius was a lot different than the rest of his family. He loved pranks and hated the pureblood beliefs. Remus was a poorer half-blood from a merchant family. But he didn't let his lack of wealth hold him down. He was scarily smart and magically powerful.

We didn't meet the last member of our group until we were sorted into Gryffindor. Peter Pettigrew was a small round kid with slightly rodent like features. By second year we have formed our own group called The Marauder's. We came together in a mutual appreciation of pranks.

I met your mother on the train ride to Hogwarts hanging out with a greasy haired kid. In my third year when I first saw her my first thought was 'I'm going to marry her some day.'. Unfortunately she had a great dislike me and my other friends since we had a habit of teasing her friend. He was always and a weird and dark kid and he was close to your mother. I willingly admit that there was some jealousy involved.

This trunk is linked with your mother, you and I. It was prepared in case the war took a turn for the worst. We would always have supplies ready if we needed them. The knife was given to me by my father and was made by the best metal smiths known in the magical world, the goblins.

With Love, Your Father,

James Charlus Potter

Forty-Fourth Earl Potter

P.S. There is more I wish to tell you and you will find it throughout your books and memories we have provided for you.

Closing he eyes Harry cleared his throat before he put it back in it's envelope. Harry picked up the trunk and hurried down the stairs where his school trunk and Hedwig waited in her cage. Scratching his chin Harry put his school trunk in his new one. Twisting the handle he pressed the crest causing the trunk to shrink. Unzipping his camp bag he put it inside before zipping it close. Shouldering the pack Harry breathed in deeply before sighing and shaking his head. There was no turning back now.

Harry squinted into the shadows as he heard movement, his heart beating hard. He was in the nearby woods. It was nearing dawn as everything was beginning to lighten. Harry clutched the bag straps harder as he heard a snuffle before the crack of breaking wood. That was it for him. Harry took off running. He didn't know if there were any wild animals in the woods but he didn't want to end up as anythings dinner. In his haste Harry missed the hole he was heading for. One second he was on solid ground and the net he was falling.

"Ahh!" Harry screamed as he fell.

He tucked himself into a ball to try and protect himself. He clutched at Hedwig's cage, trying to keep her safe as well. Luckily the fall wasn't far and the ground was fairly soft as well. Standing up Harry dusted off his pants. Looking around he froze. Standing in front of him was a stone archway mixed liberally with some kind of crystal. Looking closer Harry could see strange symbols he thought might be runes carved into it.

Feeling an inexplicable urge to reach out he did so, not noticing the blood on his hand. The runes lit up and Harry felt a pulling sensation in his chest. Inside the archway a swirl of gold and purple lights lit up. Harry felt something deep inside of him respond to the power the portal gave off.

"Uh oh." Harry muttered. I had better run.

Harry barely made it twelve feet from the cave before he felt a pulling sensation. Yelping in fear he grabbed the nearest objects which was tree roots. He grabbed Hedwig's cage as it started flying past. Harry gritted his teeth as he tried to hold on to the roots and the cage at the same time. His eyes widened as his grip started slipping. With a snap the root broke off sending Harry and Hedwig tumbling through the air towards the archway.

"Ahhhh!" Harry yelled while Hedwig screeched before they were swallowed by the light.

Harry grunted as he rolled down a grassy hill. The bag staying on his back but Hedwig's cage flew from his arms and tumbled down as well, breaking open before hitting the bottom and allowing the screeching owl to fly out. When it was finally over Harry groaned as he laid on the ground, trying to get over his dizziness. Groaning he forced himself to sit up. Standing up he dusted off his pants.

"Are you alright Hedwig?" Harry asked.

Hedwig swooped down and landed on his shoulder before gently butting her head against his cheek. Looking around Harry gaped. It had just been dawn before he fell through the strange portal. He could tell that it was bordering on dusk now.

"I don't think we're on Earth anymore Hedwig." Harry said as he gazed up at darkening sky.

Hanging in the sky was two moons. One large and lavender and the other smaller and burnt orange. Harry stared astonished at the night sky. He had never seen it so clear. There was so many stars and swirls in it. Funny but beautiful looking lights made of many colors wove through the sky. He also noticed he couldn't see any familiar constellations. Harry shivered a little as a cool breeze buffeted him.

"We better find some shelter." Harry whispered.

Within fifteen minutes Harry found a small cave that looked big enough to hold four or five people somewhat comfortably.

"Looks like we're going to be staying her tonight Hedwig." Harry said. Remembering the magical survival guide Harry waved his wand over the entrance.

"Repello Bestia!" Harry chanted causing the cave to fill with a brief flash of blue light.

It was the only ward he knew really. It would repel everyday beasts away and creatures like werewolves. It would also keep away bugs and other creepy crawlers. Jumping a little Harry quickly moved out of the way as a stream of bugs quickly left the cave and into the forest. Holding his hand to his heart Harry tried to calm down. Walking towards the entrance of the cave he cast several cleaning charms cleaning away any dirt or dropping.

"Ardus!" Harry cast drying the floor of the cave. Walking inside Harry set his pack to lean against the wall. Sighing he scratched his head before snapping his fingers.

"Accio dry wood!" Harry chanted. Several fallen logs leapt from the forest to land in his cave. Grimacing at his miscasting Harry pointed his wand at the nearest one. "Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo!"

Harry wished he knew a better cutting charm but it worked well enough cutting the log down into manageable parts. Next he used the Sectum charm to cut the logs into smaller pieces.

Harry pointed his wand at the ground. He definitely didn't want to sleep on the hard rocky floor.

"Molliare!" Harry cast hitting the ground with a softening charm. Testing it with his foot he bounced a couple of times before pushing on it with his hands. Satisfied he rolled out his sleeping bag onto the area he softened.

"Incendio!" Harry chanted causing a jet of flames to erupt from his wand and engulf the logs. Reaching into his pack he pulled out a package of lunch meat, his loaf of bread and a bottle of apple juice.

Picking up his apple juice he tapped the bottle with his wand.

"Frigus." Harry whispered casting the cooling charm on it to chill it down. Harry grinned as the bottle became cool in his hand. The spell would last as long as he wanted it to.

Harry gaped as the being stepped over the hill he was traveling. Harry and Hedwig had abandoned the cave a couple of hours before and were walking through the countryside. It was quite peaceful and warm enough for a light jacket. The being had the body of man covered with brown fur and the head of a horned bull! The Bull-Man snuffled at the air before roaring. Wasn't there something about them in legend? Harry wracked his mind before it came to him. Minotaur! The bull-man was a Minotaur! Like from the Greek Myths.

"Human!" The Minotaur bellowed. "What are you doing here filthy human?"

Before Harry could run the Minotaur grabbed him and was shaking him. Harry cried out in fear.

"Enough Ajax! He is but a child!" A powerful voice said. "Release him!"

The Minotaur, presumably named Ajax, grumbled but allowed Harry to fall back to ground. Harry winced as he hit the ground but forced himself to his feet. The other figure stepped out from behind the Minotaur revealing himself to be a Cat shaped person. The cat looked similar to a tiger he had seen in the movie they watched at school with striped orange, black and white fur. It was wearing sturdy, but slightly dusty, blue robes and carrying a tall stick with a crystal on top. It's ear were near the top of it's head and one had several golden rings in it. Harry thought it might be a magic staff. The Cat-Man looked kind of funny as it had a mustache and a beard.

"Go back and see if you can't find something useful to do back at camp." The Cat-Man ordered him.

The Minotaur nodded reluctantly, his jaw clenched before he stomped off.

"Child my name is Altris." The Cat-Man introduced himself. Harry couldn't understand him but the Cat-Man's light blue eyes were warm and kind allowing Harry to relax himself slightly.

"H-Harry Potter." Harry hesitantly introduced himself.

"How is it you came to be here child?" Altris asked him kindly, leaning on his staff.

Seeing Harry's confused look he asked again.

Harry said something to him and Altris' face lit up in understanding. He held up a hand before he started rummaging though a pouch on his belt. Pulling his hand out Harry saw the Cat-Man held a necklace of some kind. It was a silver ring with a blue crystal suspended in the middle of it. Altris reached forward and put it around Harry's neck.

"Can you understand me now child?" The Cat-Man asked.

"Y-Yes." Harry said amazed. "Wow. I love magic!"

The Cat-Man chuckled.

"It is Amulet of Tongues. As I said before my name is Altris." He said. "How is it you came to be here?"

Harry grimaced.

"I ran away from m-my relatives house. I-I was tired of them hurting me. I was in the woods when something started chasing me." Harry explained to him. "I fell through some boards into a cave. I saw a weird archway as I fell and I think I touched it. Then there was a flash of light and I fell asleep."

"I see." Altris said, brows furrowed as he rubbed his chin. Did the child come through one of the lost portals?

"E-Excuse me." Harry said hesitantly. "B-But w-what are you?"

An amused look came to Altris' face.

"You have never seen one of my kind?" He asked.

Harry shook his head.

"No, only other humans sir." Harry told him.

Altris chuckled at Harry's maturity.

"I am a Cat Fae child." Altris answered him kindly. "Specifically I am a Tiger Fae. There are many different species in this world. Welcome to the continent of Alteris."

Harry whistled causing a white blur to fly towards them. With a flap of her wings Hedwig landed gently on Harry's shoulder. Altris' brows rose in surprise.

"Now who is this?" Altris asked curiously.

"Hedwig." Harry replied, as he reached up to pet her chest. "She's my friend."

When Harry heard Altris say caravan he had thought it would be carts gathered together. He didn't expect the wooden spiked walls they walked through. Once inside Harry saw large wooden carriages like he thought Gypsies traveled in plus dozens of tents of all sizes. Some were as small as a regular tent to as large as a circus tent. They were made up of any different colors and designs. There were wooden platforms and in the background Harry could hear metal being pounded on like a Blacksmith would.

All around him were many beings, none of them human. He saw several of the Bull people, both male and female and more animal looking people who Harry thought might be Fae. Several of them were furred or had scales. Small beings Harry thought might be fairies were also flying around the camp. Whispers broke out as they spotted Altris and him. Several faces held fear or disgust while others held curiosity. Altris quickly led him to a cream and crimson tent. The inside was slightly larger than he thought with a bunk, a small stove, a rug, bookshelves, a bench, a desk and a couple of chairs.

"I must talk with my Chief, Argus, child." Altris told Harry. "Stay inside my tent and you should be safe."

Harry nodded, watching with slightly wide eyes as he left. Altris winced inside. He knew the child was scared and likely thought of him as a trustworthy person, at least to a point. Still he could not delay.

Altris made his way swiftly through the camp. He nodded to those he was friendly with but kept a wary eye out for any who would try and cause trouble for him. Luckily he made it to the largest tent in camp without being stopped. Inside was a large Tiger Fae with similar coloring to himself. The other Fae was taller than him and wider across the chest and shoulders. He wore expensive, but comfortable, crimson robes. He was Argus Trollcrusher, his sire.

"How is it this human child came to be here Altris?" The larger Tiger Fae rumbled. "Humans have not been sighted in these lands for centuries. Not since we drove them out and claimed the continent for ourselves."

"I believe he came through a lost portal sir." Altris answered, scratching his ear. "He informed me that he was running from his relatives who I got the sense were not kind to him. Some manner of beast started hunting him and he fell into a cave. His blood activated the portal."

Argus chuffed.

"This must mean he carries the Old Blood." Argus mused. "We fled the other lands to make a peaceful one here away from the humans. Many will not appreciate his presence here."

Altris raised his furred chin stubbornly.

"I will not condemn a child for something that is not his fault." Altris said firmly. "Even if the child is a human."

The other Tiger Fae's body shook as rumbling laughter erupted from him.

"Gods there's your mother in you boy." Argus said, clapping the younger cat on the shoulder sending him forward a bit due to it's strength. "I wasn't about to suggest doing anything harmful to the child but you know that others will not be as accepting of a human child in the camp."

Altris hummed.

"Perhaps...perhaps there is a way." Altris said, rubbing his chin. "What about the Ritual of Essense?"

Argus' brows rose in surprise.

"The ritual is powerful. If the boy truly has the Old Blood it would boost it." Argus mused. "Still there are risks as there are with any ritual son."

"I know father." Altris replied. "However I feel that the boy is meant to be with us and that he has an important future."

"Hmm." Argus hummed as he stared at his youngest child. "Perhaps more of your mother coming through."

Altris' mother Elatha was a powerful seer and a follower of the Goddess Elistaaria, Goddess of Free Will, Prophetic Dreams, Journeys and Imagination.

"We will give the boy a choice." Argus ordered. "The ritual or banishment. Be sure to explain to him that he will not survive long on his own. I do not wish the child dead but he must make the choice himself."

"Yes sir." Altris said with a slight bow.

"What happened?" Harry asked worriedly after Altris stepped into the tent and helped himself to a drink.

"I spoke with our chief." Altris answered him causing Harry to stiffen slightly. "He says that you can stay the night but come tomorrow you must make a choice."

"What kind of choice?" Harry asked, eyes slightly narrowed.

Altris ran a hand down his furred face before stroking his beard.

"You can either leave us and fend for yourself in the wilds or go through a ritual that will bring forth the Old Blood in your lineage."

"Old Blood?" Harry asked.

"The blood of magical creatures and beings. You see humans in this world do not have magic naturally. They can learn to harness it and develop their own pool of mana but magical creatures and beings have natural reserves of magic. They are born with them. This comes from being descended from the Old Ones, the original inhabitants of this world." Altris answered. "They were here when Varroos, our world, was created. Eventually they ascended to another plane of existence when he we started populating the world. Nearly four hundred years ago a war was fought between humans and those of us with the Old Blood. They wished to exterminate us since we were not human and many were jealous of our mystical origins. We drove humans from this land and warded it against them."

"How did I get here then?" Harry asked curiously.

"You activated a portal that travels between worlds. These portals were created by the Old Ones. Most were lost or destroyed ages ago. Only those who possess the Old Blood can activate one." Altris informed him. "Since you were able to activate it and travel here that means you have Old Blood yourself. The ritual will bring it to the fore and change you. You will no longer be completely human but you will have a place amongst us."

Harry looked down at his hands.

"I –" He started saying before Altris gripped his shoulder.

"Think it over for tonight." Altris told him kindly. "Give your answer in the morning."

Harry nodded.

"Now." Altris said, clapping his paws together. "Let us break our fast."

Harry fidgeted slightly as symbols were painted over his body. He was nearly naked except for a leather loin cloth they had lent him. Symbols were painted on his face, forehead, arms, chest and legs. Even his feet were painted. Altris gave him an encouraging smile before he stepped back. Arrayed around Harry were various crystals and herbs. Several Mystics stood around him a circle.

"We are ready to begin." Argus announced. "Are you ready boy?"

Harry nodded slightly.

"As ready as I'm going to be." Harry replied.

Argus nodded satisfied.

"Begin." He ordered.

The Mystics began chanting, sending their power into the ritual lines. As the power reached him Harry felt a sense of searching which turned into a slightly itching feeling. A feeling that quickly filled his body before it was replaced by pain. Harry screamed.

"What's happening?" Argus asked as the Mystics looked slightly alarmed.

"The ritual purging him of any impurities and bringing the nature of his Old Blood to the fore." Altris replied.

The Tiger Fae stiffened as the scar of Harry's forehead burst open releasing a black gaseous cloud. It all but stank of evil and darkness. Golden light erupted in the palms of Altris and his sire but it proved unnecessary. The cloud gathered together briefly into a tortured face that let out a horrible scream before it dissipated.

The light grew in intensity and Harry's muffled screams could be heard again as flesh stretched, bones popped and lengthened as his body changed. There was an even brighter flash of light that blinded them before disappearing. Altris blinked several times before he could see Harry lying on the ground unconscious. Walking over he examined the boy who was breathing calmly while unconscious. He was secretly glad that the boy had pulled through. Not only because of the knowledge the boy contained but because he was a genuinely likable lad.

"Hmm this is unexpected." Altris mused.

Harry woke with a groan before he stretched out. The first thing he noticed was the absence of the little aches and pains he had gotten used to over the years. His head also felt clearer than it ever had. As if some pressure he had been unaware of had been released. Frankly it felt amazing. The third thing he noticed was he could see perfectly without his glasses which were lying next to him on a small table. Looking at his body he sighed in relief that he didn't have fur or scales.

"Good morning Harry." Altris said causing Harry to jerk his head up.

"Good morning." Harry said, blushing slightly. "How did it go?"

"There were some unexpected occurrences but for the ritual was a success." Altris said before gesturing his paw at the wall. It turned reflective. "Up you come lad."

Altris gripped Harry's arm and helped him stand. Walking over to the mirror Harry gaped at his reflection. Harry looked amazed as his body. Never had he been as tall or healthy as he was nor his mind as clear or sharp. Before the ritual he had been about half an inch over five foot but now he had gained four and half inches of height and his body had filled out in surprising ways. His shoulders had broadened slightly and he had put on more muscle and definition.

While he was still recognizable as Harry Potter his features had changed noticeably. He was, as reluctant as he was to say it, much more beautiful physically. His eyes seemed to shine with new life, his hair and skin had gained a luster he had never had. His cheekbones were higher and his face had a more regal cast. Shaking his head his black hair parted and exposed slightly longer and pointed ears than a normal human.

He had always had quick reflexes but since he had come into his heritage they were even more enhanced. He moved with grace and great dexterity. He also felt stronger physically than he had ever before and faster as well. His senses were better than they had ever been and were taking some getting used to.

His body was not the only thing different. His magic was as well. Never before had he felt as close to his magic as he did now. Not only that but he could sense the magic around him and that of the world in a way he had never been able to before.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"You are now a half-elf." Altris informed him. "You have an Elven ancestor and fairly recently as well. It's look like a Plains Elf."

"Plains Elf?" Harry asked curiously as he stepped closer to the mirror, flexing slightly.

"Plain Elves wonder the plains in tribes. They are a nomadic people who are sociable with outsiders as they trade with many of them." Altris answered. "They spend a lot of their time following their prey as they migrate. While some consider them a bit primitive and wild they are skilled hunters and gatherers. While they are capable of some basic magic they are usually led by the most powerful and knowledgeable of their people."

"Everything smells." Harry said, wrinkling his nose.

Altris laughed.

"Do not worry I will help to get used to your senses." He said. "In time they will be as natural to you as breathing."

Spells used in this chapter:

Repello Bestia- The Beast Repelling Ward- Keeps everyday beasts away and creatures like werewolves. Also works against insects. Found in "A Darkened World" by sprinter1988.

Ardus- The Drying Charm. Completely dries whatever it is cast on, like it had been in the sun for several hours, without the warmth. Found in "The Merging" by Shaydrall.

Diffindo- A charm used to precisely and accurately cut something.

Sectum- A mild cutting charm. Found in "Innocent" by MarauderLover7.

Molliare- The cushioning charm. Creates an unseen softening effect on target surfaces.

Incendio- A charm and a form of Conjuration that can be used to conjure a jet of orange and red flame, thereby setting things alight.

Frigus- A cooling charm. You must tap the object you wish to cool down.