Disclaimer- I don't own Dragon Age Origins nor am I making any profit from this story.


Summary: Arthus Morthos is used to traveling the land and having no responsibility to anyone but himself. He didn't expect to get tangled up with a Grey Warden Commander or that he would join them.



"Foreign Languages"

"Demon Speaking"


Arthus Morthos moved swiftly but silently through the forest. He was making his way towards Castron, a small city, roughly a hundred miles from Highever for a tournament. While there were sections only open for nobles or knights to compete in they did have sections for commoners. He planned to enter and hopefully win the first place prize of ten sovereigns in both archery and sword fighting. At the moment he had made camp and was hunting a large stag. In his left hand he held his mother's longbow with an arrow unnotched.

Carefully pushing aside some bushes Arthus spied his quarry standing several yards from him. Loosing the arrow Arthus watched as it arced towards the stag and hit it with a solid thud. It ran a few more meters before slowing and finally dropping to the ground. Sighing Arthus bounded over towards the wounded animal which keened as it rocked on the ground. Pulling out his large hunting knife Arthus swiftly stabbed it in the heart to ease it's suffering. Pulling the knife out Arthus cleaned it on the grass before he heaved the carcass onto his left shoulder with a bit of effort.

A happy growling bark greeted him as he stepped into his camp. Standing in front of him was his faithful companion Goren. As a half-wolf half-mabari he was a large hound, easily reaching a half a foot above Arthus' waist with his head a foot higher. His head was shaped more like his wolf parent with an longer snout and golden eyes, His black fur was long and decidedly thicker than a full-blooded mabari's as well.

Arthus had found him caught in a of bear trap while he had been hunting in the woods near Redcliffe. Goren had been just a pup then but still good sized but he had become sick with infection indicating he had been in the trap for a while. Arthus had carefully nursed him back to health and had traveled the rest of the way to Redcliffe. After resupplying Goren had decided to stay with Arthus since none had claimed seeing him before and none wanted him due to him having wolf's blood. Eventually the hound imprinted on Arthus making them even closer companions.

"We're going to eat well tonight Goren." Arthus told Goren as he laid the stag down to start a fire. Goren's tail wagged back and forth, stirring up dried leaves.

As he was putting some of the meat on the fire Arthus carefully seasoned it before starting on some of the other meat. Some of the meat he would dry out for himself and Goren to make jerky for the road. He would take the pelt, hooves, antlers and the rest of the meat with him to sell in the next town. Along with some of the other items he had to sell he figured he would be in for some good coin.

Goren whined bringing Arthus' attention to him.

"Here moocher." Arthus said rolling his eyes and tossing Goren a bit of meat which the hound quickly snatched out of the air.

Later that evening he lay back against Goren's warmth as the fire crackled next to them, smoking some sweet tobacco in his small pipe. It was a luxury Arthus enjoyed on occasion while he watched the stars twinkling in the sky.

Katerina. He thought wistfully as he closed his eyes. Perhaps he would dream of her that night.


After a quick breakfast the next day and dousing his fire Arthus checked and gathered up his traps before he packed up his camp. Arthus was happy that the game was so plentiful in this region. His traps had caught three fat brown hares in the night. Arthus grinned; more money for him. Gathering the last of his items into his packs he set off towards Castron.

As he grew closer to Castron Arthus pulled back the reins to slow his horse, Porthos with Goren slowing beside his companion. In front of them a long line of people were slowly making their way inside. Normally this wouldn't mean anything as the tournament was quite popular but many of the people were clearly gathered with much of their own belongings, fear written on many faces.

"Is something wrong?" Arthus asked a nearby young guard.

"Rumor has it darkspawn are gathering down south. The king is supposedly heading down to head them off. Got mages, Templars, and Gray Wardens even." The guard answered him while eyeing Goren a bit nervously. "Security is being increased everywhere since they think it might be a Blight."

Arthus' brows rose in surprise. He had heard rumors of dark creatures roaming the forests but nothing substantial. He certainly hadn't heard anything about darkspawn or a Blight. It had been centuries since the last one.

"Is the Tournament still being held?" Arthus asked.

The guard nodded.

"Of course." The guard answered. "The officials aren't going to call off this money maker just because of darkspawn. Thinking of entering?"

Arthus nodded.

"I am." Arthus said. "Figured I'd try my hand at it this year."

The guard nodded.

"Should be a good turn out." He said. "Good luck."

Just then an older, balding stout guard stomped over.

"Be on your way." The other guard said gruffly before addressing the other guard. "And you get back to work. You're not being paid to stand around gossiping like some washer woman."

Arthus nodded before urging Porthos forward.

"Good day." Arthus told them.


Arthus almost sneered as he caught sight of the men following him. They obviously thought they were being stealthy. His blood pumped faster as the group of five moved to surround him. He could smell the ale on them. Clearly they had been drinking heavily.

"May I ask what it is you gentlemen want?" Arthus demanded.

"Well well it almost looks like a knife ear." One of the men jeered. His face was unshaven, his blond hair messy and he possessed cloudy grey eyes.

"No this is the one who beat Rickard at Archery in the Tournament." Another, with black hair and brown eyes, said. He wore obviously finer clothes than the others.

He must be the relative of a local official. Arthus thought.

"Shouldn't be coming around here trying to steal our money." The man sneered.

"Well it is a Tournament, it's meant to be won." Arthus commented dryly. "If someone else wants to when then they should practice more."

Arthus allowed his sword to scrape against it's scabbard, thinking that the sound might drive them off. It did make a couple nervous but they were too stupid, or drunk, to run.

"I think we'll take your nice things and all your money." The man with the fine clothes said, holding out his hand while pulling out a dagger. "Hand it over and we won't make you suffer."

Arthus sighed.

"This didn't have to end in violence." Arthus told them. "You'll only have yourselves to blame for what happens."

Before any of them could move Arthus kicked the man's knee causing it to bend in the other direction with a nasty crunch. The man collapsed to his knees with a scream of pain. Arthus' steel knuckled leather gloves caught him in the jaw, breaking it and putting him down in the mud knocked out. Stepping to the right Arthus allowed one of his attackers to run passed him while sticking out his foot to trip him. The tall, wide shouldered man fell face first into the mud, losing his grip on the blade in his hand. With a grunt the man forced himself to his knees and reacquired his blade before lashing out at Arthus. Arthus leaned back before slashing his dagger downwards, cutting the man deeply from left shoulder to right hip before he kicked him in the head.

"Holy Maker!" One of the others exclaimed. "He took out Thraxas!"

Arthus was on him before he could say anything else. A punch to the solar plexus knocked all air out of him before Arthus hammered him several times in the side, breaking several ribs. A dagger to the side quickly his head swiftly sent him into unconsciousness. One man tried to run only for Arthus to catch him in the both knees with a couple of throwing knives. A grunt behind him warned him to dodge to the side missing taking a dagger in his back from the rich man. Scowling Arthus took his hand off at the wrist.

"Argh!" The man's scream was muffled by his broken jaw as he clutched his bleeding stump.

A whistle was heard from behind. Arthus whirled around and cursed. Guards were coming up on the scene.

"Put down your weapons!" The guard yelled.

Arthus grudgingly sheathed his dagger.


"Arthus Morthos you stand accused of assaulting five men after curfew two night ago." The judge said. "One of them the nephew of a local Magistrate. How do you plead?"

"I was defending myself." Arthus said shrugging as best he could while wearing shackles on his wrist and ankles. "They tried to rob and kill me. I did them in before they could do me."

Arthus watched as several of the panel people exchanged looks as caught the judge looking at a man dressed in finery. The man shook his head minutely and the judge frowned before turning back to face Arthus.

"Never the less." The judge spoke. "The assault of five citizens within the walls of our city cannot be ignored. You are hereby sentenced to ten years in prison."

"If I might your honor?" A man stood up. He wore a white robe over finely engraved silverite armor with the emblem of a griffin reared up on it's back legs on the pauldrons. Arthus could see the hilt of both a sword and dagger over the man's shoulders. He moved with the grace of a powerful fighter and his dark eyes were hard.

"Yes?" The judge asked irritably.

"I am Duncan, the Ferelden Gray Warden Commander. It is my right as a Grey Warden to pursue the Right of Conscription. More than ever Grey Wardens are needed in Ferelden." Duncan spoke gravely. "If this man is to be jailed for so long he can surely do Ferelden a better service as a Grey Warden than as a drain on your city's coffers."

The Judge shared a quick whispered conversation with his aides before banging his gavel against his desk.

"Very well." The Judge said grudgingly. "The accused is to be released into the custody of the Warden Commander. Have him out of the city by noon tomorrow."

"Of course, thank you." Duncan nodded while the shackles were removed from Arthus' wrists allowing him to rub them to try and restore feeling.


"Thank you for that back there. I could tell that they weren't going to let me off even before I answered in my defense. Politics and all." Arthus said as he put on his leather armor before carefully adjusting his belt, absentmindedly checking to see if his money was all still there. To his surprise it was, including his prize money. "I likely would have had an accident in prison as well."

Arthus threw his green Dalish cloak on before sheathing his bow and quiver of arrows over it.

"Ah that's better."

"You might not thank when you see what lies ahead." Duncan smiled humorlessly. "Your perception serves you well however."

Arthus nodded.

"I watched you in the Tournament and your fight last night." Duncan told him. "You were quite impressive. You had the men down before I could intervene. Even before then I had thought to try and recruit you."

Arthus chortled.

"Then I guess it's good I did get in trouble." He commented dryly. "You've got another guaranteed recruit now."

Duncan gave a brief chuckle himself.

"You're not angry about being recruited?" He queried.

Arthus shook his head.

"Not really." Arthus told him. "I've been in some bad scrapes before. It wouldn't exactly be my first chose but if there truly is a Blight coming it will need to be fought. It is better to die for something than to live for nothing."

"Indeed." Duncan said respect coloring his tone.

"Where will we be headed?" Arthus asked.

"Our first stop will be Highever ruled over by Teyrn Bryce Cousland and his family." Duncan answered. "There is a promising recruit I wish to see there."

Arthus nodded as he tightened the straps of his saddle. Arthus let out two quick whistles causing Goren to run up to his side. Checking him over Arthus was gladdened to see that his companion had no injuries.

"That is definitely one of the largest mabari hounds I have ever seen." Duncan commented. "He is a mix breed correct?"

"Yes. His name is Goren." Arthus nodded. "One of his parents was a wolf. While he is not a full-blood mabari I think that it is an improvement. I have yet to meet anything that he hasn't been able to overcome. I once saw him take down a black bear I was tracking."

"Impressive." Duncan commented.

Goren grunted happily at the compliment causing Arthus to grin.

After making a brief stop for supplies Duncan and Arthus rode out of Castron, on to Highever.


The seat of the Teyrn and Teyrna of Highever was an impressive fortified stone castle surrounded by a large wall of stone, metal and hard wood. Arthus could see the standard of the Teyrn waving proudly in the air. The portcullis was open and several guards stood in the open. Arthus was sure that there were several hidden in case of danger.

"Halt." The guard said, holding up his hand. "State your business."

Arthus slowed Porthos, allowing Duncan to pull ahead of him a bit to be able to speak with the guards. The guard stood wearing chain mail with a shield with the standard of the Teyrn slung on his back.

"I am Duncan, Ferelden's Grey Warden Commander." Duncan answered. "This is Arthus Morthos, a Grey Warden recruit. We seek shelter and the possibility of finding more recruits."

"Please wait here while I send a messenger to the Teyrn." The guard said, slightly more politely before whispering to the man next to him who left after nodding.

Duncan nodded.

"We can wait." He said, settling back in his saddle.

The messenger returned five minutes later.

"Please come inside." The guard said. "The Teyrn bids you to enjoy his hospitality and is having rooms made up for you. If you follow Ser Rosdale here he can stable your horses for you."

"Thank you, we will take the Teyrn up on his generous offer." Duncan said with a nod, waving for Arthus to follow him in. Once inside they stepped down from their horses and shouldered their packs. They were quickly met by an Elvish girl servant. Her black hair was long and her blue eyes were dark like the ocean.

"I will stable your horses my lords." Ser Rosdale said, taking the horse's reins.

"Thank you Ser Rosdale." Duncan said as the Knight led the horses away.

An elvish maid stepped forward to meet them. Arthus thought her to be quite attractive.

"Welcome to the Cousland estates milords, my name is Aveena." She said. "If you will follow me milords I can lead you to your rooms so that you might refresh yourselves."

"Thank you." Duncan said with a nod.

They were quickly led through the castle towards the guest wing. While the walls were made of stone the castle had a comfortable feel to it surprising Arthus. The guest rooms were fairly good sized with large comfortable looking beds, a wooden wardrobe and a wash tub surrounded by a privacy divider.

"If my lords wishes I can have a hot bath drawn for you." The maid said.

"I would enjoy one." Arthus told her. "Thank you."

"I would as well." Duncan concurred.


"Please come inside Sers." The guards said, opening the door.

Arthus had quite enjoyed his hot bath. It wasn't often that he was able to enjoy them after all. Most of his time was spent traveling in the wilds of Ferelden. Arthus normally bathed in streams, lakes or rivers. Some servants had also taken his dirty linens away to be washed. Stepping into the Main Hall Arthus was buffeted by warmth from the roaring fire in the large fireplace along the back wall. Three people stood inside, seemingly waiting for them. Two men and a young woman.

One man was fairly tall and broad shouldered. He had reddish brown hair and beard with blue eyes. Arthus guessed him to be the Teyrn. The other man was of shorter stature and had a swarthy, weaselly face with dark, calculating eyes. The woman had shoulder length bronze hair and blue eyes. Her skin was slightly pale but she didn't appear sickly. Her cheek bones were raised giving her a beautiful and aristocratic look while her nose was thin but looked right on her face.

Instead of a dress most noble women favored she wore rider britches, leather boots and a simple but well made blouse. Her hair was done up in a braid, clearly to keep it out of her face. She appeared to be close to twenty years of age, if a few years over it. A sword hung from her waist and a crossbow was slung on her back.

The smaller man spoke first, clearly surprised.

"My lord, you did not tell me we had Grey Wardens present." He said, somewhat reproachfully. Arthus' eyes narrowed slightly. There was something off with this man, something about him tickled Arthus' instincts. The smaller man clearly didn't like the fact that they were there. Looking at the woman Arthus saw that she too seemed to dislike the man, even if it was well hidden.

The Teyrn turned to him.

"Is there a problem Howe?" He asked curiously, brows raised.

Ah, Arthus knew him now. Arl Rendon Howe, the Arl of Amaranthine. Arthus had obviously never met the man but he had heard rumors about him. Most counted him as a sneaky venomous snake and a social climber. Howe was supposedly a close friend of Bryce Cousland, the Teyrn of Highever. Obviously that rumor was at least true. By the look on his face he was clearly surprised to see Duncan and him there.

Howe was quick to recover.

"Not at all old friend. I'm just at a disadvantage. There are certain...protocols involved." Howe replied smoothly.

Teyrn Cousland nodded before turning to the woman.

"Pup," Arthus saw the woman grimace slightly at this nickname causing his mouth to quirk in a grin before it disappeared when she seemed to glare out of the corner her eye. "this is Duncan, the Grey Warden Commander and Arthus Morthos, a Grey Warden recruit. They will be staying here for a few days. Please see that they have everything they need and are treated with the utmost respect. Duncan, Arthus this is my daughter Aeris."

Duncan nodded to Aeris.

"Well met." Arthus told her, offering a small bow.

Duncan was quick to address the Teyrn.

"We require no special attention your lordship, but thank you." Duncan said. "But your generosity is appreciated."


Aeris Magdalena Cousland was the youngest child of Teyrn and Teyrna Bryce and Eleanor Cousland; and their only daughter. She was ten years younger than her older brother Fergus, who was thirty years old and heir to the Cousland line. Aeris knew that many expected her to act like a Lady but Aeris enjoyed defying tradition. She had always possessed a wilder side and loved learning about fighting and hunting. Aeris preferred britches, shirts and simple braids to dresses and elaborate hair styles. While she did learn what her tutors taught her Aeris had always preferred the outdoors and attending fighting tournaments. Fergus was the one who enjoyed politics and learning to run a Teyrnum.

Aeris studied the two men curiously and with a little awe. Grey Wardens, warriors of Legend and Heroes to the world. Worthy men and women, handpicked to battle darkspawn. Respected and feared on the battlefield, though perhaps not of late. For several centuries the Grey Wardens had been banned from entering Ferelden. When he had ascended the throne King Maric Theirin had ended that proclamation and willingly welcomed them back into their country.

Aeris found herself wondering why these men were here and not in the South already but she didn't voice it. While the other man wasn't a full Warden yet he must be quite the warrior to have been chosen to join them. She hoped to be able to speak with him about it.

"You of course know of the Grey Wardens pup?" Her father asked, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

Aeris fought down a blush. She had always been a fan of the Grey Wardens and had made her parents and servants read several stories about them to her many times as a child.

"Of course Father. Great warriors of legend." She nodded to Duncan and Arthus. "I am at your disposal Wardens."

Duncan nodded back.

"Most kind milady. With the darkspawn forming in the south, I find myself searching for new recruits here. We should not be too long."

Thoughts immediately formed in Aeris' head.

"If I might ask, who are you here to test Warden?" She inquired.

Her father answered, wary of the look in his daughter's eyes. She had always been very adventurous and daring, even more than her brother Fergus.

"Ser Gilmore is to be tested." He said.

Duncan added.

"Yes. Though if I may say so your lordship, your daughter here is fine candidate as well. Has she not won several Tournaments herself?"

The Teyrn looked agitated.

"Yes, well perhaps, but I've not so many children that I'll willingly send them off in such a manner Duncan. Unless of course you wish to invoke the Right of Conscription?" Teyrn Cousland asked, his voice a tad cooler.

"No, no." Duncan was quick to assure him, holding up a hand to placate the Teyrn. "We are not at that point your Lordship."

Howe interjected.

"So you believe this may actually be a Blight then?" He asked causing Duncan to turn his attention to him.

"Perhaps. The darkspawn numbers swell in the south. Though an Archdemon has not been sighted of yet. Still..." He let the implications hang in the air.

Aeris was curious.

"How many darkspawn are there?" She asked.

Arthus frowned while Duncan looked grave and serious.

"Thousands. Perhaps tens of thousands. Increasing every day." He answered.

Aeris' jaw dropped. Arthus could not blame her he had been surprised as well.

It seems almost inconceivable that such a force could gather so quickly and with such little warning. Thought Arthus. The Gods only know how many still hide beneath the ground in the Deep Roads. Not even the Dwarves know.

Aeris turned to her father and immediately he knew what she was going to say causing him to bite back a sigh.

"I really should be going Father." She said hoping to get him to see things her way. "I am a skilled warrior and I can help."

Her father shook his head with a sigh.

"No. King Cailan is already there and armies have been sent. Stability is needed back here. You know your duty. And we have already discussed this pup." Teyrn Cousland told her firmly, giving her a look that told her to drop it.

Aeris frowned but nodded.

"I shall see to it. No need to worry." She conceded. I should be out there fighting. I always enjoyed it more than Fergus. He would take better care of Highever as well.

"Good. Now, go find your brother for me and send him here. We have preparations to make before we depart." The Teyrn ordered.

Aeris nodded to the Arl then turned to Duncan and Arthus.

"I should like to speak with you later if there is time Wardens." She said politely.

"Of course." The dark haired warden replied. "We look forward to it."

Arthus looked at him with a brow slightly raised.

Answering for me now are you? He thought slightly amused.

Aeris risked a look at her father, who clearly did not look forward to it. Teyrn Cousland knew his daughter, and knew the life of a Grey Warden, once explained fully to her, would appeal to her greatly. Bryce had feared this.

Aeris gave her father a kiss on the cheek and turned to walk out of the door.


"Might I speak with you Ser Morthos?" A young female voice asked, bringing Arthus out of his reading. Arthus had decided to take advantage to having access to such a wealth of knowledge, spending most of the first two days at Highever inside the library.

Looking up Arthus saw Aeris Cousland in front of him causing him to frown slightly. He had been so engrossed in the book that he hadn't heard her come in. A dangerous thing when one lived mostly in the wilds. He had found the Cousland library to have a large collection of books on a wide range of subjects both academic and leisurely. Reading was one of Arthus' hidden pleasures. His mother had had many books on the Arcane and he had read many of them when he was younger.

Up close Arthus decided that Aeris Cousland was quite beautiful and that she had a smattering of light freckles on her face. Arthus noticed that she had been followed in the library by a short haired mabari.

"Of course your Ladyship." Arthus said, standing up.

Aeris grimaced.

"Please call me Aeris and retake your seat." She said with a wave. "While I am used to being addressed as milady I also liked to be called by my name."

"If that is your wish." Arthus replied smoothly, bowing slightly and retaking his seat.

"This is Mara." Aeris said, gesturing to the mabari.

"Well met." Arthus said, giving the clearly well bred mabari a respectful nod. The hound stepped closer to sniff him before sitting back down next to her mistress with a grunt of assent. Aeris' mouth quirked, mabari were very good judges of character and Arthus had clearly passed muster.

"You speak to her as if she were a person..." She said leadingly.

"I myself have a half-mabari named Goren. I know how intelligent mabari are." Arthus replied. "My father always said that mabari are smart enough to be able to speak but intelligent enough not to."

Aeris smiled.

"My father has said something similar in the past." She told him.

"What did you wish to speak with me about?" Arthus asked.

"I was wondering if you would tell me how you were recruited for the Wardens if it's not too invasive." Aeris said, seeing no reason to beat around the bush. She took the seat opposite him. Mara padded over and laid her large head on her mistresses lap and Aeris automatically reached up to scratch her ears.

"Not at all." Arthus said, closing the book before setting it gently on the table. "I met Duncan after the Tournament in Castron."

"Did you compete?" She asked, leaning forward eagerly.

"Aye, I did." Arthus told her. "I won first prize in Archery and Sword fighting."

"You must be very good." Aeris replied appreciatively. "Both my brother and I have competed there and won in the past."

"It was quite fun." Arthus admitted. "Whilst there I was set upon by a group of local thugs. I was forced to defend myself when they tried to rob me and was arrested for it. Even though it was self-defense they weren't going to let me go free."

"Why not?" Aeris asked.

Arthus gave her a brief, piercing look.

"A rich patron stepped into my trial. I saw him signal the judge." Arthus answered. "Luckily Duncan was there to rescue me from prison and possibly death. Duncan brought up that the Warden's needed recruits and used the Right of Conscription to recruit me."

Aeris, of course, knew of the Right. It allowed the Grey Wardens to forcibly recruit people into their ranks. Be they criminals, commoners or Noble born. Quite a controversial law and one rarely used unless necessary.

She observed Arthus further. His leather armor was something he was obviously comfortable in. It was dark brown and had a silver wolf howling at the moon on it. His black hair was messy but seemed to suit him and his silver eyes were kind of exotic. A trimmed goatee rimmed his mouth and chin and actually looked quite good upon his features. He had a thin scar that ran down his right brow and upper cheek looked to be caused by a sword or dagger. Arthus' features were strong and she could see that his ears were slightly pointed. Not as much as an Elf but fairly similar. He appeared to be several years older than her but not as old as her brother. In the back of her mind she acknowledged that he was a handsome man. She almost blushed but controlled it.

"I mean no offense but you look slightly elvish." Aeris said.

Arthus' mouth quirked in a smile.

"I am not offended. I am in fact half-elven." Arthus answered. "My mother was an elf while my father was a human knight."

"How is it that you look like you do then?" Aeris asked curiously. "I thought all children between Elves and humans looked human."

Arthus shook his head.

"A common misconception." He said. "There are a few of us, known as The Blessed or Elvahren, who are born with more Elvish traits than human. It quite a rare occurrence and usually only happens when one parent is magical. It is said to be a blessing from the Gods."

"So your mother was a Mage." Aeris asked, not afraid in the least. She had met a Mage once who had lived outside of the Circle of Magi. She hadn't appeared to be a dangerous monster Templars and the Chantry tried to portray all those who didn't live within their towers.

"Yes she was." Arthus admitted. "I myself am not a Mage but it is possible if I ever have children that they might be. It usually runs in bloodlines, though not always."

"Is there any advantage to being 'Blessed'?" Aeris asked.

Arthus nodded with smile.

"We are more like our Elvish parent than human." Arthus explained. "We are stronger, faster and more dexterous like Elves. We are also usually more accepted by pureblood Elves than humans usually are. I have heard that some Elves will even seek out the Elvahren for marriage. Probably because of the decline in Elvish populations."

Aeris nodded, storing the information away in her mind.

"What about you?" Arthus asked. "No offense but you don't exactly scream Noble Lady."

Aeris grinned and rolled her eyes.

"I've always been more wild than normal noble girls, much to my mother's dismay." She snickered. "I enjoy hunting and training better than learning good manners, and how to be a proper Lady. I was out on a hunt when you and Duncan arrived."


It was a scream that woke him with a start during their fifth day of staying with the Cousland's. Arthus was briefly disoriented before he took in his surroundings. Goren was near the door growling. Getting up he quickly dressed and put his gear on. He didn't know what was going on but it was better to be prepared. Carefully opening the door an inch he didn't see anything.

"Stay close." Arthus whispered to Goren.

Pulling his sword from it's scabbard he carefully made his way down the darkened hallway. Pulling a small mirror from a pouch he used it to look around the corner. Seeing nobody Arthus quickly made his way forward, keeping to the shadows as much as possible. Ahead of him he saw two armored men standing beside the corpse of an elf. Arthus felt a pang of sadness as he gazed upon the frightened visage of Aveena, the sweet elf maid that had taken care of him and Duncan during their stay.

"Heh. Heh." One of the men chuckled. "Should have heard the knife ear scream."

Arthus' eyes narrowed as he saw the standard of Arl Howe on one of the soldier's shields, illuminated by a nearby torch.

Arl Howe is attacking Highever? What has possessed him to betray the Teyrn?

"Better go and check the rest of the keep." The other said. The first man nodded and turned to leave.

Stepping up to the man who stayed Arthus calmly slid his dagger across the soldier's throat, covering his mouth to prevent any screams from being heard before stabbing him quickly three times to quicken his death. Goren growled and jumped the other one as his back was turned. The man barely had any notice before the giant mabari slammed into him. His breath was immediately knocked out of him and Arthus was sure that some his ribs were broken as he had heard a crunch. Goren savagely bit into throat, tearing it open with his sharp teeth causing warm blood to gush into his mouth.

"Good job." Arthus whispered to Goren when he let the, now, dead man go.

Quickly pulling the corpses into the shadows he stripped them of anything of value, stuffing it into his pack. He would sort everything out later. A copper saved is a copper earned in his opinion. Better than allowing it to go to waste anyway. Arthus felt no scruples about looting corpses. What use did the dead have for material things? Absolutely none.

As he made his way through the castle Arthus came across several more groups before he rounded another corner coming face to face to the Teyrna and Aeris. They both seemed to be unharmed. They were both dressed in leather armor and carried several weapons competently. The Teyrna had a sword and dagger while Aeris had a sword and shield with a small bow and a quiver of arrows on her back. Both of their eyes were lined with red but filled with a seething rage.

Arthus quickly lowered his sword as they raised their weapons against him. Arthus motioned for Goren to stay behind him.

"I am not here to fight." Arthus said, holding up a hand. "I heard a scream from my room and left to investigate. I didn't expect to find this."

He waved at Howe's dead soldiers with his bloodied blade.

"Ser Morthos." Eleanor finally said. "I am glad to see that you are alright."

"And I you your Ladyship." Arthus replied. "Do you know why they are attacking?"

"They seek to kill us all." Aeris growled with rage, speaking up for the first time. "Damn that cowardly weasel Howe."

"We were just on our way to escape if you want you can come with us." Eleanor Cousland said. "There is a secret passage we can take in the larder."

Arthus nodded.

"Have you seen Duncan?" Arthus asked as they started on their way.

Eleanor shook her head.

"No neither of us has seen him or the Teyrn." Eleanor answered. "Please follow us."

They made a stop at the Cousland treasury with Goren standing guard.

"Hurry Aeris." Eleanor urged. "We don't need Howe getting his hands on our family treasures."

Arthus joined them inside. Reaching into his pack he pulled out a leather sack.

"Take this." He said. "It's been enchanted to hold more than it should."

"Thank you." Eleanor said, using a key to open a wooden chest. Inside was a good amount of Sovereigns, silver and copper coins along with a few ingots of precious metals. She emptied it as quickly as she could before handing it to Aeris to place in her pack. She quickly gathered up a shield and sword.

"These are the Cousland family shield and sword." She told Aeris. "Howe must not get his hands on these."

"Yes mother." Aeris said, accepting the shield and sword after discarding her own. "I swear that he won't as long as I have them."

They swiftly made there way to the Main Hall as some of the hallways were blocked with fire and debris. They killed several of Howe's men on the way. The Cousland women fought like women possessed by Rage Demons. Entering they saw several guards fighting numerous numbers of Howe's men. Towards the back Arthus saw a female Mage.

Howe must have hired her from the Circle. Arthus said. I wonder if they knew what she would be doing.

Arthus saw the Mage's hands beginning to crackle with a spell. Dropping his hand to his chest he gripped the handle of a throwing knife and threw it, burying it into the Mage's throat, causing her to drop her staff and clutch the bleeding wound. Running at her Arthus kicked the legs out from under one of Howe's men who tried to get in his way before quickly stabbing him in the throat as well. Goren tackled another and ripping out his throat while Aeris' mabari Mara did the same a few feet away with another enemy.

Catching up with the Mage Arthus saw that she was still alive. Fear and hatred battled for domination in her eyes. She bared blood stained teeth at him before he sliced her head from her shoulders. Arthus quickly searched her finding an amulet, some coins and several Lyrium potions. He quickly put them in his pack as Lyrium potions were quite valuable. Her stave quickly followed. Not for the first time did he feel glad for his Bag of Holding as he liked to call it.

Turning around Arthus saw a red haired knight standing behind the Highever men, sword at the ready. Arthus recognized him as the knight Duncan had planned on testing, Ser Gilmore. The knight turned and his eyes lit up at the sight of the Teyrna and her daughter.

"Your ladyship! I thought for sure Howe's men had gotten through. Thank the Maker..."

Aeris cut him off.

"They did get though."

She did not elaborate. Gilmore shut up quickly. He looked at the Teyrna and she simply shook her head. Gilmore's head drooped in sadness, but the doors in front started to buckle. He sprung to action.

"Move forward! Secure the doors!" Gilmore took charge and turned to Aeris. "Go. The Teyrn went for the larder exit. We'll hold them as long as we can."

Aeris put a hand on the man's shoulder, nodded to him and took off through the doors towards the kitchen. The others right behind her. Suddenly she had some hope. Her father still lived.

They fought through two more groups before reaching the kitchen. As they stepped into the kitchen they saw a couple of elvish servants and an elderly lady laying on the ground along with a couple of Howe's men. From the blood on her clothes and the knife she held the lady had obviously fought well before dying.

"Oh Nan." Eleanor whispered, mourning her old nanny, before hearing a deep cough. Making their way quickly into the larder they stopped at seeing Teyrn Cousland laying in a slowly growing puddle of his own blood.



The two Cousland women screamed and run to the injured man. Eleanor embraced him, not caring about the blood.

"Eleanor, Pup. I am glad that you are *cough* safe." He wheezed.

"What happened to you Bryce?" Eleanor asked.

"I was set upon by Howe's men and caught off guard." Bryce answered tiredly. "I was only able to get away with Duncan's help."

Arthus was glad to hear that Duncan had made it alive. Except he wasn't there.

Just then Duncan walked in, covered in blood, before he sheathed his sword. Behind him was the youngest Cousland, face stained with tears.

"Oren!" Aeris exclaimed, hugging her nephew to her chest. "Thank the Maker you're alive."

"They will break through the gates at any moment. There are too many. We need to go." Duncan urged them.

Aeris looked at her father. She knew he was unlikely to make it far if moved but they had little choice.

"Can you stand Father?" She asked him.

The Teyrn shook his head no.

"I won't survive it. Duncan..." The Teyrn said.

The Grey Warden turned to him.

"You are under no obligation to me Duncan, but I beg you, see my family to safety."

The wizened older warrior nodded.

"I will your Lordship, but, there is an even greater Evil loosed on this world at the moment. I came here for a recruit. Circumstance dictates that I must leave with one." He said gravely.

A look of pain flashed over Bryce's eyes but he nodded slowly.

"Aeris please go with Duncan. Become a Grey Warden." He said.

"But what about Howe?" Aeris asked angrily. "He must pay for what he has done!"

"A Cousland always puts their duty before personal desires." Bryce told her firmly. "Make Howe pay by surviving, let him know that a Cousland still lives that knows of his cowardly misdeeds. Inform the King of Howe's treachery."

Duncan put a hand to his shoulder and nodded.

"You must put aside vengeance. The darkspawn threat will always take precedence." He said.

Aeris looked ready to object but Bryce spoke first.

"Pup...Aeris. He is right. There will be a time. A place. Howe will pay. Go. Find your brother. Make your mark on this world. Go –"

He doubled over in pain, curling his arm tighter against his stomach.

Duncan turned his head sharply, Arthus heard it too. The door had broken. They had maybe two minutes.

"We have to leave." Duncan moved to the exit, opened the door, then turned to the Eleanor.

The Teyrna shrugged them both off.

"I'm staying. I'll kill every last bastard that comes through that door to protect you Bryce but I'll not leave you." She turned to her daughter and gave her a tight hug and kiss. "Aeris, I love you my daughter. Now go."

"No Eleanor you need to go with Oren to safety. Take him to your brother and protect him." Bryce wheezed. "He is the future of House Cousland. You and he must survive."

Eleanor stiffened before she nodded. She kissed her husband fiercely.

"We will see each other again my love." She whispered.

Bryce smiled at her painfully before he turned to Aeris.

"I am proud of you Aeris and I love you. Never forget that." Bryce said.

The two mabari were the first down the trapdoor followed by Duncan. Arthus followed him down and heard Aeris following him, her mother carrying young Oren behind her. The tunnel they climbed down into was barely tall enough for them to walk in but they hurried forward as fast as they could. The floor and part of the walls were made of stone but the rest was hard packed soil. There were no lights except for the torch Duncan carried. The group was silent aside from Oren's occasional sniffle.

"Where will this lead us?" Duncan asked Aeris.

"The tunnel branches after couple hundred feet." Aeris whispered. "The first branch leads to a lake. The second leads to the stables. There should be horses there."

"Then that is where we will go." Duncan said. "Horses will help us leave faster even if they'll leave a trail."

Arthus was glad. He hadn't wanted to leave Porthos behind. Conversation stopped and the only sound was their panting breath. Quickly making their way into the needed tunnel they stopped at the end which was kept closed by a thick wood and stone door. Aeris stepped forward and pulled out an ornate metal key and quickly unlocked it. The door groaned slightly as it opened.

Looking out they didn't see anybody. Duncan took point again and motioned them forward before throwing his torch back into the tunnel and closing the door which Aeris re-locked. They moved swiftly but stealthily towards the stables. Luckily no one had seem them yet.

Just as they thought they were home free one of Howe's archers turned and saw them. Just as he opened his mouth to scream he was silenced by an arrow to the throat from Arthus and one to the heart by Aeris. Arthus heard Aeris sigh in relief from beside him as the solider tumbled forward instead of backwards.

"We need to move quickly." Duncan said. "It won't be long before they notice the dead guard."

Arthus and Aeris nodded. Making their way into the stables they quickly each found a horse. Arthus reached up to rub Porthos' neck briefly. Finding his saddle he hurried to put it on Porthos who seemed to sense that something was amiss and didn't fuss. The group led their horses out the back and into the darkness before climbing on and taking off quickly. They only slowed when they made it to the hills overlooking Highever. Arthus looked to Aeris who had stopped to look at Highever one last time. Even from where they were he could see Howe's men crowding all over the place. Arthus saw a single tear flow down Aeris' cheek before she swiped it away. Pulling the reins of her horse she urged him forward. Arthus moved Porthos after her. He felt sorrow for her. Her old life was now in ruins and she was soon to be joining the Wardens.


Elvahren- The Blessed- The offspring of a union between a human and an elf with more Elven traits than human. They are born with the natural dexterity, strength, senses and speed of their Elven parent. Unlike those who more resemble their human parents, and are thus scorned, the Blessed are more accepted by their Elvish kin, some even sought after for marriage. While there are some traditionalist that look down upon them for the most part they are welcome, especially due to the decline in Elvish populations.