I don't own anything except for OC's.

The day started out as normal. Wake up, get ready for school, go to school, sleep during lectures, go home, kill some stray devils and finally sleep.

At least, it's normal for Owen Pierce, the only guy that has the Deletion Gear.

Yup. It was a Forbidden Sacred Gear that can delete objects from the face of the earth at will and make his power increase by absorbing anything the gear deletes. And it came with a talking dragon named Durnehviir. Normally he wouldn't have access to his powers but since he didn't know his parents to work with, it was the only way to pretty much survive in the streets. The only thing that he knew about his parents was that they had black hair and dark blue eyes judging from his eyes and hair color and it seemed to woo every girl in school. He didn't complain but the girls really needed to stop gushing on him or else he'd puke. He was a transfer second year in Kuoh Academy, sixteen years old and was able to use his Sacred Gear since he was five so he had a lot of training and so he got muscles which, once again, manages to woo every girl in school. Especially during P.E classes.

Right now he was in class sleeping as per usual in the back seat of the class. The teacher either didn't notice or was just used to him sleeping on classes. It was surprising that he still managed to pass his subject or any of the subjects for that matter. He slept until the bell rang in which his eyes immediately opened, grabbed his bag and left the school since it was dismissal. You know how it is these days.

As he was about to leave the school gates however, a girl with long black hair, violet eyes and a very eye candy worth body walked up to him and asked him out on a date.

"Excuse me?" He said, confused at the request. A lot of people wanted to ask him out and girls only seemed to send him love letters that he didn't read since it was a lot. And I mean a whole locker's lot.

"Yo-You're single, right? Then please go on a date with me!" She repeated, head low and cheeks red.

Now Owen would say no but then again, having a Fallen Angel walk up to you and ask you out is a pretty interesting proposition. And he'd probably fight her which would make her his first fallen angel opponent since he just kept fighting Strays or the occasional Demons.

"Sure, why not?" He answered then the fallen angel perked up and gave him her number, introduced herself as Yuuma Amano and left in a hurry.

Pretty good acting in his opinion. He then shrugged and turned around to continue where he was supposed to go. His apartment.

He also took note of a small white haired teen watching him in the shadows during his short talk with 'Yuuma'.

The next day he went to the park, seeing Yuuma already there. He saw her looking around and would always look to the church on the hill by the left every time she would look to the right.

"Hey there." Owen started, walking up to the girl and so they started their date. It was a pretty normal date. Holding hands, going to clothing stores, eating at a restaurant and now, it was the afternoon and the two were back at the park.

Thinking back at the date, it was pretty fun in his opinion. It's not every day that he goes on a date. Hell, it's not every day he goes out in the weekends at all. He just spends his time in his apartment training or playing video games on his computer.

She let go of his hand and walked up to the fountain. "Today was fun." She smiled. "Hey, Owen-kun."

"Yeah?" He asked, now ready to dodge an attack or throw one.

"Can you listen to my wish?" She asked him.

"What is it?" Owen replied, hand slowly going over his back and unsheathing a knife he had hidden behind his belt. It was nice to be prepared.

"Will you die for me?" she said, black angel wings appearing from her back.

"No thanks." Owen then got up close and stabbed her in the gut, making her scream in pain before kicking him away.

"So you do know how to use your Savred Gear. This makes things complicated." She said, making a pink light spear in her hand as her clothes began to shred and now she was wearing a bondage suit. Pretty weird choose of attire but it's her style, he won't complain about it.

"Well if you get bored during your youth you kinda have a lot of time to do stuff." Owen replied, making his Sacred Gear appear. It was a black gauntlet that had a red jewel and red spikes over the sides.

"No matter. I'll end you for Azazel-sama!" She stated, throwing her light spear at him before going up in the air.

Owen dodged and began thinking of strategies on how to beat her. He could just delete the air around her so that flying wouldn't be an option to her. And probably choke her to death.

"That would make a nice plan." The gauntlet spoke, making Owen look at his left arm.

"I suppose so, Durnehviir." Owen replied before putting his left arm up.

[DELETE!] The gauntlet shouted, the air around 'Yuuma' getting distorted before she flew to the ground, hard.

Owen dashed at the fallen, throwing a punch that sent her crashing next to the fountain.

"So, still wanna go?" He asked, getting cocky now. He's got the fight in the bag now.

"Tch, I'll have to retreat for now…" She muttered, pulling a flash bang and throwing it, blind Owen and giving her enough time to fly away.

"What kind of Fallen Angel carries a flashbang? And she's wearing something you can't hide anything. Man…"Owen sighed as he looked around the surrounding area. He looked at the church to the left and decided it was better to check it out later. Right now, he needed to sleep.

The next day, he did his normal routine except for Owen getting looks from a crimson haired girl with a very blessed body every time it would he would pass by her or just see her. Their eyes always connect for a few seconds before pulling away. He remembered that she was really popular in Kuoh with someone else. Was it Rose? Rise?

Rias. That was her name. The most popular girl in the school looking at him. He also remembered that she was always with another girl also with a very blessed body every time he saw her.

The first time it happened was during the time he was going the school grounds. Just before he would enter the school building, he saw everyone stop and look behind him making him look behind him and see her for the first time during his days at Kuoh. The way she walked was elegant, almost natural to the way she moves. She passed by him and their eyes connected.

This happened quite a lot during the day, wherever he would go, he would always see her somewhere near. It was odd, like she knew where he was all the time. Well considering the fact she was a devil he's pretty sure she would know where he was all the time. It was a surprise the she wasn't acting on getting him on her servant clan or whatever devils call it. He also knows that the Student Council President is a devil, the Vice President is a devil and the girl Rias was with all the time was a devil and an angel? Or a Fallen Angel? He wasn't too sure on that.

Now the weird thing that happened was that Kiba Yuuto, the Prince of Kuoh had approached him and told him to follow him per 'Buchou's' orders. Probably Rias. Owen agreed since he thought she might not do anything stupid.

She did something stupid.

'Who the hell forces them to join her peerage?' Owen thought as he was walking through the alley which was a shortcut to his apartment. When he got to another fairly large building in the school grounds which he later learned as the old school building, he was met by Rias Gremory, the crimson haired Onee-sama, Akeno Himejima, the girl Rias was always with and the second Great Onee-sama, the first being Rias. Kiba Yuuto, of course and Koneko Toujou, the school's mascot. Owen and Rias talked for a bit about what the latter's kind was and she was slightly surprised at how much he knew about the Devils or any faction for that matter. Owen always managed to cut Rias off every time she would explain her race and the supernatural world. Then the crimson haired bishoujo pulled out a red chess piece which was he later learned was a pawn piece. She asked him if he could join her peerage, nicely. When he refused, she kept urging him to join to which he just kept declining. Owen was immediately curious when she was asking him to join her peerage for the second time though. You could see the faint desperation in her eyes, like she needed him for something very important or else she'd lose something very important. Now, until she tells him what that important stuff was, he's gonna keep declining. He wasn't mad at anything of them and it was kind of a dick move but it was his choice.

And now, he's currently looking at a guy in a suit and wearing a fedora who was glaring at Owen.

"So you're the one Raynare had to get away from. Interesting." The man started, a dark blue light spear in his hand. "Tell me, do you know anything about the Sacred Gear that you possess?"

"Well, other than it can delete stuff and make me stronger, it's pretty much awesome." Owen replied, making his Sacred Gear appear. "You know, I met the Sekiryuutei once. Nice guy."

"Sekiryuutei? No matter. My mission is to kill you and so I shall do so." The man said, throwing his light spear with Owen simply stopping it by holding it in the middle.

[DELETE!] The gauntlet appeared and spoke, the light spear disappearing and got absorbed by Owen. The human then cracked his knuckles and dashed at the man, giving him a kick to the face, stumbling him and Owen grabbed him by the neck and choke slammed him.

Owen stepped on the man's chest as he was slowly getting up. "Sorry but no getting away this time."

[DELETE!] Durnehviir shouted, the man's suit slowly disappearing. Just as the man's body was about to be deleted, Owen felt something painful in his gut. Looking down, he saw a pink light spear.

'God damnit.' He thought as he slowly fell down, seeing the man get up with the help of someone he couldn't see.

"Sorry, but we just couldn't let you live. At least now you get to see your parents." Someone spoke. It was honeyed and girlish, probably 'Yuuma' or Raynare. Whatever the hell her name is.

Then he heard wings flapping. They left him to slowly die. This is gonna be a bitch.

"I wouldn't count on that. That Gremory girl is already on her way." Durnehviir stated and a red magic circle appeared, showing Rias Gremory still on her school uniform.

"Oh no, I'm too late." She said, kneeling down next to him, her skirt getting stained with his blood. "I hope you won't be angry with me…" she said, pulling out the chess piece she showed him earlier.

The next thing Owen saw was his bedroom ceiling. He groggily opened his eyes because of the window being open and since it was morning, the sun would make his eyes its bitch.

Once he got in a sitting position, he wiped his face with his hand and felt something soft when he placed it down to his bed. He looked to his left to see a naked Rias.

'Very nice…' He thought as his eyes looked all over her body.

Rias' eyes opened and smiled. "Good morning."

Owen immediately looked at her in the eyes. "Morning. Why are you naked?"

"Oh. I had to heal you since you got stabbed by that light spear last night. How are you feeling anyway?" Rias sat, also getting up to a seated position.

Owen touched his stomach and there wasn't any scar left behind. "Pretty good. Thanks for that."

"You're welcome. You are my servant now." She said, getting up and started to wear her panties.

"Wait, I'm your what now?" Owen said, now exactly sure on what she said. 'Did she really just-?'

"My servant. I had to reincarnate you because you were dying." Rias repeated, turning around. "Could you help me with this?" she said, showing him an unhooked bra.

"I guess." He replied, standing up and getting his boxers when he realized he was also naked and she would've seen his dick and get on hooking her bra which was fairly easy.

"Thanks." Rias said, continuing on dressing herself.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast. There's a shower there if you want to use it." Owen said, getting the rest of his clothes and got to the door and left the room. He's definitely getting answers later.

"So, you had to reincarnate me or I would've died?" Owen repeated what Rias had told him after he passed out from blood loss. She reincarnated him with her pawn pieces and then teleported him to his apartment where she had healed him by skin-to-skin contact. What she didn't tell him was that she used all her pawn pieces to reincarnate him so he was definitely strong as Rias thought he was.

"To put it short, yes. I hope you're not mad?" She said, sitting down on a chair in the living room while drying her hair while Owen was preparing breakfast. She decided to take a shower when Owen left the room and got out in her school uniform. Owen was still in his boxers giving her a sight to behold. Owen had a lean build that showed off his muscles, especially the abs. Rias subconsciously licked her lips at seeing said abs.

"Well, you did save my life so I guess I'm not that mad. Anyway, I'll go take a shower. Here's breakfast." Owen replied, placing a plate of bacon and eggs on the table in the kitchen and went upstairs to take said shower.

Rias decided to wait for him before eating and five minutes later, Owen got down dressed in his uniform with a raised eyebrow. "You didn't eat yet?"

"I wanted to wait for you." Rias replied as Owen took a plate of what Rias had and sat across her.

"Okay then. Itadakimasu." Owen said before eating his food, Rias following.

"I'm surprised you weren't fazed earlier." Rias started.

"About seeing you naked? Nah, I got that a lot during my early days." Owen replied.

"The Sekiryuutei always brought you along when he went on his adventures." Durnehviir thought.

'Yup. Didn't really help me back then.'

"What do you mean?" Rias asked, taking a bit from her bacon.

"Well I had a… father figure back then since I didn't know my parents and he was a perverted guy. Always wanted to see naked bodies, especially the 'oppai' as the Japanese call it." Owen answered, finished eating and got up to clean his dish.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Rias said.

"Don't worry about it. I never knew them anyway." That gave her the signal to drop the topic or else she'd just piss him off.

"Who was this father figure you had?" Rias asked again, also standing up to clean her dish.

"Well, he wasn't that old, he's probably in his late twenties since he found me when I was five and he was eighteen. He taught me on how to use my sacred gear and always dragged me to his oppai hunt." Owen replied. "He had a good heart though. Just too obsessed with tits."

"What's his name?"

"Hyoudou Issei, the Sekiryuutei of this generation." Owen answered, shocking Rias. "I don't know where he is now though so it'd be hard to find him." Owen continued, getting his bag. "Well, we should go. Anymore time wasted and we'd be late for class."

Apparently you're going to be the center of attention when you walk with Rias Gremory. It was really uncomfortable with how many people were looking at the two. Rias didn't seem fazed like she dealt with it everyday but Owen… not so much. Yes, he was used to be looked on by girls subtly but never openly. Now he had to deal with it.

That and he was carrying her bag.

"Is that Owen-kun and Rias-oneesama?"

"Why are they walking together?"

That was pretty much Owen heard as they walked through the school gate.

"I'll send someone to get you. Let's meet again later." Rias said, smiling at him before getting her bag from him and split up with her.

As Owen opened the door to his classroom, he was immediately met by one four eyed and one semi bald men. Yes, I'm talking about these guys.

"Give us an explanation!" They both yelled.

Owen gave them a deadpanned look and kneed them both in the gut. "Don't want to."

After school, he was approached by Kiba and asked Owen to follow him to wherever. Suffice to say, every girl in the vicinity marked out and the sight of the two. Owen wasn't as famous as Kiba but he was pretty high up there. Even when he didn't want to be.

Now he was at the Occult Research Club that was the old school building with Koneko sitting in the couch, Akeno making tea and Rias was sitting in her usual chair by the desk.

"Hello Owen-kun." Akeno greeted as she offered a cup of tea.

"Hey Akeno-senpai." Owen replied as he accepted and took a sip of tea.

"Looks like Owen is here. We, the Occult Research Club welcome you, as a Devil." Rias said as she smiled.

"Well, Thanks for getting me here. And the tea tastes good, Akeno-senpai." Owen complimented, showing a rare smile.

"Ara ara. Thank you." The violet haired beauty smiled.

"On to business. We would like to see your Sacred Gear if you'd let us see it." Rias stated as Owen looks at her and shrugs, standing up.

'Well, it's show time.' He told Durnehviir as his gauntlet appeared. "This is the Deletion Gear, a Forbidden Sacred Gear that was only used by four, the fourth being me. It has the power to delete anything in existence and absorb some of it to increase my power. It can delete earth, the moon, a star and even an entire galaxy if I had to stamina to do it." He explained. "And it comes with a talking dragon."

"Hello, devils." Durnehviir said. "My name is Durnehviir, the one who trains the wielders of the Deletion Gear."

Everyone was shocked at the power that Owen had. Rias thought he had the power that could rival an Ultimate Class Devil if used properly. 'He might really be the key to get away from him…' she thought.

"So, yeah. That's my sacred gear. Let's all get along, shall we?"

So here's my new story that was inspired by Broken Matt Hardy. He's awesome.

Issei will have a different role in this. He won't have a different personality but he's stronger and as said earlier, older.

Now as for Owen, here's his profile:

Name: Owen Pierce


Height: 5'11

Hair style and color: Side parted black

Eye color: Dark blue

Appearance: Lean

Race: Human turned Devil

Personality: Laid back, somewhat paranoid, protective of those he cares about and doesn't take orders very well.

Skills: Melee weapon proficiency, ranged weapon proficiency, tactical expert, hand to hand expert, persuasive, fast learner.

Likes: video games, friends.

Dislikes: people dissing on video games and friends, battle maniacs.

Sacred Gear: Deletion Gear. This Forbidden Sacred Gear was not created by God but by several important individuals in the Chinese Pantheon, Japanese Pantheon, Norse Pantheon, Greek Pantheon, Egytian Pantheon, Mayan Pantheon, the Youkai and the Devil Faction. This was only wielded by four individuals, Owen Pierce being the fourth and current wielder. It had the power to delete anything and absorb it to add to the wielder's power. It houses Durnehviir, a dragon that had made a deal with the Old Lucifer and had paid for it. Now he trains the wielders of the gear and would always try to sway the wielder not to cause mass destruction.