I hate myself. DON'T READ! Turn back right now. This is going to be so embarrassing, save yourself... WHY ARE YOU STILL READING? And when you do finish reading this go and comment how bad this is. Please, I need help I have low self-esteem please help me make it lower. And please kill me. I'm ashamed to even put this fanfiction out into the world so please kill me.
Long, long ago. Possibly a few seconds ago I was being beaten to a pulp. I lay on the ground huffing and puffing as I was out of breath. My aura was depleted and the next strike will surely kill me. My right hand positioned on my belly and I tried to get up, my boss put his foot on my face. But, just for you to know I got everything under control. I stare at my nonexistent left arm. I had most things under control, just ignore the part about my arm being sliced off.
Now you might be wondering, what the fuck am I reading? Now, this is the perfect place for you to shut your screen as you will cringe so hard.
I can't believe this was happening on graduation day. All my years of hard work show no avail when I fought with my boss. I wonder what will happen. Now before I explain to you what happened. Would you like to know how I got into this mess? Will it start years ago when I was sixteen years old?
Just a teenager, but I was no normal teenager, I was an assassin. 'But wait, kids can't be an assassin you're sixteen you can't possibly kill people.' Yes, now that's the point. Now my response to that question is. SHUT UP! I run my life and you run your life.
About six months before the start of RWBY, I was assassinating a target. A Faunus of the White Fang, now this guy isn't quite the normal Faunus. Now you see this Bat Faunus, who walked into the wrong place at the wrong time. I was accompanying my boss on a mission before this idiot stumbles by.
My boss notices this Bat Faunus. He takes out a cigarette and lit it up, taking a smoke he then said. "Kill him." I turned around to meet the Bat Faunus's fearful look. The Bat Faunus starts to run away from me.
Now our organization the 'Diamond Dust' is a special private arms assassination group. Fancy way of saying we kill fools for money. What I'm saying is that White Fang Faunus is like you. A virgin... Now I had to go and eliminate any witness of a murder committed by us. Fuck you, I was no janitor. Alright, I mean, sure I did clean up once in a while, but I still killed a lot of people. The Bat Faunus ran into a corner, I slowly walk up to him dragging my katana on the floor.
"Their's only two ways you can get out of this. Dead or-" I spoke, but was loudly interrupted by the Faunus screeching at me. No idea what he was trying to do, but it annoys the fuck out of me. I lifted my katana and charged at him, he grabs a weapon out, but he was simply too slow. His blood splattered on the wall, I had killed another person adding on to my kill count. One hundred and four and no half of the assassinations were like this. I sheathed my katana and walk back to my boss.
But my scroll buzzed, taking it out and opening it, I see my boss has given me another assassination target. See I do get to kill people like real assassins do. I'm cool, YOU'RE NOT COOL! STOP LAUGHING AT ME! I WILL SERIOUSLY CRY! My scroll turns dark, I was alarmed it went into private mode. It starts to ring and to my surprise, my boss was calling me. I quickly picked up without wasting a moment.
"YES BOSS!" I said sweating.
"ATX-0048, I hoped you have dealt with the Faunus." My boss says.
"No problem I have cleaned up the scene."
"Good. Now I know this is a lot to ask, but could you make your next kill swiftly?" I was confused on what my boss had asked me.
"Excuse me, sir?"
"I said this assassination target, make it quick, efficient and no witnesses." My boss repeats irritated. I quickly apologize soon to wet my pants. Now, this guy is possibly the strongest person I have ever met in my life. I have seen him murder his own co-workers without moving an inch. Even business dealers he shows no mercy; if nothing goes his way he makes it go his way by killing people.
The man lit up a cigarette and continue to speak to me. "This target is well known. He also has a high bounty on his head, if you manage to kill him. I might promote you. But if you fail... I will kill you." My boss threatens me.
"I will not fail you," I tell him and I hear that my boss ends the call. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I check to see my assassination target. The guy had tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a buttoned vest and a green shirt. He also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. I read his name.
"Ozpin," I repeat, I think I remember hearing about him, but it won't matter this man is about to be dead. I turned around and walk away before someone grabbed my left leg. I turn my head around to see the Faunus was still alive. His mask damaged and he was covered in his own blood.
"Please, help me. I have-" He coughs up blood, I felt no sympathy for him. He looks at me again with sadness in his eyes as he pleaded to me one more time. "Please, I have a family." Triggered. Here is the triggered word. I'm saying that you guys will possibly start crying like them K-pop fangirls.
No, actually I was crying internally, I grab my katana and finish the job for real this time. But this swing has gotten blood all over me. Machinery sprang to life on top of me. I look up and saw an airship ready to pick me up. Getting myself cleaned I jumped on the ship and it flew to my destination
The airship couldn't fly directly to Beacon academy because that would be dumb. We would possibly be shot down I would die this story wouldn't be told. I wish it never did as well. I jumped down from the open side of the airship just right outside of Vale. And I start to run towards the direction of Beacon.
Don't ask how I got there, and don't ask how is this story so cringy. Because I'm cringing way more than you are right now. When I arrive, I hide behind a pillar to inspect if there were any night guards. My eyes caught a tiny piece of red on my hands. I wiped it off and it only made it worst. It smudged over my hand, I try to keep rubbing it off, but it moves and spread all over my arm.
I smelled blood, was I having an illusion right now. I scratch my skin, but it did not help. I was still seeing blood all over my hand and I heard the Faunus that I killed. 'Help me!' I can hear him say. Snapping out of my illusion I focus on my mission. Assassinating Ozpin, inspecting my hands one more time the blood seems to disappear like it was never there.
"Going directly into the building or climbing onto the top of the tower?" I ask myself, there seems to be no security over here. Well, this is going to be an easy mission. I bolt to the doors and I slowly open them. I climb the many floors staying in the shadows. Until I made it into the headmaster's room.
I open the door slightly to peak in. There he was Headmaster Ozpin, looking out the window with a cup in his hand. I slip in, taking my katana out without making a single noise. Just like my training, I approach Ozpin silently.
Lifting my katana up I held it with my left hand while my right hand supported the end of it, and I was preparing to stab him. "Beautiful night isn't it." I move to stab him, but I stop when he talked.
"You know I'm here?" I asked him.
"Of course." He turned around to look at me. Taking a sip from his cup he speaks again. "Now young man, what business do you have with me?"
"Do you have any idea that I am going to assassinate you?" I ask him, at this time I was being stupid I should have killed him right on the spot.
"Yes, yes, I know that, but, is that what you really want to do?" He asks me, taking out a cup and pouring a drink into it. He didn't seem afraid of me and he didn't seem to call for any help at all. He hands me the drink, I was hesitant to accept the drink.
"What are you plotting?" I asked him.
Ozpin set the drink down in front of me. "I'm not plotting anything, I just want to talk," Ozpin says sitting down and taking another sip from his cup. "You don't really want to kill don't you?" He asks me. And that hit me hard, my eyes open as wide as wide an owl.
"What do you mean?!" I ask him, putting my katana down.
"I have seen it in your eyes, young man. You do not wish to kill me or anyone. You wish for peace, don't you? But it seems circumstances won't let you." Ozpin was right, but I was denying it with everything I got.
"You're wrong I was born and made to be the perfect assassin and this scar proves it!" I grab my collar and push it down revealing a giant scar where my heart is supposed to be found. This scar was made because of a surgery. You see I'm not a normal person; my heart isn't my own heart. Well, I mean it is but it's complicated, it's a fusion between a human's heart and a Grimm's heart. That makes me half human and half Grimm if you take it that way.
"That's a nasty scar," Ozpin commented.
"Because of this scar, it shows that I am no longer human. My heart is that of a Grimm I will kill if I am ordered to."
"But what if you were ordered to kill a friend or family. Even someone you love?"
"Then I will do it," I said, my insides were torn now this guy was messing with my head I need to fight it off.
"So are you saying you aren't a human?"
"I'm not. I'm a monster, my heart is a fusion between a Grimm's and my own. That makes me the real monster here... Not the Grimms or the Faunus." I said and Ozpin thinks about what to say next.
"Look behind me," Ozpin orders me, I look out the window and saw the beautiful city. The dark night nicely commented the city's bright colors. It was a wonderful view, my angry expression softens up. Sometimes I never took the time to appreciate the beauty of this world. This sight was warming my heart the skylines were so bright.
"Your predecessors built this city, with hands like yours," Ozpin says and I stare at my hands. "These hands are able to create something this wonderful, and I can not say that you are a monster. It does not matter what you are made out of. It only matters on what you can do." Ozpin gave words of advice to me. I look at the city again. The lights flash at me like the bright morning sun. My aura was resonating with the lights, I felt warm and my eyes got teary.
"My hands can build that?" I ask Ozpin.
"Yes. Only if you wish to. But, your hands can also destroy this scene."
"My hands aren't only used to destroy," I mumble to myself as I drop my katana. It made a huge noise as it drops, I imagine the city burning and it was not a pleasant sight; this sight was better than blood and guts spilled everywhere.
"Young man. You have quite an impressive aura. May I ask for your name and age?"
"ATX-0048 sixteen years old," I replied as that was the only thing I was called as in the Diamond Dust.
"I mean a real name."
"I never had one," I told Ozpin as I look away, avoiding eye contact.
"Then how about?" Ozpin pause to think. "Soichi?" That was the first time I was given a name. The name that will either be fear in history or regarded as a hero.
"What does that mean?" I ask, and to my surprise, I actually like the name. I actually want to be called by it.
"It means swift, and bright friend," Ozpin says, pouring himself another cup.
"Why did you give me this name?"
"Because you have a wonderful smile," Ozpin says, looking at me, and I notice I was smiling. I cover my mouth and wipe the smile off.
"A good friend has a bright smile so I believe you would have no problem making friends."
"Headmaster Ozpin. You may have said some great things. But I still need to kill you. I cannot just walk off or my life is in danger." I told him, picking up my katana and ready to strike him down. He didn't seem to have any more words to say. He claps his hands together and closes his eyes. I believe he has accepted his fate. I prepare to swing.
"Six months." I stopped again. "In six months Beacon Academy will accept its new group of student. You can join." Ozpin offers me a deal.
"I can not just quit the job I'm involved with and go to school," I raise my voice at Ozpin as I was impatient now.
"I have friends that can get you a new I.D. and hide you from the Diamond Dust." Ozpin shocks me with his words.
"How do you know about the Diamond Dust?"
"Atlas keeps track of your organization's movements they are fully aware of your assassin group's existence."
Can Ozpin really keep me away from my boss? Can he really guarantee me a life without killing anyone? Or are his words being a bunch of lies? Psych! I killed him got married and had two children. Is what I loved to say, but it didn't work out like that. I considered the offer carefully; can this man really give me the freedom I really want? One way to find out.
"I'll accept your offer!" I told Ozpin sheathing my katana. It seems he smiles at me. Ozpin stood up and walks around his desk.
"Come back on the opening day of Beacon. I will have your new I.D. and rest of the documents ready. Durning, this time, lay low and learn how to be... Normal." Ozpin tells me. Indeed, I wasn't normal back then, I was a cold-hearted killer barely touching the surface of emotions.
I intend to do so. Because now, I'm turning a new leaf." I stare at Ozpin as he holds out a hand and I grab it shaking it. "By the way, what I am supposed to do after I'm finished with school?"
"That is for you to decide Mr. Soichi," Ozpin says, grabbing the cup he put in front of me and handed it to me. I grabbed it and drank it.
After my talk with Ozpin, I thought over my actions, I put my scroll on the ground and place my katana over it and I sliced it in half. Now I can actually not turn back. I will move forward now; I will move forward towards this new and dark path to my future.
After seven months two days after the events of 'Jaunedice' Soichi was in a small condominium room. Dirty with clothes and food wrappers everywhere. I was watching a soap opera... Don't you fucking laugh at me... It ended and I was crying my eyes out as I hugged my pillow.
I took a tissue and blew my nose, and I felt like I was forgetting something. And it hurt me. 'Six months' Ozpin's voice echoes in my head. I grabbed my biker jacket and ran out the door. I changed my hairstyle making it a little messier and I color it silver now instead of the usual black. I had a white button shirt over my silver biker jacket along with jeans.
"I am so getting my ass bite for this," I said as I ran out the door of the condominium I rented. And I got onto the last dropship heading to Beacon Academy.
"I should work out again." I thought, then I grabbed my burning chest. Ever since the night I met Ozpin I never trained or held my katana. I ran through the students outside of the building bumping into some of them, but that did not slow me down.
"Sorry! Coming through! Outta my way! MOVE!" I shouted each time I bump into someone.
"Ruby, are you even listening to me?"
"Wha?! Sorry, Weiss, what were you saying?" Ruby asks waking up from her nap.
"I SAID MOVE!" A voice boom across the courtyard and people were being pushed down.
"What's with all the commotion did a bull get on the dropship?" Weiss asked and she was not having a good day.
Out emerged Soichi running towards the Beacon Tower. He passed Weiss and they exchanged a look. Weiss gave him an angry one and Soichi gave her the 'BITCH MOVE!' look. Ruby had time to wave hello to Soichi but he ignored her.
"Did that look like a bull to you?" Blake asked.
"Weiss you're a bunch of bulloney," Yang says and everyone just sighs and shakes their heads. "Come on, that was a good one!"
I took the elevator not wanting to climb the stairs as I will die from a shortage of air. I ran and opened the door to Ozpin's room and he was there. Luckily he was there I should say, I ran here blindly and I didn't know if he was going to be here.
"I'm here. Not late or anything." I said, bending my torso with my hands on my hips trying to breathe.
"Soichi! You sure took your time."
"Shut it! I had things to do alright."
"Well, there's no need to fret, let me show you around." Ozpin walks up to me and hands me a new scroll along with some other documents. Opening it up I saw it had my name on it, it was brand new as well. Plus and plus.
This new feeling was awesome, it's like you went to a party with your best friend and then you took a couple of drinks and then you look at him sexually. And then you kiss him and then you laugh it off as a joke, and then when you are alone you wonder if he enjoys it as much as you enjoy it. Then you went up to him and ask him. 'Hey! Wanna be fuck buddies?' Pfffft. I'm not gay... YOU'RE GAY!
Ozpin guides me through the academy. "This is the main building."
"This is the dorms."
"This is the amphitheater."
"This is our academy's statue."
"This is a window."
"... This is a tree."
"Are you joking right now?"
"Me, what!? Nahhhhhhh. I'm just impressed that this academy has so many things I have never seen before." I commented poking the tree. Yes, I have seen a tree before, believe it or not. Ozpin caught sight of Glynda Goodwitch.
"Ah, Miss Goodwitch!" Ozpin called out to the blonde.
"Can you guide this young man to his team?" Ozpin asks. Glynda was confused.
"Ozpin, it has been a month after the ceremony. How can this child not know who his teammates are?" Glynda asks.
"This child has just arrived today at Beacon Academy. I believe I had told you about him."
"The Soichi kid?" Glynda asks and Ozpin nods at the blonde. "I have bad news for you, there is currently no one left to be partnered up with. So I suggest this kid pack his bags and leave."
"Glynda, please. I made a promise with this kid." Ozpin puts a hand on Goodwitch's shoulder as she was about to turn away. The blonde sighs and speaks to me.
"Child as much as I want to accept all the students into Beacon I can not. You have arrived late and that resulted in you unable to form a team. Due to the lack of students." Glynda tells me.
"Ok, lady! I don't know who you are. But you can not tell me what to do with my life! I have thrown my past away and now you are telling me to throw away my future as well? How about you go and find me someone that I can pair up with I don't care if it has to be dogs or cats." I said with an angry tone and I walk up to Glynda about to grab her collar but Ozpin claps his hands, stopping me.
"Well said, and I believe I know a team that you can fit into," Ozpin says with his hands still together. I turn my head slightly unsure what to say.
"Didn't the grandma says there were no more available teams I can join?"
"Grandma? That is so rude of you." Glynda was offended she grips her weapon tightly and was even ready to throw me out.
"In a mere seven months your attitude has changed, now you're acting like a normal teenager. Instead of a trained assassin."
"Awww, you flatter me. Stop it, I just read books." I announce. "Yeah, its call manga and watching a lot of T.V. shows."
Ozpin and Glynda look at each other. "That team, right?" Glynda asks and Ozpin nods. "Ugh. One more troublemaker. I won't be surprised if the academy burns down by tomorrow."
"Ignore her. Come follow me, I'll show you your teammate's dorms." Ozpin turns and heads towards the direction of the dorms.
"I'm just trying to say is that-" Ruby was talking with Weiss before the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company interrupted her.
"Look, it's that dunce with the silver hair." Weiss points at Soichi who was walking behind Ozpin. Ruby looks at the direction Weiss pointed.
"Wasn't he the guy that ran down the main avenue... And ran down a bunch of students? Yeah, that's him! The guy who injures at least twenty students here. Wanna talk to him?" Ruby asks.
"Why should we? We probably won't ever see that insolent piece of worm again."
"Why are you so cold towards him? Did he step on your toe?" Ruby asks.
"No! I just feel like that guy is a complete asshole! He just ran by me giving me a funny look."
"Uh, Weiss you always give people a funny look. I think it was natural he gave you one back."
"Shut up Ruby!"
"Don't be so negative. Remember the first time we met?" Ruby asks using her Semblance she appears to the right of Snow Angel. Grabbing her shoulder Ruby got dramatic. "It was fate! Our eyes colliding with each other! The way you ran your mouth at me! I knew we were destined to be on a team." Ruby says, holding out her hands into the skies.
"I wish I never met you." Weiss scoffs and walks away from Ruby leaving her alone friendless. A tumbleweed roll by Ruby.
"She'll come back... Right?" Ruby asks, she then walks to find Blake.
Ozpin unlocks the door with his Headmaster scroll. The room was dark and Soichi couldn't see anything; he walks into the room and Ozpin turns on the lights. Soichi closes his eyes and slowly opens them.
The room had one window which is covered by a red curtain with a diagonal slice in the middle of it. It was neatly sewn back together with no tiny spots that light can pass through. Underneath the shelve was a bookshelf storing a ton of books. The beds were replaced with... Bunk beds?
Soichi doesn't even know the one on the left side can even be called a bunk bed. The bed was in the air held by ropes tied around it, it slants to the right and blankets were covering it. The bunk bed on the right was much better built, but can't say if it was as sturdy as the one on the right. The beds were on top of each other with books stacked in between the legs of the bed.
"Is this safe?" Soichi asks Ozpin. Of course, it is, one hundred perfect fail-proof, no one got hurt at all. He swears one of these days the person sleeping on the bottom bed would get crushed.
"I never heard anything about a student getting injured," Ozpin says and then drinks from his cup. The ex-assassin went to the bookshelf and pulled out a book. There was a book that caught his interest hidden very cleverly. But not enough for his eyes to miss, Soichi took it out and read the title.
"Ninja... Of love..." He read the title slowly and opens it up and read the middle section and he screams while dropping the book. "I'M SCARRED! FOR LIFE!" The boy shouts kicking the book away from him. That was clearly some boy on boy action in there and he really wishes he could rewind time.
"It seems your teammates are not in right now," Ozpin says checking the clock on the wall it was a little past four P.M. "Listen Soichi. I have to leave right now. I believe you can get along with your teammates well. So try not to cause any trouble well you?" Ozpin asks Soichi.
The man couldn't find the ex-assassin anywhere. He turns his head to the right and saw Soichi cuddle up into a ball rocking back and forth. Ozpin takes a sip from his cup and closes the door. "He'll be fine." Ozpin murmurs to himself.
After an hour of Soichi's so-called 'meditating,' he gets up. His stomach cries out for food, as he remembers he hadn't eaten anything since last night. He didn't know where the cafeteria was and he knows it would be rude if he just searches for food in this room.
"Well... CALLING TOP BUNK!" Soichi shouts, he runs over to the left bunk bed and lifts himself up. One of the ropes snap as Soichi was fully on the bed; the bed tilts to the right more now making Soichi slide off of it.
He tries to grab onto something but grabs a piece of cloth that came out from the bed. Hitting his head on a solid object Soichi was knocked out cold. The bed has come collapsing on top of him along with the right one; since during his fall, he moved the books.
Not too long footsteps were heard outside the room and came voices. "Ruby, did you forget to turn the lights off?" Someone asks as their footsteps grew louder.
"What I was sure I remember to turn them off, trust me, Blake. I'm a professional at memorizing things."
"Yeah, ok little sis." The door lock clicks and team RWBY enters the room. "What happens here?" A blonde asks, looking around the room in astonishment.
"Ughhhh! Ruby, you probably didn't tie the rope properly again. What if I was under the bed, I could have died!" Weiss says march over to the bed and begins to pick up some books.
"No, Weiss! I made sure to use the bunny loop this time." Ruby says crossing her arms. The rest of team RWBY joined in on moving the bed. Yang moved the first bed out of the way; Blake and Weiss helped move the second one. Weiss yelps as she see's Soichi unconscious on the floor.
"Hey, it's that dude we saw earlier," Yang says not at all shock to see a boy in their room.
"Get the dunce out of here! Hurry!" Weiss says hiding behind Ruby. Blake walks around Soichi and crouches shaking him gently by the shoulder.
"Hey! Are you alright?" Blake asks Soichi displays no signs of waking up Blake shakes a bit rougher. "Wake up!" Blake says much louder this time. Soichi groans as he sits up properly.
Soichi had his eyes closed and his head was killing him pounding as all the blood was rushing up there. With his hand, he rubs the back of his head. Team RWBY was furious when they saw what he was holding in his hand.
Unaware of what he was doing, Soichi felt bloodlust and a person or persons wanted to kill him. He opens his eyes to see the member of team RWBY. Eyes red and weapons ready, he had no idea what was happening.
"Did I miss something?" Soichi asks, he was about to rub his head again as he caught glimpse of what was in his hands. "Oh, that's what happened!" Soichi comments as he held a white bra with rose designs in his hand. Grabbing it with both hands, he read the tag and state. "B cup..." Ruby had steam coming from the top of her head, her face was as red as her cape. It took Soichi a while to figure out what is happening.
Soichi stands up right away as he realizes the position he was in. "Ok everyone please calm down!"
"UNDERWEAR THIEF!" Blake yells pulling out her Gambol Shroud.
"NO NO NO NO! This is a big misunderstanding!" Soichi tries to say, but no one really wants to hear what was coming out from his mouth.
"How dare you take my little sister's bra? It would have been better if you took mine!" Yang says, her eyes turning red and a fiery aura surrounds her hair.
"I SAID THIS IS AN MISUNDERSTANDING!" Soichi says with his hands parallel with his chest. He knew there was no way out of this, you know there is no way out of this. Now should he A.) Accept his fate and die? B.) Yell and cry like an eight-year-old girl? C.) Run and eventually get caught? Leave your answer in the review section of this fanfiction.
I am so screwed... Aw man, this is the way how I am going to die? I call a bunch of bullshit! Maybe it's right for me to die to atone for the people I killed. NAHHHHH! At the moment I was like 'RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN ATX-0048!' but there was nowhere to run I was cornered by four girls who want me dead.
My katana was at least two arm's reach away from me. A light bulb turned on, on top of my head.
"Oh, hi, headmaster Ozpin! Nice to see you!" I said, dragging out my words, trying to make it sound as real as possible. The girls took the bait and turn their heads around. I picked up my katana when they were looking at the empty door. I jump on the bookshelf and shout. "AHA! NOW I'M AT THE WINDOW!"
There was an awkward silence. "And?" Weiss asks me. Now I was silent. Oh god, I didn't think this through enough. Now, what am I going to do? I still can't run for the exit the girls will tear me to shreds. Another light bulb went off in my head. COMPLIMENT THEM! My head tells me so I did.
"Hey, girl! Sup!" I said to Ruby, her face was still red and pouting. "You got some killer cup size for your age, you should be proud. You must have been drinking a lot of milk!"
"See Weiss. Drink milk." Ruby tells Weiss, Weiss turns around and gives a fierce look at the fourteen-year-old.
"PEDOPHILE!" Blake shouts at me.
"Stop sexually harassing my sister!" Yang shouts at me as she runs at me jumping while firing a shot from her Ember Celica. She kicks me out of the window and I fell on my back. I roll from side to side for a good one minute and I got up.
Students were looking at me as I was covered in broken pieces of glass. And the part where I was kicked out from the window. Team RWBY ran out the front door and caught sight of me.
"KILL HIM!" Ruby shouts, running at me with her Crescent Rose ready to take my life. I unsheathe my katana a little, so a portion of the blade blocks Ruby's scythe. The young girl was trying to avoid eye contact with me which was a big mistake.
If I were still an assassin right now, I could have killed her. But no... I'm done with that life I don't want to hurt Ruby at all. So I kicked her so hard in the stomach, possibly giving her a lot of pain. Good job me.
Weiss used her Glyphs to slide towards me with her Myrtenaster out to stab me. I was still proud of myself of handling Ruby without hurting her... IM NOT STUPID! SHUT UP!
Myrtenaster stabs me in the chest, my aura kicks in to protect me. But the kinetic energy from Weiss transfer all the way to me; the force was so much I slammed into a tree passing through it, landing on another one.
"Ok, that hurts more than my kick," I groan, Yang was the next one to attack me she jumps into the air. I look up holding my back in pain as I saw her ready to slam me down, crushing my brain and blowing my body to pieces.
I don't know what happen back then, but my semblance was kicking in. The first time it had activated, time seems to slow down. I roll out of the way just in time before my semblance wore off. Yang hit the stone ground super hard making a crater.
"Don't move!" Yang yells clenching her teeth. Using the ricochet off of her gauntlet she kicks me again. Before hitting me sixteen times all over my body. The students around us were running now far away from the action.
"Come on guys! You have front row seats to this fight don't run!" I called out after the running students. None of them care to stop just for me. I felt sad really sad until it turned into pain as Yang uppercuts me in the stomach.
Grunting Yang does it again with her other hand, this time, sending me into the air. I landed on my face first, turning my nose red. I got up and check my scroll to see my aura was about two-thirds finished. Blake runs at me creating multiple shadows of her. "Not fair!" I said.
The first clone swings at me, I parried with my katana, the moment my blade touches her's my hands and katana turned to ice. The clone was now ice and I tried to break free, but the ice was tough. The other Blake and Blake herself attack me while I was immobilized, I try to sidestep, but it was hard when both hands are frozen in place.
Her slashes prove ineffective as my aura takes it like a man. Before the shadow clone of her's turn into red dust and explodes. The explosion destroys the ice and knocks me rearward.
This is the first time my aura had said 'I'm quitting this job.' my aura was now at zero. Every part of my body aches with pain, all I wanted was to take a nap and all this happens. Weiss points her Myrtenaster at my throat, digging it in, confirming that I had no more aura.
"Any last words pervert?" Weiss asks me.
"Well, anything I say you won't believe so. If I'm going to die with people thinking I am a pervert, why not die as one?" I did something I shouldn't have. "Nice underwear you have," I told Weiss. She stomps on my manhood, I try to grab it, but the tip of her blade prevents me.
"DIE!" Weiss shouts and uses her Myrtenaster to pierce my throat. I close my eyes waiting for it to be over, but instead of my neck going 'AHJHDJOHJDHGJSGHSJKGHGJKHGJK IM DYING!' I heard metal clashing with each other.
"Weiss, wait." I heard a soft voice say. I pry my eyes open to see Ruby's Cresent Rose blocking Weiss's Myrtenaster.
"What are you doing Ruby?" Blake asks the black and red hair girl.
"I want to hear his side of the story before we pass judgment."
"THANK YOU!" I shout. The girls told me to shut up.
"Ruby he sexually harassed you and me!" Weiss says, thinking she had enough reason to kill me right now. Yep, just pierce that shiny blade up my throat and kill me instantly. I look at Ruby and Weiss then Blake and the blonde.
"Maybe this was all a big misunderstanding we were just caught up in the moment you know. We don't really need to kill him."
"Please don't," I said, in the background, everyone ignored me.
"Little sis, you saw him, grabbing your bra."
"By accident," I said and I have been ignored again.
"I say... We kill him now!" Blake quickly says as she brings down her sword's fury on my face. You know they say that when you are about to die your life flashes before you. You know, when images of your life flood your head. That thing... Don't you know what I'm talking about? SHUT UP!
Blake's Gambol Shroud stops inches before my nose. Everyone got pushed away from me and I started to float up.
"Children please don't fight in the yard." I turned to the direction of the voice. Correcting my doubts it was the Grandma again. She stood tall and walks towards us her oval shape glasses reflecting the setting sun. Her cape flow's behind her as she walks towards us with the grouchy look.
"Soichi-" She says and I had to say something back.
"Grandma." She gave me the glare; you know the glare. The 'I'm not in the mood' glare, pssst she is never in the mood for frolicking around.
"I should have left you to die," Glynda tells me, I chuckle loudly once.
"That's funny."
"What happened here?" Ozpin says, walking up to us, with the magical cup of liquid in his hand that never seems to run out.
So Yang explained the situation first in the way they saw it making me look like a rapist, then I explain my story saying I was the innocent here. Ozpin listens to both sides of the story and can't seem to make a decision on who is telling the fact.
You know, let's take a moment to honor the people who read this far, good job on surviving this cringy story. (Please help me).
"Now Yang. I seem to have made a mistake. You see this young man is named Soichi."
"Hi, their murderers." I greeted, Blake, Weiss, and Yang glared at me with death looks. I glared at them back and our eyes sparked electricity.
"Mr. Soichi here arrived late to Beacon so I thought he could join your team," Ozpin says and team RWBY was surprised.
"Say what?!" Ruby says.
"Join our team?! He can't do that. Our teams full! Tell him to pack his bags!" Weiss says coldly. You know I'm like five feet away from you...
"I made a promise to this young man. I promise him a spot in Beacon and I intend to let him stay."
"What about the Vytal Festival. It's supposed to be a four on four battle not a five on four." Blake says making a good point.
"You worry about training for the Festival. I shall make arrangements so that Soichi can fight in the festival fairly."
"Can you really do that?" Yang asks, even Miss Goodwitch was doubting if Ozpin can do it. But since this year's festival is in Vale he might actually change some things around. Ozpin handed the spotlight to me, I explain how I got here and everything but leaving out the part about me being an assassin and all the other crazy stuff. Only focusing on what happened today. I said it slowly and friendly, so team RWBY wouldn't get into another fight.
"I'm so sorry," Ruby says after hearing my story again. "I didn't know anything and yet I still attacked you."
"It's ok. It was my fault, in the beginning, I said things that I shouldn't have." I apologize as well. Ruby quickly runs up to me and squeals.
"Where did you learn how to fight like that! No, more importantly, what about your weapon. I never saw it before!" With one swoop she grabs my katana and its sheath. She opens it and examines it. My katana glows light blue the same color as Neptune's hair. Ruby and my sword turned Chibi as she swings it and stabs. "THIS IS SO AWESOME!" She exclaims. "What material did you use? What was the process of forging it? Why is the sword buzzing? What enchantment did you make? What does this button do?" She asks barraging me with questions. I was about to reply to her saying that I don't know, but Yang grabs me giving me a headlock.
"Come here you! Why didn't you explain to us a bed fell on you?" Yang asks. I can't believe how strong this girl is, I was nearly choking, the only thing coming out of my mouth was noises of death. Yang lets go of me and I rub my neck, we were the same height when I stand tall.
"I did, but you just care about killing me."
Yang gave a huge grin, as her Ember Celica transforms into standby mode. I look over to Weiss and Blake, who didn't seem to accept me unlike the sisters here. Ruby was still playing with my sword and Yang was asking me all sorts of questions.
Weiss approaches me and points a finger at my chest. She lifts her head a little bit to meet my gaze on her.
"Listen... Boy. Just because you clear yourself up doesn't mean I trust you yet. You have done nothing to gain my trust or my acknowledgment. And you never will so don't even get within ten meters to me. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't breathe the same air I breathe, and don't you ever! Come into team RWBY's room." Weiss says her index finger poking my chest.
"Speaking of the room. Ozpin, where am I going to sleep tonight?" Ozpin drinks from his cups then answer my question.
"Since you came on such short notice I didn't have time to prepare a room for the five of you to live together."
"Five!?" Team RWBY asks Ozpin their voice in perfect harmony.
"Didn't I tell him to not get involved with me?" Weiss tells Ozpin with her stern face.
"Being a team means living together, eating together, sleeping, training, and studying. Which is why I put the boy's and girl's in one room." Ozpin says.
"I refuse to live under the same roof with this man," Blake says.
"What's the harm? We thought Ruby and Weiss couldn't live together. But look at them now they are inseparable."
"That's a lie!" Weiss comments on Yang's thoughts.
"Ruby and Weiss are different, we are talking about a young male here."
"I'm not bothered by it," Ruby tells Blake.
"Aren't you the leader, aren't you suppose to listen to what the teammates have to say?" Weiss asks Ruby getting sassy with her.
"But Soichi is part of our team now." Team RWBY continues to argue about letting me live with them. Look's like the sides are split. Ruby and Yang want me to stay while Blake and Weiss want me to leave. As of right now, I can't say anything, my voice has no power here.
"Ahem!" Ozpin interrupts team RWBY's conversation. "I believe we can settle this in a fair way."
"That's right. In a fight." Yang says, giving a mischievous grin, she slams her fist into her palm ready to fight Weiss and Blake. Hearing that team RWBY will fight each other, I couldn't just stand there and listen to them anymore.
"No!" I told Yang.
"What? Soi you want to give up now?" Yang asks me.
"You can't go down in a fight. We must fight on! We have to fight the power, right now-" I cut Ruby off as she was going through her weird speech time.
"I'm not giving up, and I am definitely not letting someone else fight my battles for me," I told them, grabbing my katana back from Ruby I spin it in my left hand and point it at Weiss and Blake. "This time I'm not holding back," I announce to Princess Black and White.
Kill me now. Please kill me now. Anyways hate if you cringe, please say I'm horrible at writing. I need this negativity to stop writing this shit of a story. So please please please don't taze me, bro. I'm fine with you telling me I'm shit and everything but just don't taze me, bro. Don't taze me.