Author's Note: Hi there, some good new and bad new here. The bad news is that this is the final chapter. Yes, after such a long wait it's finally done. I really have to thank you all for standing by this story and giving it the support you gave it. This story couldn't have been possible without you
The Good news is that Glazier Blue and I worked real hard on this chapter, and we hope that it's a good enough closure for you. I really have to thank Glazier Blue for this because this story wouldn't have been possible without her. I'm really glad to be able to work with her on this.
Now I hope you all enjoy this.
Chapter 32: A Second Chance
The sky was black and there was a salty bitter smell in the air coming from the water. The two mutants had arrived at the warehouse by the river just in time to see the sun go down. They made sure to get there early and prepare, just in case Bishop had other ideas about jumping them and trying to take Don again. They had planned it all very carefully. LH would hide in the shadows and take out any of the remaining body guards they KNEW Bishop would bring with him. Then once they had the agent right where they wanted him, Don would present him with his laptop he had set up on a small table in the middle of the space. It was already hacked well into the center of the agent's mainframe. With just a touch of a button a killer computer virus will instantly eat its way through his entire data bank, if it was activated. And there the virus will always remain, as an insurance policy... However, if Bishop agreed to leave Donatello and his family alone, the two geniuses decided that they would resist the urge of erasing all the agent had worked for. It was a fair trade.
The same set up had been successful against the Foot after all. Though Don still remained uneasy, for despite the ideas last success this was a very risky plan. Bishop was a secret government agent who had lived for half a century. Even if they did destroy his data he probably has a good portion of it backed up somewhere. But Don still had to try, for his family's sake. This was the only way he could go home proving himself and ensuring for good that the future of his nightmares would never happen... Hopefully.
But even if worse comes to worst and Bishop still wanted to pull a fast one, the mutants had rigged the warehouse with a few homemade explosives.
LH had remained very quiet on the way to the warehouse. The turtle wondered if he too was just realizing what a weak plan they had put together. But it was too late. The warehouse they stood in was a very large, wide open space. There were only a few large boxes and crates to hide them from view, which made Don very nervous. Even the front entrance wasn't ideal for their situation, as it exposed them with its wide-open doors that were big enough to get a truck through. Still the disadvantages were offset by the view they had through the large doors, for the entrance looked out into a vacant loading area. Anyone coming by car they would be able to see from a mile away. All the lights in the warehouse were out, artificial light from the car lot flooded them, casting eerily and obscure silhouette shapes on the wide-open floor.
There was a small single door near the back where they had entered, which led to the edge of the river bank. The river would be their only means of escape if the worse should happen. That was the plan. bad guys come through the front, good mutants exit through the back. However, Donnie had noticed the croc repeatedly glancing at the back door rather than at the front... Surely if anyone was coming, they would at least see signs of them from the front, not the back?
Had it not been so quiet, Donnie might not have heard the beep coming from LH's phone... Who was LH getting a message from? "My friend," Leatherhead said suddenly drawing his attention from the laptop. "I never thanked you for what you did for me. You and your brothers have been dear friends." He smiled sincere and warmly.
Donnie raised a brow curiously. "So have you LH. Me and my brothers, we think of you as family. I don't know what I would have done without you... particularly these last few weeks," he returned the smile.
But then LH closed his eyes looking away. His voice was laced with sorrow. "Understand me my friend I would do anything to stop you and your brother's suffering... I do hope someday you can forgive me. But this is the only way to make sure that future never comes to pass."
Laptop suddenly forgotten, Donnie stood up to look at the croc directly. Forgive him for what? What was the only way? If what LH had said didn't fill him with worry, the apologetic and even sad look in his eyes crushed the turtle with a new wave of dread. "What are you talking about LH? What's going on?" But the conversation was cut off by two little dots of head lights appearing far down the road in the distance. Definitely a large dark car was driving into the restricted area. It had to be Bishop.
"It's time Donatello," the croc looked away pulling out his phone and quickly punching some numbers into it.
"LH what's wrong?" Donnie asked stepping away from his friend, but suddenly a sound came from the back door. Someone was violently trying to pry off the lock from the outside. "What is this Leatherhead?" The turtle suddenly felt surrounded... But a sudden grip on his arm prevented him from running anywhere. Donnie looked up to meet his friend's apologetic eyes. "What have you done?" Donnie demanded, even though he shouldn't have had to. This was Leatherhead! This was one of his best friends... He wasn't... he wouldn't hand him over to Bishop... would he? "What are you doing?"
"The right thing, you always told me the right thing to do was never the easiest... Please be strong Donatello." By the end of his spoken name his two big brothers, Raphael and Leonardo, came bursting through the back door, weapons drawn. Only to lower them and appear rather surprised to only see Leatherhead and their brother there.
"Donnie?" Both Leo's and Raph's eyes lit up at the sight of him.
"What the shell are you doing here?!" Donnie yelled as the two ran over. "LH why are they here? You promised they would be safe." He looked around still trying to yank his arm free from the giant.
"LH called us earlier, told us to come in the turtle sub and wait for his signal. Mikey's holding it because LH said we would have to make a run for it. He said Bishop had you cornered here. That there had been... a …. surprise attack – and that's not what's going on is it? " Leo watched all these new pieces of the puzzle fall as he picked over the scene in front of him. A scene that was VERY much now looking like a set up. All three brothers standing around now rather confused.
"LH what the shell is going on?" Raph asked grumpily looking from one to the other. "Is Bishop here or not?"
"He will be in a moment. Forgive me Donatello but I needed you as bait for your brothers... and Bishop."
"What?" Donnie blinked. "LH I don't understand?"
LH pointed towards the car that would be upon them in another minute. Then he side stepped Donatello and headed towards his laptop. He calmly, and to Don stupidly, pressed the button they had been planning to threaten Bishop with. Instantly the virus was activated, eating the agent's hard drive. It was likely the Agent would receive a panicked call from base in a few minutes, but by then it wouldn't matter anymore. The simple action had been done so casually that it took a moment for Donnie to realize what LH had just done. Now the turtle teen resembled something like a gold-fish trying to come up for air as he watched their plan burn into all of Bishops data!
But before he could look up and ask, 'what the shell!' LH beat him to it. "I promised you he would never bother you again, and that that future would never come true... This would never have been enough to stop Bishop. He would have found a way to retrieve most of anything we took from him, and you as well. Everything has to be erased, including him... I will deal with Bishop... But you have to leave with your brother's now before he sees you."
Every nerve in Donnie's body had gone cold, freezing him to the spot, but the ground dropped out from under him so fast that he almost fell over. "What? NO! Leatherhead he will kill you."
The croc looked away. "I am not so easily killed my friend. It takes a lot of bullets to get through my skin... That should give me enough time to take them out before they reload... And if I get to take Bishop with me, then so be it... Don't you see that it's better that it's me than you? They need you Donatello," he pointed to his gob smacked siblings. "You and your brothers will be safe from that future. You can start again," LH said rather too calmly as he serenely watched the lights approach. "For all he did to me, taking you away from him will be my victory. This is my purpose," the croc then showed them the trigger to the explosives. "Please do as I say."
"Are you crazy?!" The red clad turtle jumped at the site of the trigger bomb. He's lived with Donnie long enough to know what it means.
"We are not letting you take them on by yourself LH," Leo declared, stepping forward to back him up.
"And I won't let you," at that Donnie could feel tears starting to gather in the corner of his eyes as he quickly stood in his friend's way, blocking him. This was NOT going to happen! "We stick to the plan or we all leave together... For shell's sake LH this place is rigged to blow. You'll never survive! You can't do this. Please LH you can't." The smart turtle couldn't keep the pitiful pleading from his tone.
The croc looked down at his much younger friend and at his eyes that were begging him not to leave. Sweetly LH brushed his large claw against Donnie's cheek. "Splinter is lucky to be your father. How I wish I could have had a son like you," he whispered for only Donnie to hear, but then nodded to himself, this time more firmly than ever. "Your brothers can help, but you need to go," LH looked at his other two turtle friends. "If you want to save him, take him away NOW!"
"No, I am not leaving. Leo you can't let him do this!" Donnie begged. "I am NOT letting this happen!" He violently shook his head.
Leo approached, taking a hold of Donnie's arm. "Bishop's here... Donnie please," Leo said as he frantically tried pulling his brother away from LH, but the genius wouldn't budge from the large mutant's side. Leo wasn't going to let LH sacrifice himself, but they had to get his hunted brother away before Bishop saw him.
Right now, Donnie was beyond any kind of reasoning or rational thinking. The purple turtle couldn't hear LH yelling at him over his own voice. Nor could he hear Raph and Leo yelling at him to run. He ignored the head lights of the car flashing by as it entered into the parking space outside the warehouse... And he didn't realize until it was too late that two big strong arms had locked around him, yanking him up off the floor in one swift movement. It wasn't until he saw Leo between him and LH, picking up and pinning his legs under his arms did he realize. The two brothers then proceeded to quickly carry their brother out of the back door. Donnie could hear Leo shouting to LH to follow them. The giant was slowly moving with them, but intentionally widening the space between them. The look on his face told Donatello clearly that LH had no intention of following them to safety.
"NO! LH don't you dare! Leo, Raph let me go!" Donnie screamed, struggling more violently in Raph's grip, but suddenly a door slammed open and the three found themselves outside by the water.
"Hold him," Leo ordered releasing Donnie's legs before running back to the warehouse. The blue clad turtle wasn't going to leave their large friend defenseless... But to his horror Leo found that the door had being locked behind him. "No! LH open up! I know you can hear me!" He yelled.
Donnie was practically sobbing, but he continued to fight while yelling in protest as he was being pulled back closer towards the river bank, but his yells were suddenly cut off by a hand locking over his mouth. His red clad brother tried to comfort him by whispering hushes into his ear. Leo too had fallen silent as loud voices from inside could now be heard. Bishop was here. They were too late.
"I am sorry," Leatherhead quietly said sealing the door. Seconds later a large for-wheel drive with tinted windows had pulled up inside the warehouse. Bishop and four armed guards then emerged looking for the smart turtle, only to find the large croc with a look of unnaturally cold calmness on his face waiting for them instead.
"LeatherHead? … Well hello. It's been a long time," the agent greeted mockingly just as calm and cold as ever before quickly scanning around the area. Disappointment soon set in and a little anger cracked as it dawned on him that LH was the only mutant here.
"NOT the genius I was expecting," the human then squared himself up to his full height against the 7-foot croc.
"I assume that it was you who sent that email?" He waited for the mutant to confirm or deny this. LH mean while never took his eyes off the man he hated so much, even as the other humans started to surround him. In fact, inwardly he was rather enjoying watching the devil man squirm in frustration. But that was nothing to how he was going to be squirming later, he had no idea what he had already lost. "What's your game mutant?" Bishop snapped. "You're not that foolish... You must know you can't protect the boy from me forever," his eyes narrowed as he frantically tried to figure out what the giant could possibly be up too. "Just tell me where he is, and I promise I won't lock you back up in my lab where you belong." The agent made the signal, directing his men's guns on him.
"You will never see Donatello again devil..." and neither will I. A deep growl then erupted from the beast. The only warning Bishop had was snarling large teeth as Leatherhead's mind slipped away into his blood thirsty rage, his once warm brown eyes were replaced by cold narrow slits. Bishop didn't even blink before he saw the beast flying towards him. Even the onslaught of bullets from his men's guns couldn't save him before he felt the beast's jaw lock and rip into his throat.
The brothers heard everything from outside, a deafening roar of rage, screaming from the men that mixed with the sound of gun-fire. Feeling all the blood drain from him Leo quickly retreated back towards his brothers, away from the building. He ducked low as he moved to avoid the rain storm of bullets coming through the glass window above his head.
Then it all fell silent...
For one heart clenching moment the three stood still... Then suddenly a bright light filled the windows before they shattered on impact! Glass and intense heat erupted from the building, blasting the turtles back and sending them head first into the water. The last thing Donnie saw of his friend before the black water clouded his vision was the warehouse burning against the sky.
There was nothing now for Don, just the flames... He couldn't hear anything else. Not his two brothers trying to comfort him... And no longer did he resist them as they pulled and lifted him through the water towards the sub because it was only now dawning on the purple clad turtle that this had been LH's plan all along, to pay fate by exchanging Donnie's life for his own...
Splinter already knew something was wrong even before his sons had returned. A pain in his heart told him that something bad, no, terrible had happened. His worries were confirmed when he heard the sound of the sub emerging. The footsteps were not rushing to get inside. There was no shouting or cries of panic. Whatever had happened, it was indeed too late to help. The rat felt his heart squeeze tight in his chest. But it was not his pain he was feeling, for he did not yet know what had happened.
Assuming the worse Splinter quickly made his way from his room into the Dojo. But before he got to the sliding doors, to his great relief, he heard his smartest son's voice in the lair. Instantly the old father felt the urge to run out of the dojo to embrace him. His son was home... But something was wrong... And so, he waited a moment, listening.
"That wasn't meant to happen!" Donnie yelled. Splinter could hear the sobbing straining his voice. What more had happened to cause his son so much sorrow? Hadn't he been through enough?
"I know Donnie, but none of us could have known what he was planning... There was nothing we could have done-" Leo began but he couldn't finish, his voice was to light to carry any real weight anyways. He just couldn't believe what had happened, none of them could. Even Mikey was being abnormally silent since he had heard the news. He had felt the impact of the bomb from the sub and to know that he would never see his large friend again was hitting him harder than the blast.
"He did what he did because he believed in something I said. He thought he was helping me... Leatherhead died because of me!"
"Donnie, bro... I am so sorry..." Raph said, he was still unwilling to be too far from Donnie's side but beyond that there was nothing he could say to make the pain stop, none of them could, so instead Leo led the group towards the couch, just letting Donnie talk himself down. Finally, the tight lipped turtle was letting everything out, only what he was letting out didn't make much sense.
"I took everything into consideration. Minimize all the risk of anyone getting hurt... Take control of my future and change it... Different choices, different outcomes... But... but was this always meant to happen? Was someone always meant to die? … It should have been me... I don't understand..." He mumbled mostly to himself.
"You can't control fate Donnie. None of us can, no matter how hard we try," Leo said repeating his father's words, though personally he had no idea how fate worked, he continued anyway. "Fate wanted your life, LH gave his in your place, just like you gave yours for us." Donnie finally looked up at his brothers, genuinely lost. "You may not think your life was worth it Donnie, but he did... and we are grateful for that."
Splinter was cold. Leatherhead was dead?! … Why? Pressing a hand over his chest the old master's head was suddenly filled with images of the large croc and everything he had shared with them... including the last conversation, he himself had had with the mutant... Oh god no! His heart squeezed painfully tight as it pulsed faster in between his fingers. Finally, he pulled himself together enough to peer outside to see his four sons finally sitting huddled back together. They were broken, and yet somehow, they were whole again. It warmed him a little to see his boys at least trying to shield each other from the bitterness of grief. Raphael and Mikey sat together, the older brother with his arm around the youngest as Mikey cried silently onto his shoulder. The three of them still holding back, just waiting for Donnie to let them in.
"But I don't understand why he took it this far. This was my path. My danger to live or die by... I DON'T understand," Donnie finally broke down and his eldest brother's arms were there for him to fall into. Leo held him tight, clutching him to his chest. The other two soon followed, wrapping their arms around him.
"My son…Donatello…" A familiar voice Donnie had longed for whispered through him, he turned to see the sympathetic expression of his father. It was clear he had heard everything. Don's heart skipped a beat and his emotions all but collapsed onto one another. But the sight of his father kept him from losing control. Instead he pulled himself up right before placing himself at his master's feet. Face down on his hands and knees in submission.
"Splinter-san," Donnie greeted him respectfully, ignoring the surprise that name brought from everyone. He had no right to call the old rat father or master again yet. "I have failed you in so many ways. I have not been honest with you or my brothers... or myself. I allowed my fear to control me and for that I almost destroyed all of us. Because of my actions a friend has fallen, and I cannot begin to make that right. I ask for your forgiveness though I do not deserve it... and... I wish to... return to my clan... though I do not expect it … and I will understand if you reject me or if you see it fit to punish me further…then I'll submit to it." Tears were still falling from his face. However, Donatello did not expect to see his purple mask and bo-staff waiting on the floor in front of him when he opened his eyes again. Donnie looked up, shock mixed with confusion evident.
He could see Splinter's tears shedding in his eyes. It even caught him off guard when his father wrapped his arms around him. "You were never expelled from this clan or disowned. I will be forever grateful for Leatherhead for helping you and bringing you back to us safely... It's what families do."
"F-Father?' Don gulped returning the embrace. They were all together. Donnie was home... but it was time for him to come clean.
Sometime had passed as the clan waited for Donnie to find the ability to string his words together, however once he started revealing the apocalyptic reality of the dark future he saw, a part of them wished they had never asked. The repercussions of him being gone, seeing Splinter's grave... The strain it had brought on them as brothers. The family ripped apart mentally and had not spoken in almost 30 years. Their bodies scarred and deformed, crippled by the mess he had left them in. Casey's brutal death, leaving April condemned to live alone in the darkness while the Nazi-like world of the Shredder thrived above her.
Battle drones roaming the street gunning down people or enforcing worship... Donnie swallowed a lump in his throat as he described seeing so many innocent people's lives shattered as starving children roamed the streets. Whole families screamed while the world around them burned!... Everything was gone, all in the name of honor! Anyone still living found life completely pointless! He rattled off the mental list of horrors he had been compiling for months.
Then it came to the story of their reunion and then their final stand. Donnie had no more tears. He had shed them all. Now when he spoke he was angry and even bitter at himself. He had watched his family sacrifice themselves and be slaughtered just so his plan could work, and hopefully so he could help a world that was practically beyond saving anyway. Listening to THIS brother describe killing someone so closely made them shudder. They hadn't known Donnie capable of speaking with such hate in his voice... but it was clear now where all the clones' pain had come from. What they had been through paled in comparison.
"I was this close to the Shredder's ugly face when I pushed the button, and then I watched him die... And I felt no mercy or sorrow for what I did. Even when Kari was killed... Just relief. It's the closest thing I have ever felt to revenge... because I had to watch all three of you get slaughtered... And now every time I close my eyes, I can still see you. I can still hear everyone screaming -" Donnie cut himself off as he felt on the verge of losing his mind once again. More of the clone's pain was appearing every moment. Splinter looked away as it pained him to see his most gentle son in such despair and infected with a hate he had never succumbed to before. Donnie felt guilty for not feeling guilty sooner, and that guilt had almost destroyed him... To say this was complicated was putting it lightly.
"When I returned I became obsessed with my sciences because it was the only way I knew to stop it all happening... If I was going too vanish, I couldn't leave you all defenseless. Eventually our ninja training just got in the way... I couldn't cope with both. Everyone in the future was counting on me to stop this and I swore I would NEVER let anyone live through this PAIN ever again... But it just got to hard. That's why I needed the pills... then things started to get distorted. I just needed to numb the pain long enough to get everything done, but I couldn't cope... Every day was like waiting for a death sentence to be carried out... because I never knew what became of me, until now... I went too far... No one has the right to have that much power."
As Don released more of his hell, the questions slowly trailed away. Raph was looking hard at the floor with a dark expression. Mikey pulled his legs up under his chin, trying not to picture all the things he was hearing. His face couldn't hide his sadness. Leo couldn't look at Donnie either as he talked. But he was so still, it was like he was afraid to move a muscle... But they had asked for this. They had begged and begged for this bed to be made. Now they had to lay in it.
"I didn't want to die guys, you have to believe that... That day I took the pills, I just wanted to feel in control again. If I was going to die, I wanted to choose when and how. I wanted the pressure to stop... but I wasn't in my right mind... I took my pain out on all of you... I was selfish, and I shamed you. That clone felt everything I was feeling. But I guess it wasn't programmed to cope with such darkness, but of course, logical me just looked for the best solution to survive. And the best solution was to take away the objective of my pain, which was all of you! And I guess because it was there to kill you anyway under Bishops control, so in his mind it all fit... That's why I left... because I am a monster... I had to be sure I would be safe to be around."
"You're not a monster Don. But you shouldn't have tried to take all this on yourself," Raph muttered. Trust him to pick that one detail out of a whole explanation. "You're the dumbest genius on planet earth bro, you know that right."
Donnie half smiled. "Yep... But just try to imagine living each day knowing that was going to happen? How could I tell you that you were going to die, and I was the reason for it...My disappearance and my return messes everything up." Donnie had a look in his eyes that broke all his brothers' hearts. Don glanced at his Bo-staff and mask still on the floor, was he worthy to have them back?
Finally, Donnie finished, but the silence lingered. The smart turtle's heart began to pound as he prepared himself for the reaction he had been so afraid of. Shockingly it was Mikey who broke the silence first. "In that future, what took you away from us?" The youngest asked the surprisingly good question with a lot of trepidation.
Donnie sighed sadly before looking at his brother Leo as he explained the final piece of the puzzle, that it had all been down to Bishop taking him away... Had Donnie not forced Leo to stab and kill him, all would have come true. Leo hand clenched at the memory. Despite it being a clone, it was still his little brother's face dying in his arms.
"But that means it's all ok now right? It didn't happen, so now that future won't happen?!" Raph questioned, eagerly leaning forward.
"It might have changed the whole course of events, yes... But there was still Bishop... I knew he wouldn't stop searching for me and then we would be back to square one... But I never planned on Bishop getting killed," Donnie trailed off. The story had come full circle, leading them right back to Leatherhead. "LH knew all this, and he died and killed Bishop because 'I' was so hell bent on stopping it."
"Leatherhead may have been a scientist like you my son, but he didn't do this just because of the circumstances, or because it was the most practical thing to do. He did this because he believed in the cruelties fate demanded a life to be paid," Splinter said matter-off-fact. "The last time I spoke to Leatherhead he told me that he believed what I have come to believe, though it was impossible, though it was something that could not be explained by facts or numbers and estimates, there was something in his heart that told him it was true... Think back. After your war between your head and your heart, for all its cleverness, it was not your head that saved us. You are more like Leatherhead than you realize Donatello, for he made the same choice," Splinter spoke sadly. "It is the laws of nature to have everything planned out…and when you try to change it, it will need to compensate. Loosing you would have cost us the city... But saving it still required a life... Your life was the one chosen as it is you who tip the scales either way... It's like when you throw a pebble into a lake. The ripples the water makes representing a change in nature. But always, the ripples will eventually stop as the water will correct itself."
"You shouldn't blame yourself Donnie," Leo placing a comforting hand on his shell. "Leatherhead made his choice to protect you and save everyone. We will miss him, but he will be remembered as a true hero."
Raph took his turn to chime in, "LH died because he believed in you! He wanted to give you a new start. Bishop is dead! You're free and we can all start again. Are you really going to let it be in vain?" He nudged him. Donnie nodded with the first true signs of relief he's made since the start of this conversation. The world had literally been lifted from his shoulders. Once again, he looked at his Bo-staff and mask on the floor, waiting for him. His brothers gave him an encouraging smile as he picked up the purple material.
The feeling of the fabric was welcoming for some reason, and it quelled his feelings of not belonging.
"Thank you," he nodded. But as he went to pick up his weapon, Splinter's hand stopped him.
"My son…before you pick that up, you need to understand you have a choice," his expression was kind but firm. "You are part of our clan no matter what, but that does not mean to say you have to stay on the same path and be a ninja. If you wish to commit yourself to your science, then you may, for I can see you will bring much good, not just to us but the world. Think hard about this, as both will change your life. Either choice you make, you will have my blessing," Splinter smiled genuinely.
Donnie couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was his father really saying he could give up Ninjutsu and not have to struggle juggling them together? The possibility of the things he could accomplish if he could focus 100% on his studies? The mere thought alone overwhelmed him with possibilities, but in a good way.
Once again Don looked at his weapon he's had since childhood. The room instantly filled up with a suspenseful silence, all his brothers holding their breath, and most likely biting their tongues. A large part of him wanted this so badly. Why shouldn't he snatch this opportunity while he could? Because the only reason he had the freedom to do his sciences was because of his training. It was his balance for his physical and the spiritual world that aided him this whole entire time. To deny it would be denying half of himself.
"You know it's strange...The answer was always in front of me, but I couldn't see it till now," everyone watched as Donatello stood, taking back his Bo-Staff before bowing to his master and placing it behind his shell where it belonged.
Splinter nodded. None of them had been sure which way Donnie would go, but his reassuring smile said it all. "I'm a warrior just as much as a scientist."
"Then welcome back my son," Splinter bowed before embracing him once again.
"Hey, I want in on this," Mikey came in to wrap his arms around them, while pushing his other two brothers forward until they were all a tangled in a bundle.
"I'm glad to be home too," Donnie smiled and even though he had no scientific evidence to support this, somehow, he just knew that Leatherhead was watching him from somewhere close by.
The following days were some of the worst for the Hamato clan. First, they went to Leatherhead's home to pack up his belongings at the abandon subway station. It was best that there was no trace of him for humans to find. Donnie knew it was going to be painful, but not this much. While cleaning the brothers came across a box full of pictures of the croc with them at Christmas. Leatherhead really had thought of them as family.
Splinter meanwhile, had set up a small shrine. Ceremonial candles illuminated a framed picture of Leatherhead, with a wooden plaque on the Shrine that read:
Hamato Leatherhead.
Honorable friend, ally, and brother.
Your sacrifice will never be forgotten
LH had more than earned the right to have their name and to be part of their family. At the ceremony they all held candles as they each said goodbye. Donatello was particularly distant throughout the process. Placing both hands together the purple clad turtle knelt in silent prayer for his fallen friend, but no amount of thanks would ever be enough... All he could do now was try to be worthy of his sacrifice.
The explosion at the warehouse was all over the news as many human remains had been found, but they were burned beyond recognition, so none could be identified. Bishop's name was never mentioned. He and his men's life as secret agents were for once an advantage to the mutant family. No one was going to be looking for those men. So, no one was going to be looking for them. This could really mean that the agent was gone forever.
More days passed as Donnie tried not to think too hard about what being completely healed meant. He wouldn't be at one-hundred percent for a long time, but at least he was on the right path for recovery now. All he had to do was settle back into the lair and claim back something resembling his routine... But with a few new changes. There were many counseling sessions needed with his father... He and Raph had even spent some productive hours in the garage, and to his great surprise all three were making an effort to check on him more and listen to him about his inventions. It was surprising how much lighter he felt now that everything was out in the open.
This particular morning Donnie found himself left to his own devices, and there was a lot of work in the lab he needed to catch up on. This backlog of data was going to take all day to sort through, it was a job that required a large amount of coffee. But as he made his way to the kitchen he ran into Mikey.
"Hey bro, you doing good?" The orange clad brother asked grabbing a can of soda.
"Yeah, I'm good," Don responded with a smile, a real one. "What are you up too?"
"Movie marathon day dude, after I talk brother red and brother blue from killing each other virtually," his little brother smiled with his cheesy grin. "You coming to join us?" He asked excitedly.
"Maybe later. I have a lot of work to catch up on."
"Well ok but you know where we are... Oh, hey guess what. I found another comic to add to my new collection and it's affordable. All I can say is god bless eBay!" Mikey chuckled skipping out of the kitchen.
Donnie snickered as he grabbed his beverage. He had every intention of heading back to the lab for the day, but the sight of his family sitting across the room in the TV area stopped him. Mikey was making himself at home on the pillow fortress he had built. Splinter was there reading while Leo and Raph were locked head to head in a battle to the death with Pac-Man.
Donnie really should be heading back to work now... He had so much to do... But seeing them all there had him motivated not to return... After all a longer life was not always a better one if you kept repeating the same mistakes. Life was for enjoying and he had already passed up so many of these moments. Smiling he then put the cup of coffee down to the side and walked over to join them.
Maybe work could wait a bit longer. After all what were second chances for?
A/N: Hope you liked, and I know what you all are thinking. It was hard for us to kill off LH, it was something we thought about and in the end it was unavoidable. Like in the story it talked about how nature doesn't like to be cheated with its course of events, and it would try and correct itself if messed with. Believe me when I say that it wasn't an easy choice, but it had to be done. I hope you all understand.
That's it, over two years of work and it's all done. I still can't believe it has been that long. I still remember the first chapter, and how it blew minds. I knew that this story was going to be a good one. I really have to thank you all again for your support as the story wouldn't be what it is without the support it received.
Once again I have to thank Glazier Blue for this. She's a really big help and I would be able to be here without her. So thank you, I really enjoy our work together.
One more note is that this story got nominated for the "TMNT Universal Reader's Choice Awards" for Best portrayal of a Villain. So that's another big thanks to you all.
Till next time.