House of Cards

A/N: I am SO excited to share this story with you guys! I love it so much and I just have to get it out of my system and share it with you all.
This is my second Suicide Squad fanfiction and I really wanted to have a go at how the two met, but I've read so many fics about them meeting in Arkham that I felt like trying something new. Enjoy! :)

The way you move is like a full on rain storm – and I'm a house of cards.

(Taylor Swift. Sparks Fly)


"Harleen! Come on, please!"

I sighed deeply, knowing I shouldn't have said anything at all. Tonight was the Surgeons Masquerade Ball were the new Chief of Surgery was going to be announced and I had yet to find an excuse not to go. The fact that I didn't want to wasn't good enough.

"I told you, I'll think about it", I smiled at Quinn, trying my best to look polite while doing so. Before she could say anything further I left the locker room. We weren't really friends. We knew each other since we'd been interns and because my name was Harleen Quinzel and hers Quinn Hazel we had automatically grown accustomed with each other, because our names were so similar.

Outside I drew a deep breath of the cold winters night. It felt good to be outside of the hospital and to breath some fresh air.

Only Gothams surgeons would have such a stupid ball. It was ridiculous! We were doctors, not teenagers!

Sharleen would have loved it. It was crazy. I had been 15 when she'd killed herself and that was 10 years ago and I still missed my sister every single day.

I had just started to walk across the street, when a hand wrapped itself around my mouth from behind and an arm slung around my waist. I gasped and struggled. I screamed as loudly as I could, but the sound was muffled. Useless. I heard the sound of a door open and was then pulled into a large van.

"Get off me!" I pushed against the man holding me and was surprised when he actually let me go.

"What do we have here?" It wasn't the man, who had pulled me into the vehicle. This one had already been inside. His face was pale, too pale, almost like a clown and his hair was green. He was smiling brightly. His teeth looked strange. Metallic. And his shirt was open, revealing his many tattoos and well...his body. And somehow I thought he

"Do you know who I am?"

I nodded, wishing more than anything that my instincts would finally kick in and get me the hell out of here.

"You're the Joker." Apparently my instincts had abandoned me, but my voice hadn't shaken with fear, so at least I was going to die in dignity.

He threw his head back and laughed and it was the most horrible sound I had ever heard. And I was a trauma-surgeon who spent most of her time in an Emergency Room – the mother of horrible sounds.

"We have a clever doctor!" He grinned, stepping closer, "Good work, Johnny!"

Johnny seemed to be the man behind me, because he muttered: "Thanks, Boss."

"What are you gonna do?" Psychology 101 came back to me and I realised what I had to do: Show no fear. That was my ticket out of here. I stepped closer: "You gonna kill me, Mr. J?"

"What? Oh, I'm not gonna kill you." He said honestly, "At least not right away." As if this had been the cue the van began to move, as the Joker stepped forward and finally explained what this was all about: "I have a patient in need of your assistance, Doctor."

The man behind me blindfolded me then and put duct-tape over my mouth. And this time it was my instincts that told me to be quiet.

When we arrived at his penthouse I expected to find an army of his men standing by. Or atleast a dozen of them. I did not expect to find myself alone with the Joker. The way he freed me from my blindfold was almost gentle. The duct-tape hurt like hell though.

"Sorry about that." I had never seen someone smile like that before. Without joy. "Dr. Quinzel, you work for me now, do you understand? You will treat this patient and you will not try to run away. What happens to my employees when they try to run? Hmm? What do you think?"

I kept my gaze looked with his and answered in a cold tone: "You kill them."

"Good girl!" He actually almost sounded joyful now, but the moment passed quickly: "Come on. She's upstairs." When he gripped my arm to pull me from the van his grip was tight, painful, but his skin was surprisingly warm. It was so human.

Inside the large mansion I did see a dozen of his men, but they were not at all they way I had imagined the Jokers men to be: They were quiet, efficient and moved around the house...tidying it up?

I stopped for a moment, watching muscular men polishing tables, cleaning windows, hoovering carpets...

"Hurry!" The Joker interrupted my thoughts impatiently, "Let's go!"

"What happened here?" I was only thinking out loud and hadn't really expected an answer, when he snapped:

"I was robbed! Can't you see that?!" He pointed towards the broken vases, ripped down pictures and turned over furniture around us.

"Of course I can. But I'm a doctor, not Martha Stewart."

His gaze turned cold, as he glared at me angrily and for a moment I felt my fear rising up in me full speed.

"You talk too much", he observed in a cool tone, "Now come on!"

We went up the large stairs. I had never been in a house like this. It was so large and be honest it was a very nice house. If robbers hadn't come inside and smashed it up, it would have been beautiful. It seemed like the Joker really had taste...and style? I'd always assumed he was a bachelor, but this house looked like it had a womans touch. Maybe I was about to meet Mrs. Joker. Oh dear. I wasn't sure I was prepared for that.

"In here." He stopped in front of one of the many identical doors in his upstairs hallway, "Remember what I said?"

I rolled my eyes, not even pretending to be annoyed. How on earth was I supposed to escape from here? Or spontaneously run away? He was looking at me intently, obviously expecting an answer.

"I'm not going to run away!"

After one last glare he opened the door and I tried by best to hide my shock at the sight before me: The woman was sitting up in a large bed. Her lip had been bleeding, she had a deep cut on her forehead, her eye was swollen and all of her body seemed to be covered in yellow and blue bruises. It was a split second that I was shocked, but then I turned into my doctor-self.

"Ma'am, my name is Dr. Quinzel", I walked past the Joker, "I'm going to...take a look at you."

To be honest I'd expected a sarcastic comment, like Go ahead, Sweety! But the woman only nodded and seemed grateful.

For a moment I looked at the green haired man and he looked back at me. Not glared. Just looked. In fact we shared a moment communicating with each other wordlessly and I knew he was going to stay.


I walked towards the bed and found many first-aid-kits piled on the bed. I opened the first one and stepped next to the woman.

"I don't have anything to numb you", I said gently, "But I'm going to have clean and stitch that wound. It will hurt a lot."

Again she only nodded. As if she wasn't surprised and as if she could take it. If she was dating the Joker, I supposed she could.

The entire thing went on rather quietly. She didn't even flinch. Her right wrist was broken, two of her ribs bruised and when I reached her legs I froze and all my professionalism and fearlessness vanished.

"Sharleen! What on earth happened?!"

"Go away, Harley! I'm ok."

"You're bleeding!"

"Just grab my kit, ok Sweety? I'll be ok, I promise. I just...I just..."

"Sharley. Were you...were you raped?"

I snapped out of the memory suddenly and stared at the marks on the womans legs. Now it was she and I who shared a wordless moment of communication.

"Mr. Joker", my voice shook, "I need to ask you to step outside for a moment."

To my intense surprise (and if I read her face correctly, to hers too) he left the room quietly. We looked at each other as I studied her beat-up face. She was amazingly beautiful even in this state. High cheekbones, large blue eyes and long eye lashes. But that was to be expected. Average wouldn't do for the Joker.

"Do you want me to do a rape-kit?" I finally asked.

She shook her head and then said: "They didn't rape me. They only tried."

I could see how much effort they had put into trying. Could see where their knees had pushed against her thighs harshly. Had scratched her skin.

"What happened?"

"Well, they broke in while I was alone. There were six of them."

"Six?!" I repeated.

She smiled at my reaction and her lip burst open, beginning to bleed. I handed her a tissue to stop the bleeding.

"Do you know what he said when came home?" I knew immediately that she was talking about the Joker and didn't reply. She didn't need me to: "Damnit woman, when will you finally learn to defend yourself?!" She laughed humourlessly and I could see tears burning in her eyes.

"Six men tried to rape you and weren't able to. I think you defended yourself pretty well."

"I should have stopped them from destroying the house. I-"

"You survived." I said clearly and put my hand on her shoulder, "Nothing else matters. You. Survived."

And not everyone was that lucky. Or strong.

"You're very nice, Dr. Quinzel."

I smiled and pulled the blanket over her demolished body, "I'm going to prescribe you some painkillers. You should have your wrist and ribs checked out in two weeks. And call me if you feel dizzy or nauseous." I scribbled down my number on a piece of paper that had been laying on the table by her bed.

"Thank you."

"Oh and a word of advice?" I smiled grimly, "Find a new boyfriend. His reaction to your attack is the worst thing I've ever heard."

To my surprise she began to laugh: "Oh, he's not my boyfriend! We used to make deals back when he was still into heroin that's all! I just got out of prison and he let me crash here." When she smiled at me this time I shivered.

"Well, like I said...if your condition worsens."

"You're my girl, Doc. I got it. Thanks!"

"Getwellsoon", the words rushed from my mouth as I rushed to the door. I had just patched up a drugdealer!

No. I told myself. A patient. A victim.

"Are you done?" He sounded annoyed and I wondered if he still had plans tonight he had to get to. I was pretty sure he wasn't going to a masquerade ball.

"She has two bruised ribs, a broken wrist and her head wound might turn into a concussion. She will have to rest for a few days, but she should be back to new soon."

He rolled his eyes: "Good."

Well it wasn't a thank you, but I would take it.

"She has my number. If she starts to feel ill or dizzy or in any way worse, give me a call." I walked past him, I had survived! I was walking out of here!

"Where do you think you're going?!" In an instance he pulled me back and although his grip hurt my arm I couldn't help but notice how close our bodies were. And that he smelled good. He really did have style... "You work for me now, little girl!"

"It's Doctor Quinzel!" I snapped and continued: "I don't work for you." Please don't kill me, I thought as I stared into his green eyes. "I helped one patient and I'm prepared to help her again. You don't have to kidnap me, if you need my assistance. Just give me a call." I could see the shock in his face and as soon as his grip loosened I began to back away. "And it would be great if one of your boys could drive me home. I have no idea where I am."

Before he could answer I turned around and walked down the stairs. The smile on my face was joyful, because I knew his mouth had dropped open in astonishment revealing his metallic teeth and I Dr. Harleen Quinzel had not just survived a visit to the Jokers house, but had also rendered him speechless.

But I also knew without a doubt that once I was safely at home I would break down in tears.

Guess who would never miss a chance to go to a masquerade ball? :) please review and tell me what you think!