This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Chapter one

Not long after Sirius Black flew off on Buckbeak, the Hippogriff, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger got back to the hospital wing and into bed before anyone figured out what was going on. Harry did a lot of thinking while he lay in the hospital. The first thing he realised was that the headmaster really wasn't trying to help Sirius. He was Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, he could call for Sirius to stand trial. Harry wasn't sure why Dumbledore wasn't helping Sirius, but he did know it had something to do with him.

When it was late, and Hermione, Ron and the matron was asleep, Harry snuck into Madam Pomfrey's office. He unlocked her cabinet which held her potions, he took half a dozen then hurried back to his bed. He hid the potions in his clothes before climbing back into bed. He hoped no one found the potions or questions would be asked. Harry needed to keep his plans secret, even from his friends. They could never know what he had planned, but these plans were necessary for his survival.

'Dobby,' Harry whispered, hoping the little elf heard him. With a pop the house elf appeared on the end of his bed, 'I need your help Dobby, but you can't tell anyone.'

'Dobby belongs to Harry Potter, Dobby saved him from his mean master. Dobby is bound to you, Dobby must keep master's secrets.'

'Oh, I didn't know that, do you want to stay bound or do you want to be free?'

'Dobby likes belonging to Harry Potter.'

'Okay, I don't mind but I will keep making sure you can wear your hats and socks. Now I need you to take these potions to my trunk, make sure they can't be seen and are protected from being broken.'

'Dobby do what his master tells him,' Dobby took the vials then disappeared.

Harry grinned as he lay back down, 'I can get Dobby to help, I might even give him money so he can keep buying things for himself.'

The following morning Harry, Hermione and Ron were allowed to leave. They were questioned about where they had been. Hermione and Ron glanced at Harry who told the truth about Sirius Black, how he was innocent, and how the Minister refused to believe them. He even had Ron explain about Scabbers so everyone in Gryffindor tower would know why Sirius tried to get inside. It wasn't to kill Harry, it was to get the rat, Peter Pettigrew. Harry even said he would never support or work for the ministry, not if that is how they treated people.

'What do you think will happen, you know, about Sirius?' Ron whispered as the three friends sat at the Gryffindor table.

'Knowing how thick the Minister is, probably nothing. They lock up innocent people and allow death eaters to go free. I recon Fudge is probably being bribed by someone like Malfoy's old man.'

'Be careful saying things like that, if you get overheard it could cause problems.'

'I'm just stating facts and my belief Hermione. I mean old man Malfoy did try to kill me last year, he should be locked up.'

'We know Harry, but you could still get into trouble.'

'No one is around Hermione, it's fine. So what are your plans for the holidays?'

'I don't know, mum and dad usually like to go away for a few weeks, so they'll probably tell me when I get home.'

'What about you Ron?'

'I doubt we will be going anywhere, apart from visiting relatives. Do you think you can come stay after a few weeks?'

'I'll see, it would be great if I could, the Dursley's don't care if I go. I'll write to you when I find out, one way or another.'

'Do you think he got out of the country?'

'I hope so, but until I hear from him I won't know. Hopefully he will write soon, I will let you know when he does.'

It was a few days later that the students of Hogwarts headed home for the holidays. During the train ride, a small owl delivered a letter to Harry. Ron got to keep the owl, Harry got some great news from his godfather.

After saying goodbye to his friends, Harry followed the Dursley's to the car. Harry did explained about his godfather and how he broke out of prison to make sure Harry was happy and looked after. Harry tried not to laugh at the worried looks on all three Dursley's, he knew they would be worried that an adult wizard who was dangerous might turn up. Harry didn't care, he had his plans ready. The Dursley's had mistreated him for the last time.

Harry wrote his letter to Sirius, but he didn't send it straight off, he needed to wait until the right time.

The first morning of the holidays, Harry happily made the Dursley's their breakfast. He ate while he cooked and had everything ready when they came downstairs. He left them to their breakfast then went outside to begin working on the gardens. He gave one of his neighbours a wave, they might not wave back since they believed the Dursley's when they said Harry was a delinquent. He didn't care, he just needed to be seen doing what he usually does during the holidays.

Normally the Dursley's would never leave Harry alone in the house, but they didn't want to risk that he would write to his freak of a godfather. So the three Dursley's changed ready for their day with Marge Dursley. Harry had snuck into the garage where he poured three of the potions into the fuel tank. Three potions that should never be mixed, that should also never get mix with any other type of substance, like fuel. Harry had been reading a lot about potions so he would know if he could pull this off, he found what he needed a few weeks earlier. He thought he would need to hurt himself just to get into the hospital, he didn't. He knew trying to steal the potions from Madam Pomfrey would be easier than trying to steal them from Snape.

Harry hurried back to the garden where he began pulling the weeds from his aunt's flower beds. He heard the car drive off before he finally went inside the clean-up. As he stared around, he had a huge grin on his face. Harry always knew he would get the Dursley's back for how they treated him, well, today was the day.

'Take that to Sirius Hedwig, but I'm not sure where I'll be until he turns up and if I'm with the muggles then they might not like me having an owl. You can always find me, if not go to Ron's for a while,' Harry smiled at his owl then held her at the open window, 'Safe flight girl.'

Harry grinned as he watched his faithful owl fly off. 'It's time to make sure everything looks right.'

It was a few hours later, Harry had just finished lunch when there was a knock on the door. He finished his drink then hurried to open it.

'Oh, um, yes officers?'

'Are you related of Vernon and Petunia Dursley?'

'Yes, I'm there nephew, Harry Potter.'

'Are you visiting or do you live here?'

'I live here, my parent's died when I was a baby. Did something happen to the Dursley's?'

'I'm sorry to tell you this son but your aunt, uncle and cousin were killed in a car accident.'

'Oh, what will happen to me then?'

'You don't seem all that upset son.'

'Well, they weren't very nice to me. They made me do all the work, I'm only given Dudley's old clothes to wear and they make me sleep in a cupboard. If I don't finish all my work then I don't get any food, sometimes they would hit me.'

'May we come in son? We will need to speak with you about where you will go now.'

Harry made sure that the two police officers walked past the open cupboard door as he led them into the kitchen.

Harry would have loved to tell the officers that he had places to stay until he went back to Hogwarts but he couldn't without giving away secret's he wasn't allowed. They spoke for a while, the police officers explained to Harry where he might have to go until a foster home could be found for him.

'Um, my godfather who is out of the country at the moment is on his way to pick me up. He said it might take him anywhere from three to five days before he will get here.'

'Why did you not live with your godfather if you were mistreated by the Dursley's?'

'I'm not sure sir, all I know is someone organised where I would live when my parent's died and my godfather wasn't informed of anything. He told me in his last letter that he found out I was happy and loved living with the Dursley's, he didn't want to disturb my life. He thought I was like a brother to Dudley where I would be a bit lonely with no other kids around if I lived with him. Dudley is a bully, he beats up all the kids in the neighborhood, including me. Poor little Mark Evans is half his size but that didn't stop Dudley and his gang. Anyway, my godfather told me he found that out when I was a couple of years old. He gets busy, something to do with his business, he owns a lot of joke and magic shops, mostly overseas. Um, officers, there's a lady here, just in the next street, she always looked after me when the Dursley's went on holidays, she was the only person who was nice to me. Her name is Mrs Figg and she said I can stay with her anytime.'

'We may speak with her about you staying for now, until child services decide what will happen to you. Let's see about packing your things.'

'It's only a few items of clothing, there in my cupboard,' Harry already had his wand, cloak and photo album in his pockets. He knew he couldn't take his trunk but he had hidden that in the shed. He hoped Sirius would get it for him once he was back, if they couldn't take the chance then it wasn't much to replace his school stuff. Right now Harry was just glad that he would never see the Dursley's again. They might have died in a car accident but technically Harry killed them. He didn't care, he had enough of how they treated him.