X-men;Genesis of Creation

Hey hey hey! How ya'll doin this day? So, I never thought I would ever upload a story but I was hit with an incredible influx of inspiration after seeing X-men Apocalypse, which I think might be my favorite one in all of the movies. Sorry Days of Future Past you got kicked out of the spot. But don't worry, you get a nice second place medal!

This idea has been pushed around and thought about in my head for about a month before I actually decided, why not write it!

Finally post my first fic on the site!

So anyway, this story will have significant changes to the plot of the movie but at the same time will stay relatively similar. This will focus partly on my OC but will still give the main characters the shine they deserve.

I hope I do this right. If not, well this will be good practice for me.


Disclaimer(Because I apparently need one):I own nothing. I am not Stan Lee.

'Regular speech'



'Another language'

'Voice change with powers/mood'

P.S. Some slight spiritual themes may be in here, if some people are offended by this, I apologize. If you don't want to continue, I understand. It is ok.

Oh and rated T for slight language, violence, and blood...but not too much.

. . . . . . .

The Age of Apocalypse, was both brutal, and terrifying.

His power was unchallengeable. And his rule was absolute. Ruling with the people of the world as his slaves, his empire stretched from far across the known world.

He was revered as a God. And believed to be all powerful and all knowing. But he was none of these things. He simply was; a Mutant. The very first mutant. He took the name En Sabah Nur meaning 'The First'. But with his powers of destruction, he took another name, Apocalypse.

Wherever he went, death and ruin were quick to follow. Any and all who stood before him were slaughtered with no mercy shown, and no prisoners taken. His armies ravaged the lands and bathed the skies with the cries of the innocent.

Leading his armies were his fours generals. The Horsemen of Apocalypse. Imbued with his power they set out to do his bidding.




And his second in command and most powerful among them, Death. Their strength alone was enough to level cities. And individually could crush armies. They were simply, too strong for human armies.

The world learned to bow its head in submission to him. Believing he was unstoppable, humanity sunk deep into servitude and depression. Forever at his mercy, they extinguished any all fight and resistance in their hearts. Hope for freedom was dead.

Only a select few still dared to believe in a world without Apocalypse. Where they could live without fear. These few held hope in the last thing that could not be taken from them, their faith in the Almighty.

The true God of the world they believed. Many had given up on an all powerful watcher. And even had simply given up on his very existence. Saying their prayers were given to a being who isn't real. That their prayers were empty. And if he was real, he was not worth calling on for all the suffering he allowed. That he was no better than Apocalypse. And Apocalypse was the real God.

But some, through all the suffering, through all the sorrow, through all the bloodshed, had remained faithful and unyielding to the oppression. A humble couple, living on the outskirts of the poorest village, were some of the few who still believed that the Almighty would deliver them from Apocalypse's hands.

And that hope, led them to be outcasts among their home. Laughing and taunting them for their faith, all, even their closest friends despised them for what they believed.

It was one night when they recited their daily prayers for freedom that for the first time in years. They received an answer. In the form of a falling star, a being made of the purest light with wings of heavenly fire appeared before them.

Afraid they asked it,"Oh great being of holy descent, tell us your purpose here so that we may not fear your presence!"

In a voice of a thousand souls the being replied,"The Almighty sends me to tell you of his plans for you!"

"Oh great one, we do not understand!"

"The Almighty has heard your pleas and has sent me to deliver unto you a message."

They were astonished and afraid of what this meant.

"Listen well, ye of great faith!" it boomed in its great voice."In your hearts are spirits of trust in the Almighty's power. Because of your perseverance he has chosen you to be instruments of his will!"

The wife threw up her hands in reverence and shouted praises from her mouth, while the husband fell to his knees and wept,"We shall do as we are told! Tell us one of great purity! What will the Almighty have us do?"

Stretching out his hand, the being of pure radiance placed it upon the wife's head.

"You and your husband are to bear a child. He will be born on the twelfth day of the ninth moon. And he will be one of great strength. The Almighty will put his spirit in him through his heart and soul, and he will be given power to counter the false God!"

They could only stare in awe of his proclamation.

"Yes holy one we will!"the wife exclaimed."We will love him with all our heart and soul, and will teach him all he needs to know to one day battle his enemy!"

"Be prepared little ones, the eyes of the enemy will be on you! You must be prepared to keep yourselves strong in faith and body. Do not lose hope! For it was your belief that kept you safe this long. Have no fear and cast your eyes to the Almighty's light! For it will be your guide!"

The couple nodded in understanding and in their hearts steeled vowing to do so...no matter the cost.

And in a sudden flash the great being had vanished away, as quickly as it had appeared. The couple, left in their reverence stayed silent for all the night and did not speak again until the morning. Not noticing the silent viewer that had witnessed the entire spectacle from the outside.

And so, the two began their work preparing everything for the arrival of the child. Keeping the knowledge they held to only themselves. Unknown to them however, that the viewer-turning out to be a one of the villagers- from their window had gone out and had told the rest of the village of what had transpired that night. And the news spread like a fire over a dry forest. The world was starting to know the warmth and light of hope in the cold darkness of reality

The husband and wife were visited by travelers from all over the world who had heard of the birth of the child who would become their savior. They were showered with gifts and treasures and made to feel like royalty. But to them, it was all meaningless. They had begged and pleaded for the gifts to stop and that the news of the child not be known, but they were not heard over the cheers of jubilation.

And finally, the time had come.

Like the angel had told them, the child came on the twelfth day of the ninth moon and what a day it was. Crowds by the thousands had come to see the baby be born. Cheers and festivals were held. The crowd had chanted,"Lilmubtadiiyn! Lilmubtadiiyn!(A/N:Lil-moob-tadi-ina)" over and over, all over the world. Which had simply meant,'The beginner.' For he would be the he who would save them from the hands of Apocalypse and would begin a new era for humanity. But his parents had named him with the idea of his true powers, the powers of creation, the anti-apocalypse; Genesis.

So loud were these cheers, that they reached the ears of all in the world. And unfortunately it truly was everyone.

Apocalypse, having heard of the child through all his spies and through talk amongst his empire, had kept close watch on his kingdom and had tightened his hold to remind the people who ruled this life they held.

But he was surprised to find that people were actually...fighting back. They were resisting his control. It started off small, from simple disobedience to laws and decrees,to the point where patrolling soldiers were attacked and forced to flee from areas. Riots were becoming a frequent issue and plots of uprisings were starting to come up among the people. And with every problem crushed, more seemed to arise from out of the ashes. Worse yet, the fools who stood up to his rule entered death without question, and yet it seemed these people...they showed no fear. Not of his armies or his powers. They held strong and were not afraid. This had shaken him somewhat. When his lieutenant had reported to him on the public executions that those who were put to death showed no remorse or despair. But instead stood proud and even...happy.

What was most disturbing however was that before each one was killed, they screamed,"Alnnsar lilmubtadiiyn!"...Victory to the Beginner.

Small rebel groups he could crush. But an entire empires revolution could prove to be...troublesome. He had created a world where he was seen as God. Where he was the absolute ruler. And any who dared oppose could and would be destroyed. Fear was the key to this. The fear to think, breathe and so much as even step in the wrong direction could end horribly for you. Fear shows the weakness in humans. Fear is what controls every move they make. So fear was his ally, but he would never truly know it. Fear is for the weak. And he was not so. For it was only the strong who survive. That is how it should be, and that is how it is. But, with this new life, this child. It took away the fear. It took away the hopelessness they felt. It gave them a reason to fight. Something to fight for. Something to cast their dreams on. Where they could do as they pleased because they knew how it would all end.

Such sheer and utter confidence and boldness, it was something that gave him great discomfort. To think that those...worms would dare think themselves untouchable when they quite clearly he had sent hordes of them to death!

The Gall!

The Nerve!

The utter Arrogance..!

His teeth ground in complete and utter fury. How Dare they!

They should know their place! And they would if not for that child.

That Child!

And so, his choice was clear. He would allow the peoples spirits to grow, let them revel in their false hope before he would take their dreams, and before their very eyes, crush it.

After only a year of the child's birth Apocalypse set out to do the unthinkable.

He lead his armies and laid waste to the thriving village. Turning the land to nothing but fire and ash as his powers of destruction was set loose upon the world. After hearing of the horrible deed done so by the dark lord himself, humanity trembled at his ruthlessness and the rekindled spark inside their hearts, had this time, been permanently snuffed out, thinking their savior was dead.

Fortunately the couple had been able to rescue the child from harm.

But at the cost of their own lives. They were very brave, but not strong enough to defend themselves. They loved the child with all they had, and even though their time was short with their son, he would always have a place in their hearts.

That is all I know of my mother and father.

I was taken in and trained by a friend of my parents.

From him I learned hand to hand combat, mastery of weapons, strategy of battle, and even how to control my mutant abilities. For he himself was a mutant as well. And he had drilled into me the studies and practices of following the Almighty's will.

When I had turned into a young man I had gone and traveled the world. I had seen and witnessed things that would forever impact my look on the world and its ways. I had been a beggar, a bandit, a mercenary, and even a slave. All of this I went through, to then be brought back to the will of the Almighty, and would face and defeat my mortal enemy.

I had met many other mutants along my travels and had even gotten some to join me in my mission to defeat En Sabah Nur.

It was they who faced his horsemen while I fought him. And for that, I am eternally grateful for them and hope the Almighty hold them in his grace.

When the time came to face my enemy, I was prepared for the worst.

For as strong as I had become in my life. I would not take my opponent so lightly like I had done in my youth.

He was a real threat. And I was ready to face it.

Our battle was that of legends.

I had fought the false God within his own temple. Our powers clashed against one another in a glorious display of our own mutant abilities. But it was not until the battle had drawn out that I had come to a horrid realization. When I had stabbed the malicious self proclaimed deity through his chest, he did not die, not only did he live, but before my very eyes...he healed.

The false God had taken a power that was not his and had used it to make himself...immortal.

Using my surprise to his advantage, Apocalypse struck me down in a blow that nearly ended my life there and then. But I held strong and let the Almighty guide my hand in my time of weakness. Since I could not kill the false God, I had only one other option...to seal him away.

So, in a final clash of wills, our powers fought each other.

The Black Hand of Destruction vs The White Flame of Creation.

Death vs Life

Beginning vs End

Apocalypse vs Genesis

Summoning all the strength I had left, I was able to seal Apocalypse within a crystal sarcophagus.

Our bout had crumbled the temple to ruins and all but the underground chambers were left in tact where I had sealed him away.

I wish I knew exactly what had transpired in the outside world.

I wish to know if my comrades had lived and how the world adjusted to its newly acquired freedom.

I wished to see the smiles of joy as the people celebrated the defeat of the false God.

But I could not.

For I had connected the seal to my own life, as long as I lived, the seal would hold, and Apocalypse would forever slumber, never to rise out of his tomb.

And so it was here I have stayed. Guarding the entrance to his eternal resting place. I was convinced that my fight was over for the time. But as it turned out.

My fight would continue for several more centuries. For I could have never foreseen what he had done. In imbuing his generals with his power, they first had to submit to him, their souls. And so he was in control of what happened to them. When they were slain their souls did not depart to the next world, instead, they came back. He had created a cycle of reincarnation for his generals.

Every few decades they would choose a new life, stealing away the potential for someone else to have a life. They would journey to this place, and sought to kill me to release their master from his imprisonment. But I would not back down. I was forced to drive them back until they retreated or until...they had fallen. And with each one that dies, I feel a deeper sense of guilt and sadness for the innocent souls that were corrupted. All because of his greed.

The false Gods crimes ran deep, and one day, he would pay dearly for all the suffering for he had caused, and I would be there to make sure of it.


Cairo Egypt,1876 A.D

The small village was quiet in the night compared to its usual hustle and bustle in the daytime where markets were busy with customers looking to bargain for the goods within the stalls. The stone buildings shone with the light of controlled fire within the stoves. In the center of the village sat a small tavern with little to no one inside the building besides the caretaker.

Except for two.

In the corner of the old building sat a two individuals beside one another in a deathly silence. Both wore brown cloaks to conceal themselves from any even though no one besides the man who sat behind the counter of the inn.

The one to the left who had a slim womanly build leaned back in the chair with her arms and legs crossed, her boot bobbing slowly in patience. Unlike the other who had a broad masculine strength hidden in his cloak, was hunched over the table and drumming his fingers rapidly. And had been doing so for the past hour. The woman's patience had been thinning with each passing minute of the constant tapping against the table.

With her teeth grit in frustration she finally let loose.

"Would you stop your incessant drumming already!"the first snapped in irritation. The voice was strong and feminine and carried a hint of an accent.

The drumming ceased and the hooded figure turned to the woman.

A soft growl was what was given in return.

"Spare me your rage, I do not care for it." she said with a dismissive wave. With a grunt the figure turned away.

"How long are those two going to take!" the man said with a snarl upon his lips. His voice was gravelly and sounded more like a strange hiss then a voice. The woman merely rolled her eyes.

"If you had even a speck of patience within that head of yours you'd realize that we have only been here for an hour," she said.

"I care not for how long we've been here! I'm getting anxious!".

"Well you will just have to wait then, for we are not going to draw any attention to ourselves here."

The man merely let out an animalistic growl. The innkeeper looked up from the glass he was cleaning at the strange sound.

Eyeing the two suspiciously he set back to cleaning his glasses and taking inventory of his beverages.

"That old fool has been looking at us from the moment we arrived, let me gut him,"the man snarled.

"Yes well," the woman began in a neutral tone,"We are both the only ones here at the moment and not to mention hidden from him, so it is natural for humans to be nervous of the unknown factor, which we both are."

"Then allow me to introduce him to us,".

He moved to stand.

"Sit."She commanded.

His head whipped around to her.

"You dare to order me-!?"

"Sit,"She says again.

"No, besides, killing him will put me slightly at ease."

"SIT! Or I will make you do it."She says with a deadly glare upon her face.

The man's dark eyes match her glare perfectly.

In a tense silence the two stare at each other with steely resolve in their faces. But, aware of the power the woman held in her hands, he knew that to continue would be catastrophic for him. He could feel the pressure amongst his sides-it was partially choking him-and knew this to be her subtle warning. So with heavy reluctance he slowly sat back down. And the pressure left, allowing him to breathe easily again.

The glare did not leave the woman's face until she was certain that he would not try anything again.

"Try to keep yourself in check, we have something very important to do, and if one thing goes wrong then we could very well be dead before we have a chance to accomplish our goal."She said.

He merely grunted in stubborn acceptance.

'Why couldn't I have found one the others to be with?'She laments with an annoyed eyeroll.

The sound of the front door being pushed open was enough to break her from her thoughts.

Looking up she noticed two more cloaked individuals step inside the small inn. One male, and one female. She immediately locked eyes with the woman and felt a sense of recognition pass through her. Even though she had never seen them once in her life, she knew them for far longer than she had been alive.

As the two made their way to their table she had noticed that her compatriot had calmed slightly and had his black eyes glued to the approaching pair.

When the two reached them they simply stood and stared at one another, evaluating, searching, trying to see past the hoods of their cloaks and try to find a trace of familiarity behind the shadows.

Slowly the woman reached to her right and slid a chair away from another table, the the legs making an agonizing screeching sound that made her shiver in discomfort. Her acquaintance tensing with the sound and eyeing the two more intensely. Mentally fighting his urge to leap over the table and rip the two to shreds most likely.

The woman then slowly took a seat in front of them and continued to eye the two with bright amber eyes, the rest of her face concealed by the shadow of her cloak's hood.

The silence was deafening between the four and she had noticed that the male next to the woman had yet to take a chair, and looked like he would not do so for a while. This gave her a slight bit of unease.

While she thought of a way to approach the situation, the woman suddenly broke the silence,"Are we all in control?"

She analyzed the question carefully before finally understanding.

"Yes, we are."She responded evenly.

The woman looked deeper into her eyes, which due to the pale yellow of her irises made it hard not to shiver in fear, before nodding her head.


She started simply at the title.

Turning to her companion the woman took in his hunched position, the way he fidgeted on his seat, and kept his muscles tense in case of a coming attack before stating simply,"Harb."

Harb nodded towards her.

Mujaea turned her eyes to the silent companion and spoke softly,"Waba'."

He gave no outward sign of verification and simply stayed still and silent. And with the bandages over his face from what she could see, she would not get a facial confirmation either.

Lastly, Mujaea turned to the woman and spoke with a slight tremor in her voice,"Almawt." She received a nod in return.

"So,"Almawt began,"It seems we are all here."

"So it seems,"Mujaea agreed.

Almawt looked to the others around her and decided on her next words.

"I would say that it is nice to see all of you after so long but that would be a lie." They all felt a bit of spite at her words.

"And besides, we have far too much to discuss," she said while clasping her hands together and leaning forward on the table.

"Such as?"Harb questioned.

"For one, our plan of attack,"She answered.

"What need of we for a plan?"Harb said while pounding his fist against the table."All we need to do is to go in and tear the bastard apart!"

"Oh yes, wonderful idea, simply genius, I wonder why none of us have ever thought of that before today,"Almawt said with mocking sarcasm heavy in her voice.

Harb bristled and growled threateningly towards her, she merely raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"If only going in and killing the fool was as easy as it is said, but we must not forget, he is powerful, more so than any one of us. And he is after all, the one who defeated our master," Mujaea spoke through grit teeth.

Her words sparked a sense of anger and vengeance within their hearts.

Harb shook with barely contained rage, Waba released a low buzzing sound from his abdomen, and Almawt's clasped fingers tightened until they started to turn white from the loss of blood circulation.

To be reminded of that failure all those years ago. It never failed to send a spark of bitterness through them, their pride as the strongest had been severely damaged and had continued to be done so for centuries.

And only one thing could repair it. But the goal was next to impossible.

Almawt was the first to recompose herself with a deep breathe.

"Precisely. Which is why we need a plan. We cannot take our enemy lightly. So we have to be smart and not just charge in recklessly," She said turning her head to look at Harb for the last sentence. Harb snarled before turning away.

"Listen well, all of you,"Almawt began in her stern and commanding voice.

"The masters patience with us is wearing thin. We cannot keep this cycle up much longer before he just decides to throw us to the darkest corners of the underworld."

That made all of them nervous. They had all been escaping complete death for millennia, and the thought that they would no longer be able to run away from their dark fates left them paralysed in fear.

"H-How do you know this?" Mujaea stuttered.

Almawt breathed in and out slowly to brace herself for the story.

"It was during my search for a new host. I had been searching for a powerful soul to latch onto when it happened,". She paused.

"I heard the master's voice resonate in my head. He was angry, he ranted and raged about being tired of waiting for us to set him free."

She seemed to suppress a shiver as she continued in a wavering voice,"He gave me his warning, that if we did not free him soon…"

She let out a shuddering breath,"He said he would allow the Almighty's judgement to come upon us."

If they were afraid before, they were absolutely terrified now.

Mujaea brought a hand up to her mouth to keep herself from vomiting in abject horror.

'No no no no no no no!' She thought with sheer terror.

But in her heart she knew that this would come to pass. If they didn't succeed and soon, then their worst nightmare would be laid out before them in all its hideous glory.

"So," Almawt spoke bringing them out of their thoughts."I can not express enough, the importance of our success. If we fail, it could very well be the complete end of all of us. And nothing will be able to save us from that."

They all nodded in understanding.

"Let us put aside our old rivalries and think together so that we all might all walk out of this alive."

They nodded again.

Almawt, satisfied with their willingness to listen began in a much tamer voice,"Now then, we know that our enemy is strong. And yet we do not fully know the extent of his powers. For, I hate to admit it, but he has never had to use all of his strength against us,".

They all glowered at this.

"But he is not without weakness. And that weakness...is his heart."

Mujaea raised an eyebrow and waited for an explanation.

"Think about it,"She insisted,"For all the years we have battled him, have you all not noticed a pattern in our battles?"

She paused before continuing,"The fool gives us all a chance to retreat. He's held back in our battles not because he does not feel threatened by us, but because the fool actually tries to give us a chance to run away."

Realization started to dawn as Almawt continued,"The fool has grown up on the idea of being merciful, to believe in endless second chances, and to actually love his enemies instead of hating them!".

Harb scoffed at the notion, while Mujaea simply snickered.

What a ridiculous notion.

"The idiot is weak and soft. The only reason he bests us is because we force his hand in the end. But he truly does not wish for more bloodshed upon his hands. The blood of the 'innocent souls' that have been lost to our Lord's will. The poor unfortunate ones who had been captured by the four generals." Almawt smiled in dark humor.

The other three simply kept their attention in rapt attention on her, their hearts pounding with the potential for victory.

"For years I have known this but have never thought much of it till now." She admitted.

"Wait!" Harb raged,"You have known this for years and yet you have not told us of this til now?!"

Keeping herself composed she responded evenly,"Do you find issue with this?"

Harb sneered in disgust,"Ugh, your arrogance knows no bounds! You thought that this information could not be trusted to us, that we would not know what to do with it. Do you believe us so incompetent?"

"Well if it took me telling you this after so long for you to notice, that should answer your own question now shouldn't it?" She deadpanned.

With an absolutely monstrous look in his eye Harb stood knocking the chair to the floor.

Staring into her yellow eyes, Harb hissed,"You would do well to watch your tongue before I rip it out of your mouth!"

Mujaea looked nervously between the two while Waba continued to stand silently.

With a laugh she stood to her feet and looked him right in his black shark like eyes.

Unafraid she replied,"And you would do well to remember who it is you address, before I destroy you long before our enemy can even think of you."

He bared his teeth at the challenge.

"I know perfectly well who I am speaking too. An arrogant fool who forgets their place far too often. And so you don't forget I am just gonna say it for you. You. Are. Not. APOCALYPSE!" He bellowed."We hold no allegiance to you! You may have been his second in command but that means very little to me now. He is who I swore allegiance to. NOT YOU! If it were not for the fact that the master might need you, I allow you to live when I would sooner have you in my teeth!"

Panting from his rant, Harb stared at her waiting for her reaction.

Almawt stared back at him for a few seconds before reaching for her hood. Pulling it back allowed her jet black hair to fall down between her shoulder blades.

Her skin was a beautiful bronze that could only be attained through years of desert living. The delicate almond eyes that held her mesmerizing amber irises were narrowed as they focused in on Marb and her soft pink lips were set in a firm frown.

Harb held her stare before he was suddenly blasted off his feet by an intense wave of heat.

Falling onto his back he looked up with wide eyes and a slightly gaping maw. His hood-having being blown back by the wave-was now down exposing his pale brown skin and a face that seemed more animal than man with an elongated jaw barely covering long sharp black tipped fangs and pointed cheekbones that poked out his face.

His eyes, were his most intimidating feature. Deep pools of black that were endless and empty, a void of darkness which none escaped from, the only thing found in them usually were hate and bloodlust.

Now they held fear.

With her eyes burning in barely contained rage she cast them down to the floored brute and sneered.

"I. Am. Your. Superior. You NEVER question my authority!"

The air started to distort with the heat from her anger and her sneer only grew as she looked at him.

"Apocalypse named ME second in command. He gave ME the position of Almawt! For the single reason that I AM THE STRONGEST!"

In her declaration steam started to seep from her skin.

"I am more powerful than a loathsome oaf like you could ever dream of!"She ranted."I could destroy you with but a single finger. And you would do well to remember that the next time you want to try to rise to power." She leveled an intimidating glare towards him.

"And never put to question my allegiance to the master. He is my Lord. He reigns sovereign. I serve him. But I rule over you. As is how his will dictates."

With a sigh her anger dissolved and fizzled away, but not before she looks down to him once more saying,"I will say this once and only once. If you cross me, I will deliver your head to the master as offering."

With the burning heat now gone from the room, the air now seemed frigid compared to its former heated state.

Harb looked over Almawt, fear marring his already ugly features, and breathed a sigh of relief. But was quickly replaced with his usual fury.

How dare she…


She made him look weak! Him!

His breathing became more rapid as the air within his lungs ignited and became fire. His fists clenched so tight his bones felt the pressure and his fangs grounded against one another.

He would make her pay...he would have her blood…!

Baring his fangs he tensed and prepared to launch himself to her to rip her head off!

But was halted when Mujaea suddenly put herself between the them.

Seeing the fight that was about to break out, Mujaea moved swiftly and placed herself in between the riled up powerhouses.

Her hood flew back with her movement allowing her face to be seen.

She was young. Very young.

Her youthful face was a light caramel with hazel eyes and light brown hair in a tight bun atop her head.

With her arms outstretched to both of them-a subtle warning-she called out to them in an appeasing voice,"Hold yourselves my fellow generals!"

With both their eyes zoned in on her she relaxed slightly but remained ready in course of sudden action.

"Did we not only just agree to withhold old rivalries so that we may come together to destroy the real enemy before us?"

In seeing they were unresponsive she continued,"I beg of both of you, let us carry out our mission. I know that the hatred you both carry for one another runs deep within your souls but we cannot allow petty feelings to block our main goal! I implore you both to find the wisdom to know when is the right time to settle your long heated rivalry!" She pleaded.

All was silent where both looked upon her and meditated upon her words.

For two minutes all was still before Almawt laughed.

"Always the negotiator aren't you Mujaea?"She chuckled. Mujaea lowered her arms and released a breathe.

"Yes well, someone must be with this group of ours. Or else we all would off torn each other apart by now." She deadpanned.

Taking a closer look at her, Almawt raised her eyebrow in questioning.

"This ones looks to still be a child. I'd say near early twenties."

Mujaea smiles in pride and clenches her fist."She may be young but she is a powerful child. I have been with her since birth." With an almost whisper she softly adds,"Her name was Sayla."

Her eyes drift to the floor in reflection." I would like to think that if things had been different...I would of wanted a daughter just like her."

Almawt laughs mockingly."Oh really. How nice. But she has given her soul to you. And thus given it to the master. She now serves a greater purpose."

"Yes...a greater purpose."She says with her eyes still downcast.

Suddenly Waba, after having been silent the whole time, straightened his tall stature. Taking notice Almawt turned to him.

"Have you found it?" She inquires.

He responds with a slow nod.

"Found what?"Mujaea asks.

"The temple."


"What need of we to look for the temple!"Harb snapped."It has been in the same place for millennia."

With a wayward glare to silence him, Almawt explained,"Yes, but we have come across an unforeseen obstacle. By some means, our enemy has found a way to get the winds to move and shift the desert sand to change the path to the temple."

Grimacing she continued,"I had set out to reach the temple but had found myself walking and circles. I had nearly collapsed from dehydration-"

"Pity." Harb remarked.

"...before I had realized what was happening." She finished while glaring at Harb.

Rubbing her chin in thought, Mujaea asked,"So if the winds have been keeping us from reaching the path then how are you able to find it Waba?"

As if answering her question, a low buzzing was heard before it became louder and a whole swarm of insects flew in from the cracks from the walls before coming to rest on Waba's bandaged form.

Mujaea shivered in disgust to see the insects dig themselves under his bandages and leave slight bulges before they disappeared.

Seeing her face, Almawt smiled in amusement."I had a similar reaction the first time I saw that as well. But to answer your question, Waba has had some of his insects burrow into the sand and place themselves at the entrance of the temple. So, no matter how much the wind blows, Waba will still be able to locate it."

Mujaea nodded in understanding before turning her gaze back to Waba.

"Very useful. But could you possibly have chosen a mutant with a much less...disturbing power?"

Waba remained speechless.

"Alright then,"Almawt stated,"Now that we have our secure path to the temple I believe we must be on our way."

She suddenly paused.

"We just have one thing to take care of first." Turning her head she looked over to the bar counter.

Harb, understanding the situation, got up from the floor and stalked over to the counter and reached over.

Seconds later he hauled the innkeeper from underneath and pulled him over the counter. Dragging him over to the others by the back of his shirt he slammed the small man on the table they surrounded.

Looking down at him Almawt smiled in seeing the fear in the man's eyes. It was always so nice to see the terror and reverence they got from humans. It was only natural. Its how it should be when ants look up to giants.

"It seems like we have had a little audience this whole time." Almawt teased.

She traced the man's chin seductively and looked into his eyes, her lashes fluttering rapidly.

"Oh isn't he so cute when he shivering in terror,"She cooed.

The poor man whimpered and shook while holding his hands up placatingly.

"I knew that the little worm was watching us,"Harb snarled. Turning to Mujaea he growled,"You should've just let me kill him!"

The man let out a cry.

"Silence!"Harb roared.

He quieted but continued to whimper.

Rolling her eyes,Mujaea retorted,"Fine I should've let you kill him. It looks like your gonna have your chance after all however."

Harb smiled demonically to the man.

The man's eyes widened in fear at the black tipped fangs in his mouth.

"Now hold on for a second."Almawt commanded lightly.

Harb scowled at her.

Ignoring him she kept her eyes firmly planted on the trapped innkeeper. "Now,"She purred,"Why don't you tell me what it is exactly you heard from us."

The man continued to shiver in fear and remained silent.

Pouting cutely she asked coyly,"Oh what's the matter. Are you afraid of me? Please don't be. I don't want you to be afraid of me."

Smiling slyly she added,"Especially when it's not me you have to fear."

His eyes darted to who was holding him down.

"While it's true that Harb most certainly wants your blood. It's not him."She giggled.

He looked to Mujaea.

"You're getting warmer."

Finally he turned to the most silent individual among them.

"Now your getting it." She cheered.

His eyes darted over whatever part of Waba he could see, which mattered not because it seemed his entire body was covered in bandages.

"Now I know what you're thinking," She teased."While he might not seem so bad, he is probably the one who is capable of giving you one of the most painful and slow deaths out of all of us."

His breath started to hitch at the information. His mind started to work in overdrive at the possibilities. He had seen the insects disappear inside his body, along with the other strange abilities the others had shown.

Oh how he wished he had simply closed early like he had wanted too, but he had to be greedy and try to score a little extra cash.

His greed might be the end of him.

But how was he to know that he would be sheltering these, these...monsters!

Turning his head back to her Almawt leaned in and whispered softly into his ear,"Tell me, have you ever had thousands of insects crawling inside your body?"

The man promptly wept at the idea.

"I thought not!"Almawt said excitedly.

"I-I don't know anything,"He cried."I-I swear!"

Almawt pouted again.

"Aww, don't cry,"She cooed while putting a slim finger to his trembling lips.

He only sobbed harder.

Mujaea crossed her arms and tapped her fingers against her arm impatiently.

"I thought you said we should get going."She questioned with an annoyed eyebrow raised to their leader.

Almawt huffed and turned away softly muttering,"You're no fun."

Smiling amorously once more to the trapped man she leaned in close and whispered breathlessly,"I'm sorry, but it seems our time together has come to an end. And so soon." She pouted,"If only we would have more time together later. But i'm afraid that's impossible."

Turning to Harb she ordered,"Take him to the back and make it quick."

The man's eyes widened in terror while Harb smiled evilly at him.

Picking him up Harb dragged him to the back room. But not before the doomed man screamed to Almawt,"What are you?!"

Smiling slyly she waved.

"The Gods."

All they heard was the sound of Harb's animalistic growls and grunts before a scream.



A sickening noise greeted the air before the sound of ripping flesh was heard.

Moments later Harb came out with a demonic grin dripping with blood on his face, his dark eyes shining in delight and a scarlet splash covering the front of his cloak.

"Are you appeased?"Almawt asked with a raised eyebrow.

Wiping the poor man's blood and flesh from his lips Harb smiled cruelly,"Slightly, but now I thirst for more."

Matching his smirk, she replied,"And you will have it. Soon. And the blood you have will be the best you have ever tasted."

Harb's smile stretched across his face and his eyes danced with insanity.

Turning to the quiet giant of a man, Almawt gestured,"Alright Waba, lead the way."

He slowly turned and walked out of the door with the others following behind him.

Soon they would have their vengeance.


Libyan Desert

The four had begun the trudge into the desert on horseback.

They had 'borrowed' the horses from the unfortunate innkeepers stables and had been wandering the desert ever since they had left.

Like Almawt had warned, the desert winds were strong and frequent and had been shifting the sand dunes so as to throw them off the trail. It took several reassurances from Almawt that while it seemed that they were lost to the wilds of the desert, they were still on course.

'Waba knows the way' was what was frequently being told if either Mujaea or Harb said anything.

'I sure hope so.' Mujaea thought miserably.

Night had come long ago and it had made the desert air very frigid. And all she had was her cloak to try and capture and hold whatever heat she produced. And it wasn't doing a very good job.

And if not for the dim light of the crescent moon, they would all be completely blind. And she did not like walking blind. In any situation.

"I should have shared a horse with Almawt."She grumbled.

She had seen that her powers had something to do with heat, so she should have simply insisted on riding with her and made up a silly excuse like it would of been less troublesome for everyone to have a horse and take care of it for a time.

She scoffed at her own idea.

Knowing her, she probably would've just mocked her for not being able to handle a little chill.

She had kept silent in her and Harb's argument but had agreed to what he was saying.

Almawt was always arrogant, always the one on the pedestal. Always the one the master turned to.

She had proved she was a very capable warrior, and a very powerful mutant. Which is why the master favored her so much.

Mujaea had no doubt that in a battle against all of them, Almawt would win with hardly an issue. And would do so with an arrogant smile upon her face.

It was one of the reasons she had detested and respected her so much. She could be called jealous, she'd admit, but it mattered not. They all were here, not for the camaraderie of the group but for En Sabah Nur himself.

They each dealt with one another for the loyalty they carried for him was stronger than any petty feelings could hope to break.

Him, and him alone they stood for. And it would be so, for all eternity.

"How much further is it?"Harb called out.

"Not too far now. Why? I thought you were appeased for now."Almawt replied without turning from her horse.

Harb scoffed,"One lowly fools blood. That would never satisfy me."

"Nothing satisfies you,"Mujaea dryly comments.

With a hiss in her direction Harb sulked on his steed.

Mujaea rolled her eyes in exasperation.

Always bloodthirsty, always ready for battle, and a temperament that put some wild beasts to shame, Harb was the second hardest to cooperate with. You would be wise to stay away from him if he was not able to spill blood after only two hours. Or you might just be his next victim.

Slowly her eyes fell to the one leading the group in the front to their destination.


He was...an anomaly.

He was the silent one. Never really speaking unless necessary. He was the easiest to be around. And never really in a hurry to go out and commit mass murder just for glory. But that did not mean he was a slouch.

She remembered several times where he was able to hold his own against Almawt for the longest out of them.

It was this reason and this reason alone, that Almawt slightly respected him and thus gave him the least amount of grief. Part of it she suspected was out of fear as well. Though she knew Almawt would never admit that.

She was jolted out of her thoughts when Waba suddenly halted his horse. And everyone followed his lead.

She watched as he simply sat completely still for a whole minute before he dismounted his horse.

Walking a few steps ahead of the group he stopped and waited.

The others stayed still and quiet as if waiting for something to happen.

Waba suddenly jolted, causing the others to jump as well.

Bending down he held his bandaged hand down to the ground.

And soon a giant scarab crawled out of the sand and into his open palm before submerging underneath the bandages and disappearing.

Mujaea shivered again. She'd never get used to that.

"Is this the spot?"Almawt called to him.

His slow nod confirmed her question.


Turning his head to her he raised a brow as if to say 'what?'.

"Dig up the entrance." She commanded.

Growling at the order he dismounted and walked over to the spot.

Pushing Waba away, which earned a disapproving buzz from him, Harb used his enhanced strength to dig up the ground.

In seconds he had dug up six feet of sand and kept going.

Mounds of sand were tossed behind him and were carried off in the winds.

For ten minutes he dug a steep hill down, then it was quiet.


A loud smashing sound was heard before Harb called out,"Come!"

Dismounting, Almawt and Mujaea walked over to the steep hill of sand before sliding down, Waba immediately going after them.

They stopped in a big opening of sand where a big wall of stone sat. But which now had a big newly made hole courtesy of Harb.

Looking around the spacious area Almawt commented,"This is impressive, I didn't think you moved enough sand to give us so much room around here."

"I didn't,"He growled."This was here when I was digging, I just gave us an entrance."

"Ah I see. I should not put so much expectation on you, my mistake."

He snarled at her in warning.

"Now is not the time for this,"Mujaea warned the two."I think you two must understand just what we're doing. We are about to face one of the most dangerous beings to ever live. We have no room for error or mistake. We have to be ready."

The two silenced their bickering before it could start.

"Almawt gave us an edge we could potentially use. Now we must use it. So when we attack we have to look for the right time. As soon as he shows his weakness we all have to go for it."

They all stared at her before nodding.

"She is right,"Almawt said. The all looked to her in surprise.

"We may only have one chance each. The moment the fool lets his guard down is the moment we strike. If for even a moment we hesitate, it could very well be the death of us."

Crossing her arms she looked to all of them individually.

"If you have any fear, leave it. If you have any doubt, destroy it. If you get knocked down get up. And if you get hurt, walk it off."

Her eyes narrowed in determination she spoke strongly,"The time for games is over. Now, we begin the fight."

They all nodded in understanding.

Turning to the hole, the four walked through and entered the old temple. The ceiling was high, over sixty feet it seemed, and held by a stone pillars that were cracked and weakened through time.

The smooth rock path was just as beat up and even the walls were dust covered and rotted.

Walking in through the hole, they all couldn't help but reflect on the temples appearance.

Waba looked on silently and a small buzzing emanated from his chest.

Harb snarled and hissed in displeasure.

Mujaea looked around sullenly and let out a small sigh.

And Almawt kept her face emotionless.

"I know that we have been here time and time again, yet I cannot help but think about how this place has fallen." Mujaea said.

Almawt nodded.

"It used to be so glorious. And now look at it. A mere shadow to its former self,"She hissed.

"We shall make it whole again, and even better than before. Once this is all over."Mujaea comforted.

With a nod she went ahead.

The four made their way deeper into the temple, seeing multiple painting and portrayals of Apocalypse and his Horsemen as they ruled ancient times. They submerged level after level until they were within the temples deepest floor.

Coming down the last pair of steps the group was immediately greeted with the sight of a long corridor with two rows of stone pillars, with lit torches in each, supporting the ceiling lined up until it led to another massive doorway at the other end.

But one thing was noticeable.

The giant doorway was covered by a thick crystal barrier that shined with the light of the fires.

But if you stood close enough, you would be able to feel a great power coming behind it. A great yet oppressive power that would sooner suffocate you than empower you with strength.

That is exactly what they came for, but not before a fight.

Walking forward the group stood next to each other and kept their eyes forward. They each felt their hearts pounding in their chests in anxiety and anxiousness. This would either be their last fight or their first in a line of new battles.

They stopped before the two long steps before the door way.

Right before them was the only obstacle that had kept them from achieving their destiny for millennia. The only one who could stand equal in power to their master. Who had defeated him all those years ago. Currently the most powerful being on the planet.

In the form of a crystal statue.

The statue was pure diamond and shined in the light of the fire.

Its form was seated with its legs crossed and hands folded in its lap.

Like them, the statue had a cloak with its hood up and a mask instead of a face.

They all glared at the statue with absolute hatred in their eyes and waited.

It wasn't long before the statue started to shine with a white light and slowly, the diamond along the cape of the cloak started to melt away to fabric and continued up the hood and down the shoulders.

The diamond had disappeared and now all that was left was...him.

His cloak was red, and so was the armor he wore on his chest, his pants were black and so were his boots. His mask orange and white mask covered his entire face.

The others watched him closely and kept themselves tense as they waited for his first move.

The man slowly looked up and locked his stare at the four of them.

They all slightly flinched and chastised themselves for the action.

Curse the fear he invoked in them!

With careful slowness the man stood to his feet and they were reminded how tall he was. Almost matching Waba's height.

He took a few steps toward them and they prepared themselves for an attack before something happened they didn't expect.

He stopped at the first step and sighed.

"So, we begin again."

His voice was deep, soothing and filled with wisdom. But right now it actually held sadness and remorse. Which is exactly what they were hoping to use.

Holding his arms behind his back his gaze fell to all of them before he spoke again.

"You have all returned a lot earlier than usual. I was not expecting you for another few decades."

Dropping his arms to his sides he sighed again.

"Time and time again, we have this same battle. I have fought you all for generations, and yet you persist on fighting a battle where your victory would cause more harm than good."

He turned his head to the crystal barrier.

"Though I suppose none of you would see it as such. You have had a taste of power, and your greed leads you here."

He looked back to them and spoke with desperation in his voice,"Please, I implore you, if any of your original souls remain, turn back and do not come with wicked intention in your hearts!"

"Save your breathe beginner!"Almawt hissed venomously.

Taken aback by the hateful response, he looked to all of them and saw how much hatred and distaste was in their eyes. And it was then he understood.

"I see,"He said evenly."Now I know to whom I address."

Looking to each of them he speaks strongly,"You four have committed multiple crimes against the natural order of life. You each steal souls and bodies that are not yours."

With a note of anger in his voice he comments,"It is wrong. You all take after your master in multiple ways."

The comment flared their anger respectively. But Harb showed his anger more outwardly with clenching and unclenching his fists.

The man noticed this.

"For centuries we have held this fruitless battle with each other,"He says with his arms once more behind his back.

"It has always ended with you retreating or one of you...dead,"He seemed uncomfortable with the last word.

Harb listened to all he was saying but the very sound of his voice!

It grinded against his ears in a way that made him want to go berserk.

The very sight of him alone was enough to boil his blood, but listening to him try to talk them out of their mission, like he didn't want to fight them. Like they weren't worth dirtying his hands over!

His teeth ground in fury.

"I beg of you, all of you, do not fight this fight any longer! The road you walk leads you to a horrid fate. Please, let me help you forsake this path so that you will be spared!"He pleaded.

It was with these words…

Harb saw Red.

Foregoing any idea of a plan he rushed forward. Ignoring any calls from behind he focused solely on the man in front of them.

Every part of him screaming for his blood.

He would crush him!

Destroy him!

Rip his flesh to shreds and feast on his bones!


The man seeing one rush forward tensed in preparation to fight.

Harb used his momentum to launch himself in the air and flipped forward and stretched out a leg to smash it down on the man's skull in a devastating axe kick.

Looking up the man leapt back to avoid the kick which had cratered the ground where he once stood.

Looking up Harb snarled and ran at him again and bombarded him with vicious punches and kicks that he was able to block or dodge.

'Such belligerent strikes.'He thought.

Ducking below a punch he immediately leaned back to avoid a kick to the head.

'Such ferocity in his technique,'

He blocked a backfist and pushed away another high kick.

Locking eyes with him for a split second he saw the way is dark eyes sparked with maniacal glee before he sidestepped another punch.

'His eyes shine with bloodlust.'

Harb roared in frustration before charging him and tackling him back.

Digging his feet into the ground the man was able to halt the charge before pushing him back.

'He has been itching for a fight. Even more so than the rest of them,'He noted remembering how he clenched and unclenched his fists earlier. It was with all this that he came to a realization.

Harb snarled at him and charged again.

As he got closer he pulled back a fist and shot it forward...right into his opponents palm.

Snarling at having his hand caught he quickly pulled back his other one as black tipped claws grew from his nails and launched it forward to stab him.

He easily caught his other hand around his wrist and stopped his clawed hands a few inches around his mask.

The two grappled for strength before the man brought his mask closer to Harb.

"War,"He spoke."You never change."

Harb (War) roared in reply.

Yanking forward the man smashed his mask into War's forehead, disorienting him.

With his opponent stunned the man held tighter before twisting his body lifting War from his feet and throwing him to the side.

He sailed through the air and then smashed into the wall, cracking the stone and falling to the ground with pained grunt.

Studying his downed adversary he suddenly felt weaker. His world started to spin and the strength in his body left him. Then his muscles clenched and stretched underneath his skin.

His body hunched and contorted painfully. His arms were bent behind his back and his muscles in his legs locked.

He was completely immobile.

'My strength is leaving me. And being used against me!' He thought in distress. He grunted in pain when he felt his insides coil again.

'Such power over the flesh.'

Turning his head to the best of his ability he looked over and saw Mujaea with her arms stretched out to him, her fingers curled into claws and struggling to close them into a fist.

"You have gotten stronger Famine,"He grunted.

Mujaea (Famine) grit her teeth in exertion and sweat ran down her face at his resistance to be crushed.

"But,"He began,"Not strong enough!"

With a roar of effort he threw his arms out wide and broke her hold.

Famine stumbled back, as if struck. Falling to a knee she gasped for air at the strength she had to exert.

Breathing heavily he stood to regain his strength.

They would not give him a chance.

Hearing a buzzing sound behind him he hastily ducked and was lucky to just miss being slashed by five long sharp stingers.

Turning he saw Waba, his hand still held up with five black needles sticking out of the tips of his fingers.

Taking in the bandaged giant the man chuckled lightly,"Always the one for subtle attacks, aren't you Pestilence?"

Waba(Pestilence) stayed silent and sprouted more stingers from his other hand and raced forward.

He was quick, more than he should of been with his size, and he had to sidestep the wild slashes of the giant mutant.

He flipped over the man's head and hastily turned and had to block a back kick.

The force sent him sliding back a few feet before he had to dodge a punch to his mask.

The bandaged mutant reared back his other fist and sent it forward.

In almost slow motion he saw the bandaged hand get closer and closer to him before he pushed it away with his right forearm and countered with a left hook to his cheek.

The giant's head spun to the side before his body followed and he was sent spiralling in the air to crash through a pillar leaving a cloud of dust behind.

Turning his gaze to the last one still standing he walked over to stand a few feet away from the final one still standing.

He stared at the woman before him and immediately knew who it was.

It could be no other.

"Death,"He addressed.

Almawt(Death) sneered at hearing him say her name.

She inhaled deeply through her nose and arched her back, expanded her abdomen slightly with the air she collected.

He felt the air around her heat up to the point where it distorted with the temperature and he saw the orange glow in her throat a second too late.

Throwing her head forward she roared and unleashed a river of searing flames from her mouth.

He could only watch as the bright flames raged towards him until they completely enveloped his body.

Quickly running out of air she ended her roar, letting the last few embers shoot from her mouth before shutting her lips.

The fires, without its source quickly turned to ash and smoke.

She tried to peer inside of the dark substance to try and locate their, hopefully dead, prey.

But she completely froze as she felt a presence.

Right Behind Her!

With the slightest tilt of her head she saw the red of his cloak.

His back was to her...and was only inches away!

They stood silently for several seconds before he startled her when he spoke.

"Your power was defeated a long time ago."He said.

She felt her anger burn even hotter and she threw her elbow back to strike him. He easily blocked it with a raise of his arm.

Snaking his arm around hers he lifted her over his shoulder and tossed her away from him.

She flipped to regain her baring and landed on her feet skidding back a few more feet.

With a deadly glare on her face she stood and held her arm out to the side.

A giant fireball grew in her hand before she pulled her arm back and chucked the giant ball of fire at him.

He stayed stationary and let the fireball explode in front of him.

With a loud boom the ball blew up leaving a giant cloud of black smoke where he stood.

A spike of smoke shot up as He jumped from the cloud.

He slowed and stopped in the air,,,and was immediately greeted with the sight of War's feral smile.

Rearing in surprise he had no chance as War soared right at him and thrust his clawed hand right into his stomach...then right through him.

Impaled, he was carried by War's momentum and smashed right into the wall above the doorway.

War smiled and growled maliciously in his face as he looked down at his impaled stomach and then back to him

War grinned sadistically as he could feel his hand dug into the stone, effectively trapping his enemy.

He wished he could see the look on his face, scrunched with fear and pain. But that damned mask was in the way!

Staring at the obstruction he could only watch in confusion as the texture of the mask turned clear and shiny and lose all its previous color.

The mask was now diamond.

The diamond spread to the rest of his body, melting away the fabric and armor before he was a statue once again.

Which proceeded to crack and shatter.

War stared in astonishment.

"W-what?...a fake?!"He questioned.

From behind him another spike of smoke came from the cloud before the real man leapt out.

He jumped to War grabbing the back of his head and slamming his face into the stones before pulling him back out and tossing him aside before jumping off the wall himself.

Landing in front of War, he peered down at him and asked with a commanding tone,"Let this battle be over now. Leave."

Snarling War shot out his leg but missed as he jumped back from him.

Crawling onto all fours War sneered at him before releasing a beastly roar that pushed him back with the force of the sound.

After being forced back thirty feet, the man looked, thoroughly unharmed.

"Never!"He growled.


He tensed his coiled muscles before springing forward and ran on all fours like an animal.

He pounced with his claws and fangs aimed at his neck, hoping to tear the man's throat out.

He sidestepped the leap and War immediately turned to continue his assault but was met with a solid fist to the face which knocked him back.

He bounced against the ground and slid to a stop driving his claws into the ground.

He looked up and saw his enemy's arm still outstretched from the punch.

'Damn him!'War thought.

With his eyes focused on War for his next attack he never noticed the massive form sneak up behind him and land a punch right between his shoulder blades.

Stumbling forward he looked behind him and rolled to the side to avoid being smashed by two fists belonging to Pestilence.

The hulking man leapt after him, this time with two bigger stingers sticking out from the palms of his hands.

He dodged a stab to the chest and spun to the left to avoid a slash to his shoulder before he flipping back to avoid a double stab.

He felt a large wave of heat to his left and ducked to avoid the arc of fire that was sent his way by Death.

She scowled before snapping her fingers and sending a bigger arc of fire to him.

Seeing another come his way he jumped high into the air to avoid it as it exploded where he once stood. Then he felt himself be tackled in mid air by Pestilence's hulking form.

Crashing to the ground he Pestilence rolled and picking him up threw him forward.

War came growling and clotheslined him in the middle of his spine.

He was shot forward by the brutes massive strength and right to Death's waiting arms.

Lifting a giant ball of fire above her head, she hurled it at him with a cry of effort.

The fiery orb exploded in a great display of pyrotechnics and lit up the entirety of the chamber before it dimmed again.

The others regrouped around her and caught their breath in the pause of the fight.

"Damn him!"War swore rubbing his sore wrist."Persistent bastard isn't he?"

"I agree,"Famine said as she massaged her fingers."I've never had to struggle to crush someone before. I had forgotten that who we are fighting."

"Not a mere man."Death said with her eyes trained forward. The cloud of dust that was thrown up had once again blocked the view of the status of their enemy.

She narrowed her eyes and waited.

"Hopefully that downed the fool for a bit."Famine hoped.

"Don't you be the fool now!"Death snapped.

"You should know better than that, we have barely even scratched him."

Her eyes still trained on the receding cloud she continued,"All that we have merely done so far..."

She made out a tall silhouette in the thin cloud.

"...is shown that we are serious."

The dust had cleared to show their enemy standing straight and proud.

He looked to have been no more injured than when they arrived except for maybe a few scorch marks around his cloak. Otherwise, he seemed utterly unharmed.

He simply stared at the four, completely motionless.

They all gulped at his unmoving form. This was somehow more intimidating then when he was attacking.

They stayed like that for a minute, before in a simple action that completely spooked them, he lifted his hand...and swept the dust from his shoulder.

They grit their teeth in anger at their own fear.

He had barely done anything this whole time and still their hearts pumped with cold fear at every little action he did!

While their fear grew, so did their hatred for him.

Only their master was the one to instill fear in their hearts.

Anyone else who did so...would die.

They growled and snarled like beasts in a feral rage.

Yet he remained impassive to their actions.

Seeing this they roared their battle cries before charging.

War and Pestilence charged first followed by Death and Famine.

Seeing his enemies charge he got into a loose battle stance.

War leapt at him with a fist reared back. He spun around the attack and ended up behind him to elbow him in the back.

Then he caught Pestilence's wrist, as the man seeked to drive his stingers into him, before kneeing the tall man in the gut and spun him around so that War's surprise kick would hit Pestilence and sent them both flying.

Famine and Death dodged the soaring duo and rushed forward to begin their own attack.

Lighting her hands on fire Death swung her fists in a wide arc to smash into his head but he ducked back from the assault and dodged the barrage she sent his way.

Death lifted her leg for a kick to the side of his head but he gripped her ankle and pulled her forward to offset her balance.

Then he shot his hand forward in a palm strike to her solar plexus. She coughed before she was shot back from the power of the hit.

Lastly Famine came forward with a dagger she had pulled from her boot in a reverse grip and stabbed down on him.

He caught her wrist and held tight forcing her to drop her dagger...right into her waiting hand.

Seeing this he let her go and leaned back to avoid the swipe at his stomach.

With both hands free she pulled her second dagger from her other boot and held both with a reverse grip before she charged.

She was quick, her daggers were blurs as they slashed at him.

Dodging and sidestepping her attacks he backpedaled not aware of what was behind him.

Death held her hand up as if to throw a javelin before a spear made of fire formed and extended to be eight feet long.

Seeing her target was distracted she pulled her arm back and threw it at him with true aim.

The air distorted as the spear shot through the chamber towards the man's back.

Feeling the attack before seeing it, the man grabbed Famine's wrists as she brought them down to stab them both into his neckbone and spun them out of the path of them spears flight.

Seeing the spear explode in a shower of ash across the room he turned to Death in near disbelief.

'That attack could've very well slain us both!'He thought incredulously.

'They care nothing for each other. Only the 'prize' at the end.'

Turning back to the girl who was struggling to take back her arms he looked at her and shook his head in sadness.

Leaning in closer he spoke in a hushed voice."How could you? You would take the life of one so young?"

She paused in her struggling to stare at him.

"She is only a child. And yet you care not as you take her soul and use her powers for your own selfish reasons,".

His words pierced something deep within her and she could only stare at him in astonishment.

"Is this how low you have fallen? How far you are gone? It seems I was right earlier, you truly are your masters servants."

She snapped out of her trance and simply glared at him.

"And what would you know?!"She screamed."You were not with this child all her life! You do not know what she has gone through! What she has suffered for! I was the only one she could depend on! And what of you and your oh so precious Almighty? Where was he when this child cried?!"

He remained silent to her outburst.

Sneering she replied,"I thought so."

She raised a kick to his abdomen which caused him to let go of her and stumble back.

War saw his chance and charged. Using his momentum he jumped in the air and raised his fists.

Seeing his opponent flying to him with a powerful hammerstrike he crossed his arms above his head.

War roared as he neared his enemy and threw down his fists to his arms.


A loud sound permeated the air as War's hands smacked hard against his arms.

War looked down and sneered to feel the pain in his hands but also to see his opponent had turned his arms into diamond.

The man uncrossed his arms which shot War higher into the air before having a fist of diamond driven into his stomach.

Coughing up spittle, War felt his enemy twist his fist into the punch before he was sent spiraling through the air to crash through two pillars and land in a heap on the stairs. He groaned in pain and agony at nearly having his organs crushed.

Turning back to Famine she tried to jab him with one of her daggers once more.

Having enough of this he caught the dagger between two of his crystal fingers before applying enough pressure and snapping it.

Seeing her broken weapon she made to step back but was startled when he suddenly appeared so close to her and nailed her in the stomach with a diamond hard palm strike that sent her flying.

Bouncing and sliding to a stop she held her stomach in pain and could feel the beginnings of a bruise.

He was so strong!

She looked up and started in fear to see him walking to her.

In a panic she held out a hand and clenched it.

He paused and struggled to take another step but he slowly kept at it.

Lifting her other hand she clenched that one too.

This time he stopped all together but was still fighting to move.

"He's immobilized!"She strained to scream,"Attack now!"

The others responded accordingly.

War and Pestilence ran forward and released punches to his head.

But with the strength and will in his arms he blocked both attacks with his forearms.

Death came at him with a fiery kick to the stomach but he lifted his leg and blocked with his shin.

He felt them all push down on him and he strained against them with Famine's hold on him still in place.

So gathering his energy he pushed them away and spun with which he was able to crash a punch to War's cheek and connect a kick with Death's side which carried her until she collided with Pestilence and sent them both careening away.

Famine had fallen to all fours in exhaustion and breathed unsteadily to get air within her burning lungs.

Her powers were simple. Taking the strength from her victims body and adding it to her own before using it to crush the person's body from the inside out. The task was normally so easily.

But to use it against someone with oceans of strength...it took a lot of strain to take hold of him for even a second, let alone while he was fighting her grip.

He was so strong it was ridiculous!

The others picked themselves up and together they surrounded him on all sides. He looked to all of them while keeping himself ready and holding up his diamond arms.

Death gave the signal with a bellicose cry,"Attack!"

As one they all charged.

When they were all close enough he knocked his fists together causing a great shock wave through the room which slowed their charge and pushed them back.

War snarled and continued forward.

He threw a punch which he easily dodged and ducked a kicked aimed at his head. War roared and thrust his claws forward. Like before he caught his hands around the wrists but this time he threw his knee into war's gut.

Kneeling over he picked up War by his shoulders and tossed him into a charging Pestilence.

He caught his teammate before dispatching him to the side and ran forward with his stingers out and dripping with venom.

He charged the giant and jumped into the air before being slashed and kicked the man in the head.

Stumbling back the giant was assaulted with three more thunderous punches to his stomach before being elbowed in the solar plexus and finished with an uppercut to the bottom of the chin sending him flying away.

He felt the constricting feel of Famine's power before Death charged forward with an axe made of fire in her hand.

He quickly broke her control before leaning away from the burning slash of her weapon.

She brought her weapon up for an overhead strike and he turned to his side to dodge.

He jumped back to avoid more of her swings and was immediately met with a surprise when her fire axe turned a fire sword.

'Her powers are quite versatile.'He noted.

She ran forward, her weapon hissing and crackling with heat, and slashed.


Her sword was immediately blocked by his arm which had turned into a long sharp blade of diamond.

Her amazement was cut short by having to dodge his other blade hand.

Slashing her weapon, he was easily able to parry and block her strikes.

She jumped back and took one hand off her sword before an identical one made in her empty palm and charged again with a war cry.

Their blades crashed against each other in a shower of sparks.

He pushed her away before advancing.

She avoided a slash before blocking his other blade with both of hers and pushed away.

Then she sent her swords in a flurry of fire.

He countered and parried all her attacks and watched as a shower of sparks rained everywhere in loud bursts.

Left blade.


Right blade.


Sending her swords forward in a double stab he was able to knock both away with flicks of his wrists to the sides which left her wide open. He slid forward and shot a straight kick right to her stomach sending her sliding across the floor.

Falling to her knees and wheezing from having the air knocked out of her she looked up at him and grit her teeth in frustration.

'He easily could've finished me right there and then. But he didn't. He held back. He's been holding back ever since we began. We may be trying but he is barely lifting a finger to repel us!'She thought in a rage as she watched his blades revert back to arms.

'And he's not underestimating us. That's the worst part. He knows pulling his punches is the only chance we have for survival in this fight. Damn him! We are not weak!'

She hastily stood to her feet.

"Do you take us for fools!"She raged."You haven't been fighting seriously entire time! You think that if you knock us down enough times that we will give up and retreat. But we will not! We will never give up! Our Lord is depending on us, and by his glory we will win! Especially if you hold back! EITHER KILL US OR WE KILL YOU! We will not give up,DO YOU HEAR ME,WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!"

The man simply stood and stared. He seemed to be considering her words while the others circled him and waited for his answer with baited breath.

He tilted his his to the side as he pondered her looked to the other three and took in their stature.

War to the right.

Famine to the Left.

Pestilence to the back.

And Death in the front.

They were all battered and bruised, but they stood with resolve and determination shone in their eyes. They would not stop anytime soon. Even if it meant their death.

His shoulders slouched in slight defeat before he looks to Death just as her face broke into a wicked smile.

"Very well,"He sighed,"If it is my true strength you seek to have…"

His voice strengthened as he widened his stance, right foot out in front, the left in the back and held his crystal arms up and slowly balled his fists,"...then come!"

Their hearts beat with anticipation and excitement at the prospect of going all out in their battle.

War bared his teeth and lengthened his claws.

Pestilence grew out his stingers as a loud buzzing hung in the air.

Famine clenched her dagger tightly and kept held her other hand ready.

Death lit both her arms on fire and tensed her muscles.

All was silent.

No one dared move.

Their breaths and crackling of the fire was all that could be heard.

They were all waiting for an unannounced signal.

From one of the broken pillars a loose pebble dangled on the edged, wobbling back and forth before it tipped over the edge and fell to the ground.

The rock fell slowly and all of them tensed in preparation.

It descended.

TWO Feet.

ONE Foot.




It hit.

So it began.

Their eyes widening they all leapt forward their target.

The man stayed quiet and calm, his enemies coming from all sides he stood tall with no fear in his heart. His enemies moved as if time had slowed, their leaps bringing them closer to him by the second.

He tilted his head down.

Had War not been preoccupied in his battle rage, his sensitive ears would of picked up on the soft mumbling of the man.

A soft prayer sent to the wind, to be carried and sent to ears high above.

With them barely a foot away he ended his prayer with a soft,'Ammin'


His head whipped up.

With only inches of them away he quickly formulated a plan.

And he was off.

Spinning around on the balls of his feet he sent a brutal hook to Pestilence's head before turning to his left to kick Famine right in the stomach. Then he turned to the right to shoot an elbow into War's chest before finally facing forward and sending two palm strikes to Death's abdomen.

Time resumed once more and all four were sent flying back with loud shockwaves in the wake.

They all crashed into the walls of the room with pained grunts and screams.

War held his chest lightly and grunted as a large purple bruise started to form under his shirt.

Pestilence held a hand to his head and shook his head to clear the spots in his vision and buzzed in discomfort.

Famine kneeled over and fought to keep her lunch from racing out her mouth from the hard blow to her stomach.

Death winced and held her abdominal area as it felt she was smashed with a giant stone hammer.

She looked up and saw the man still in the position from the double palm strike he gave her.

Then he straightened and returned to his original stance at the restart of the fight.

"Come!"He demanded.

War growled at the challenge. Ignoring the pain he stood to his feet and ran at him.

He bared his claws and slashed at him but he easily ducked and then caught the follow up punch before tightening his hold.

War cried out as his hand was being crushed in the diamond hand. He heard his finger and knuckles snap and pop from the pressure being applied.

He fell to his knees and tried to wrench his hand free by futily yanking with his other one away.

He glanced at the up at the orange and white mask before a shining fist filled his vision and he felt the impact of a freight train smash into his face.

He was then reintroduced to the wind before he crashed into the wall and indenting it to his shape before he blinked a few times and everything went black.

The man retracted his fist and returned to his stance.

"Come!"He demanded again.

Famine stumbled to her feet and held her mouth to stop her stomach from releasing its contents. She glared hatefully at the man before she ran over with a fierce battle cry.

She jumped and threw out a quick series of kicks which he blocked with his palms and then ducked when she tried to slice his neck.

She threw out a right cross that he easily pushed away and ducked another slice, but he dropped low and swept her feet out from under her causing her to fall to her back and clenched her eyes in pain.

Wheezing after the loss of breath she opened her eyes and was greeted to a stomp to the forehead.

Hearing her head smack into the ground he winced.

He held back his power in the stomp, not wanting to cause any irreversible damage.

She was still conscious but just very very dizzy.

Foregoing his downed opponent, he returned to his original stance and called out again,'"Come!"

Pestilence rose from his downed position and the man immediately turned to his enemy.

Pestilence's body started to twitch before swarms of insects flew from his under his bandages. The insects buzzed angrily before flying over to him and flying around him in a column of wasps.

He threw up his arms and protected himself from the literal swarm of death by converting all of his skin into diamond.

Pestilence watched on as his swarm overwhelmed and ravaged his enemy with their stingers and completely covered him from view.

Suddenly a white glow emanated from within the swarm before the bugs were shot back from a large blast of power revealing the man with his arms held to the sides after just throwing them off.

His masked face fell to his bandaged one and he held up his hand.

The diamond on his arm darkened before it took on a green tint.

The diamond had changed to Emerald.

Slamming his emerald hand onto the ground, Pestilence watched as the ground in front of him shook before a pillar of emerald shot from the stone and slammed into him before smashing him into the wall.

He struggled weakly against the pillar but the gem pushed against him harder before he was nearly crushed, then four latches shot from the edges and dug into the stone behind him and trapped the man against the wall.

Then he turned his head to look at Death who had just gotten to her feet.

He seemed to release his own growl before he stomped his feet and slid back into his stance. And once more he bellowed out.


The scream shook her to her bones and she suppressed a shudder in fear at the absolutely furious call he gave to her.

To see him so angered after knowing him to be always passive or emotionless was a shock to her system.

Remembering her own words she locked away her fear and steeled her face into a stony expression.

Holding out her hand she shot out a barrage of fire bolts from her fingers.

Turning his other hand into emerald he slammed both of his palms to the ground before a wall of emerald arched over his head.

The bolts hit the shield and exploded in a cloud of smoke.

When the cloud cleared the wall was shattered and the green gem was sprinkled along the ground, but her enemy was nowhere in sight.

She started and looked around in fear.

She glanced behind her and saw that he was behind her with his leg cocked back, and she noticed his arms were now a deep crimson, they had turned to ruby.

He nailed his shin in the middle of her spine which folded her backwards before she was sent sailing through the air.

Through her flight, she made out a red blur that passed her before she started to slow and she saw the man was now in front of her.

He raised his hand and chopped down hitting her between her shoulders which made her bounce on the ground before he pulled back his leg and sent the tip of his boot into her face which sent her flying back to the way she came.

She slammed into a pillar with a pained scream and fell to the ground.

She stayed motionless for the pain was so widespread that to move any part of her would result in unbearable agony in the rest of her.

So with incredibly slow effort, she slid her arms under her and pushed herself up.

She heard steps march up to her and she was wrenched up by the collar of her brown cloak and slammed back into the pillar with a pained scream.

She looked up to see their adversary looking at her and she could tell even through the mask that he was glaring at her.

She had never been so afraid in this life then she was now.

She watched him pull back his now diamond arm and looked on in horror as his fingers curled into a tight fist.

He wouldn't...he wouldn't do it!


But she held her breath anyway as she watched his arm intently.

Then in a blur, the arm shot forward.

Clenching her eyes shut she prepared for it to end.


She tentatively opened her eyes and blinked in confusion. Turning her head she her eyes widened and she gaped in utter fear.

His hand was dug into the stone all the way up to his elbow...and was only inches away from her head.

"I believe,"She turned to him."That I have indulged your...desire for a more challenging fight quite enough for now, unless you wish to continue."

She stayed silent out of fear.

"I thought as much,"He said.

"This fight is over. You cannot beat me, and I will not let you."

She sneered at him and tried to struggle but he would have none of it as he tightened his hold on her cloak and made her look up to him.

"Listen!"He commanded."You fight a battle that was lost before it even began. Your crusade to free your false God is only going to end in disaster. You will find yourself burning in a sea of fire and will never be able to escape! I beg of you to understand. Leave, do not come back, and repent for your ways. I do not wish to see you suffer."

She stared at him in astonishment.

After all this time, he still wishes to end this without a fight.

He does not wish for their deaths.

She lowered her head and reflected all of this.

"You say that I will burn for all my crimes one day?"She said with her voice as soft as a whisper.

He felt the temperature around her suddenly spike.

She looked up at him with a horribly maniacal look in her eyes and steam pouring from her demented smile.

"Then it's a good thing I am immune to fire."

Her entire body erupted in an explosion of red flames.

He let go and stepped back from her.

He slightly turned his head from the heat and held up his hand to block the waves of extreme heat.

The fire then died away from her and she was left there, her cloak having been burned away leaving her in her armored chest plate and pants.

"But to bad for you,"She teased coyly."I can melt you to the bone and then some!"

She held up her arm and it was immediately covered in a claw of fire.

She smiled with her inner insanity.

"And I think it's time we begin!"

He tensed when he saw her begin to step forward but was suddenly halted…


The pained scream grabbed both of their attention.

War, who had previously been unconscious had recently woken up, but not before remembering what had happened.

And he was MAD!

This entire time he had been made a fool of. His pride had been severely damaged. He was thrown around and thrashed by this, this, thing!

He didn't even know what he was. He was no man, and he wasn't mutant either. He couldn't be. He was too strong. Too powerful. He had easily beaten him in terms of strength. But he could not have that. Not at all.

He is Harb, War.

He brings destruction and death, he feeds on the hatred of men and uses it to power him.

He was the most physically strong of the horsemen and had always been. The others were hesitant to fight him, for their own sake.

But this man, he was hesitant to fight for his opponents sake.

Such arrogance!

He could not stand it!

The thought of it, it made his rage boil within him and build until eventually it shot over.

With a pained scream he fell from the imprint in the wall and crumbled to his hands and knees.

He clawed the ground in pain as he felt the bones in his body snap and extend, the loud pops filling the air with its sickening noise.

His muscles stretched and contorted to refit the shifting of his bones.

He and Death stopped what they were doing to watch the horrific transformation take place.

War's body seemed to stretch and he became skinnier and more malnourished. His skin darkened and was washed with ink blackness.

His face started to change as well.

His jaws stretched before it gave the appearance of a lizard's muzzles.

The most sickening change however was at the base of his spine his skin popped open and a long tail of bone slinked out and slinked around his body. Then a layer of muscle and skin fell over it and the whip like tail was complete.

What stood before them was a disgusting demon of pure rage and aggression.

Now standing over seven feet it's skin stretched over a raptor like skeleton and darker than shadow with sunken cheeks and a gaping maw of pointed fangs.

Its eyes were a stark white, contrasting to the previously all black.

It's eyes roamed over the cracked and destroyed room before they fell on the star struck opponents.

It's eyes narrowed at Death and hissed in anger to the most powerful horsemen.

It remembered the words she spat at him before. He would rip her throat out with his claws to teach her a lesson. He would show her fear.

Death gulped as the beast's eyes turned to her and narrowed in predatory hatred.

But she was saved when the man walked in front of her and did his best to shield her from its eyes.

'He willingly stands between me and this monster to protect me?!' She thought incredulously.

She could only laugh.

'The fool.'

The man in the red cloak stood in front of his vision and he was reminded of all the things he had done to him. How he humiliated him, made him feel weak.

The creature felt a heat build up in it's chest, its clawed hands clenched into tight fists and it breaths became shallow and fast paced. This was the familiar feeling of rage. And this man would know its wrath!

He would pay. With his blood!

The monster roared like thunder and Death covered her ears, while the man remained unaffected.

Seeing this enraged it further and it thundered over to him.

The man quickly disappeared in a red blur from the charging beast, but the monster easily changed its direction to follow him.

Reappearing in the middle of the chamber he was taken back to see the creature already so close.

He disappeared again and reappeared in front of the blocked doorway.

He looked up and saw the creature falling down on to him with a clawed hand ready to slash.

Once more he was gone and the beast slashed five trenches in the ground where he once stood.

Turning its head the beasts hissed menacingly before it too disappeared in a blur.

Death watched to the best of her ability as the two blurs raced around the room.

The smaller red blur being chased by the larger black one.

She saw how the red one tried to lose the other by running in zig zags and circles but was pursued ruthlessly with no escape allowed.

Then the larger one suddenly shot past the smaller and swung around to ram into the smaller one.

Their impact caused a loud crashing sound before they were off again.

Several more crashes sounded in the room as the larger blur outflanked the smaller and crashed into it again.

Suddenly in a larger crash then the the others they reappeared, their fists smashed against each other.

They both pulled back and shot their other fists together for both to intercept one another again.

They engaged in a vicious melee against each other, matching blow for blow.

Right fist, Left fist, Right kick, Left kick.

Suddenly the man leapt back while converting his diamond arms into emerald and slammed his palms together.

As the beast leapt after him it was suddenly smashed on both sides by two emerald pillars from the walls.

The creature snarled at being trapped before it broke its prison and leapt with rekindled anger after him.

Seeing the monster escape so easily he thought of a new plan.

Clasping his emerald hands together the man sent a trail of emerald spikes across the ground to intercept the feral mutant.

The beast, seeing the spike immediately back tracked from its charge and stumbled away.

But the spikes kept following it, it leaped backwards but the spikes remained fast approaching, only a few feet away from him with every leap.

It suddenly leaped high and onto a stone pillar and latched on with its claws.

It looked forward to see the man leap towards him with a diamond fist cocked back to strike.

Roaring in challenge the mutant kicked off the pillar and met the man in mid air and tackled him back.

Landing hard on the ground the man grunted in pain. He looked up to see the War's jaws open to bite off his head.

Quickly grabbing the jaws he held the monsters head back as it thrashed and struggled in his grip.

It stopped to feel a pressure on its tail. Looking back it saw a diamond statue of its prey holding its tail by the tip before pulling sharply and lifting it from the downed man, over its head, and smash him into the ground.

Growling in annoyance the beast wrenched its tail away and whipped it around the duplicates neck.

Grasping at the appendage the statue struggle uselessly before the tail tightened and snapped the head off of its body.

War smiled and cackled evilly as it watched the head roll and the body crumple into crystal shards.

It was taken out of its dark humor when the man charged into the it and pushed it back a few feet.

The feral mutant merely laughed a choked and dry laugh before slamming its hands down on his back.

Crumbling to the ground he tried to stand before he was grabbed by the back of his cloak and thrown away. He grunted as he slammed into the wall.

War rushed forward and planted a hard fist into his stomach. Causing him to yelp in pain.

He repeated the action again. And again, and again, and again.

All to hear the sound of him screaming in pain.

He would feel weak now!

Roaring and raring back another punch he shot it forward...right into his opponent's waiting palm.

This gave the monstrosity pause.

Lifting his head, he spoke with a slightly strained and yet partly humorous voice.

"You know, if you strike the same place repeatedly, your opponent will know exactly where to block,"

He growled at the slight mocking tone in his voice.

With a roar he opened his hand to lengthen his claws and shot them forward.

Like before, he caught the hand by the wrist.

"I think that is enough,"He stated.

Once again he roared in reply.

He lifted his leg and kicked it right into the mutants chest.

Stumbling back the beast tried to charge again but was immediately hit with a diamond fist to the cheek.

It turned back to receive a similar hit to the opposite cheek.

He kept backing the monster up with a barrage of fast paced and powerful punches.

Pulling back his right arm, he channeled his energy into his arm before launching it forward to the beast jaw which sent it flying up and into the ceiling. An emerald pillar shot up from under it and smashed it further into ceiling.

Unclasping his hands he stared at the immobilized monster before returning his gaze to the silent observer to the brutal battle.

Death stood and could only gape at the victor of the fight.

She had thought that with War's more powerful and animalistic form, it would of brought him down or at least winded him.

But here he stood again, tall and proud. Unhurt, if a little ruffled.

But not too terribly.

She gulped as he walked towards her.

This man, no, this thing! It simply was not of this world!

They had never seen this level of strength from him before. And what was worse, they could tell that he was still holding back!

Where does his strength end?!

He stopped in front her asked her simply,"Do you wish to continue?"

She grit her teeth at the spite she felt.

Now he was just mocking her!

"You have all fought valiantly, but it was in vain, you know that I will not allow you to release En Sabah Nur,"He said softly.

She sneered at him.

"And I will not stop til you are dead at my feet!"

"Then you will simply fall to exhaustion."He retorted.

She felt her anger flare along with her body temperature, her wrath fueling her powers.

"If I am to fall, then it will be with honor. Honor in battle. Slain at the hands of a better warrior. So if you are so strong, then kill me!"She screamed.

He remained silent.

"What's wrong?"She mocked with a cruel smile."Too afraid to do finish a fight! Or are you too weak?"

He turned his head to the side and looked away at her cruel taunts.

"You cannot handle the spilling of more 'innocent' blood on your hands. You know that deep within, the souls of the original inhabitants still live. And if you kill us, you kill them as well. Then you have more people cursing your name!"

She cackled wickedly,"Oh how pathetic you are! Do you not understand that they willingly gave themselves over to us? They willingly gave themselves to our cause, they are on our side, the side of our Lord!"

He turned back to her.

"You mean you preyed on their weakest moments and whispered beautiful lies into their minds. Giving them a hope that was as false as your 'Lord'"He spat the last word as if it were poison.

"You twisted their beliefs and took away their will. You have done more than ruined lives, you have destroyed the natural order of life and death. You damn yourself to the darkest pits to suffer for eternity and you do not even care who you drag with you!"

Death started to examine her nails out of boredom at his proclamation.

"And?"She says rhetorically."What importance should this have to me? I am merely doing as I am commanded by my master. I have no guilt. I have no regret. No remorse. It matters not in the end anyways."

"You are shameless!"He proclaims.

"The difference between you and me,"She smiles,"You hold yourself back by caring for everything!"She says while flailing her arms out.

Pacing back and forth she continues,"Forming ties to everything simply holds you down, holds you back, you are anchored to that thing you cherish so greatly not even realizing that you have shackled yourself to a giant lead ball."

She turns back to him and her smile stretched across her face.

"Which is why we are superior to you. We hold no attachments. No bonds, no chains. We are FREE!" She shouts in glee.

"But you are alone."He says plainly.

Her smile faltered before it comes back.

"With the power we will hold, it matters not."

He prepared to speak again but was suddenly seized from behind.

Two large pairs of bandaged arms were wrapped around him with the grip of snakes.

He craned his neck to see that Pestilence had freed himself and was now holding onto him with his enhanced strength.

He grunted at the amount of strength he was being held with.

"Now hold him still,"She called.

Holding out her hand a lance formed before the ends both arched towards her and she was now holding a bow of fire in her hand.

She smiled grotesquely and pointed the bow right at him.

Unseen by those present War had been struggling furiously to free him from the pillar trapping him to the ceiling and had finally succeeded when he used his super strength to push the pillar back into the ground enough to slip out of the pinch he was in.

Falling to the ground he grunted in pain at the rough landing before he growled and looked around for his prey.

His eyes fell on the back of his red cloak before the large bandaged one came up from behind and snatched him up in a crushing bear hug.

His rage spiked at this.

He was his kill!

No one else's!

Anybody who tried to interfere with his hunt would know the sting of his claws!

With a low growl he ran forward.

Death, completely unaware of the charging beast behind Pestilence's large form, pulled back on the bow's string before an a flaming arrow was formed.

She let the arrow grow in size as she held it long enough for it to become bigger than the bow itself.

Then she locked her eyes on her enemy and smiled.

"Goodbye."She says happily.

She lets go.

The arrow rockets from the bow and shoots its way to the restrained man.

As it traveled, it consumed more oxygen and grew larger and burned hotter until it looked more like a shooting star than an arrow.

Seeing the approaching fiery death, he threw his head back and slammed it into the mutants face.

Surprised by the tactic, Pestilence loosened his grip enough for the man to turn around and grab the giant by his bandaged face and leapt away.

War was only a few feet away, seeing his own prey just a few feet away caused his own heart to beat in overdrive.

So close, his kill was so close! Just a few more steps, he would just impale his hand through the bandaged one and then he would have him dead!

This was the thrill of the hunt, this is what he lived for!

But the bandaged one suddenly stumbled back before he and his prey disappeared from view.

With them gone War could see the arrow of fire coming his way.

His eyes widening, he realized his forward momentum could not be stopped from his charge.

He felt the heat nearly melt him wear he stood and his face shined with the light of the fire.

With a roar, the fires consumed his body.


The loud bellow gave them pause.

They all looked in horror to see War's form consumed by the flames.

The fire ravaged his body as it ate away at his flesh and burned away his skin.

War writhed and screamed in agony as he scratched and hooked clumps of his flesh of his body in an attempt to put out the all encompassing fire.

Soon, all they could see was his skeleton still trying futilely to put out the flames, not realizing it had lost its flesh already before it collapsed and the screams and roars ceased and all was quiet.

The man simply stared in astonishment before taking a few steps forward.

Suddenly the blackened skeleton shot out of the fire.

He stumbled back in surprise as the bony hand wrapped around his neck and he was made to stare into the eyeless husk of a body.

The skeleton opened its fanged jaw to release a soft growl and feebly lifted its other clawed hand to still try to kill him.

The skeleton's movements slowed before it stopped moving altogether.

With the last of its strength it softly growled in a coarse and harsh voice,"D-damn you...Genesis."

His grip around Genesis's neck fell away and the skeleton collapsed to the ground.

They all stood in silence.

Genesis looked down to the man's remains before he sunk to his knees.

"No,"he whispered."Not again."

Seeing his distress as an opening Pestilence ran toward him with a stinger growing from his palm.

Genesis turned his head and saw the coming giant.

Snarling behind his mask he hastily stood and turned his left fist to diamond before smashing it into the bandaged man's stomach.

Stopped dead in his tracks, Pestilence was bent over and twitched slightly in pain.

Pulling back his hand, Genesis pulled back his other arm before striking his opponent in the head which sent him stumbling back before he fell to the ground.

"Is this not enough for you!" He raged."Is not the death of one of your own not enough to see that your fight is unnecessary?!"

He gripped his fists tighter in anger,"IS YOUR DEMISE WHAT YOU SEEK?!"

His shout sent a shudder to all present.

Death smiled however at seeing his anger, if this is what it will take for him to get sloppy and eventually make a fatal mistake, then so be it.

She walked forward with a sway of her hips and a seductive smile.

"You see?"She called out."Your biggest weakness is yourself. You hold your hand out for people who would sooner gut you then take your hand,".

With a shake of her head she looked him over,"And look at yourself, you have been so undone by War's demise, even more so than any of us, and you still do not wish vengeance on us?"

She stopped next to Pestilence's still form.

"You truly are a fool,"She laughs."But if what it takes to properly down you is to experience grief,".

She formed a knife in her hand.

"Then drown in sorrow,"She smiled.

She stabbed down...right into Pestilence.

"NOOO!"He screamed.

Pestilence seized at having a dagger of fire driven into his chest. He twitched and spasmed as the sizzling of his flesh could be heard underneath his bandages.

He released a loud buzzing as thousands upon thousands insects flooded from his body.

Death smiled cruelly as she saw Genesis standing frozen in disbelief at her actions.

The last of the insects flew from Pestilence as his twitching stopped and he fell limp to the ground.

Death rose from her kneeled position and laughed at how disheartened he seemed at the new corpse before him.

"Bit of advice,"She says,"Let go of your beliefs, they will do nothing but get you killed."

He remained unresponsive.

Seeing her chance she formed a flaming spike at the end of her fist before charging forward and sending it to his heart.

She was surprised when her caught her by the wrist.

She was even more surprised when he gave it a sharp twist.

"AAAH!"She screamed in pain.

Falling to a knee she looked up at him when he spoke.

"Let go of my beliefs you say?"

She started at how his tone had darkened.

"I think...that I will oblige you"He growled.

She gulped.

He shot forward a diamond fist into her forehead before kneeing her in the same spot.

Picking her up he slammed his knee into her stomach before tossing her away.

She bounced across the ground before sliding to a stop.

Coughing and hacking up blood and spittle she moaned in agony.

She was lifted by her feet again and faced with an orange and white mask that she knew hid an enraged glare.

She shot a flaming fist into the side of his head which made him let her go.

She stumbled back a few steps when she saw him still advancing.

Panicking she threw a few blasts of fire from her hands that brushed off of him she realized in fear.

He reached forward and grabbed her hand before pulling her to him and sending her away with a devastating side kick.

Slamming into a pillar she slid down the pole before slumping at the bottom.

She blinked her eyes to rid her of the black spots in her vision.

She still saw him advancing on her still form.

"P-please,"She whimpered,"Mercy,"

He paused.

"Mercy,"He repeats breathlessly."I have shown abundant supplies of mercy to you. I have given you multiple chances to retreat. Have I not? I have given you multiple chances to end this fight. Have I not? I have expressed my desire not to fight you. HAVE I NOT?!"

His scream made her shrink in fear.

"Yet you insisted, you persisted to fight, you demanded my strength, and now that I show it, you wish for me to stop!"

He tilts his head as if confused.

"Was it not you who said I should abandon my belief in life, to forsake mercy and be relentless and bloodthirsty?"

Death's eyes widened as her own words had come back and were being used against her.

"I said I would oblige you,"He said lowly."And I shall."

He started to stalk forward.

Death shivered in fear at his imposing figure walked over to her.

He wouldn't possibly kill her.

It was not in his nature. Though she had pushed him, it seemed to his breaking point. And when anyone is pushed that far, anything can happen.

He was almost upon her before he suddenly stopped.

She watched curiously, she saw him tense and struggle with his body to move. Then she realized, Famine!

Looking over, she saw the physically youngest of them had risen to her feet with a big purple splotch on her forehead.

Her hands were outstretched and trying to close her hands into fists.

She grit her teeth in determination and pain as she held onto Genesis.

She had seen it all, War's transformation, his fight with Genesis, his death, and Pestilence slain at the hands of Death herself. She also witnessed as she pushed him over his limit and how he had destroyed her in a fight that left her defeated at his feet.

She honestly should've let him continue with what he was doing. Death deserved what was coming to her. Her arrogance was always her downfall. She never thought how the effect of pushing him would have negative consequences. So assured doing so would mean victory, and it almost ended in her demise.

But she still felt an obligation, to protect a fellow general, to save her superior and hopefully get in the good graces of her Lord for doing so.

So she stood up as best she could and held. And held strong. She was determined to not let go til the fool was a crushed puddle on the floor.

Genesis felt the familiar hold of Famine's powers.

Her grip was stronger this time, too strong. A lot stronger than it was before. This gave him pause. It should not be this powerful. This grip felt matured, more constricting, he felt more of his strength leave him this time around. Suddenly he realised what was happening, she was tapping more into her power.

Powering through the grip he pushed himself around to face her with unbearable slowness. He looked to her and started to take steps.

Famine grinded her teeth at the pain in her head that his defiance gave her.

But she was not giving up!

She rekindled her efforts and closed her fingers just a bit more.

Genesis grunted as he felt a great pressure start to close in him all around him, trying to smash him. Yet still he persisted as fast as he was able too.

She cried out as she started to feel a burning inside her skull.

The pain was too much!

With tears of pain leaking down her face she glared at the man causing her the agony. He needed to just die!

Genesis could see her pain and knew he was the cause of her distress but he could not slow down, he had to stop her!

Famine could feel something dripping down her face and drip to the floor.

Her nose had started to bleed.

And from the oozing sensation in her ears, she was probably starting to bleed their too. She had to end this, Now!

So with all the strength she had, she slowly closed her fingers even more, it felt like trying to squeeze a ball of iron!

Genesis ignored his agony and shuffled as fast as he could to her, he wasn't gonna make it!

Her tears had turned red and the agony in her head had turned into white hot pain that made it hard to stand but she had to keep going!

She could not fail her lord!

She could not fail Sayla!

"Graaaaaaaaah!"She screamed in effort.

Genesis stopped his movement when he felt he could not move anymore, the pressure had become immense and he was unable to go another inch.

"Please,"He begged,"Stop!"

She would of smiled at hearing him beg for mercy, but she had to concentrate, she couldn't stop yet!

So with her resolve burning she screamed and closed her hand into a fist.


A sickening noise rang through the air.

Famine stayed still, her face blank and unexpressive. She stood for all of five seconds before her eyes rolled back and she fell forward.

She was caught in the arms of Genesis. He knelt down and turned her over to stare at her face. Her eyes were dull and lifeless, and her could see her chest was not moving. Placing a finger on her neck he waited, and waited. Nothing, her pulse was gone.

As was she.

He looked down sadly at the dead girl before him.

"She was too young,"He lamented."She was not yet ready for the full strength of her powers. Her body could not cope with the strain."

He softly closed her eyelids.

"Why do you persist on doing this? Why do you drag more to a grave they do not deserve?"

He looked over to see Death struggling to her feet against the pillar and felt a fierce onslaught of guilt set itself in his stomach.

He had let her words and actions cloud his judgment. He had allowed her to get into his head and plant anger into his heart.

If he had continued on...he's not sure how things would've ended.

And that scares him.

Placing the young girl down, he got up to stride towards the final general.

Stopping in front of her dazed form he spoke softly and clearly,"Listen to me, this battle is done, I have no intention of fighting anymore. Enough blood has been spilled. I would have no more on my hands. Please, just turn around and go."

With that he sighed and his shoulders slouched to show his exhaustion.

Turning he started to trudge back to his spot in front of the door.

Leaving behind a beaten and frustrated general.

'Coward,'She thought.

"Why don't you finish the fight?"She called weakly."Finish what was started."

"You are no longer a threat, you are defeated and can hardly stand. To continue would be foolish."He answered without turning.

"You already have so much blood on your hands!"She yelled,"What's one more?"

Without breaking stride he said,"One more, makes all the difference."

She stared after him as he walked away from her.


Why does he exist?

Why does he live? Why doesn't he just die? Why does he have to be in the way? Why can't they leave them to carry out their mission?

It was not fair! He was so powerful!

How are they supposed to beat him?!

She clenched her eyes as she felt tears of frustration start to leak.

She opened her eyes to see the red of his cloak.

Her rage started to spark again, but was held back at the sheer and utter helplessness she felt.

She knew she couldn't leave, her master was depending on her.

But she couldn't do anything. It wasn't fair!

She grit her teeth and cried some more as she looked at him.

It was all his fault!

His Fault!

He is the reason her master was sealed. And the reason they couldn't free him!

Because of him they would face judgement!

The thought stopped her.

They had failed again. Her master would not be understanding. He would let them all go, he would hand them over to…

Something in her, at that moment, snapped.

Genesis stopped at the level of intense heat that had suddenly appeared.

Turning he saw Death, her hunched over form was glowing with the heat she was giving off, the veins under her skin shone white and waves of heat flooded from her body.

She lifted her head and he was taken back with her eyes. They were a glowing orange.

"You,"She growled.

Straightening she looked at him before she sneered and roared out,"YOUUUUUU!"

He threw his arms up at the heat she produced.

At her scream her body burst into flames.

They roared and grew larger as they took in as most oxygen as they could until she was no more a giant raging ball of fire.


A tendril of fire sprout from the ball of fire and lashed out at him, he backpedaled out of it's way.


Another tendril tried to smash him but he leapt away again.

With her face twisted in rage she cast her arms out and two giant arms of fire sprouted from the top of the conflagration.

Seeing this, he turned his arms to emerald and he clasped his hands together. An orb of emerald rose from the ground and encased him, shielding him from the fire.

The arms reared back and smashed down onto the barrier.

Genesis grunted at the force used to attack him and clasped his hands tighter to hold the barrier.

Seeing him hide himself she sneered.


The arms continued to batter away at the barrier to try to get to Genesis. He held strong. He felt his shield shake and vibrate but he held the barrier up.

Screaming in fury she continued her attack.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!"She cried at feeling weak.

Her tears were visible on her face.

He heard her cries and lost his focus on the barrier, the crystal cracked at the last hit.

Looking up he saw the fracture to the orb.

The arms came down once more, but he manipulated the crystal so spikes formed on the clear surface outside.

The spikes impaled the arms and they dissolved into embers.

The job done, Genesis broke the barrier and stood up.

Death glared at his form and gave an inhuman cry.


He stayed straight and unafraid. He started to march over to her.

Seeing him come closer, her rage doubled and a tendril sprouted from the side and made to strike him.

Turning his arm back to diamond he simply batted it away.

She growled and tried again.

He batted away that one as well.

In another scream she made another arm sprout from the top and had it smush him.

She smiled at the thought of crushing him and burning away his remains.

But the smile left a second later when the arm was dissolved and showed Genesis reverting his blade arm back into a hand.

And he continued forward.

"WHY?!"She screeched."WHY WON'T YOU STAY DOWN?!"

Undaunted by her scream his steps continued.

Her fire burned hotter and the air in the room became hard to breathe. But still he continued. His cloak flapped in the heat and it's edges were being blackened and burned away, yet he persisted.

He only stopped until he was right in front of her.

Looking into her burning eyes, filled with hatred and anger, he still saw the streak of tears down her face and could see more ready to release.

Then in his soft voice he said to her,"I'm sorry."

Her eyes widened.

The fire dispersed around her and the temperature returned to normal.

She stared at him in the utmost disbelief.

He noticed that her hair was slightly singed and her skin was most notably a few shades darker than before.

She continued to stare at him and did so for a while before she reacted.

She lightly chuckled,"Of course you are."

Then she fell onto her back.

Smiling humorously she said,"It appears I have overtaxed myself as well."

Turning to him she released an empty chuckle,"Was it not you who said I would fall from exhaustion?"

He frowned behind his mask at the turn of phrase.

"I can feel myself overheating,"She whispered."It's not very pleasant. Will you do me a favor and end me now?"

He didn't speak.

She laughed, this time with genuine amusement.

"Ask a silly question,"She mumbled.

"I'm sorry." He spoke.

She remained quiet at his apology.

"I wish this didn't have to end like this. You and the others. You were just as manipulated as the souls you trapped. Promised power and aversion from divine punishment."

This time she spoke,"But we still did everything we did. And knew very well what we were doing. We are guilty before the eyes of your Almighty."

He knew her words to be true so he could not offer any words.

So once more he did the only thing he could do.

"I'm sorry."

She scoffed this time.

"Please spare me your apologies and save your breathe. Your words mean nothing to me."

He simply nodded at this.

"You know, I really hate you,"She said weakly.

"Yes, I think you made that abundantly clear earlier."He said recalling her literally screaming it and trying to kill him with her powers.

"Then let me make this abundantly clear,"She wheezed."You better hope that I do not return, because if I do, then I am going to personally destroy you as slowly as I can."

He responded strongly,"You will try."

She laughed,"That is a challenge I will take readily."

Then in her laughs, she started to cough and wheeze harder.

Once her fit was over she spoke with her final breath,"Let's hope my Lord believes in last chances like you."

And she breathed her last.

Alone once more, Genesis looked at the death and destruction that had once more come about this room.

'Not one, not two, but all four,'He thought in sorrow.

Nobody had survived this battle.

He was the lone victor. Once more. How saddening this was to him.

He sighed in acceptance of these horrible events before he turned and walked to the center of the room.

There he stood, and there he reflected. Looking down he noticed that his hand had begun to shake.


Her words echoed in his head, and for some reason, they disturbed him greatly.

"Why do her words haunt me?" He asked."Was it simply the fury behind the words or was it something else that shakes me?"

Already he knew, he was just trying to avoid the answer for a time.

"At that moment, I don't know who was speaking to me. Almawt or the poor soul she had captured in her claws."

He sighed and fell to his knees.

Holding head down he held out his arms, palm up, and began.

"Lord of all, please lend me your ear,

Hear my words now as you have before,

In the wake of this sadness, I ask for guidance…"

As he spoke he dug deep within himself and pulled at his real gift.

A white glow shone from underneath his skin, the light traveled down his arms and into his palms where it sprouted out in the form of white flames.

"I ask for justice in the aftermath of this fight Lord,

I ask for Judgement for the guilty…"

The fire started down his body before it spread out onto the floor and expanded.

"Mercy for the innocent…"

The fire filled the chamber with it's presence and soaked everything in its stak glow.

"For truth where there is lies…"

It climbed up the pillars and unto the ceiling.

"Love where there is hatred…"

The fire bathed everything until, rocks started melting together, and the chamber started to be repaired.

"Healing where there is sickness…"

The rock and debris was picked up and reapplied onto the spot where it was broken off of and was sealed onto its original place.

"Peace where there is grief…"

The fire consumed the bodies of the generals and instead of burning, the fire entered their bodies and turned glowed before disappearing in a white flash.

"And faith when there is doubt,"

Taking in a deep breath he relished the peace and tranquility that he felt when he spoke to the Almighty.

"Lend me strength in times of trouble,

Wisdom in time of confusion,

And hope when there is none,

In all these things I know you'll do I say thank you Lord,


Finishing his prayer the fire immediately vanished and he was greeted with the sight of a rebuilt chamber.

No pillars destroyed, no craters in the ground, no crystals jutting out of the ground or laying around.

It was restored to how it once was.

Seeing his work done he stood to his feet and glanced around the room to make sure no part was missed.

Satisfied he walked over to the crystal barrier he stood before it.

He could feel the dark foreboding presence behind the crystal, he felt it rage and struggle.

He felt the desire for freedom, and his death.

"It would appear your servants have failed once more," He spoke."They are just like you. You have trained them well. By any means necessary they are willing to do what they feel is right to free you."

He felt a spike of anger from the other side.

"You are not going to be freed. I will guard this door til my last dying breath."

A wave of pleasure came at the thought of his demise from the other side.

"You think my death will come easily, but I will not be brought down so easily."

He felt the negative emotion from this. A challenge was proclaimed.

'Let me out, and we shall test that theory!'

He did not take the bait.

"Your influence on them is strong. They are willing to die for you. For your beautiful lies. You damn so many. All for your expense. You believe you are worthy of this, and there lies your flaw. Your crimes are extensive, and yet you care not. So you extend them longer in your ignorance and arrogance."

He tightened his fist in anger at the being behind the crystal.

"Yet still, I am blamed for your crimes. I am blamed for all you have done to the innocent." He said remembering her words. And whether or not, the soul beneath her was speaking.

"Why?"He questions in distress."Why do I cause more hurt than help when I mean to do otherwise?"

He was met with a harsh feeling of mocking from the other side and he immediately steeled himself from the link's powerful connection.

"All the damage you cause, and you are sealed away."He says with a shake of his head.

"This only strengthens my resolve,"He says strongly.

Placing a hand on the barrier a flash of white lit up the wall as the crystal thickened and strengthened.

"I will not let you escape. You shall be trapped here, for the remainder of time. And I will be here to make sure of it!" He said with resolve.

Feeling a rise in pure malice he laughed at his enemy's spite and stepped back.

He took a seat in front of the barrier and crossed his legs, folding his hands into his lap.

He felt himself relax as he entered a meditative state and his skin and clothes hardened and turned into diamond.

And he was a statue once more.

Waiting alongside his enemy for the day when they would both face judgement.


(A/N):Wow, that took a while. And was a lot longer than I thought it would be. I wrote like a man possessed these last few days. It was fun actually, now it's finished. Pardon any mistakes on my part.

Tell me what you think in the reviews, and again, my apologies for the mistakes.

Well this is GhostAngel14 saying, who knows when the next chapter will be cause I need a bit of a break. But will hopefully be soon. Til next time, seeyah!