Great. Flipping pancakes. Just what every girl wants to be doing.

Grumbling under my breath became an regular thing once this whole routine started up. Wake up. Have a coffee. Make pancakes. Wince a little while my psycho ex boyfriend yells at our 5 year old daughter. Soothe daughter. Take daughter to school. Go to work. Come home to yell at ex boyfriend. Watch 'The Chase' on channel 7. Make dinner. Go to sleep. Dream about kicking ex-boyfriend out. Restart.

It was Saturday so of course, I didn't have work and Layla didn't have school but that wasn't the point.

It's not like Loke was abusive or anything - I don't think he'd even think of hurting Layla or me. He just had a very hot temper, and our small apartment drove him crazy. That's why we broke up in the first place, I suppose.

"Lucy!" Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. "Where's Layla? Honestly, this place is a fucking pigstie, how do you live like this?"

"Loke," I calmly replied. "You live here. It's more of your mess than mine OR Layla's." Before Loke could reply with some comment about my fat lazy ass, I raised a finger. "Remember who pays the rent, and who could easily kick you out, Loke. If you wanna start making me clean your shit, you'll have to start contributing to rent."

He kept his mouth shut and started cleaning the lounge room. Honestly, I don't know how he hasn't left yet. This apartment isn't really big enough for two people, let alone three.

"Layla!" I called out to her, pretty sure that she was in the bathroom brushing her hair. "Pancakes are ready!" She came running in full throttle, her little feet patting against the wooden floor. I cleaned the kitchen up and picked up a few of Layla's toys and a console controller. I'll admit, Layla knew how to trash the place.

I let out a sharp wince as I stood on something bulky and uncomfortable, as the TV turned on in my doing so. I stood on the remote.

"Fiore's very own world known band Fairy Tail are-" i rushed to change the channel from the news to something Layla would enjoy.

My eyes closed without my realising it, and I took a moment to keep myself from crying. I honestly had no intention to cry about him today. "Luce," Loke's voice was calm, for once, and I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Isn't that the band your friend ran off to? What was his name..."

"Shut up," I snapped, slapping his hand away. If he said his name, I'd definitely cry. "He's not my friend, Loke."

I stormed into my room, slamming the door closed and locking it. I could only pray that I didn't let myself cry.

"Lucy, get out of bed. Layla is hungry and I don't know what to get her."

I glanced up, my eyes puffy and red. I guess I cried for two hours. "I'm coming, Loke." I got out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen, probably resembling a zombie. I looked around for something to cook for Layla. There was just about nothing.

"Layla!" I called out to my daughter, rubbing my eyes. "Go put your shoes and coat on, we're going out for lunch."

"Okay, mommy!" I heard her exclaim from the other room and her bare feet tapped against the wood with little slaps echoing across the apartment.

"Where are you going?" Loke poked his head around the corner of the kitchen. "Isn't there some bread in the cupboard for sandwiches?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "But there isn't actually anything to put on them. I'll probably just take her down to the Cathedral Café."

Living in Magnolia was great. Everyone was amazing and my social life was pretty good. I worked for Musical Weekly, a magazine about local and world famous artists and bands. I got to interview bands like Phantom Lord, Sabertooth and Lamia Scale, and artists like Mirajane Strauss and Wendy Marvell. However, when it came to Fairy Tail, I left them to my partner.

Loke's eyes widened and he bit his lip as Layla ran to me, bumping his thigh with his shoulder. "Ahh. . . Lucy, you should probably know that Fairy Tail are. . ."

"Loke," I cut him off. "I don't want to hear about it."

Layla and I had to walk, but we eventually made it to the cafe at 1:00, and there was a surprisingly huge crowd in town today. I didn't fuss much, and just ordered a Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado and Tomato Sandwich for me and nuggets and chips for Layla - she freaking loved nuggets.

The waitress brought our food out and struck a conversation. Her name was Mirajane and she was a musician too. Mirajane worked at the Cathedral once every fortnight. As I mentioned earlier, I interviewed her a lot for work, and we became close friends. "How's everything going, Lucy?"

I shrugged. "Meh. As good as any Saturday, I guess." I looked around and tried to look through the gaps of the crowd. "What's with the huge crowd?"

"You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?" I quinted at her, hating how mysterious she was being.

Pulling up a chair, Mirajane sat at our table and smiled down at Layla, who had tomato sauce all over her face. "Everyone's super excited 'cause of the band in town. You know how much Magnolia loves it's entertainment."

I cocked my head at the white haired girl as she passed Layla a napkin. "Which band is in town?" I took a bite of my sandwich.

"Fairy Tail."

I had never hated her adorable giggle she did whenever she gave me a little answer to anything so much in my life. Why? Why did they have to be here? Why did he have to come back?

"Are you alright, Lucy?"

Suddenly, there were screams erupting from young girls all around me. They made all three of us jump in our seats, and Mirajane and I scouted the area to see what the commotion was about.

"L-lucy?" A voice I didn't want to hear ever again jolted me frozen. It was raspy, like I remembered, and low. "Oh my God... is that... Lucy?!"

Hey guys, short first chapter! Who was it? Lmao you already know. One vote and one comment for part two!