A/N Hey guys warrior of birthright here and as you can probably tell by the title I am giving you hdn blood of a goddess on the same day as I ended blood of shadows. So yeah I just wanted to say welcome to part two of the ? Part series hdn blood of an Echo. Yes that is the official name for the series. So anyway without further adue let's get going.

Blood of a Goddess chapter 1: renewal

Eric POV

Ugh my head what happened?

If you really can't remember, then read the last chapter on blood of shadows dufess ; )

Damn you author, damn you.

"Oh, are you awake?" That voice I don't recognize it its extremely happy though.

As all this crossed my mind a nurse with creamy pink hair walked in. She wore a tan to whit sweater dress and a plaid shortskirt.

"Hello my name is Compa, and I'm glad to see you're awake" She the smiled and- oh god someone get me a bucket cause I'm about to puke rainbows she is so cute when she smiles.

"So I told you my name now you tell me yours." Compa 'politely' demanded.

"Oh right sorry my name is Eric."

"Eree-, Eri-, Eroo-, your name st to hard to pronounce so I'll just call you hm, what should I call you?" She asked politely.

"You can call me Rei. Thats what my friends always call me and I'm sure you took care of me so I can call you my friend." I answered, and got a weird reaction. She seemed to blush and fidget in place.

"What's the matter? Still to hard to pronounce?"

"No its not that but, Rei, is it really you?" She seemed to b recalling a sweet memory.

Wait a minute Compa, Cooooooompaaaaa. I know that name.

"Rei if it is you, which I'm sure it is, do you not remember me?" Compa asked with tears in her eyes. Goddess dammit I hate making girls cry.

"No no I remember its just a bit fuzzy. I had a friend named Compa when I was in elementary school. But then I moved to Lowee when I entered fifth grade. I came back just last year so I'm sorry but I do remember you just not well." I recalled and told her everything I knew.

"No Rei as long as you remember me even a tiny bit I'm happy. Oh yeah you have a few people waiting on you, so I suggest you go out there because Nep-Nep doesn't like waiting." Nep-Nep who could that be.

"Okay but I can't move much with all these bandages wrapped around me. So could you call them in well I get these off."

"OK." And with that she left the room and I got all the bandages off.

"Rei is right in here so you don't need to worry any more, you four." As Compa said that the door opened and in came the four CPUs.

As soon as they came in they all hugged me at once. Much to Compa's dismay. "Wh-what are you doing to Rei!?" Said Compa with a huge blush on her face.

"Oh Compa you know him?" Neptune asked.

"Neptune, Compa and I were the closesed of friends during elementary school. Until I moved to Lowee during fifth grade." I explained.

"Well it doesn't matter right now, cause right now you have to pick one of us four to be with first." Interjected Blanc.

"Wha-wha-what! 'Be with'! If Rei should be with any one its me!" Compa said, jumping to conclusions.

"GODDESS DAMMIT I'm not picking anyone!" I shouted.

Ok that might have been to forceful, cause now Compa is crying.

"No Compa I didn't mean it like that. Here sit down and I'll explain.

After explaining Compa calmed down.

"Do you understand now Compa?" Compa merely shook her head.

"Good, now what was this I heard about not picking anyone?!" Blanc all but screamed.

"I do believe it is the reason he won't pick is the same as why he wouldn't pick one of us to live with." Vert reasoned.

"Who cares he needs to pick one or else he's gonna die!" threatened Noire.

"Fine I pick all of you at onceonce!" I exclaimed "there you happy!"

"Yes quite" answered Neptune in a matter of fact tone.

"Now comes the question of where you will live." Decided Blanc.

"Already got that decided. I live in the very middle of all four nations." I answered. "Hey I have a question. Why, and how did I transform?"

"We believe you transformed out of your want and need to protect the goddesses." Stated Histoire as she walked in with three other girls.

"So is this the dirtbag who is gonna steal my darling vert from me!?" Said the mint haired one. She wore a dress that barely covered any of her woman parts.

"I do believe it is but you can't kill him because if he dies so does Gamindustri's last hope." Explained a girl with short silver hair. She also wore a suit. If I were totally honest she kind of looks and sounds like a boy.

"And if that were to happen your 'darling vert' would be dead and you wouldn't want that would you?" Reasoned the blue haired girl. She wore what seemed to be a red graduate robe.

These three new girls finally looked at me and as soon as they did they looked away with blushes on their faces.

"U-um hi m-my name is Ch-chika." Stated the green haired one.

"And mine is kei." The business woman said.

"L-lastly m-my n-n-name is Mina. Its nice to meet you." Finished the blue haired graduate.

"Likewise. I would think and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you the oracles of Leanbox, Lastation, and Lowee respectively?" I questioned.

"Ye-yes but how did you know that?" Asked Mina.

"I study a lot that's how I knew about kei and Chika. But back when I lived In Lowee my parents were famous lawyers and we were visited a bunch by you Mina." I reminded.

As soon as I was finished talking my phone started ringing. I looked at it to find it was my patents.

I answered "Yello?"

"Where have you been Eric Rei Cusragi!?" Screamed my mom.

"Mom calm down. Have you seen the news?"

"Thevnews about how the basilicom was attacked and how that boy became Echo and saved the four goddesses, yeah what about it?"

"Well I'm Echo."

Next time on blood of a goddess.

"Eric it really is you I've missed you so much."

"These are the shades of ice."

"Oh Echo so corruptable."

Next time chapter two: icy blood

"Let's go Echo processor awaken!"

L/A/N hey guys warrior of birthright here and well here it is what do you think? I'm trying to get 1000+ words a chapter if they are shorter it is because it is later than late where I am. Well that's all I had to say so review and I'll see you next time.