The Legolas and Elrohir I wrote in "Choices" are perhaps my favorites of any I have written...(The Other Side of the Sea being a close second) So here they are again. I couldn't resist writing more. This is a direct sequel happening a few months after "Choices" ends.

Choices is is the story of them getting together and this is what happens next.

All Tolkiens not Mine.

Inferred slash, nothing graphic, don't read it if you don't like it.


Minas Tirith was a place he loved. His soul sang there. The stone, the thrum of men, reached that part of him which usually lay buried deep. He was content there in a way he had never been able to achieve in Imladris.

But on this visit he looked forward to more than the soul-peace he achieved from the stone, more than the balm of unconditional love his brother and sister would bestow upon him. This visit, for the first time, he looked forward to Legolas.

For surely he would be there.

Long months it had been since Legolas departed Imladris, leaving him in a turmoil of elation and confusion. They had written—long heartfelt letters pouring their love out on the pages—but although they lifted his heart every time he received them it was not the same.

And so he came with Elladan beside him, to visit his sister and his young brother. To see what progress they had made in the war-torn city of his forefathers and he came with the knowledge Legolas would be there for they had planned it, had they not, in those very letters. They must speak to Estel, before any more time had passed and they would do so together. He had learned his lesson from Elladan's turbulent discovery of his lover.

He would keep secrets no longer.

And he doubted Legolas had ever wished it be a secret at all.

The disappointment when Estel and Arwen came to greet them with no sign of an errant wood-elf—no flash of gold or lilting laugh—was crushing.

He should be here.

He promised he would be here.

It was all he could do to stand and listen to their welcome, to be polite and appreciative of their gladness to see him, and in the end he could not wait. He could not say nothing for the promise of Legolas burned a trail across his soul.

"Is Legolas here Brother?" It was, he hoped, a casual inquiry. Just an aside, a random thought and not obviously the only thing on his mind.

"Legolas?" Estel looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Why do you ask? What business do you have with him?"

"I thought to catch up, that is all. It is long months since we saw him in Imladris. I am interested to hear how his people fare in Ithilien." Too late he remembered he had not mentioned Legolas' Imladris visit to his brother. Perhaps Legolas had? Or Elladan? Perhaps he would not be caught out this early in the conversation.

It was not to be.

"Legolas was in Imladris?" He watched as his brother's look of surprise turned to a frown. "I did not know that."

It was Elladan who saved him. Elladan who still, he knew, resented his love for Legolas. Elladan his brother, who always had his back stepped in to cover for his ineptitude.

"There are so few of us left here now Brother. You do not think we keep in contact with each other?"

"Of course." Estel's response was a quick one, "I was simply surprised he had mentioned nothing of it that is all."

"Who knows what goes on in that uncultured mind?" Elladan laughed, "He probably forgot the instant he left us, so flighty is he."

And Elrohir knew, although Elladan would swear if confronted later he was simply distracting Estel, that his brothers barbed words were real and so was the animosity that lay behind them. He had not yet accepted Legolas had any right to be between them. And sometimes he wondered if he ever would.

"Well he is not here." Estel said matter of factly, his words cutting across Elrohir's thoughts. "In fact I have not seen hide not hair of him for weeks. Or had any communication from him either, save from the occasional missive via Faramir and that is all business. He is avoiding me it seems and I must admit it vexes me."

"Ah, Estel, I have told you, you must let him be." Arwen placed a gentle hand on his brothers shoulder. "Legolas runs with the wind and sometimes he forgets those of us he leaves behind. He will return to you."

At her words he was struck with a sudden pang of anxiety. A memory of that golden beauty weighed down by sadness, of the letter, full of tangled misery he had received from Legolas in Imladris all those months ago.

"It is not the sea-longing?" The urgency with which the thought pushed it's way into his mind made him careless. His words were laced with worry, it was palpable and they all heard it.

"It could be, but how would I know when he will not see me." Estel's words were bitter, "And why does that worry you brother? Legolas' sea-longing is hardly your affair."

And so he back-peddled. He lied. He did what he had sworn he would not on this visit and he hid behind his secret. For Legolas was not here to help him unveil it so what choice did he have.

"It is not my business, no, but he is young and one of my kind, alone here amongst mortals. You think me so unfeeling as to have no concern for his wellbeing? My father taught me better than that Estel. Just because I do not understand him does not mean I forgo all care."

"Forgive me," He felt a twinge of guilt as his little brother rushed to appease him. "I am worried myself, and his silence frustrates me. I should not take it out on you, Brother. Sometimes managing a wood-elf seems more trouble than it is worth."

"And that is where you are going wrong, Estel," Arwen smiled. "For you should not be trying to manage him at all. It is doomed to failure."

"You should be more careful." Elladan hissed in his ear as they strode down the corridor towards their rooms. "You are too obvious Brother, and Estel will be hurt should he discover you. I should know."

He should know indeed, for Elladan had been cruelly hurt when he had discovered their deception, and that would not happen again. Elladan was right, he should be more careful.

But worry twisted itself within him for where was Legolas? Where was his exuberance, his golden ray of light? Why was he not here when they had agreed on it?

He had waited so long to see him.

What was it that was keeping him away?