by Michelle
It's been a long time, he said to me as we walked along the wooden path outside some prehistoric village.
Then he reached out and held my hand, not saying anything else. It was a bit of a shock to me. I've not experienced any real physical contact in more years than I can remember. It's a nice feeling, knowing that someone is there next to you. His hand in mine reinforced the emotion growing in my chest.
The feeling of contentment was slightly marred though, by the change in both our hearts. I hadn't even seen him since . . . You know, I don't even remember when I saw him last. Was it the wedding? No, I can remember seeing him when my children were born. Yes, that's it. When my husband . . . departed. That was just about when he left. It has been so many years I can barely recall.
His beard is grayed now, as is his once light brown hair. It suits his lined face well though. As if nothing less could be expected on a face that's seen so much. I know my own hair looks the same; my own face is a mirror to his.
I wonder now what would have happened if I spent my life with this man instead. I can only imagine the changes. Could the Fall have been avoided? Would the Empire have even existed? I cannot say one way or the other, only to hope and pray that what has occured is for the best. In my heart, I convince myself of this.
He looks at me with such passion, like he always has. I know that he loves me. But it's a bittersweet love, one that can never, was never, and will never be acted upon.
There, up ahead, I can see my husband. It's yet another shock to the system. I hadn't known that he joined us. He is standing next to the old Master, his old Master. I look to my companion, a question in my eyes.
He doesn't answer, simply smiling at me and motions with his head toward the tow-headed boy and dark-haired girl smiling as they embraced. My children.
And as I leave my old friend and protector in a shimmering blue glow, I smile too.
The End
Liked it? Hated it? Please be nice and tell me why! Even if you flame me, tell me please. I like to know how I can make my stories better.
by Michelle
It's been a long time, he said to me as we walked along the wooden path outside some prehistoric village.
Then he reached out and held my hand, not saying anything else. It was a bit of a shock to me. I've not experienced any real physical contact in more years than I can remember. It's a nice feeling, knowing that someone is there next to you. His hand in mine reinforced the emotion growing in my chest.
The feeling of contentment was slightly marred though, by the change in both our hearts. I hadn't even seen him since . . . You know, I don't even remember when I saw him last. Was it the wedding? No, I can remember seeing him when my children were born. Yes, that's it. When my husband . . . departed. That was just about when he left. It has been so many years I can barely recall.
His beard is grayed now, as is his once light brown hair. It suits his lined face well though. As if nothing less could be expected on a face that's seen so much. I know my own hair looks the same; my own face is a mirror to his.
I wonder now what would have happened if I spent my life with this man instead. I can only imagine the changes. Could the Fall have been avoided? Would the Empire have even existed? I cannot say one way or the other, only to hope and pray that what has occured is for the best. In my heart, I convince myself of this.
He looks at me with such passion, like he always has. I know that he loves me. But it's a bittersweet love, one that can never, was never, and will never be acted upon.
There, up ahead, I can see my husband. It's yet another shock to the system. I hadn't known that he joined us. He is standing next to the old Master, his old Master. I look to my companion, a question in my eyes.
He doesn't answer, simply smiling at me and motions with his head toward the tow-headed boy and dark-haired girl smiling as they embraced. My children.
And as I leave my old friend and protector in a shimmering blue glow, I smile too.
The End
Liked it? Hated it? Please be nice and tell me why! Even if you flame me, tell me please. I like to know how I can make my stories better.