Title: Never Ending

By 星らぶ

Summary: Lena had fallen in love at first sight with Amélie, the moment she had seen her dance. When she meets her again as Widowmaker, she realizes that her feelings are still there. Widowmaker starts to remember, the girl with the spiky hair. WidowTracer.

Chapter II

Only days after her latest encounter with Widowmaker, and Lena had started feeling like a living ghost all over again. She didn't go out for days, she didn't associate with anyone, not that there were any friends left she could contact. And other than a simple short contact with her mother a day or two ago, she had spent all these days in her small apartment.

And quite understandably so, as the one person she was in love with for years, didn't exist anymore, and the one who was but a shadow of said person was unreachable, untouchable, and the more Lena was trying, the more her feeling were growing, the furthest that person seemed to be. Not to mention that she couldn't contact any of her Overwatch friends either.

She was sad, she has been sad for years. Why did things have to be that way. Just as she made that hopeless thought to what it seemed a thousand time over the years, her communicator bleeped with a signal she hadn't heard in a very long time.

She almost blinked out of her bed to reach the small device, and all her worries and sorrows washed away in an instant, upon seeing the name tag on the screen. She didn't spend a moment as she answered immediately.

"Winston? Is that you love? It's been too long!" she didn't even recognized the cheerfulness in her voice, for it had been so long ago, she had been this happy.

"Yes, yes it has," replied her dearest friend, and she couldn't believe it that she was talking to him again.

She looked around her apartment, only to realize the mess, she had been avoiding all these days, and somehow she wanted to do so many things, her energy was overflowing, so while talking to him she started jumping and blinking all over the place, cleaning and tidying up. As if a new life had started for her. Or more precisely, as if she had jumped back in time, when everything was still wonderful.


After Tracer met up with the gentle giant, it didn't take long for the first mission to emerge. It was as if it was waiting for them to team up. The two friends ended up following the two Talon agents for an hour before they were found. That resulted in, Winston falling from the museum roof with Widowmaker on his tracks.

Tracer was in such a good mood, she decided to be her old good teasing self. The annoyed expression on the assassin's face was so profound it rewarded Tracer's efforts, who had the time of her life.

She had managed for one more time to make her feel, and she knew it. And she was more than glad. Just another crack on the icy wall, just another step to make Amélie remember. Not to mention she had also managed to be kind off flirty and playful. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought, as she blushed and giggled a little. But then her grin faded, as she remembered that reality was not all sparkles and rainbows...

In the end, she decided to keep her good mood, after that wonderfully successful mission, and leave her...love life, or whatever that was she was feeling, for another day. Of course, that didn't stop her brain from creating dreams that woke her up in the middle of the night, sweaty, hot, and bothered.

"...shit..." she just sighed. That dream was not what she expected, and it felt so damn nice. Those cold bluish fingers writing paths all over her body, those purple lips...No! She stood immediately and ran into the bathroom. She didn't even bothered to take off her t-shirt and underwear, as she stepped under the cold shower.

She was in a hotel room, not far from where the mission had unfolded. But little she knew that only rooftops away, two very annoyed eyes where watching her every movie through a scope.

Widowmaker had been excessively angry that day. Not only the mission had failed, but on top of that, the Brit she had encountered for so many times already, was beyond cheerful! And she was flirting! What for! No answer was good enough to that, so the assassin followed her. And then descended few rooftops away.

She saw her taking off the harness and the bulkier part of the machine, and she was intrigued by the round glowing machinery still attached on the girl's chest and back. She focused on it, only to see the skin around it scarred.

Time passed, and Tracer had fallen asleep, but Widow for some reason staying on the rooftop. She really didn't know why. Then it happened, hours later, she saw her twisting and turning in her sleep. She found it amusing, the girl's hands were touching certain parts on her body. And then it ended; she was awake, and she just ran into the bathroom. Widow smirked. Few minutes later Tracer decorated once again the vision of her scope, in all her naked glory resting her forehead on the bathroom's door frame.

The assassin had seen enough. And like that she made her leave.


Only days later on a New York rooftop Widowmaker had pinned Tracer up a short wall. Her breath chilling on the brunettes' nape, her words sharp as knives.

"Isn't this what you want, to leave me alone, chérie?" Lena detected the typical femme fatal seduction in every word and move the tall woman was doing, and that was not arousing in the slightest, in fact it was the exact opposite. The Brit felt violated with just the close body contact and she couldn't let this continue, not just for her sake but also for what humanity was left in Amélie.

"No! It's not!" She yelled and pushed the older woman back with all her might.

"Not like this! Has Talon brainwashed you that far that you would stoop so low as to rape your rivals in battle?" Widowmaker wide opened her eyes, and somehow she felt again, it stung so much though that she fled the rooftop immediately.

Tracer dropped on her knees as tears ran down her cheeks. What had just happened. She felt broken once more, was it futile to try and reach Amélie. Was the good doctor right? No she couldn't believe that, she wouldn't!

The young woman stood and wiped her tears, she wouldn't stop trying to reach for her, ever!

Few rooftops away, the Talon assassin was in deep thoughts. Somehow that Overwatch pest had managed once more to trouble her. She had used seduction so many times before, to manipulate her targets, so why did it felt so wrong in this case? And what was that nonsense about brainwashing. She knew Talon had done things to her, but she had no memories of brainw...right...she had no memories...

She shifted her eyes, she needed answers and she knew the perfect person to obtain them for her, all she need to do was to find her. Her thoughts were interrupted by a scream. Curious she looked through her scope. A young woman seemed to be assaulted. Without thinking she pulled her trigger of her weapon and planted a straight bullet into the head of the attacker. The woman now started screaming for a different reason as the dead weight of the blood stained body forced her on the ground. Widowmaker felt a tiny bit better, as a smirk formed into her lips. And with that she started walking again towards her own hotel room.


Lena was in a bad mood. What had happened earlier had effected her more than she dared to admit. She was in need to be numb, to forget. In a flinch she decided to go out for drinks. This was New York after all. A little while later she found herself in a dive gay bar, having couple of beers already.

As she was drinking, someone approached her. Her gorgeous skin couple of shades darker than her own, her eyes glowing purple, just like the implants attached to her partially shaved head.

"Hey gorgeous!" said the woman and clinked her own bottle of beer to that of Lena.

"Cheers." They looked at each other for few moments until the purple eyes landed on the glow of the anchor emitting from the Brit's shirt.

"What's up with the glow?" she pointed out, just to start a conversation.

"Just something to keep me alive...what's up with yours?"

"I'm an...IT!" she shrugged not really wanting to say too much,

"What about you, what do you do for living?" she then asked,

"I'm a...pilot!" said Lena, it wasn't exactly a lie, but she couldn't just tell a stranger that she was an agent.

"So what's your name, beautiful?" she then asked. To her surprised the woman made a step forward, took her chin in her hand and whispered seductively in her ear,

"I don't think it will matter after a while..." with that, she just kissed her, and Lena responded.

Soon their bodies collided with the cold tiles of a toilet stall, as fingers had disappeared inside each others' trousers. For Lena the pleasure served as a momentary distraction from her disturbing thoughts, for the other one...it was more complicated than that, but she still enjoyed herself, a lot.


After her interesting night in New York, her mood had taken a turn. It wasn't so much the fact that she got laid after a long time, but more so the feel of another human so close to her. Before her accident, she was too young and too busy to have a proper relationship. After her accident, things got way worse. Getting laid was just another thing she did, but committing in a relationship? It was hard, she had too many issues to solve, too many thorns threatening to break her. After all she could only keep her happy go lucky façade for so long.

No matter how interesting the woman in her hands was at a time, no matter how gorgeous, no matter the actual pleasure, her mind would always return to one. The one she had vowed to herself to help, regardless of the outcome, regardless if it would mean her own demise.

She was dangerous at this state, she knew that all too well, but she wouldn't give up, she couldn't. Even if it took years, even if she would die trying.

That was Lena Oxton for you, after all; the girl with a heart bigger than life, a heart which she didn't really know how to protect, or its worth. A heart that led her to another plan.

She was back in London, visiting an antiquary shop, one of the very few left. She was looking for something she had seen before, a music box. She wanted a specific one and she was lucky enough to find it. Apparently it was a popular choice even in the recent past. The tune was no other than Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, and a porcelain ballerina figurine was twirling around.

Days later she had a chance to go forward with her plan. There was an operation in Milan, Italy. Tracer blinked her way up the rooftops once again. She was very careful to avoid any traps the assassin might have set, and be extra quite. The first phase of the plan went well. She reached the rooftop Widowmaker had occupied for her mission. She figured that the sniper had already found her target and was just waiting for the right moment.

Tracer sneaked few meters behind her in stealth and sat down, she positioned the music box in arm distance in front of her and opened it. The moment the melody started playing the sniper jumped into cover and pointed her weapon at the direction of the sound. She was surprised to see the Overwatch agent just sitting there with her head lowered.

It took her a moment or two to identify the melody, only for her mind to start flooding her with images, of a stage, lights, ballerinas, the white swan, the black swan, the choreography, herself...

As those images, memories, flashed in her mind, the pain returned, she almost dropped on her knees. She growled and tried to abolish the memories, but that sound wouldn't let her. She had to stop it! She gathered all her will power and walked the few steps towards the music box, only to plant a row of bullets on it and erase it from existence. Tracer didn't even flinch, she was expecting as much, her head still lowered, looking at the remains of what it used to be a music box.

Widowmaker dropped her weapon and grabbed tracer from the lapel of her leather jacket, forced her up and crashed her on a nearby chimney.

"Why are you doing this!" growled the assassin with enough vile in her voice to poison an entire nation.

"You know love...your black swan was always my favourite..." she whispered without raising her head. Her only response another growl and nails digging on her shoulders.

"They say you don't feel anymore, but look at you, even anger is an emotion... Amélie..." she finally raised her tear stained gaze and looked into those angry ambers.

"I'm going to kill you!" said the assassin between gritted teeth.

"No, you won't..." they stared each other down.

It was true, what Lena said, for one more time Widowmaker was unable to fatally harm the other woman. She stepped back grabbed her weapon and left. Her mission had failed as well, as the target was out of sight.

"I will reach for you Amélie! I will break the wall and reach for you!" she heard the brunette calling out to her. And she humphed annoyed.




Dear readers and reviewers of this WidowTracer fanfic,

I apologize for the long absence, my body had different plans for me...

Hopefully I'll be healthier from now on, and able to update sooner.

I would also like to thank EVERYONE who welcomed me so warmly into the fandom, your kind words mean the world to me.

I hope you will enjoy this chapter as well.

PS: If you got the reference of a certain someone, you are not mistaken, and she will sneakily appear again later on. :D