Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD or Nasuverse works, they belong to their respective creators.

Agent of The Counter Force


By: dabananaman

-4 billion years ago-

Scratching the itch on my head, not that I had a head, I gazed on impassively, curious as to the plans my mother had. Oh make no mistake, I didn't care about this puny universe, just one in a infinite number of possibilities, all originating from the Endless Library I was created to guard, and was a part of.

What was so special about that planet anyways, moderately sized with average gravity, orbiting an average star with average neighbors. If mother wanted a personal hand in creation, why do it now, on her deathbed with the last of her energies. At best the race would be average, with average conditions spurring their growth, they'd be nothing special, even more dull and fragile than their in-system neighbors.

The Earth Mother Goddess said it was for the future, but I have no idea what mother meant. The planet she created, was never meant to exist, as mentioned in the Akashic Records, but mother willfully changed that. Being the creator of the Endless Library itself, she was the only one other than me to be able to change it's contents.

As death plagued the primordial being, mother wrote on the concept of "humanity" onto the records, which then she promptly faded into the blackness beyond. Before her untimely demise, she said, "Trust, my dear, you need to learn... about... trusting... others.".

I felt a pang of sadness upon that memory resurfacing. She was the one who taught me everything I knew, and was the only individual I would ever care about. Hence, disgust manifested within my spiraling blue trails of power when I saw lesser beings, who egoistically called themselves "Gods" being born from her corpse, like lowly maggots desecrating a saint's body.

I was tempted to eradicate their very existence, but then, and idea sprung up.

I'd pit them in a fight against mother's fabled creations, humanity.

And so I waited, and waited, till the days the "Gods" got what they deserved.

-2100 BC-

I groaned in frustration, mother must've made a mistake. Unlike the valiant race I pictured them to be, they were weaklings, no more different than interstellar dust. If Gods were ants, then the mortals were bacteria. They were flawed, imperfect, unable to do anything than bow down to those mightier than them. Those wretched imitations exploited this, and used the human's power of belief to skyrocket their own powers.

Just as I was prepared to wipe out the smudge on the Endless Library, it happened.

The ultimate act of defiance.

Gilgamesh, demi-god king of Uruk, stood against the divine spirits together with his friend Enkidu. Together, they destroyed the Bull of Heaven, Gugalanna, that brought seven years of drought to Mesopotamia. The young king's actions then heralded the end of the Age of "Gods" and the beginning of the Age of Man. Still, phantasmal species and other "Gods" still existed, but they were no longer a threat, for the apex species of the planet was Humans.

When counted individually, they are weak, but when regarded as a species, they were stronger than any other. Their will to survive and prosper even created a new facet of the Counter Force, Alaya, that was on par with the remnant of Mother's energies, Gaia, the will of the planet.

This was surprising, even though when compared to me, who was not too dissimilar, in charge of defending the Akashic Records, they were naught but an unconscious drop in the ocean, but the very fact that a mortal species was able to have a will to live so strong, that it materialized into something more was astounding. Futhermore, Alaya would likely only grow stronger, for the species had a long way from maximizing their potential.

I was, afterall, a being created solely for the continued existence of the Akashic Records, so one could say I fit the criteria of a Counter Force, but not, at the same time.

Alaya grew so strong and influential that not even the fakers could resist it. As evident of the creation of the a powerful divine phantasm in the name of human civilization a few centuries before, by the pantheon of a culture called the Xia. It was potent enough to be on the level of Ea, the Noble Phantasm of Gilgamesh.

I tried an experiment, creating my own versions of humanity, and placing them on the same world with same conditions, just different universes.

All of them were eventually wiped out.

I was puzzled, when everything was the same up to a point, how did my own versions not make it? What did Mother do that made the humans she crafted in her own image so unique? I guess I'll never find out. Though I was a nigh omnipotent being, the things I could do, while seemingly infinite, was still paltry compared to mother.

I'll have to keep an eye out on humanity, they're a good source of entertainment, and I couldn't just observe them from the Records, for their fates are not written there.

Speaking of the Records, it continued onwards until where it just fizzled out, much like the empty void that should've housed the many possible paths of humanity. This had never happened before, and frankly, I was morbidly terrified. As a being who knew all events past, present and future, not knowing was like being robbed the sense of sight for humans, or being disabled all of a sudden,

and it was dreadful.

I glanced back at the humans, and made a risky gamble.

Summoning forth Alaya, I spoke towards the much smaller whirlpool of energy.

"Hello Alaya, I have a proposition to make."

-Modern Day-

"Where did that little brat go?!"

I stiffled my breathing as I laid prone underneath the dumpster, desperately trying to shake off my pursuer. Hand gripping all-too tightly on my recent loot, a chocolate bar, as adrenaline ruled supreme.

"Thieving little snitch, where are you?!"

Discordious short ragged breathes, each of varying lengths and intensities, emerged from my mouth, while liquid salt drenched it's innards. I couldn't afford to be found, the police were right by the doorstep, one wrong move was game over.

And I refused to let that happen.

Fate, however, had different plans.


Oh shit!

Apparently in my heightened state of alarm I had held the rectangular chocolate desert a bit too hard, as a resounding sound of impending doom rang through the cornered alleyway.

"Hm? What's that?"

The shopkeeper rotated on his heels, and approached me. I could see the well furbished leather of his shoes from the slit of light created by the space between the ground and the dumpster. With each step he took, each grievous sound as his shoes groveled against the dirt, my heart beat a little faster.

He was right in front of me now, and had it not been for the cover, he'd see me as bright as day, with ragged clothing and all. My heart was in my mouth, pounding recklessly against my ribs, and my blood cold with fear, as my entire body tensed, ready to escape, ignoring the boisterous protests coming from my fatigued muscles.

Any moment now...





What? Come'on, make up your mind already, just leave! Or don't, it's your choice anyways, my future was gone since that happened, wouldn't make much of a difference if I spent the rest of my miserable existence rotting behind a moldy cell.

Every second where he just stood there was an eternity of torture, tension grating in my nerves as palpitation clenched on my heart.


The knees screeched in pain, as the shopowner bended down. This was it, the end of my life.

Mom, I'm really sorry I didn't listen to you and always disobeyed, proclaiming it was my "rebellious stage" and hence why you should tolerate it. I never knew your importance to me, or realised how much you love me, until it was too late. You were always there for me, supporting me when I was down, and bringing out the iron when I was inappropriately behaved. You really were the perfect blend of both, possessing all the right qualities of a mother and father, I would not trade you for anyone in the world, and I can't wait to see you on the other side.

Well, we'd always been at odds with each other, it was always you saying I wasn't doing right and me just giving you the silent treatment, but only after your disappearance, has the fog been lifted from my deluded eyes. While I did not agree with your methods, you meant well, and I'd not been able to have achieved so much in such a short time without you, so thanks, godmother.

"Damn brat got away, ah well, it's just a cheap Kitkat,"

... Or not.

As a reflexive action, I immediately huffed a sigh of relief, but bit it back in the nick of time, reminding myself that he was not gone yet. Only after a few minutes did I at least shift my body, in an attempt to rid myself of the itch plaguing me. I tersely teared open the wrapper, to satiate me rioting stomach, I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten something that wasn't rotten or half-spoiled.

I moaned with content as the solid euphoria melted within the confines of my mouth, saturating my deprived taste buds with much needed vigor. Still, I had to move soon. That repungent money face probably made a report at the local police station, and I bet the area's gonna be swarming with officers in no time.

I felt streams of warmth flowing down my cheeks, and I raised my other free hand to touch them.

Ah, I was crying. Yes, a expected response in such a situation as mine.

Few months ago, my mother was slaughtered after bringing me home from a movie. I still vividly remember the flowing silver locks and eyes that shimmered in the luminescent moonlight. With the grim-looking shards of frozen death that materialized out of thin air, that looked so much better when drenched with the spoils of murder.

I should've perished that day, to that wolf in sheep's clothing, but, I just blacked out instead as it was about to strike me. When I woke up, I was laying below, in a secluded area under a long abandoned section of the highway. It wasn't too far from the city, so I just made haste back.

Back then, a small part of me suspected that everyone related to me was killed, but I pegged it as my pessimistic view on life itself. So, it hardly came to me as a surprise when all of my mother's friends, were gone. I felt dread pooling up in my stomach, of the imminent realization of the possibility. But I had to make sure, so I called my family overseas, none of them picked up. But hey, it could just be a telephone failure right?

Things got much worse when I went back home, and found out the house to be brand new, as if we never inhabited it. The door was locked, and no one answered to the bell ,so I had to pick the lock. The house was empty, all previous traces and any signs of my mother and I ever living in there gone. Worst of all, my passport and other vital documents were missing.

I was effectively a dead man.

My family, no... not just my relatives, but everyone who knew me was likely dead, or missing, based on the current evidence. I had no degree of useful education, no support, no money. In a country like Singapore, that systematically got you eliminated, having neither education nor wealth was a death stroke, more so for a foreigner like me.

I couldn't approach the authorities, not now, not ever. They'd most likely arrest me for "illegal trespassing". With nothing left, and no viable way to leave the country, I resorted to thieving to make ends meet, barely. It was a crazy idea, the mere thought was the stuff of serious daredevils or lunatics.

In Singapore, there was a low crime rate, and a equally gruesome and vicious law system that maintained the low percentage. Even the smallest of offences could get one behind the bars for years. I didn't have to be a genius to know what the cautious government would do when they found out about my special circumstances.

Even if I was merely detained, having my freedom stripped away was as bad as having my life taken. I saw a human with no free will as no different than an animal. It is what separates us from them, whereas they rely on primal instincts to survive, we possess the ability to enact actions on our own accord.

Thus, to me, to take away a person's freedom is the equivalent of taking away a person's humanity.

And I really, really, really, wanted to live on.

It was this sole wish for survival that empowered me, that enabled me to hover in the twilight existence between man and animal, alive and dead, free and oppressed. Falling but not quite, and hanging by a needle-thin thread.

But I was so, so tired. My body had it's limits, and more often than not did I need to push myself even further than that.

Hysterical strength, and speed, it was called. Where the average joe would perform seemingly "superhuman" feats in times of great stress, was probably what happened to me. I easily outran my pursuers every time, even when they were in automobiles. But such power had a price. I was often left encumbered after the periods of strenuous exertions, and the chases were only getting more frequent. It also didn't help that I accidentally caved in an officer's chest in a fit of panic, effectively listing me first on their shit list, most likely.

My time was running up, eventually I'd run out of steam, and they'd get me, and I had a feeling it was gonna happen soon. Right now, I was so exhausted I couldn't even whimper while crying. My legs shake as I stand, and even walking now feels like sprinting. But still... I couldn't give up. Even if there was an infinitely small chance that I would prevail, nothing would happen if I didn't seize the opportunity.

Crushing the wrapper, I rolled out of the shadows. Warily getting on my feet, I began my journey back to my hideout, wearing the reverse side of my jacket which looked completely different as I did so.

-At Night-

I sat nearby the flaming barrel, warming myself. The orange illumination contrasted sharply with the surrounding void, add in the atmosphere, and I got a horror game-y vibe, which just served to make living conditions much more detestable than it already was.

But beggars can't be choosers.

I prepared to doze off, my body already lacked proper nutrition, to add sleep deficiency on top of that, would be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Then, I heard the kicking of a can. With breakneck speeds, I got up, and brought out the swiss army knife and compact torchlight, all stolen of course.

I shone the light in the direction of the noise, only to see a stack of cans that were pushed down by a rat.

"Just another disgusting squealer, well, better get back to sleep." Just as I was about to move, I felt hair stand up on my back. Instinctively, I leapt forward while reversing my body to see who was there.

"Good instincts, if not a tad bit late kid," a deep and grating voice said out. I looked up, and saw a man clad in a cloak that was held together by a dull brass colored string, along with a high collared attire on the inside with silver linings in the moving up while staying in the middle and surrounding the edge of the collar.

The man himself was anything but imposing, he easily stood one or two heads higher than me, with a bulky physique and ruby eyes that just glowed in the darkness of the tunnel. He was smiling, as he regarded me with an analytical look.

In a burst of anger, I demanded, boldly, "Who are you? What do you want?".

The middle-aged man chuckled a bit, before replying, "Well now, why so jumpy?"

I gritted my teeth, this guy was giving me a bad feeling, there'd be no doubt he'd take me down in a fight, before I could open up another salvo, he beat me to the punch.

"If I wanted you dead, you'd be lying in a pool of your own blood, in case you forgot, you only reacted when it was far too late. So no, I'm not here to kill you, or mean you harm." The man declared, with all previous traces of jubilation or foolishness gone, replaced by stone-hard determination. But I was still dubious at best.

"Then why are you here?", I questioned, more relaxed but still ready to make a quick getaway.

"You are an outcast, are you not? Running away from the law, while making gains from right under their noses. But you know it, you'll eventually be captured, tried and hanged. Doesn't matter if it is a day, a month, a year, you know you have no way out of this." He said. I immediately knew what he was going to offer next.

"So now then you come to my rescue, what, you only got contacted or something?" I sneered, venom dripping through my teeth. He raised a hand in a placating gesture, before saying.

"Well, yes, but right now it doesn't matter, I offer you salvation, along with your freedom intact, or," he gestured with his hands to the damp coldness around us, "you can die a slow, inevitable death."

"How do I know if I can trust you?" I asked, still incompliant about the offer. He tersely replied,

"You don't."

I closed my eyes. If I went along with this stranger, it won't be a guarantee that he'll keep his word, and that's the best case. Worst case, I get sold to slave trafficking or the likes, but, what he said was true, I won't last it out by myself, and he seemed like a resourceful person, so why not. Besides, I'd take uncertain death over guaranteed non-existence anyday, and my guts were screaming at me to accept.

Taking in a deep breathe, I decided to accept this leap of faith.

"Alright, I'll go with you."

"Good but you should know," he said, pausing.

"I'm a magician," my eyes were as wide as marbles.

and a vampire,"




I had no response for that.

A/N: Hi people, so this is my first attempt at a pure highschool dxd and nasuverse crossover and my second fanfic to date, so please be gentle. That being said, I do welcome criticism as it helps me improve my writing, also my other fanfic is Resurgence of Man, an AU XCOM and dxd fic with nasuverse elements incorporated. Check it out if you want, but please bear in mind the first few chapters are mediocre at best.

Also, while I do know highschool dxd, the feats I am using are going to be from the anime, because there is more evidence to support their feats, whereas the light novel is vague and undetailed.

As for the short length of the prologue, that's because it's a prologue and I sorta hit the writer's block for a while. Beyond that, expect updates to come monthly normally.

Thanks for reading!