Poll: In which arc should XCOM be revealed to the supernatural world Vote Now!
Author has written 3 stories for X-Com, Fate/stay night, and High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D. Age:14 Gender: Male Likes: Playing computer games, jogging, exploring new stuff, reading, writing Dislikes: Homework, people who discriminate, hypocrites Favourite Game Series Mass Effect Halo XCOM Crysis Starcraft Favourite Books/Series Enders Game Orson Scott Card's The shadow Saga Halo the Forerunner Saga Heroes of Olympus: The House of Hades Favourite Anime Naruto Fate/Stay Night Ongoing Fanfics Resurgence of Man Agent of The Counter Force Resurgence of Man (please remove gaps in URL when searching) Jonathan's 60cm sword: h ttp:///714c/i/2015/039/4/e/futuri stic_sword_by_ambrosko1-d8h5k32.jpg Jonathan's 90cm blade: h ttp:///3e58/i/2015/039/e/4/futurist ic_katana_by_ambrosko1-d8h5jzb.jpg Vindicator Battlesuit: h ttp:///wp-content/uploads/2013/10/The-Storm-Fox-by-Espenartma n.jpg Ships Appearance Nightingale Appearance by simonfetscher on Deviantart: h ttp://img1 /1814/i/2014/309/d/8/spaceship_in_clo uds_2_by_simonfetscher-d85d6kd.jpg Genesis Appearance by John Wu: http://conceptartw /wp-content/uploads/2009/08/john_wu_ships_011.jpg Untouchable Appearance, based on the SoaSE Athena Titan Agamemnon Appearance by Ridwan Chandra: https://s-media-cac /736x/b4/9e/d 2/b49ed23b3d5162c54426384c4b6dab19.jpg Rapier Corvette based on Dreadnought game Fulgora Corvette Corsair Destroyer based on Dreadnought game Talionis Destroyer Rejuvenator Cruiser based on Dreadnought game Aion Tactical Cruiser Voidskewer Appearance, based on aegis nemesis concept art by Marc J. Golisek: https://ww /artw ork/P2Ko3 Nightmare Appearance, based on Solrain Fighter by Kirk Lunsford: htt ps:///gawker-media/image/upload/s--X_qmsRYa--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/18loovo lyf85rjpg.jpg |