Author's note

Thank you to everyone who has read Elana's Tale. I have loved writing it and all of your comments have been very meaningful to me.

I do plan to write a sequel. It will be called Theodred's Tale, and will follow what happens to Theodred before and during the Battle of the Fords of Isen. I have committed to following the book canon as closely as possible, but I think I've found a way for him to survive the battle and still remain true to the account of what happens in the books. But it will not be without a price.

Elana is my roleplaying character, so I will only be including a little of what happens to her, to leave plenty of leeway for me to roleplay. But you are welcome to read what I've done with her so far. I'm playing her when Deore is 16 years old. Here are some of the threads at Tolkien Online that's I've posted in (copy and paste in a browser and remove all spaces - doesn't seem to like links):

http :// thewhitecouncil/ messageview.cfm?start =279 &catid =30&threadid =54678

http ://www. thewhitecouncil/ messageview.cfm?catid= 25&threadid =58138

http :// www. thewhitecouncil/ messageview.cfm?start= 0&catid=25&threadid= 62532

http :// www. thewhitecouncil/ messageview.cfm?start= 203&catid =25&threadid= 34533

Again, thank you all!