Occult Circle: Author's Acknowledgements

Thank you everyone for reading the first Volume of Occult Circle. Thanks for reading this too. I'd like to take a moment to thank you to everyone who's ever read, favourited or followed this story or favourited and followed me even. It means a lot to see people appreciate and enjoy something like this. Before I continue, I'd like to give a big shout out to the people who made some excellent rangers for me to use in this series and who I'm going to enjoy exploring further in Volume 2

SA June who created Nyssa of Alycone

Mistycharming who created Ellie Hall

Ranger Red 2.3 who created Maxwell Silverbolt

Sir Perfluous who created Alexander Gabras

The characters of Joe, Sayakriel Leviathan and Sera Aurelia were my own creations but without the amazing people above and the characters they created, this series wouldn't have been nearly as great. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you all.

Now, for a little bit of background on Occult Circle. I'd seen a fair few attempts from new writers tackling the ambitious idea of 'Monster Rangers' but they never seemed to get off the ground. So I decided to take the idea up myself and give it my own twists since I was almost finished with my first Power Rangers Story, PR: Mythos and needed a replacement as my 'main series' story to write. So I took a couple of 'classic monsters', the idea of a Fallen Angel, added in a Demon since the world I was writing in had already established them as being a thing and then stuck an immortal as the red. I wasn't exactly sure how it'd turn out but people kept reading and it's become probably my most successful series to date so I'm glad it did so well. I think the hardest part of writing this was the humanity I gave to a lot of the bad guys. Most MOTW's I used ended up being more beast-like to try and even it out but it still was quite a challenge and I like a challenge when I write since I'm always aiming to improve.

For anyone curious, I like to have an overarching theme to each of my stories. For Mythos, it was about never giving up, a homage to Wild Force in a sense looking back on it. For the first Volume of Occult Circle, it's about how we as people deal with our suffering and this was done through the different ways the rangers dealt with their own suffering and how we can only heal and be saved from the blackness we can fall into while suffering if we choose to save ourselves. Sometimes all we need is the right words or a little push. I'm going to do a different theme for the next Volume but it is connected to this in a way.

Speaking of Volume 2, I'm going to announce now that I have not one, not two but three OC's by the following people: Sir Perfluous, Taiski and decode09. They are ones that I think you're all going to love as they step into the spotlight as the final rangers for the team. No spoilers about them now but I hope that when Volume 2 does begin, I knock your socks off.

One last time, thanks for reading and I hope you'll stick around for the rest of the story. As for me, I'm going to take a short break from Occult Circle to work on my other neglected stories (As you know I'm terribly unreliable for updating what needs to be updated but I will get to it eventually.) So thanks for listening to this rambling of mine and here's to Volume 2!