
This was it, this was her chance at freedom. Timing her movements to the passing sentries by tapping her fingers to the sound of their steps she moved quickly with out being spotted. Shiloh couldn't believe someone was crazy enough to actually attack a Galra ship but she was thankful to them for it. The guards that were always stationed outside of the medic bay were called to help defend the ship and since, what she could only assume was, the doctor forgot to check her restraints before running to see what the commotion was, Shiloh was able to easily break free and make a run for it. With her heart pounding she finally reached the hallway just outside the area that held the escape pods. Just a few more feet and she would be free. She had no idea where she was in space but she would find her way home somehow...maybe.


"Stop right there!" A gruff voice commanded from behind her. Shiloh's stomach dropped through the floor as she felt the cool metal of a blaster pressed against her back. "What do you think you're doing out of your cell?" Tears of frustration and devastation stung at the corners of her eyes as she turned to look at the soldier. "On your feet prisoner." She stood slowly and faced him, her eyes flicking over his shoulder as she noticed someone in an armor she had never seen before came up behind him. Noticing her look the soldier turned to see what had captured it but it was too late. The man in the red and white armor pulled a blade that matched him and effortlessly knocked the blaster to the side. After an added swift kick to the soldiers stomach and head her rescuer rendered the Galran soldier unconscious as he made contact with the wall.

"Are you alright?"

The armored man's blade disappeared as he spoke and Shiloh nodded. His eyes focused on the black device that covered her mouth and extended down to her collar bone, her eyes shifted away to the wall. Everyone on the ship understood what it was but to see someone, another human, looking at her with this on her she felt deeply ashamed. It was flexible and breathable, not the most comfortable thing but it made sure she never uttered a sound.

"Can you speak?"

Her head shook slightly,

"Did they do this?"

A nod.

"Let's get you out of here. I'll take you back to my ship and make sure you get out of here in one piece."

Shiloh's eyes turned back to him quickly, widened at the renewed possibility of freedom. He summoned his blade and motioned for her to follow and she did. They ran through corridors as fast as they could, the man in front speaking quickly into his helmet communicator to his team mates. The pair skidded to a halt when they turned a corner and found a handful of sentries waiting for them with their blasters raised. The man grabbed Shiloh and quickly pulled her back behind the wall seconds before they opened fire, luckily missing them.

"Stay here, I'll get rid of them." Shiloh nodded as the man stood and peeked around the corner as the firing slowed. Once it completely ceased he bolted around the edge and the sounds of metal against metal filled the hall. Shiloh eased forward so she could see what was happening. The blasters were hardly a match for him, he was fast and fierce. The sentries fell one after the next as he pushed on, any blast that hit him only slowed him temporarily. Blade pressed flat deflected the bolts back at them. A movement in the corridor to his right side caught Shiloh's eye, another sentry was attempting to sneak up on him while he had his attention turned to the others. Without thinking Shiloh bolted up from her spot and ran towards the man in red. He had saved her life and was risking his life to make sure she got out safe, she was not going to stand by and let him be harmed like this. Just as he cut through the last sentry the one to the right let off his shot. Shiloh shoved the man out of the way with her shoulder to his back just in time and the shot hit her in the side, her body slamming into the wall from the force and sliding to the floor. She felt her body go cold as the pain washed over her. Someone in armor that looked the same as the first man ran from the hall where the blast came from and to his friend.

"Keith! Are you alright?"

The one in the red armor, who she now knew was named Keith, nodded and made his way to his feet. Checking himself for damage with his hands he scanned the room.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Who pushed..."

Keith's eyes locked on Shiloh laying on the ground, her arm wrapped around her midsection and face twisted in anguish.

"Hunk, help me carry her!"

The two men rushed to her side and saw the blood spreading slowly on her tunic. She attempted to wave them off when she noticed the worried looks but the movement caused her face to screw up once again, had she been able to she would have screamed but no sound could come out of her. The large man in yellow armor, Hunk, gently scooped her up into his arms and carried her bridal style as he ran behind his friend. Hunk whispered comforting words and apologies to her as they ran, Shiloh smiled to herself through the pain at his kindness. He gave her hope and she was thankful for that, she wouldn't think long on if it was true or false.

The group ran into the hanger where they had landed their ships, sentries ran towards them firing their blasters but thankfully missing. Shiloh opened her eyes slightly when she heard Hunk tell her, and those on his communicator, that they had made it to the ships and were about to board. Staring at her were two monstrously large lions. Tears poured from her eyes at the sight, not only was she about to be free but it was them. She had heard stories about these lions for years and they were one of the things that kept her hope up even when the Druids took her voice.

"It's them...it's the lions."

She repeated this over and over in her mind like a chant as the tears continued. Hunk gently set her on the floor against his seat then strapped himself in after giving her a reassuring smile. She definitely liked this man.

"Yellow normally only has one passenger so there's no other seats. Please hold on if you can, we'll be out of here soon." With a nod she eased herself onto her back then rolled onto her uninjured side and wrapped an arm around the base pole of his seat. She felt the lion roar to life and take off, weaving and speeding through the ships that had gathered to stop them. The first blast that hit them did her in, the lion rolled and she lost her grip on the pole causing her to slide back against one of the consoles and once they righted themselves her body slammed against the cold metal. The pain began to overwhelm her and she saw stars before blackness started creeping into her vision. The last thing Shiloh remembered seeing was a large white ship before losing consciousness.