Hello readers, Asher here. It has been a long time, how is everyone doing? I hope is a good day for you people today. Is it around 3-4 months since I log in myself? I believed my friend Cat-tuar had explained I was away previously as I had a new responsibility on my work and being tied up for that, so I barely had any free time for myself for the story.
I'm actually trying to find someone to replace me as I don't think I can spend any more time in this, but I had no luck and I don't really like doing things half ass and unfinished, so this story will continue as planned.
I just still can't believe the number of views is increasing or decrease averagely, I expect no views at all during my absent (but cat monitor my account, so thanks friend.) and the number of favorite and follow had increased as well during my absence which I'm not expecting it at all. So thank you for the time to read, I hope you enjoying it, for those who are not, thank you as well for the time to read hope you find something better.
I heard from cat some troll been to trolling this story and me but I don't know the details, only heard some anonymous guest impersonate author to trash talk and other things, but it doesn't matter to me anyway.
Sorry for the long note, I'll stop right here for now,
Now what was it again? Oh, I didn't own anything except for OC. Thank you for your time and please enjoy.
Chapter 17: The Tiger and Hunter assaults.
Asher was currently lying on the bed alone in his room, literally just staring at the ceiling thinking mostly finding a way to get back to his homeworld and about the dark chip on Kuwagamon which leaving his meal on the plate untouched. Sadly, he couldn't get any clue on either of them if he's sitting on the Archangel, except for Nanomon analysis on Kuwagamon which almost made a full recovery, but it seems to have a hard time trying to make a full statement, Nanomon said that Kuwagamon ability to communicate is still under repair.
"You mean to say that you can't remember anything?" Nanomon asked
"No…..memories….fragment….too many fragments." A ghastly male voice of Kuwagamon with a mix of static heard from its mouth.
"Take it easy, Kuwagamon. You've just recovered your body frame recently, the last thing I want is having your data scattered again." Nanomon said
"Like he said, Kuwagamon. Take it slow and try to remember later, we won't push you." Asher said
"No!" Kuwagamon sudden scream had startled both Asher and Nanomon. "Memories….can't remember….but fear...remember! A shadow….terrifying…..scared….big evil….it's coming." Kuwagamon said as they can see the insectoid Digimon begin to shake in fear as if remembering something traumatic incident.
Before Nanomon wanted to ask what it was, Asher blocked him with his head in front of the Nanomon face, looking at the boy confused. "I see, it's ok Kuwagamon. Feel free to let us know further, later on, I think it's time to get some rest." Asher said as he figured that Nanomon wanted to protest, "Isn't that right, Nanomon?" Asher asked as he looked at the self-proclaimed scientist Digimon with honest eyes.
"Yes, he's right. Go get some rest Kuwagamon, you'll be safe here, well actually partially but better than anywhere. Just don't think about it and focus on recovering your data, got it?!" Nanomon said as he ordered his worker bots to lead Kuwagamon to his room.
"If you wanna ask why, because Kuwagamon is undergoing some traumatic symptoms. Generally, the Kuwagamon are considered violent and feral Digimon, but you saw it didn't you how he was shaken up? No doubt that the mastermind could be some powerful Digimon, even if Kuwagamon is just an Adult level, I don't think the level difference would shake them like that easily." Asher paused before he continues, "Besides if continue to force him to remember in that current states, we could lose some important lead especially. Trying to remember something you that scares you, seem like facing your nightmare again." Asher said
Nanomon sighed in defeat, every time this human boy would always find a way of answering his unheard question. The machine Digimon thinking if this human boy had any mind-reading abilities or something, although sometimes the boy displays his foolishness with illogical thinking.
"Well, at least we have some clue that it was a work of a Digimon like you said. Since there's no way Kuwagamon afraid of puny humans. Now the only question is what kind of Digimon, where they're hiding and what their goals are?" Nanomon said
"We can only hope to try to look for other clues while waiting for Kuwagamon recovery." Asher sigh, "I better head back out, see you around Nanomon."
"Hey, wait up! I still haven't tell you about your condition!" Nanmon said
"Oh, right. SO…..what's wrong with me, doc?" Asker asked
"Is this your way to talk to your doctors or are you trying to mess with me?" Nanomon asked as a small visible angry vein appeared on its tube glass. How did it appear, Asher will never know.
Nanmon sigh, figuring no point in asking as he continues, "From what I able to gather the analysis data of your body check up done in your world while comparing mine, it seems something inside you is…..changing." Nanmon said
"Changing? Aren't I always change into Omni Gundam?" Asker asked
"Not that kind of change, you idiot! What I mean to say is that your body seems to be mutating into something else. What was it? I don't know yet. But whatever is it, it seems to affect your physical and digital body, one of the most notable changes are your enhanced natural senses for example." Nanomon said as he displays the data of Asher's medical data in Archangel and Nanomon medical data.
"Now that you mention, some reason my sight, response time etc seems….greater than usual. Like the Skygrasper simulation, I'm not good with fighter jet arcade or things that not work with my own body but for some reason is like...how do I explain... able to see things faster…"
"You mean you can process images faster," Nanomon corrected.
"That's right! Man, you really a genius." Asher said
"Whatever, I think the reason why you can't transform into your Gundam or whatever it called and entered the cyberspace before is at that moment your body is undergoing the mutation process that makes your body unstable. Which is why you experienced pain and blackout because your body still not recovered from the fight and your attempts kind of disrupting the process which makes your body go haywire. For example, you're trying to use the bathroom while undergoing surgery with your internal organs showing off while conscious." Nanomon said
Asher shivered at the thoughts, shaking his head furiously trying to forget. "Right, so no transforming for now. How long before I can transform again though?"
"No clue, your mysterious body is the first I've encountered so far. So I don't know much about your biology unless you want me to dissect you." Nanomon words had made Asher step away from the Digimon, "But seeing as the mutation still continues but it has been done on large portion based on my analysis so far, I think it's safe to say you can transform into your alternate form but it's best to wait for further analysis to make it safe. Next thing I want is your body suddenly mutate into monstrous being or worse a toilet bowl." Nanomon said
"Seriously?!" Asher asked, slightly disturbed by that mental image.
"Maybe, you can try to transform now if you want," Nanomon said but Asher think it's best not to test his luck or he might regret it. Asher waved his goodbye on Nanomon and headed back into Archangel.
"Never knew my sarcasm jokes had scared him. Heh, it's kind of worth it." Nanomon grinned happily before he starts his work.
Flashback end
"I hope Nanomon is joking about the toilet bowl…. the last thing I want is suddenly to appear as gigantic toilet bowl in front of the Archangel," he shivered at the idea. "Come to think about it, things have been peaceful lately…" he mused, then sighed. "That can only mean one thing. Commander Waltfeld is probably planning something big. Dammit. I hope Kira and Mu can handle this, but I'd better be ready to transform, consequences are damned." With that in mind, he quickly finished up his meal.
It wasn't long before the camp was bustling with activity, everyone preparing for combat. Ammunition and fuel were loaded into jeeps and a few armored vehicles, while members met their families one more time before going into battle. Upon the nearby rocks, Renamon watched stoically as the humans milled about, her focus more on her partner who was talking to a woman, she recalled that woman was the 'mother' of the human named 'Ahmed'. It wasn't long before preparations were complete, and the Archangel began to take off, while the Desert Dawn boarded their vehicles and prepared to move. Seeing what was happening, she quickly dashed and jumped onto the Archangel without anyone below notice, though the crew in the Bridge did get a small scare when she landed in front of said Bridge. Once they were a good distance away from the camp, she jumped again, landing on the back of the jeep Cagalli was in, much to Kisaka's surprise, though Cagalli didn't even respond, a mix of being used to it and being too focused on the item in her hand. "Cagalli-sama?" she peered over, seeing the item in her partner's hand. It was a green stone of some kind, though the light glint coming from it quickly told her it was what humans called a 'jewel' or 'gemstone'.
Cagalli turned to her partner for a moment before looking back at the rock and saying, "It's something Ahmed was planning to process and give me someday. His mother just gave it to me."
Kisaka also noticed and said, "The rough stone of Malachite. It's huge." Right as he said that, Cagalli's grip on the stone tightened, as the memories rushed through her head before a paw was placed on her shoulder, her partner looking at her reassuringly.
Meanwhile, in the mess hall, the pilots were having a meal. Well...one of them and a 'sub pilot' was at any rate. Kira sighed as he held his spoon over his food. Next, to him, both Mu and Huckmon were eating with gusto.
"What's taking you so long? Hurry up and eat," Mu said.
"Yeah, you can't fight if you don't eat. If it's the food, then here," Huckmon nodded as he gave one of the Kebabs he'd been eating. Turns out the Digimon had taken a liking to the local dish and had actually ordered...quite a few of them. Good thing they were considered pretty cheap.
"Your friend's got the right idea," Mu chuckled. "Nothing beats the food we get locally," he said as he helped himself to a kebab as well.
Kira couldn't help but sweatdrop slightly at how...in-synch the two were. "Commander, haven't you had enough to eat?"
"We're going to battle soon. Unless we eat, where will we get out strength to fight? Besides, who knows if this will be our last meal." Mu said
"I won't let something happened to happen to Kira! They'll get through me if they want to hurt him!" Huckmon growl.
"Whoa, there. Calm down little one, no doubt that the kid has better survival than me. Wish I had a partner like you around." Mu said as he wondered if there's any chance he will get a Digimon partner.
"Here, kebab tastes great with yogurt sauce," Mu said as he handover the yogurt sauce bottle.
"Nah, I prefer chili sauce, it has more kicks," Huckmon said as he squeezes the chili sauce bottle on top of the kebab with both of his paws and eats it.
Kira had then experienced a Deja Vu and remembered a similar scene back in Banadiya town where they meet the Desert Tiger, Andrew Waltfeld. Mu noticed that Kira seems absent-minded but before he called out to Kira, the teenage pilot snapped out of his thought from it.
"Sorry, it's just remembered what the Desert Tiger said the same thing before," Kira said
"Huh, that man has a taste. I heard you three were at the Desert Tiger place, but I'm more surprised that man willing to let go of you all instead of taking prisoners." Mu asked
"Well, he said that his place is not a battlefield so he's willing to let us go since we kind of saved him from Blue Cosmos," Kira said
"Is that so? Blue Cosmos huh, never thought that those fanatics dare to open fire in an open public like that. But still, it's sure is something that you can defeat an armed person I heard." Mu said
"That will be Asher, he'd took down men without a weapon. I never thought that Asher knows how to fight." Kira said as he remembered how Asher had taken down three armed men using his bare hand, he didn't know that Asher knows martial arts from the way he's moving.
"Really? That's a surprise." Mu raised his left eyebrow, surprised hearing this from Kira.
"Yeah, I think he learns martial arts before if he can move like that. But that guy doesn't seem to be afraid up against them." Kira said
"Well, if he's a martial artist, he must have learned how to calm his mind in that situation. Although, he's a bit crazy sometimes. That boy sure is surprised us every time, huh?" Mu look around in the mess hall before finished his last sentence.
"I won't deny it, Asher seems….always exceed my opinion about him. He even remains calm after Desert Tiger took out his gun and aim at him." Kira said
"Wait, why he aim at him? Ain't he supposed to be pointing at you being a mobile suits pilot, assumed that he knows." Mu said
"Asher…..kind of noticed that we've been followed by them after some time when we shop, but he can't let us know because there might be possibilities that we will be surrounded or worse happened. He also seems to be able to figure out that Desert Tiger is actually interested with Renamon during the Tasil incident, he even pointed out that they'll be expecting us anytime soon as we have no choice but to go to their place for supplies." Kira said
"...Really? That boy manage to figure it all out by himself?" Mu asked
"At first, he said he had no evidence of his claim. But when he confronted the Desert Tiger, it seems it was true. He even said that Asher is more dangerous than me and Renamon, and I can't help to think the Desert Tiger is right. I mean at that time Asher seems like a different person, he's very observing on his surrounding, and his deductions seem accurate on their intentions." Kira said
"That boy sure has guts of a steel able to confront a ZAFT commander like that, well he's pretty much fearless I dare to say in my first opinion," Mu said
"He said that he was scared of course, but he said that it thanks to his parent teaching that he was able to stay calm," Kira said
"I see, but about the Desert Tiger don't think too much about him. Try to forget him, knowing about a man you're about to fight for your life just makes it more difficult." After Mu had said those, Kira remembered how he felt when he's up against Athrun and how difficult it was for him to pull a trigger. Not before long a loud explosion is heard, the people in the Archangel were on guard after hearing it, some of them quickly head towards their post while both Mu and Kira headed towards the hangar for standby.
"It's in the direction of the resistance landmine source!" Natarle reported inside the Archangel bridge, while the monitor displayed large smoke from the explosion ahead of them, the Desert Dawn resistance halt their vehicles as the smoke blocked their way and knowing that their landmines against the BUCUE had just been destroyed.
"Sahib!" one of the resistance called
"Don't panic! It's not as if we're under attack!" Sahib said as he got up while holding his rocket launcher.
"They got rid of all those landmines that Renamon and our people placed in an instant," Cagalli said as she grits her teeth, her hand going to her Digivice.
"It seems the tiger is baring his fangs at us for real this time," Sahib said grimly as the smoke soon cleared, revealing the battleships headed their way.
Back inside the Archangel, Mu and Kira were preparing for battle. On the side was Huckmon who watched as they suited up, while he was ready to jump into the Digivice anytime. Mu had just finished instructing the Engineering Team to attach the Launcher and Sword packs to the two Skygraspers so he could quickly change vehicles when needed. "I hate to say this, but frankly, other than that fox I can't really rely on the battle power of the resistance."
"Not to mention, there's a limit to how far an Adult level can go. That's assuming she even has control of it. We've had access to it for a while now and we still can't trigger it at will…" Huckmon nodded.
"Just give it your all, but seeing how you fight lately, I wouldn't worry too much. Just be careful out there, got it?" Mu said.
"Yes, Commander." Kira nodded
"Aye, sir!" Huckmon saluted.
"Um, Commander!" Mu stopped his track while looking at Kira, "Do you think that Omni Gundam able to help us this time?" Kira asked.
"Well, I'll be feel relief if he shows up, but after we entered the Earth, he never shows up until now. But I don't think that guy died yet, my gut feeling said that it'll take more than that to take him down. Though, that said, we can't always rely on him every time. We have to make our own stand for once, as a soldier and something we believed in." Mu said
"I see, I understand." Kira nodded.
"Commander La Flaga, Ensign Yamato, please board your machines. I repeat." Both Archangel pilot heard Miriallia announcement from the speaker.
"Oops, we better get going now," Mu said as he exited.
"Kira, what was that just now? I mean, it'll be great that Omni Gundam able to help us but it's like you're relying on that guy too much." Huckmon said
"I know, but if it weren't for him, many people would have died. Especially the refugees when that insect Digimon almost destroyed it. I'm scared Huckmon, what if I'm unable to save them? Can I really defend the Archangel?" Kira asked as doubt has begun to surface him, until Huckmon decided to headbutt the pilot's sides, knocking him down.
"Snap out of it, Kira! You yourself know that we can't save everybody! But if you doubt yourself and lose confidence like this, how many more people will die! Like that guy said, we have to make our own stand and what we are fighting for! Are you forgetting your reason for fighting?!" Huckmon asked.
"Of course I'm not!" Kira shouted back.
"Then that's fine because if you do I have to smack right into your head. Always remember Kira, or you will lose something important to you." Huckmon said.
"...Yeah, thanks Huckmon. I'm kind of losing myself just now." Kira said as he got himself up.
"No problem, that's what partners for, looking after each other. Besides, it will be a problem if you start being down or I'll have to bite on your head for a wake-up call." Huckmon said.
"You're joking, right?" Kira asked
"Who knows?" Huckmon grinned as he exited the changing room, Kira soon followed after he sighs, wondering if he'll ever lead a normal life again after meeting Huckmon. Somehow he had a feeling the answer was a big fat no...
At the same time, In the Lesseps. Andrew Waltfeld's soldiers are preparing to sortie on their mobile suits and assault fighter craft to engage the Archangel. However, a certain team stayed behind on standby.
"So, leader. Why are we remain here while we have our target in sight?" Julian asked inside the cockpit of Fuego.
"Don't be hasty, our order is to destroy that Omni Gundam only. Seeing as it still hasn't sorted out aside from their aircraft and that Strike which isn't our target. Did you forget what our specialty is already, Julian?" Ahab asked in Tempest which Julian just let out a sigh of response.
"So, Syrus, are you bored?" Julian asked
"No, sir," Syrus replied
"Let Waltfeld deal with them for now, Julian. Soon, we can celebrate the return of the Hunter. Meanwhile, let's just enjoy the show." Ahab said as he casually crosses his legs inside the cockpit, watching the live battle on one of his monitors as the Lagowe had launched from Lesseps.
The battle had begun on a fierce note. A large number of enemy machines were approaching the Archangel, as everyone was being sortied for battle. "Commence counterattack!" Murrue ordered.
"Strike! Skygrasper! Launch!" Natarle ordered in response.
At the same time, the Desert Dawn was ready for battle as Sahib rallied his men with the intent of finishing this once and for all. Among them, Cagalli loaded her bazooka, while Renamon was at the ready behind her. Once she'd find an opportune moment, she'd begin her role.
The Archangel's hangars opened, and out flew the Strike and the Skygrasper, the Strike equipped with the Aile pack to counter the high mobility of the BuCUEs, while the Skygrasper was equipped with the Launcher pack for extra firepower. Entering the fray, Mu immediately aided the Archangel in shooting down the Aerial targets, while Kira and Huckmon went for the Mobile Suits, the Phase Shift Armor allowing them to tank several missiles. Focusing on the targets, Huckmon immediately scanned the data he had and brought up the target areas. "Take out the head and legs and the BuCUEs should be unable to fight. If you want extra insurance, take out the missile pods too," Huckmon reported.
"Right. Let's go, Huckmon!" Kira nodded. As he scanned the area counting the number of BuCUE had sortied. "Four? No, Five BuCUE in total." Kira takes aim with the help of Huckmon manage to shoot down one of the BuCUE's right front leg and another one on the back on the same side rendered immobilize and cut the missile pod on it's back before engaging the other units. With the two of them operating, and the Strike properly calibrated, they soon neutralized a good number of the BuCUEs.
"Just a few more BuCUEs left, then we'll move on to the ZuOOTs," Huckmon said.
The battle continues on seemingly that the Archangel got the upper hand, but what they didn't expect is that another ZAFT warship appears from the rear firing its missiles towards them, one of them hit below the bridge. "A pincer attack?!" Huckmon gasped as he saw the data.
"Damn, the Archangel!" Kira gasped as he turned the Strike around, but before he could get far, another unit sped between them. It looked a lot like a BuCue, so much so one might think it was merely a modified version of the unit.
Inside the LaGOWE, Andrew smirked slightly. "I'm your opponent, pilot boy!"
Meanwhile, at the Archangel hangar. Asher tried to hold himself from the shock exploded by the missile just now. "Perfect, sometimes I wonder why they didn't leave any reserved on the rear, they should've expected a pincer attack or something. Then again, I just remembered only Kira and Commander La Flaga are combat ready here...huh?" Asher noticed a blonde hair resemble Cagalli had just entered the Hangar from nowhere and suddenly boarded the second Skygrasper, while Murdoch calls his men to open the hatch.
"Wow, that girl had more guts than I imagine, trying to piss off the old man," Asher said as he looked around seeing everybody is busy themselves, he slowly walks his way into one of the computers just as he raised his right hand trying to connect jump into the cyberspace, he felt an electric surge on his hand, making him flinched away from the computer.
"Damn it, of all the time! Why does it have to be now?!" Asher cursed himself as he slams his fist on the console angrily at the thought that he can't do anything to help out now and hope that nothing worse will happen later. 'If that time comes, even if it destroys my body, I'll have to do it!'
Inside the Skygrasper, Cagalli took a deep breath as she launched, calming herself down. She'd done simulations before, she knew how to pilot this thing. Besides, more importantly, she wasn't alone.
"How is it in there, Renamon?" she asked, as on the screen her partner's image appears.
"It's certainly different, but I can see how Huckmon was able to assist his partner," Renamon nodded.
"I've gained access to the Skyscraper's systems. I'll be able to assist you in maneuvering and some combat."
"Right. Let's go, Renamon!" Cagalli smirked as she felt the Skygrasper speed up, and they entered the fray.
Back in the battlefield, the Strike was on the defensive as the LaGOWE was using its higher speed to keep its distance, while the cannons on its back opened fire, though the Strike was able to block it with its shield. "Whoever's piloting this thing is no joke. They're much stronger than the BuCUEs!" Huckmon reported as he worked frantically to regulate the power in the Strike. In this kind of battle, they couldn't afford to waste anything. "We'd better take it out as fast as possible!"
"I know!" Kira shot back, as the Strike jumped over a shot, and retaliated with its beam rifle. But the LaGOWE jumped aside from Kira's shot and retaliate, barely guarded it against his shield.
"What's wrong? Is that all you've got?" Andrew asked as he droved his machine towards the Strike, in slow motion the LaGOWE skip to the side just a split second before Kira fired his beam rifle, only to be kicked from the side from LaGOWE making the bipedal mobile suits staggered and unbalance its footing. With that chance, Aisha took aim and fired their 2-barrel beam cannon, but the Strike quickly
regains its balance and maneuver away, barely dodged the lethal shot.
"I missed?" Aisha asked in disbelief.
"Seems like that brown hair boy is better than I thought, but for some reason, I can't help but get the feeling that pilot boy had some help," Andrew said
"You mean he has a fox as well?" Aisha asked
"Maybe, but that doesn't mean we can go down that easily," Andrew said as he moved his machine charged towards the Strike again.
"This must be hard for you, Andy. You like those kid." Aisha said
"I guess, but it's too bad. This is war. Do you think he'll surrender?" Andrew asked
"No, sadly," Aisha said as she takes aim and fired at the Strike.
At the same time, the Skygraspers were doing their best to take out as many targets as they could, with Renamon helping Cagalli keep up with Mu, which allowed her to dodge a volley of missiles that would have otherwise hit her wing, the fast Digimon being able to quickly make sense of the sensors warnings and adjust accordingly. Despite that, the Archangel was still taking a lot of damage as the enemies weren't letting up. However, that was when the enemies made the mistake of letting up, even if for a moment. Acting quickly, the Archangel regain its balance and counterattacked, taking out the main cannon of several ships.
The sudden reversal was enough to distract Andrew for a moment, which was more than enough for Kira to fire and take out one of the LaGOWE's legs.
"Damn it! That legged ship is still alive?!" Andrew cursed
"This is bad, Andy!" Aisha said as she takes aim and fired their beam cannon, which had destroyed the Strike's beam rifle At the same time the Archangel had fired its Variant railgun which had damaged heavily on the Lesseps. While the LaGOWE charged right towards Strike with it beam saber activated, Kira did the same only to sliced off a component of their machines.
Both units are facing each other again, but Andrew had made contact with the Lesseps, "DaCosta, give the order to all troops for retreat." Andrew said
"But Commander!" DaCosta said on the radio.
"The battle outcome is clear now, gather the remaining soldier and head to Banadiya. Once you reach there, get in contact with Gilbratar." Andrew said as he cut the communication before his second in command had a chance.
"You too, Aisha," Andrew said
"I rather die than do that and you know it," Aisha said
"You're just as foolish as I am, you know," Andrew said
"Say whatever you want," Aisha said as she activates the machine's aiming google.
"Not to interrupt the touching moment, but we'll cover your men. Besides...single targets are our specialty. This could be fun," came Ahab's voice over the comms, followed by several explosions hitting the Archangel, causing the ship to shake violently.
"Damage report!" Murrue ordered as she holds herself on her seat.
"Right rear Wombat missile is offline! Heat signature detected, there's fire outbreak inside of WOMBAT's loading area.!" Miriallia reported.
"Order someone close by to extinguish it hurry! If we're not careful, the missile will catch fire!" Natarle ordered.
"Incoming mobile suits detected! Three signal, but two of them are approaching fast!" Miriallia reported.
"There's more BuCUE?" Murrue asked
"No! There's no database about it! Kira watch out, two of them is approaching you!" Just when Miriallia cautioned, inside the Strike cockpit, Kira saw something approaching towards him from airborne and it was very fast before he know it Kira felt the Strike moved its shield on its own and blocked against incoming projectiles believed to be some machinegun.
"What are you daydreaming about, Kira? They're coming!" Huckmon said as the cockpit set an alarm, alerting the pilot that something is approaching from behind, Kira quickly raised his shield as he turned around only to be blocked by something that looked like a polearm.
"What?" Kira asked himself, as he saw dark purple and black mobile suits that seem like a GINN, but it's totally different. Before Kira able to retaliate with his beam rifle, the weird GINN backed away and he was attacked by another GINN who fired its assault rifle which seems to be fully armed.
"What are these things?!" Kira asked as he tried to take a flight to the airborne, his surroundings had been welcomed by a bombardment of multiple missiles rained on him. The bombardment had caused the area covered with fiery smoke, making the visibility scarce.
The Tempest, piloted by Ahab stayed in the air as he witnessed the destruction. "Now that's how you deal with your target...well not really OUR target. Syrus, keep our backs covered. While I'll deal with the ship that Creuset's having a hard time to sink. Julian, you know what to do" Ahab said
"What are you doing? I gave orders for the retreat!" Andrew spoke to them via the cockpit radio.
"Waltfeld, is this how you repay us for saving you? Besides, you've forgotten about something. We are hunters, and besides the top brass will be happy if we get rid of the legged ship and their infamous mobile suits, don't you think? Now just take a rest or something and let us do the work, I'm not happy to see our target is still not in sight yet." Ahab said as he moved the Tempest towards the Archangel but was stopped midway due to a beam shot almost went straight towards him.
"What?" Ahab said as he turns to see that the Strike is still standing, although most of the armor plates were damaged by the explosion. "That guy still alive? Stubborn pest! I'll skewer you myself this time!" Ahab growled.
"That was really close, Kira. Even I can't dodge that one" Huckmon said
"Yeah, although it was thanks to your warning that we're still here," Kira said as his eyes went into SEED mode. Kira himself not sure why, but for some reason, he can react better than he was usually.
"If only I could evolve again..."Huckmon growled to himself,
"Don't beat yourself about that, they're coming!" Kira said as he readied his beam rifle and fired towards the incoming Tempest. However, the Tempest isn't the only opponent that Kira will be dealing with the GINN assault type helping out.
At the same time, inside of the Archangel, in one of the secluded halls. "Argh! Damn it!" Asher quickly retracted his hand from the monitor as he still unable to connect jump into the cyberspace. "One more time!" Asher attempt to jumped into the cyberspace but his body soon register the unimaginable amount of pain he felt. Despite that, he didn't scream in pain or anything. He kept pushing on and enduring it. They needed him now, and he was going to help, even if it killed him.
"Come on, Omni Gundam! I know I'm not a good builder like Itsuki is, and I always did end up breaking your parts during the testing but Kira is in trouble and he's a Digidestined, no doubt he will be had an important role to save the Digimon and this world. If your body can't handle any more damage...That's why, in exchange, please use my body as a replacement if you have to! Please lend me your strength! I won't let Kira die out there!" The electric flickers started to buzz around Asher like furious hornets, his eyes started to glow light blue brightly and his skins shows several layers of light blue streams like a circuits and his body repeatedly causing static between his body and his Gundam, before a bright flash of light filled the hall, before fading away, leaving an empty spot where Asher had been, with only a few flickers of electricity remaining, before dissipating too.
Kira is still engaging both customized GINN, but he noticed both of the retreated from him and soon the missile bombardment from Fuego had surrounded the Strike, causing the mobile suits to lose his footing and fall on the sand. Before Kira tried to make his Strike got up, his main camera shows the barrel of the Syrus's assault Rifle pointing at him.
"If you don't want to die, drop down your weapon and stand down," Syrus said in open channel.
"Kira, the Archangel!" Huckmon said as one of the monitors shows the Tempest is approaching the ship. Mu with the Skygrasper tried to intercept it but was disabled when the Tempest cut off the right wing and roughly landed on the sand safely.
"Dammit!" Kira growled. As it was, it felt like he was boxed in. If only...no. He couldn't keep relying on the Omni Gundam to bail them out again and again. "No! I can't let it happen! I won't let them destroy the Archangel! I promised that I'll protect them, Tolle, Miriallia, Sai, Kuzzey, Cagalli, and Asher! I won't let you harm them!" Just as Kira yelled, his Digivice begin to shine brightly, until Syrus noticed some sort of light glowed inside of the Strike cockpit.
Huckmon shinka! BaoHuckmon!
"Get out of the way! Teen Blade!" Kira yelled as he quickly moves the Strike to draw its beam saber and sliced off the rifle and the right forearm of the GINN assault type before took off towards the Tempest.
"Captain, the mobile suit is coming towards you fast!" Syrus reported, still trying to restabilize his machine after the sudden attack. He was still reeling from how the Strike moved so fast, and it was supposed to be running low on power!
"Tch! Stubborn pest! But you're too late!" Ahab said as the Tempest threw the polearm heading straight direction towards the Archangel bridge. Tolle quickly covers himself on Miriallia, while Kuzzey tried to hide underneath his seats. Murrue mentally cursed herself that her life will end like this until a bright of light suddenly appear out of nowhere which had blinded the crew, same goes to the pilots on the outside.
"W-Whats going on? A flash bang?" Ahab asked as his mobile suits move its left arm to block what is believed to be a flashbang, but he saw that his polearm had suddenly cut in half. Feeling a sudden chill on his spine, the main camera of his cockpit was suddenly greeted by a silhouette charging towards him, quickly moved his Tempest away but it's left arm had been sliced off.
"What? What did this?" Ahab asked, when the light died out, his face slightly pale at the sight in front of him. A mobile suit-clad in a milky white frame, together with the cape fluttered from the wind behind it, with the runes on its blade glowed dangerously while pointing at him. "T-That is?"
In front of Ahab, the Omni Gundam appeared hovering in front of the Archangel bridge the green particles emitted underneath the cape.
"Eh? We're still alive?" Tolle asked before he looks around until his jaw dropped and stunned at the sight he was looking.
"Tolle? What's wrong?" Miriallia asked as she looks up only to gasped herself.
"Sai, are we died?" Kuzzey asked
"Nope, stand up and look in front," Sai said as he remains his composure, although he sighs afterward as he slumped in his seat.
"Huh?" Kuzzey got up and was shocked by what he sees currently, "Is that? Is that the Omni Gundam?! He's still alive?!" Kuzzey gasped.
As if to confirm his question, the Omni surged forward, and rammed into Ahab's machine, sending it flying away from the Archangel. Just when Ahab tried to restabilize his Tempest and draw out his assault rifle, only been frozen by the Garuru Cannon from Omni Gundam as it charged towards him and sliced off his weapon.
"Damn it! Don't look down on me!" Ahab said as he activated his hidden machine gun on its right forearm and fired on his target but the Omni Gundam quickly dodge away and heading straight towards Kira.
"Syrus, back me up! Give me the heavy sword now!" Ahab said as the orange and brown GINN assault type heading towards his captain which later on threw its sword directly towards the Tempest, only to be grabbed perfectly.
"Julian!" Ahab called
"Already locked, waiting for your signal," Julian said
"Do it," Ahab said as the Fuego launched a barrage of its multi-missiles towards the Omni Gundam which just reached in front of the Strike which seems to be running out of power soon, as the bottom had turned grey.
"Are you alright? Sorry that I couldn't help out early, there's some difficulty on my end." The Omni Gundam said as he hovers beside the Strike, "Can you move? Your machine seems running low on power."
"We're fine, thank you for helping us again," Kira said
"Don't sweat it, after all, we're- look out!" The Omni Gundam quickly moved in front of Kira with its blade drawn as he saw the barrage of missiles is dropping towards them.
"Transcendent sword!" The Omni Gundam called as he swings its sword horizontally which unleashing a wave of green particles directly towards the missiles that end up exploding before contacted with their target.
"No way!" Julian shocked as the monitor shows all his missiles deployed had been intercepted by one attack like that. Just as the Omni Gundam used its special sword moved, Syrus appear in front of him which had startled Asher inside the matrix as it fired both Gatling gun on its shoulder.
Asher quickly moved his shield to block the incoming attack followed by an explosion from Syrus grenade launcher, causing him to stagger backward. Due to gravity, his foot had submerged into the sand, but he quickly adjusts his footing to stabilize.
"Watch out!" Asher heard Kira called for him as Ahab's Tempest jumped from behind with its heavy sword raised in the air.
"I don't care how tough your armor was, but your back is wide open!" Ahab said as he quickly swings down the sword. But in that split moment, the Omni Gundam instantly moved and deliver a back round kick with its left leg towards the Tempest's which had broken the sword into half and kicked the dark and purple mobile suits few meters away before landed on the desert sand.
"That kick?" Kira, Cagalli, and Waltfeld asked themselves in perfect sync, as the move and reaction that the Omni Gundam did seems very familiar to them.
"Oi-oi, is that really for real?" Julian asked as he bewildered by the scene just now.
"Captain!" Syrus quickly went towards the Tempest and aided it.
"Urgh, damn that mobile suits!" Ahab said as he growled angrily.
"Ahab, you and Syrus are almost running dry on weapons, especially on you. Sad to say, but we better retreat for now. At this rate, it won't be good for us." Julian said
"Grrrr, fine! Hunter team, retreat!" Ahab ordered.
"Sir, what about Commander Waltfeld?!" Syrus asked
"He can take care of himself!" Ahab said as he took off, retreating the battle, followed by the GINN assault type and the Fuego, leaving the battlefield. Back to where the Omni Gundam was, Asher, sighed in relief. He actually doesn't expect an ambushed like that before. Also, he never saw those machine either in this world, as much as he wasn't a gunpla fan, he never seen those type of model kits sold in the shop before.
'Still, they're much better than those G-weapons. Their teamwork is perfectly in sync with each other, it seems they're a balanced offensive type of team. Seeing as how they keep attacking me, I guess I'm their main target.' Asher looks behind and saw his cape had been slightly slashed, but nothing that would cause him any real issues yet.
"I guess I better watch out for them, won't be surprised that the ZAFT are aiming for my head by now," Asher said himself, just when he thought the fight is over, Asher heard the sound of clashing and he saw both the LaGOWE and the Strike are still engaging.
"What the? They still fighting?" Asher asked himself, he wasn't sure if it's the right time to interfere because he can hear a faint conversation between them as they're fighting, although he can't hear it clearly as he was far away from their location.
"Asher! Asher, come in!" inside the matrix chamber, Asher can hear Nanomon voice and at the same time, an image of Nanomon appear in front of him.
"What's wrong, Nanomon? Is the Archangel in trouble?" Asher asked
"No, much worse! My scanner suddenly detected a Digital Wave reading similar to a Digimon on that four-legged machine! Be careful, based on the reading it's kind of similar to Kuwagamon case! But if this keeps up, that machine will cause an explosion!" Nanomon said
"What?" Asher gasped as he saw something strange on the LaGOWE as the four-legged mobile suits suddenly jerking uncontrollably with sparks begin to appear everywhere itself, while inside of the Strike, Kira tried to call out on Andrew but no prevail. Asher without wasting any time quickly charged towards LaGOWE and knocked it over onto its back.
Kira and Huckmon were surprised at the sudden charged from the Omni Gundam, but Kira's face went pale when he saw the Omni Gundam draw its sword and stabbed the chest of the LaGOWE which seems to be carving something before he can say anything the Omni Gundam ripped something out and backed away.
"What are you doing here?! Quickly get away from it!" Before Kira and Huckmon could react, the Omni Gundam pushed the Strike away causing both of the machines to fall on the sand. At the same time, the LaGOWE emits a series of flash before it exploded.
Both the Omni Gundam and the Strike remain still on the sand to cover themselves from the sudden explosion from the LaGOWE.
"That was close, are you ok?" The Omni Gundam asked
"W-We're fine, but…" Kira replied as he felt troubled seeing the LaGOWE suddenly exploded and also sadden that the pilot may have died as well.
"If you're talking about the pilots, they're safe." The Omni Gundam said as it opened its right arm-head to reveal the cockpit of the LaGOWE with Andrew and Aisha still inside, both looking very shaken, but still alive. "Keep them safe, and it's best you retreat as well while still can." The Omni Gundam said
"Why?" Kira asked as he moves the Strike to received the ZAFT pilot on its palm.
"Because.." The Omni Gundam stood up as he faces towards the explosion, "The battle is not over yet."
Kira and Huckmon together weren't sure what the white mobile suits mean, but they can see a shadowy figure from the burning smoke and it's moving away from the explosion. What revealed later had shocked both Kira and Huckmon as well as the Archangel crew, the resistance, Mu, Cagalli, Andrew and Aisha as they saw a gigantic wolf looking beast covered with blue, white and silver colored fur, when the beast gout of from the explosion, it howls like a wolf does.
"W-What is that thing?" Andrew asked as he helped Aisha out after he breaks free from the ripped out cockpit from his LaGOWE by the Omni Gundam just now.
"A G-Garurumon? What is a Garurumon doing here? And, why is so big?!" BaoHuckmon gasped as he bewilderment at the sight of the giant Digimon appearing like the Kuwagamon before.
"Is that a Digimon too?" Kira asked
"Yes! Be careful! Garurumon is a strong adult Digimon! But why is it here? Garurumon never appear openly like this!" BaoHuckmon said
The Garurumon's pure red eyes looked at the Strike, in a split second it charges towards it too fast for the mobile suit to respond.
Kira in his SEED mode quickly moves his shield to block the incoming berserk Digimon. However, before he could hear Huckmon warning about its agility, the Garurumon quickly sidestep and charge itself towards the strike from the blind side, leaving Kira vulnerable.
"Oh no!" Kira tried to move the Strike but his reaction is second late. Before the Garurumon manages to take a bite in the Strike, it was bashed away from Omni Gundam shield knocking the wolf Digimon away from the Strike.
"You're okay?" Omni Gundam asked.
Yes, thank you very much." Kira replies.
"Don't mind it," 'After all, I can't allow the Digidestined like you getting killed'
After that, they heard the Garurumon roared and its eyes locked on Omni Gundam while hearing a voice in its mind calling to destroy the white-clad mobile suits.
'I can started to feel the pain from before and some reason I can feel the desert heat? Did my body really replace with my gunpla? How long can I hold on?' Asher thought as he stabilizes his stance after the wolf Digimon dashed and leap above him as its fang bare wide open ready to chew on the white knight like a predator jumped.
To be continued.
Hello again, it might be not the best but this is all I can do for now. I'm trying to describe the monster hunter world roar effect for the Garurumon, though it will be cool and all that.
As for Asher's transformation, the "layer of blue stream like circuits", just in case if it's confusing. It's actually something like Emiya Shirou with those glowing tattoo or something on him during his fight with Gilgamesh from unlimited blade works.
Well, that's it for now, thank you for your time. If anything, you're welcome to PM me or Cat.
Probably another several months for an update.
PS: I'm actually having a demon king mood on Gundam Breaker 3, I'm not planning for the story but if interested what kind of Demon King I've created, is it ok to give me a fandom suggestion and I'll just make a one short of a certain scene of fandom choice.