This is a Naruto time travel fix. This is my first attempt at a fan fiction, but I'm passionate about Naruto enough to think that I'll do okay. Rated M for language, violence, as well as other reasons :3. I do not own Naruto nor shall I ever, which is unfortunate.
Naruto awoke to a black void he seemed to be little too familiar with. He wondered if this was really it, if he was really dead this time. He remembered how he was with Sasuke, fighting Kaguya Ootsutsuki, how she had beaten them so easily. All she had to do was suck out all of their chakra until their bodies eventually gave out. He remembered back to the story black Zetsu had told him, how he orchestrated and manipulated the shinobi world to bring about the resurrection of his mother. He thought back to how he had failed everyone. Coming out of his thoughts for a moment he realized that where he was wasn't very afterlife-ish.
Groggily he sat up to look around, only to find more of the void he was sitting in.
"Quite interesting." He heard a dark and cold voice that instantly sent a shiver up his spine. He turned around to find the source of the voice, shocked to see a white main of hair, red horns, and a pale purple face, that was very the image of death.
"I believe this to be the second time I'd be seeing you," the reaper said neutrally. Naruto nodded slowly, squinting his eyes a little, trying to remember the first time. As if knowing what he was thinking, the reaper answered the unasked question.
"The first was when your parents died, sealing that bijuu inside of you."
Naruto nodded again, this time in understanding.
"So I'm really dead this time huh. Kinda sucks considering that means the end of the shinobi world as we know it." The reaper stared at him what almost seemed like amusement. Naruto couldn't really tell with the indefinite cold look the shinigami had.
"Speaking of bijuu what happened to Kurama? Does he die with me?"
"Usually I would have, but something is still tying me down here," said a low and menacing voice that Naruto knew all too well. "Kurama you're here too!?"
"Apparently so Ningen."
Naruto looked around for his befriended tenet only to see her materialize behind him, in her classic lied down form with her head on her massive paws. Naruto turned back around to ask the shinigami another question only to be beaten to it by the death god suddenly answering him again. He was starting to dislike that.
"I have a proposition for you human. As I said before you are a rather interesting individual. I have watched you for quite a while now, taking an interest shortly after your bijuu was sealed into you."
"A proposition? I thought the shinigami was supposed to take lives no questions asked, send them to the afterlife, that type of thing, not make some deal with a random dead person." Naruto said this with confusion in his voice, not expecting the God of death to make a deal with him of all people.
"I believe I said proposition, not deal. You have nothing that interests me to offer so only you would be on the receiving end." Naruto just looked upon the shinigami with a bit more confusion evident on his face.
"You have gone about your life rather uniquely to say the least, even more so evident that there has been no fear in you since our confrontation started. Greater men have cowered before me." He said this in his neutrally cold tone that he always spoke with, something Naruto had quickly adapted to. Naruto couldn't help but be impatient.
"Okay so you have a proposition or whatever for me, what is it?"
"I'm getting to it," it said a bit more coldly if it was even possible.
"Naruto shut up and listen to him," came the annoyed Fox. Kurama had been deeply interested in this ever since the conversation started. For the death god himself to speak to a mortal was unheard of, let alone make an offer of something.
"Yes anyway. Since you have been a source of amusement to me, I'm willing to let you continue to amuse me."
"So what, are you going to resurrect me so I can beat Kaguya or something?"
"Naruto," this time it was an annoyed growl. Naruto just quickly glanced at Kurama with a huff of apology, making the fox role her eyes, Naruto setting his attention on the shinigami once again.
"No. As you could see, you couldn't beat her so that would be pointless. No I have something much better in mind. I'm offering to send you back in the past to possibly 'fix' what happened and prevent this turn of events. Without shinobi, the world would get considerably more dull, making my job that much less enjoyable." Naruto slightly quirked an eyebrow at the mention of the death god 'enjoying' what he does. He then realized what the reaper had just said, eyes going wide in shock.
"You can do that!?"
"I am a god, the most powerful no less, so I don't see why it would be so impossible." He stated this very matter-of-factly, without a hint of arrogance, which didn't go unnoticed by his audience.
Growing suspicious, the fox voiced her own question. "Why? Why choose Naruto amongst the thousands that die every day?"
"The shinigami looked over at the fox for the first time and responded. "It's like I said, Naruto has been amusing, leading a life that no other human had quite done before, and new things are extraordinarily rare now-a-days." The fox seemed to be content with the answer and let the exchange to be continued without further interruption. The shinigami once again looked back at Naruto who still couldn't quite believe, nor wrap his head around, what he had just been told.
"I should say that you don't have to, as it is just an offer. I'll take you to the afterlife if you so wish it."
After staring down at the ground for a few moments in contemplation, Naruto looked back up with a still slightly confused look. "So you'd take me back, just like that, no questions asked, and no other strings attached?"
"If I were to say yes, how would that even work? I mean sending me back in time would be a little noticeable by like, everyone, dattebayo."
"True enough, but I'd only be sending your mind and memory back, as well as your bijuu's. I'd also change a few things." Kurama's eyes widened ever so slightly at the mention of her name also going back with Naruto, then she focused on the tail end of what the death god had just said.
Thinking along the same lines, Naruto voiced it before she could. "Change things? Like what?"
The shinigami looked at him for a moment with his cold stare before answering. "I'd open your mind." At that Naruto was throughly confused, not getting it at all. Kurama on the other hand, had an idea where the shinigami was going with this.
"Would you be changing who Naruto is, like his personality?" Kurama interrupted once again. Like the first time the death god looked at the fox with cold eyes.
"No, he would retain everything, only be a bit more open to certain things, such as knowledge." At that Kurama lifted her head up out of disbelief before she quickly went back down to rest on her paws once again, staring at Naruto and suddenly wondering what a smart Naruto would be like. Naruto still wasn't quite getting it however, soon to be rectified.
"Also know that I'd be sending you to your six year old self, a day before you enter the academy. This is mainly because anytime before that would be problematic with your still developing brain as well your body not being able to handle the stress of an older you invading a younger one." Naruto didn't quite get what figure was saying, but the time he mentioned seemed okay with him. At least he'd be able to show up that insufferable Uchiha that the girls always flocked to.
"Well, do you accept my offer?" Naruto once again looked down in thought, not something he had been very used to over the years and had been doing it a little more than he was comfortable with. Then suddenly it dawned on him. He could save, everyone. Everyone that had died up until that point, within reason that is. Neji. Ero-sennin. Asuma. Haku. As well as all the shinobi that this pointless war had claimed. Suddenly Naruto looked up with determination in his eyes, a sight that the shinigami knew all to well.
"I accept your offer." The death god nodded with a pleased look, if he could have one. Kurama narrowed her eyes a bit though. As if Naruto knew, he spun around with a look of apology towards his tenet.
"Oh Kurama I'm sorry I didn't ask if you wanted to accept or not!" Kurama merely sighed and looked at her favorite human.
"It's fine. I'd have been mad if you didn't accept it. Being eternal, dying isn't something I really want happening any time soon." Naruto looked relieved at that.
"Now that you have accepted, I do have a few guidelines for you to follow." Naruto turned back to the shinigami with a bit of confusion.
"I thought you said there wouldn't be any strings attached?"
"Nor shall there be. These are merely guidelines to make your life easier and so you don't stray to far from the original timeline too soon. You can do that later." Naruto nodded, understanding somewhat.
"First of all, don't tell anyone that you're from the future. Only tell those that you intimately trust, but even wait to tell those people for at least of few years. You can never be too careful. Something that goes with this is to not mention me. I don't need power hungry fools chasing after a power they can't have. That would be rather bothersome." The humans can already use him in the form of the reaper death seal and that blasted mask. He didn't need any other means to have to entertain mortals.
Naruto just nodded once again waiting for the death god to finish.
"Next, don't show off your power unless it's absolutely necessary. You will be keeping some of it after all. Speaking of, don't try senjutsu until your chakra pathways have matured. If you try and fail then sending you back to the past would have been pointless. You being a stone toad isn't as amusing at you might think." The shinigami somehow managed to keep his cold tone while making that statement.
Naruto once again nodded, this time understanding fully what the shinigami was saying. With a grimace, he remembered back to when he was training for senjutsu and what the failed attempts had looked like while, also rubbing the phantom pain on his head from being whacked one too many times by that stupid toad elder.
"I will also ingrain a jutsu into your mind that will allow you to summon a book that will tell you what you did that day in the past, in case you forget, which you probably will. You don't have to follow it forever, probably just until the academy is done and over with." Naruto nodded and thought to how useful that would be, and how he needed to make sure no one caught him reading it.
"And don't worry, no one will be able to read it's contents but you." Naruto was relieved at that, but once again slightly irritated to have his mind read again.
"And that would be all. Are you ready to go?" Naruto abruptly came out of his thoughts to look up at the death god with a bit of surprise. "Like, right now?"
"Yes now."
Naruto looked down for a moment in thought, then back at Kurama, who only slightly nodded, then the blonde brought his head back up to face the shinigami.
With a new fire in his eyes he responded, "Alright, let's go."
Moments later, the shinigami's eyes erupted with light, blinding Naruto and his Tennant. And with that, everything then went dark.
So there's the first chapter. A little short but it's just an intro chapter. The other chapters will be longer. Probably. Hoped you enjoyed it and post a review! You can also pm me if you have any ideas about where you think the story should go. I'm always open to suggestions. Thanks for reading!
EDIT: So I've been getting some negative feedback that this story doesn't follow canon in every respect and that it's also a recycled fanfic story. I do agree that the initial premise is similar to a lot of Naruto time travel pics out there, as I have gotten inspiration to write this from reading those very pics. I decided to write this one with a similar premise with my own spin on it. Several aspects of my fic have things that I haven't really seen in any of the fics I've read that start out like this (going back in time to change the future type thing). Also note that this is my first time ever writing a story, and I've just recently got into reading fanfics about 6 months ago. With this in mind, I hope you could give my fix a chance as you get past the setup chapters like this one. I might rewrite this chapter (and possibly future chapters) in the future though depending on how the story progresses. Any constructive criticism is welcomed as well as ideas for where the story should go. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this fix as much as I enjoy writing it :D
Also a small note, I'm going to write this assuming readers have knowledge of the original story, so I'll be skipping over some parts and providing brief descriptions of things covered deeply in the manga/anime.
Status: rewritten