A lot could happen in a couple years, and nobody knew this better than Harry Potter, a boy whom was currently watching a ninja frog battle with a giant bat.

Eight years ago, when he fell through the bloody door he had created on the back wall of a cupboard, he had never expected to end up in another world. Well, he had never expected to fall through the door in the first place, but that's beside the point.

After Calem, a genius battler who hated people, and Serena, a lively girl who followed her instincts, found him bloody and broken in the middle of a forest, they had brought him back to their town and got him looked at.

After a long and turbulent week, it had finally ended with him getting adopted by Serena's mother. As he had been repeatedly told by the Dursleys that nobody would ever want him, it had come as a bit of a shock. That shock had only grown when Serena and Calem had insisted they become friends and began playing with him. Of course in the beginning this normally meant Serena doing something that would cause Harry and Calem to have to rush after her to stop her from hurting herself.

Either way, eventually the three of them became closer than siblings, and even when they began their journey they had insisted on a friendly rivalry. Of course, seeing as all three of them had an insane competitive streak and a belief that "If one of us can do it the other can do it just as well if not better", it ended up causing them to sweep through the Pokémon league within a year and a half, something few people had ever done before (and, ironically, those people were also children).

But that brings up another point. Pokémon.

It turns out that he wasn't mad, and those creatures were real. And, after hearing that his two pseudo-siblings wanted to go on a journey to challenge the league, he had decided that he wanted to too.

He had heard that the local professor, Sycamore, had freaked out when he learned that there were six new trainers coming in from Vanville town, and had accidently put in an order for Kanto starters instead of Kalos ones on accident.

Of course, like all stories, there is always a villain, an in this case it was the 'fashionable' Team Flare.

To be honest, the first time the three had met them they had thought it was a joke, just something a group of dumb thugs had thought up. It was ridiculously hard to take them seriously.

Of course, then it was revealed that they controlled the holocaster net and were listening in on everyone's conversations across Kalos. Then it was revealed that they had a weapon strong enough to wipe humans and Pokémon off the face of the Earth.

At that point storming their base and destroying the machine was really the only way for their continued survival.

While Serena and Calem had gone to destroy the core of the machine, Harry had faced down Lysandre, the apparent egotistic boss of Team Flare. After a truly grueling battle between the forces of mostly good and bat-shit crazy, Harry had walked out of the room.

Lysandre didn't.

He had never specifically told the others what happened, but he was sure Calem and Serena knew, and they didn't say anything. He couldn't express how thankful he was for that.

Of course, then he had learned that they had met the gods of life and death. He had pouted for days afterwards about the unfairness of it all.

But this is not that grand, no doubt exciting story.

No, this is the story of how three incredibly powerful trainers came to the conclusion that Harry's old world sucked.

But I digress. Right now, the three siblings were on a boat headed to Iron Island in Sinnoh, in order to help Harry learn how to control aura. Aura, being the life force of all living things, was something he had discovered he had very good control of after he had accidently broken a lamp after a nightmare.

Of course, at the time, Harry had known it as the freakish power his relatives had hated him for, and had decided to try and hide it for as long as possible.

It eventually came out, of course, except only Calem and Serena found out, and none of them actually knew what it was. It wasn't until they'd met the Mega Evolution Guru who told them exactly what it was. Since they were in the middle of their journey at the time, none of them had wanted to stop and look for a teacher until it was over. Combined with the evil group trying to destroy the world, they had all but forgotten about it besides the occasional lesson from Harry's Lucario.

When Harry had turned fourteen and accidently turned Calem green during his surprise party, it had instantly returned to their minds. After a couple weeks of searching around, they had found something about 'Aura Guardians', and about how one of the most powerful lived on Iron island, a half-coalmine half-nature reserve in Sinnoh.

So that's where they were going now. On the way there, Harry had decided to practice his color changing ability by turning Calem all colors of the Rainbow.

Calem wasn't amused. Serena on the other hand, couldn't stop laughing.

Harry snickered as he remembered Calem's face. It was totally worth having his Holo Caster dyed pink.

He heard a hum and looked over his shoulder, coming face to face with Meloetta.

"Hey Mel," he smiled at her. Smiling back at him, Meloetta floated down onto his lap. Absently stroking the Melody Pokémon's 'hair', he went back to watching the battle in front of him.

Huh, it looks like Serena's Noivern (the sonic bat) is now fighting Calem's Malamar (a creepy squid thing).

Harry watched the match blankly. He had already seen similar ones a hundred times before. At this point, Serena would likely be able to at least seriously damage Malamar before Noivern was defeated, and by that point Calem would have already lost, since he couldn't use Aurorus on the boat due to its size.

Glancing down at the Pokémon he was petting, he absently remembered meeting her for the first time.

It had been only a couple hours after he had beaten Clement, the gym leader of Lumiose city, and Harry had decided to take a short cut through one of the back alleys to get to their hotel. (Why half of Lumiose seemed to care about how 'fancy' or 'fabulous' you were was beyond him.)

That was before he had come face to face with Meloetta. Of course, suddenly finding anything right in your face would cause you to go "Gah!", and he didn't care what anyone else said.

That being said, after he had a mini panic attack, he realized the mythical Pokémon was hurt. Badly. As in her left leg was barely hanging on.

Now, him being the Good Samaritan he was (Shut up, Calem), he had slowly walked towards her and healed her. Not even caring at the moment about what a mythical, Unova Pokémon was doing in a back alley in the biggest city in Kalos, (though, later when he got more involved with Team Flare he couldn't help but wonder if they had something to do with it), he had made sure she was okay before sending her on her way.

Or so he thought.

It wasn't until a couple days later during a training session with Lucario that he realized he was being followed.

Six hours, a misunderstanding, a misplaced keystone, and a watmel berry later, and he ended up with a new Pokémon.

"Ah-hah! Victory!" Serena yelled, posing with a grin. "What's that? Four hundred to five hundred?" she asked, grinning impishly.

Calem sighed, recalling his Gogoat, "Technically, it's four hundred sixteen to four hundred eighty five."

Serena snorted, "Whatever you say, calculator. Hey, Harry," she said, spinning towards him, "How'd you like the battle?"

"It was a rousing battle, full of incredible strategies and amazing moves!" he replied in mock pompousness.

"Don't even try to pretend you were paying attention, Harry," Calem said dryly, before yawning. "By Yveltal I'm tired," he mumbled.

Harry grinned even as he looked on concerned. All three of them have been having nightmares since Geosage town and the destruction of Team Flare, but he was pretty sure Calem had taken it the worst. He couldn't even blame him, what with what happened afterwards…

"Well, come on, I'm hungry!" Serena grinned, grabbing Harry and pulling him up with a yelp, causing Meloetta to fly up and around him.

"Wait, Serena, let me get my bag first!" Harry yelped, stumbling as Serena stopped.

"Fine," she groaned, letting go of him. "Just don't take… to… long…" she trailed off, staring at a space behind Harry.

Frowning in confusion, he looked over his shoulder, only to freeze. Behind him was a large, glowing… portal…? floating in the middle of the room.

"Wha… What is it?" Calem asked, grabbing their bags as he straightened, unconsciously straightening his stance to 'battle mode'.

Or perhaps it was conscious, considering Harry and Serena were doing it too.

The three of them frowned, glancing at each other in question. None of them knew what was going on, and the thing didn't seem to be doing anything-

Harry gasped as he was suddenly pulled forward, only getting a brief second to question what that was before he was yanked towards the portal.

"Harry!" his siblings yelled, both of them grabbing onto his arms as Meloetta pulled on the back of his jacket. It was all for naught, though, because before any of them realized it all three of them were being dragged into the portal.


As Harry was dragged through what had to be the worst form of teleportation ever invented, he couldn't help but wonder where they were going.

Oh, sure, they could be going somewhere horrible, but at the same time it could be somewhere rife with adventure!

Well, probably not, but Calem was such a pessimist that Harry would bet he had already thought up enough bad scenarios for the three of them.

Suddenly the horrid teleportation stopped (seriously, who drags a person by their navel?) and the three of them fell onto a stone floor.

It was extremely painful, but he had to ignore the pain while his siblings could possibly be in danger (probably not, but you never knew). The second he was out of the portal he had released his Crawdaunt, and quickly jumped up to survey the area. A quick glance down to where Meloetta was holding onto his neck showed nothing, so he relaxed slightly as he realized she was invisible.

You never knew what someone might do when facing a legendary.

Glancing around, he immediately realized he was in the middle of a school. Or a cult. One of the two. There were a lot of children wearing mostly matching outfits so it could honestly be either.

Feeling Calem and Serena stand in a three way back-to-back made him relax slightly, until he caught sight of the adults. One of them was so heavily scarred he looked like he had survived being put through a shredder. Another was a greasy old Murkrow of a man who was glaring at him like he was the next coming of Cyrus. Then the one closest to him was an old man in the most ridiculous clothing, who was immediately put into the category of 'bad touches' in his mind.

The colorblind old man then smiled and said, "Welcome to Hogwarts, my boy!"

This place was definitely a cult.


Calem scowled as he stared at the old man in the ridiculous purple robes. He had released Absol the instant they had been released from the portal, preparing to fight a new gang of terrorists, a couple of demented scientists, or even a god.

Hey, it wouldn't be the first time.

Either way, Calem definitely didn't expect a cult. Right now, he was just hoping beyond hope they weren't going to get sacrificed to some obscure or not-so-obscure god.

You never knew, and with the way the children were whispering it wasn't looking good for them.

In the meantime, he was listening to the creepy old man try to get them into another room.

"Harry, my boy, you need to go into the side room with the rest of the champions so we may decide what to do," he said, giving what he probably thought was a grandfatherly smile and a disturbing eye twinkle.

Considering none of them had told him Harry's name, it really wasn't putting any points in his favor. And really, did he actually think them stupid enough to enter a room with champions in it? Nobody took the name of champion without some serious power to back it up. Or enough hubris to think you could actually take the Johto Champion Gold on and win.

Whole organizations have been toppled because of that guy's anger at false champions.

Either way, this argument has been going on for a while now, and he was getting kind of bored. He must have scanned the room they were in three times over by now, and he had no doubt Serena had too.

Of course, then a realization slammed into his head like a freight train.

There were no Pokémon!

No matter what, in any large dining hall he had ever been in, there was always at least a couple Pokémon out at a time. When eating dinner it was the perfect time to allow your Pokémon to eat with you. Whether to bond, save time, or just because, Pokémon were almost always around.

But, there were floating candlesticks, and see-through people his subconscious labeled as ghosts.

Instantly, his mind went into overdrive.

He was in a place where there either weren't any Pokémon, or the people were not allowed to bring out their Pokémon while eating. Either one immediately put them in a favorable position.

Quickly looking at the old man, he searched his body with his eyes. The way the old man's robes were tied would make it incredibly awkward to try and reach for a Pokéball in the traditional place, either around the waist or the neck, which is something no trainer would ever think about doing. Making a quick glance at the old man's sleeves showed they were too tight to allow even a shrunken Pokéball in them.

The thing that really tipped him off was that none of the adults seemed to feel they were in danger. Oh, sure, they might have Pokéballs hidden somewhere on their person, but no self-respecting trainer had their Pokéballs out of reach. Hell, they didn't even seem to recognize the Pokémon in front of them.

Sure a couple of the adults were staring warily at them, but it seemed more at the trainer than the Pokémon, even if that one scarred man was pointing a stick at them.

An idea was forming in the back of his mind, one that seemed to grow with each piece of evidence. Finally, he looked down at Luna, his Absol, and was unsure whether to be surprised or unsurprised.

An Absol was a Pokémon whom instinctively knew when danger was coming to someone. His Absol only cared about the three of them, and thus would only warn them if danger was coming to one of them.

So the fact that she was so utterly unconcerned as to take a nap was telling of how much danger they were in.

The idea that formed firmly took hold and wouldn't let go. Biting his lip, he cracked his knuckles to get Harry's attention. Seeing the side eye he gave him, he tapped twice on his leg, signaling for him to play along for now.

Letting out a breath as they went into the next room, he really hoped his theory wasn't correct.

After all, if Harry could drag himself into their world, nothing says others couldn't drag him back.


Harry was really glad they had stopped for a week in Castelia city on their way to Iron Island, otherwise he may not have remembered enough Unovian to keep the argument going as long as it did.

As it stood, that little side trip was enough to both refresh his Unovian and get him some sheet music that caused Meloetta to transform.

A win, in his book. Even if Serena had complained of boredom the entire time.

Grimacing as he leaned against a wall in the room they were led into, he watched the argument unfold in front of him.

Apparently, from what he could get, he had been illegally entered into a tournament between three different regions, and the rest were now arguing because apparently it gave Hogwarts an advantage to have two champions.

He had objected loudly to being called a representative of this cult, but the only people who had seemed to hear him were the other champions. One of which seemed to be a beautiful girl from Kalos, one a hunched over surly teen, and another a confused pretty boy.

(Harry couldn't help but wonder if he was the lame pretty boy type or the badass pretty boy type, like Calem was.)

Or that's what he would be thinking, if Calem's idea hadn't stuck in his head.

The fact that he was back in his own world was a terrifying thought. After all, the only memories he had were of a bloody cupboard and abusive relatives.

"It doesn't work like that, Karkaroff!" the child faced man with the annoying voice said, "The goblet's already gone out, and it won't relight until the next tournament-"

Harry raised a disbelieving eyebrow. Goblet?

"-of which Durmstrang certainly won't be competing!" yelled the supposed Karkaroff. "After all our meetings and negotiations and compromises, I little expected something of this nature to occur! I have half a mind to leave right now!"

He tuned them back out again as the scarred man entered, saying something about how there was some 'magical binding contract' keeping them from leaving.

Harry snorted. Yeah, right.

He rolled his eyes as the Kalos looking girl joined the argument. Honestly, he expected someone who at least looked like she belonged back home to have more sense than that.

"Unless someone is hoping Potter will die for it," the scarred man suggested.

That brought his thoughts to a halt. Another person wanted him dead? Noting the silence that came over everyone, he decided now would be a good idea to but in.

"Excuse me, but could somebody please tell me what's going on?" he asked, putting on his best 'tell me or die' smile he had. "After all, if someone wants me dead, I believe I have a right to know."

He gave a mental smirk as he watched them all grow uncomfortable. Sure he wasn't as good at the creepy smile as Calem, but hopefully now they'd actually listen to him.

"Don't worry, it's nothing to concern yourself with, my boy," the old man said, ignoring the 'are you shitting me' faces of all the teenagers in the room, "Now, I believe that is enough talking for one night. Follow me, my boy, and I'll show you to a place you may spend the night. We'll get you sorted in the morning."

Still staring at the senile old man incredulously, he decided he wasn't sure if he wanted to know what a sorting was, or why the old man thought he would want to do it. Glancing down at the Absol at Calem's feet, who had done nothing besides open a single eye to track the bastard, he decided to follow the old man just this once, if only because he was tired and needed some time to think.

It certainly wasn't because he was afraid Calem and Serena would go on a killing spree if he didn't get them to calm down. Nope, not at all.


To be honest, I had this chapter 90% finished since the day I posted the first chapter. I just couldn't get into the mindset of writing until today.

Also, for those of you wondering, here is a list of all three of their teams:

Harry's team consists of a Delphox, a Haxorus, a Lucario [with a Mega Stone], an Aegislash, a Crawdaunt, and a Meloetta.

Calem's team consists of a Greninja, a Malamar, an Aurorus, an Absol [with a Mega Stone], a Gogoat, and a Dragalge.

Serena's team consists of a Chesnaught, a Meowtisc, an Ampharos [with a Mega Stone], a Tyrantrum, a Sylveon, and a Noivern.

Anyway, that's all for this chapter. Follow, favorite, review, all that jazz. I'm out, see you later with the next chapter.