"Come on Calem!" Serena giggled, jumping over another log, "Don't be such a Slowpoke!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming," he moaned back at her, groaning as he nearly tripped over the same log. "Sereeeeena!" the seven year old moaned, "Do you have to go so fast?"
"I'm not going too fast, you're going too slow! Now, come on, I want to see if we can find a Dedenne!" she giggled, climbing up a nearby tree.
"Mankey," Calem mumbled, staring at her as she climbed. "Serena, what would you even do with a Dedenne?" he asked, sounding resigned.
"Why, isn't it obi… obvi… oply…" she spluttered, trying to pronounce the word, "er, CLEAR!" she yelped, before smiling smugly, looking pleased with herself. "Isn't it clear? I'd catch it and make it my pet!"
Calem sighed. "Serena, the only thing that'll happen is you'll get poofy hair. It's an electric type, not a Magikarp."
She frowned as she finally made it to a branch. Once she pulled herself up, she spun around and stuck her tongue out at him. "Well, we won't know until we try. Now, onward," she spun around on the branch, and began climbing to the other trees, "I want a Dedenne!"
Calem sighed and began following her, at least grateful that she had to go slower now so she didn't accidently fall off.
In truth, even though Serena had only moved to Kalos recently, Calem was already used to her antics.
But first, some background.
Serena, currently six years old, was the only daughter of the famous Ryhorn racer Gracie, whom had just decided to retire to the sleepy town of Vanville in Kalos. Now, as a hyper ball of energy who had never had any long-term friends thanks to constant travelling, Serena had latched onto the first child she met. Who was this (un)lucky child you may ask?
Calem. It was Calem.
Now, as Calem was the son of two ace trainers, he was a virtual font of knowledge on Pokémon. Because of this he was also the best person to keep the unstoppable force that is Serena out of danger from accidently slapping a Beedrill hive, even if he would rather be at home sleeping or playing video games or doing anything other than interacting with people.
Oh, sure, the kid was a genius when it came to Pokémon, but he was also anti-social and had a burning hatred for the sun.
So, in the end, Serena, a child full of life and happiness, had managed to befriend Calem, a child who really didn't want anything to do with people.
Of course, the townspeople found it adorable. Calem just wished they would stop talking about it when he was in earshot.
Looking around nervously, Calem absently touched the Pokéball he had hidden in his pocket. After the two of them had nearly been killed by a Houndour the previous week, he had taken to carrying one of his parent's Pokémon around with him in case of emergencies.
Relaxing as he felt the smooth orb in his pocket, he looked up in the trees to try and find Serena.
Only to have a mini panic attack when he couldn't see her anywhere.
"Serena!" he yelled as he rushed forward, nearly tripping over a branch. He was just about to shout for her again when he heard her voice shriek back, "Calem!"
Heart pounding in his chest as he rushed towards her voice, his panicked mind started dreaming up all sorts of scenarios. She could have been beset upon by a pack of rabid Houndoom, or perhaps had been poisoned by a Gloom and that had been her final shriek before her death, or maybe she even actually had kicked a Beedrill hive and they were all surrounding her to get riotous vengeance on her. As he stumbled into the clearing and his eyes laid upon what was there, he could only stop and stare.
Oh. He hadn't expected that.
Harry held back a whimper as he slammed into the back of his cupboard. He knew making noise would only make it worse.
"You think you can ruin dinner like that, you little FREAK?!" Vernon roared. Vernon was the walrus who owned the house Harry lived in.
It could be said that they were related, but Harry would never admit that, even if he could only keep that little bit of rebelliousness inside his own head.
"No food for a week boy! If I see you take one step out of there, I swear you'll get twice as many from the belt!" he roared.
Harry deliriously wondered if he would still get whipped if he snuck out in the middle of the night and slept on the couch. After all, it wouldn't be like Vernon would have seen him take a step out of the cupboard.
As he laid there, tuning out his relatives complaining about him, he began counting his injuries.
Twenty lashes, he mused as he winced. That was twice as much as normal. Vermin must have been mad.
Wait, Vernon. Not Vermin. Actually, he decided he liked Vermin more. He would just have to make sure not to say that out loud.
He winced as his jaw hurt when he tried to smile. Dudley and his friends had beaten him up earlier after school.
Friends. He wished he had friends. That would be fun. He had thought he might get some when he had started primary school, but Dudley had made sure none of them would even want to touch him with a ten foot pole.
Grimacing as he coughed up blood, he rolled over, not particularly caring if Petunia would screech at him when he came out for bloodying his clothes.
Absently he raised his hand, placing it on the wall of his cupboard. Pulling it away, he let out a giggle at the sight of his handprint in the dim light.
It had been too long since he had last been able to draw.
Dipping his hand in more of his own blood, he drew a door on the wall of his cupboard. He decided as he was drawing it that it would be his exit out of the cupboard, his grand escape from the Dursleys.
Giggling slightly at the thought, he wondered if he was starting to go mad. That thought caused him to giggle some more. Vermin would hate it if he went mad.
Smiling, he placed both his hands on the 'door', closing his eyes… only to open them again as he found the door actually opened and causing him to fall through with a pained yelp.
As he landed in grass he blinked confused for a moment, before painfully rolling over. Looking around himself at the surrounding area, he could only gape as he realized he was in a forest.
Oh yes, he thought, I've definitely gone mad.
Serena had been jumping around the trees like a Mankey as he let Calem chase after her. Running around like this was so fun! She was sad they couldn't do it more.
Giggling, she climbed down from a tree as she came across a clearing. Yes! This would be the perfect place to find Dedenne! She giggled again, walking forward.
She suddenly heard Calem faintly calling her name. Looking around herself, she realized she couldn't see him anywhere. Suddenly slightly scared, she was about to call back when she caught sight of something. Freezing, she stared at the bloodied body for a couple seconds before shrieking, "CALEM!"
She stood there frozen, staring at the boy as he started to come to his senses. Suddenly, as he seemed to catch sight of her, he let out a pained whimper before trying to back away from her.
Key word being trying, as he didn't manage to get very far before he stumbled and fell over.
Just then, Calem finally managed to get into the clearing, only to stop and stare at the boy like she was. Running over to him, she whispered, "Come on, we have to help him!"
Calem blinked, before shaking himself and nodding. He started walking over to the boy, pulling a Pokéball out of his pocket. Serena gaped at him. She didn't know he already had a Pokémon!
He threw it and out flashed an Audino. The boy on the ground suddenly stopped struggling and froze, staring up at it with wide, fearful eyes. She frowned. It was like he had never seen an Audino before.
"It's okay," Serena quietly as she approached. Her instincts told her to be quiet when approaching the boy, and they had never steered her wrong before. "Audino will fix you right up," she said, giving him a grin.
Calem nodded, before whispering, "Audino, use heal pulse on him."
The pink Pokémon hummed before letting out a rippling wave of pink light. The boy on the ground tensed up with wide eyes as he watched it, before relaxing as it fell over him, gasping as he felt his wounds healing.
The boy paused, before whispering, "I've really gone mad!"
Serena blinked at that. The boy was speaking Unovian! She knew a bit of it from when she stayed there, even if she was better at Kantoese and Kalosesk. Taking a deep breath of remembrance, she stepped forward.
"Hi," she said slowing, trying to make sure she didn't mess the language up, "My name is Serena. Why are you mad, you should be happy. You are healed!" She grinned. She was pretty sure that was perfect.
When the boy continued to stare up at her with wide, disbelieving eyes, she jumped as she remembered something. "Oh, this is Calem." She said pointing at the boy who was looking between the two of them, confused. "What is your name?" she asked.
He blinked slowly at her, seeming confused about something, before saying, "H-Harry, Harry Potter."
Serena gave him a bright grin, before saying, "Hi, Harry! Do you want to be our friend?"
He looked up at her with awe, before nodding so fast she was worried his head might fall off.
She grinned at him, "Great!"
And thus, a legend was born.
So, this is my first Pokémon crossover. Now, originally, I was going to make something like this for Sinnoh. I still am, but this will be more focused on Harry returning to Britain, rather than the Sinnoh one which will be centered more on Harry's journey in the Pokémon world.
ALSO, this is from the challenge from TheGirlWithFarTooManyIdeas, and if you want to see the whole prompt, go to her page, because I'm not copying something like that down here. The gist of it is that Harry, Calem, and Serena are like extremely close siblings, and are extremely powerful trainers who are dragged to Britain and really don't want to deal with the Wizarding World's shit. But we'll get to that in the next chapter.
Also, pairings. They're not set in stone yet, so if you can convince me to change them I will, but I'm thinking of making it Harry/Susan, Calem/Luna or Calem/Tonks, and Serena/Neville.
And, just to make sure you all realize this, Calem is about eight months older than Serena, and Serena is about three months older than Harry.
Oh, also, Unovian is English, Kantoese is Japanese, and Kalosesk is French.
Welp, that's all for now, folks. Dark Purple Insanity will now be leaving through the backdoor in your internet browser history. Damn, you've got some weird shit in here.