A/N: This is a SasuNaruSasu fic with all the lovely gay goodness it brings! This story is set in a modern AU. Also I haven't found a beta yet & I'm looking for volunteers *stares*.
Disclaimer: Naruto isn't mine. But after the ending, I don't think I want him, hmph! Kishi, you tease!
Warnings: Cursing, Mature Situations between consenting males
Sasuke sighed, dragging a hand down his face, as he heard the familiar tap-tap-tap, always the same three knocks pattern, before the roseate peeked in through the door. He tore his eyes from the painting on the wall behind his desk, shooting the door a quick glare, before returning his attention to the painting. He had had it in his office for so long that he didn't even remember how he got it. But something about the mute colors and gentle strokes put his mind at ease. The painting itself wasn't very special. It just showed a hooded figure leaning against a wall in the pouring rain, gazing at the sky. He gazed out of the window, frowning at the bright weather that seemed to mock him and invalidate his internal turmoil.
It had been a long day. He was tired of having to deal with so many questions, so many stupid questions. He wondered if anyone even read the newspapers anymore. Every detail about the incident was on the front page and people still had the gall to come up to him and bore him with their idiocy. Sure, he was supposed to save lives, but for a moment, he considered switching sides and killing his obviously insane brother for putting him in such a position.
He needed a break. He didn't have time for this, for her. And her insistent tapping was getting on his nerves.
"Go away," he mentally growled.
"I'm on break, Sakura." he didn't whine. He absolutely didn't whine. He was above whining. But if he didn't have the self control he did, he knew he would've whined, and pushed the contents on his table onto the floor too, just for good measure.
"Dr. Uchiha," she regarded him sternly, before entering and closing the door behind her, "You know that we're short on men here ever since Itachi left to start his own hospital and took half the doctors with him."
Dark eyes raised to meet her's, rimmed with dark circles, almost as if to warn her to stop bringing it up. He had heard enough about that for a lifetime. And the most vexing part was that he didn't even know why his brother made such a decision, so abruptly, out of the blue. Well, not that abrupt. Sasuke had felt the tensions rising within his family, but he didn't know the details. But he had in no way anticipated that his brother would just throw away the Uchiha name & venture out on his own.
Sakura couldn't help but feel guilt tug at her heart at the sorry sight. Once, he had been a beautiful man, the kind that always had a mysterious, composed aura about him. He hadn't been lively or charismatic by any means. But he had always had this little spark of life in him, back when they went to the same school. And now, years later, when she coincidentally ends up meeting him again and ending up as his assistant, she could tell the spark was gone. Itachi leaving was probably the last straw. It was only a matter of time before he'd explode.
She knew she should probably let him take some rest. After all, he had been working for hours & she was certain he didn't use his breaks to catch up on his sleep. She had caught him blankly staring into space more times than she deemed healthy. An idle mind is a devil's workshop. And the devil has always had a thing for the Uchihas. She had witnessed it firsthand. Sakura was torn between comforting the Uchiha and punching the melancholia out of him.
"Is it important?" his voice sliced into her thoughts, laced with irritation, but Sakura just rolled her eyes. Years of practice made her immune to his intimidation techniques.
"Yes," she lied, ignoring the glare the raven sent her way. There was nothing important about the case. Well, nothing another doctor couldn't handle. But she wanted Sasuke moving about, doing what he loves instead of moping, or well, the Uchiha version of it. She knew he transformed into another person when he got into work. Sasuke loved nothing if not his job. A small grunt was heard before the doctor grabbed his coat and stormed out of his office.
Sakura sighed. Someday she was going to have to make Sasuke go to a therapist or soon, he'd drive her into seeking one out for herself.
"I'm fine, really! For fuck's sa-" an agitated voice cut into the air. And then a thunk, like a hand slapping against flesh, following by a crass curse.
"Language, gaki!" a woman hollered, exasperation evident in her voice.
"But baa-chan, you know how fast I heal! This is no big deal!" the man whined in a manner that was very unbecoming for his age.
And with that, Sasuke tuned their voiced out as he walked through the corridor, the evening sun dancing across the tips of his hair as they fell in through the large windows. He halted in his tracks, realizing that he had walked a little too far. He grimaced. He was really out of it. The familiar sounds grew louder the closer he got to the emergency room and he could feel it bursting with activity. And he couldn't help the jolt of Adrenalin coursing through him at the thought of getting back to the fast paced environment. He had spent far too long answering idiots, and far too less time doing his job. He pushed the door open just in a time for a nurse to run outside as he barely managed to dodge. Another nurse with twin buns walked over to him and handed him a clipboard, motioning him to go to bed 7. He nodded in response, lithe fingers flipping through the pages of notes with other documents tucked in.
He took a deep breath and entered the curtains surrounding the bed, just in time to hear an outburst-
Bright blue eyes met ebony as the distressed man noticed the intruder. Sasuke felt a slight tingle across his spine, his breath momentarily catching in his throat.
"-hospital." the blond finished lamely, lowering the fist he had raised in the air, earning a snort from the raven.
"An intelligent observation considering this is a hospital." he replied in a bored tone, not even looking up from the clipboard, earning a growl from the other occupant. Oh, this was going to be a very interesting case.
"Don't mind him," he heard a woman speak, as a large bosom covered his field of vision, momentarily disorienting him. He slowly looked up to meet her gaze, which was trained on the clipboard. He cleared his throat, taking a quick step back.
"Unfortunately, he's the patient." he said mock-dejectedly, before moving towards the bedside to observe his patient, ignoring the huff he got in response. The blonde had a thick bandage covering his forehead, a small patch of blood making its presence known between his temple and the middle of his forehead. His hand was twisted at an odd angle, and Sasuke was certain that it was fractured. Dark eyes scanned the tanned (and quite toned, Sasuke noted) torso, moving lower only to have his observations halted as the blonde threw an obnoxiously orange hoodie to cover his body, dark blue eyes glaring at the impassive doctor.
"There's nothing to look at, doc," Sasuke raised an eyebrow at the nickname as the blond moved to dress up, ignoring the woman's protests, "So you can just send me home and go on your merry way!"
Sasuke regarded him for a moment. He could just leave. Nobody would be able to stop him. In fact, the blond wanted him out. But there was something about him that made Sasuke want to stand his ground and watch him throw a tantrum. It was as amusing as it was annoying.
"No. You see," Sasuke paused to look at the name on the clipboard, before nearly dropping it in shock, his aristocratic features paling in horror.
"Naruto Uzumaki," he mumbled, a flurry of memories knocking the wind out of him. He had spent so long trying to block them out, trying to pretend they don't exist. It was bad enough when he met Sakura. And now, it was this idiot, this one moron who could have ruined everything.
A love note crumpled on the floor, a flash of pink running and disappearing into the crowd. Angry blue eyes boring into his, a fist crumpling the front of his shirt. Whispering sounds in the hallways.
"Stop acting so high and mighty and apologize to her, teme!"
You moron.
Dirty bandages litter the bathroom floor, blood trailing down a tanned arm. Trusting blue eyes lock on his, crinkling with the force of a blinding smile, the first one directed at the raven.
"Aww, Sasuke, you're human after al- Ouch! You fucking bastard, you did that on purpose!"
What did you do this time?
Grey skies pouring down hell on the earth, slapping against the tarmac, water blending with the rivers from teary blue eyes. A voice gone hoarse from screaming the same name again and again.
"Sasuke, don't you fucking walk away from me, you coward!"
You're the one telling me to leave now, dobe.
Blue eyes with a hint of grey, a sad smile on tan lips, sad enough to break his heart if he had one. Fists clenching and shoulders quivering. A cracked voice, shaky from strain.
"Maybe I am a moron for wanting to be friends with a prick like you."
But we're strangers now, ne?
Blue eyes full of understanding that he didn't deserve. An accepting smile on his lips. An outstretched tan hand that was never shaken, never held.
"Maybe someday I'll see you again and you won't hate me so much."
The back of a blond mane, a voice full of finality saying the words he never expected to hear. A soft admittance of defeat he never believed would come. The vacancy he had thought relief would fill.
"Sasuke... Goodbye."
"-to the doctor. Earth to the doctor. EARTH TO THE DOCTOR!" Sasuke almost jumped in surprise, blinking in confusion. The exhaustion and overwhelming nostalgia was getting to him. The sooner he treated the blond and got rid of him, the better. He didn't want to risk being recognized. No, his life was already far too unstable without the no-good-blond messing up things again. Slipping into his impassive mask, he quickly scanned the man beneath him, noting the bruise on his left side, before opening the file and skimming through the contents.
"Sports injury...broken ribs...broken arm...trauma to the head..." Sasuke recited under his breath, lifting his gaze to the blond, who was looking at him expectantly. Sasuke felt half-hurt and half-relieved that Naruto didn't recognize him. It would make his job a lot easier. But he felt it wasn't fair that he had to be the only one who knew the truth. It had been ten years. For all he knew, Naruto could have forgotten him. He was Naruto's first friend, but he had seen the boy make many more. He had to pull himself together and stop being so paranoid. He was a professional. And he was going to do his damn best to act like one, and not ever a blond moron from his past could deter him.
"Mr. Uzumaki," the name left an odd taste on his tongue, "You have two fractured ribs, a fractured arm and a head injury. I'm afraid you won't be going home anytime soon."
The blond's face fell and for a moment it reminded Sasuke of a ten years younger version looking at him with the same devastated expression on his face, and that almost cracked his mask. Almost. The big-breasted woman gave Naruto a pitying glance.
"H-how long?" he gulped, making Sasuke smirk. It was amusing how less Naruto had changed in a decade. He still looked like a child getting a shot. Not that he looked like a child. Sasuke hadn't missed the well toned abdominal muscles, and considering how Naruto was in for a sport injury, it wasn't hard to put two and two together. Naruto was definitely a sports player or an athlete, he deduced. The finding made him a little sad. Back in school Naruto had always been going on about how he'd be a great artist like his uncle someday. He didn't like knowing that in the past ten years Naruto had changed, and that he no longer knew the exact buttons to push for the reactions he wanted.
"At least six weeks." the woman replied before he could, before throwing him a smile, "I'm Dr. Tsunade Senju. Been a while since I've retired, though."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow in response. She didn't look old enough to call herself "retired" in the first place. But with all the advancements in the field of cosmetic surgery, who knows? She could've been seventy for all he knew even if she didn't look a day older than thirty five.
"That is corre-"
"SIX FUCKING WEEKS? With doctor doom and the hospital of gloom? All alone?" the blond sneered, wincing as he moved his arm, "Have you gone senile, baa-chan!?"
Sasuke didn't know what was louder, the blond's scream upon being cuffed in the head by Tsunade, or his own voice screaming in his head at the realization.
He was screwed.
A/N: Do you guys think Naruto really doesn't remember? And why is Sasuke haunted by him? Stay tuned to find out :D
Review, please? This is my first SNS multi-chapter fic & I'd like to know your opinion :) Also if you're confused, don't worry, the following chapters will clear everything up!
Also if anyone's up for beta-ing, I'd love to hear from you :)