AN: Faithful followers, welcome back! Newcomers also welcome, but know this is book 4 in a series. If you'd like to read them in order, it goes:

Witch Pie?

Mourning Pie

Cursed Pie?

Blood Pie

We also have a collection:

Slices of Pie- Fluffy scenes and background.

Well, without further ado, The Road so Far:

Dean was dead, and Lilly was gone.

The agony of that statement tore through all of them as they searched the cabin Lilly had been in, searched the grounds around the cabin, followed the scant trail through the state until it disappeared. No matter how many times they searched it always turned out the same; Lilly was gone. The amount of times they had gone over this was bordering on insanity at this point. It didn't matter, there had to be something. They had to have missed something.

Except there wasn't. After dozens of tries, they still found nothing. The best they had was the fact that snakes and demons played a role in her disappearance. Maybe together, maybe separately.

Bobby called it after a few days. They had what they were going to get, they had to start working the next angle. Take what they had and start looking into it. Keep 'em moving, that was Bobby's new standard. When they were still too long he worried more about his jits doing something stupid.

He'd caught Sam gathering the things to put in a crossroads summons box. One shouting match later, Sam finally revealed that he didn't want to make a deal, he wanted to capture a demon and interrogate them; question them about ways to get Dean back and where Lilly was.

After that Sam left to chase demons, promising that he'd let them know if he found anything and that he wasn't going to do anything stupid.

Bobby continued to train Mae. If she was going to stay with him and Sam, she needed to be able to defend herself. He even took her on a few hunts, though he mostly had her helping with the investigation aspects. He never took her to the kill.

Sam made sure to come back often, even took Mae out with him on a few cases that were less than a day from Sioux Falls. He refused to mix her up with the demons, much to Bobby's gratitude. He could understand Sam's need to question the demons, didn't mean he had to like it; or the thought of losing another kid to the black eyed bastards. Bobby used the times Mae was gone to continue his side research into Lilly's past, hoping that maybe it was the missing piece in this puzzle.

Between hunts, self defense lessons, and helping Bobby out with the phones, Mae finds herself having to deal with the people of Sioux Falls wanting to know where Lilly had gone. As painful as it was, she ended up creating a story, one that spread as she visited the kids at Saint Mary's, the shop and the station to help Jody. Some people took her at her word while others give her strange looks. Mae even starts to question if she's lying to people because no one would believe her, or if she was trying to lie to herself.

For the most part, the three stay in constant contact and help each other as they grieve and search for Lilly, and for a way to save Dean.

Things start to get strange as time goes on. Bobby starts to suspect Sam might be keeping secrets, but can't do anything to back up his feelings on it. In the meantime, he starts collecting information on the pyramid Lilly's birth parents had been murdered in. He becomes hopeful again when he sends out inscriptions to be translated. It had been over three months since Lilly had gone missing, and the longer she was missing, the less likely they were to bring her home. Not that he told Mae any of that.

In the first week of September Sam lets Mae and Bobby know that he was going back out to track demons. He leaves, promising to let them know when he found something.