As I saw the fist covered with a nearly blinding light being thrown towards my head, I quickly ducked down and successfully tripped the attacker by sweeping their legs from under them, my long blonde hair swaying from the movement. While the orange haired man was trying to stand up, I tried delivering a swift kick to their stomach. However, I was too slow and and ended up with a knee to the gut. 'Ouch, that ones gonna leave a mark' I internally grumbled.

After quickly recovering, I got into a defensive position so as to be ready for anything the crisp, black suit wearing man would try. It had been a whole five minutes of just –at least what I thought was- a staring competition. He, about 10 metres in front just standing there. Staring at me. Which was quickly becoming both irritating and creepy.

"Loke what the hell?! Are gonna stop staring at me and attack already?!" Annoyance thoroughly lacing my words.

Said man just smirked back at me. A really devious one, you know the type that gives you nightmares kinda smirk. When Mr. Creepster over here finally decided to talk though… lets just say I was NOT a happy bunny.

"My beloved princess, how could you not tell me you liked lace?" You could literally hear the devilish smirk in his trying-to-be-as-innocent-as-possible-but-failing-horribly voice. So creeeeeepy. Seriously, what is with his attitu-

"Loke," I said as calmly as possible with such a deathly and sickening sweet aura I wouldn't be surprised if he pissed himself then and there. "I thought I told you to ignore the part where my shirt was ripped," also thought I would throw in a little smile as well.

"Ah. Right. Yea-oh! T-that you did m-mam. I-I just, ahh, you know, t-thought it would m-make a great joke! Hah… hah." He trailed off laughing extremely nervously and sweating like nobody's business.

I honestly felt really proud of myself. Yes, feeling proud of scaring the living shit out of my spirit. However, the other more prominent feeling was that of humour. I tried my best to not laugh and failed spectacularly.

"Ha, Loke..pfft. You really don't.. ahaaha. You look like.. Heh. Hang on..pfft," I needed a couple minutes to collects myself as my cheeks were really sore. When I did, I turned to look at him straight in the eye, trying my best to be a serious as possible.

"Loke, you look like a wet dog that got in the middle of an intense boxing fight."



That is when he decided that crying big, fat, comical tears, would help lessen his situation. Which if you were to ask me, they most certainly did not and only added to the whole 'abandoned and in need of loving home' look. Which I, of course, took the liberty of voicing these thoughts.

"Oh princess, how you wound me," the perverted lion said while holding a hand to his heart and trying to look distraught. And on that train of thought, "Ne Loke, you really need acting classes if you want to make that work,"

With a look of mock hurt, no comeback to give and tail between his legs, Loke simply started vanishing back to the Celestial Spirit World by force closing his gate. Which I took this as my cue to continue on with my training.

Time skip- that evening (Mavis point of view)

She would most likely say I just left her there without any money, food, furniture, nothing. Nothing but a note which read;

Dear Lucy,

After thinking it through, I decided to give you a change of pace in your normal routine. For the next week, you are to train in this clearing while also gathering things if you are to survive. I will come back when the week is finished to check on your progress, which I suggest polishing up on your hand-to-hand combat mostly.


Mavis Vermillion,

P.S. If I hear that you got supplies from anywhere but the forest that you are in, especially the Celestial Spirit World, then you my friend, will have to be punished.

'Hehe, she's gonna be really angry when I come to check on her.' I thought to myself while walking softly on the leaf littered forest floor towards the clearing which I left my poor student at.

As I got to the edge of the clearing, I could see Lucy in all her glory. Which was battered, beaten, bruised (A/N: yowza, my alliteration skills be great) and drifting in and out of consciousness. I was about to step out of the shadows that the tall trees gave off when, form the other side of the clearing, a hulking man was grumbling and cursing under his breath while walking in the general direction of my beloved friend.

'Wahh, what great timing. Tomorrow I was going to try talking her into going to the guild- or what I like to call 'suggesting'. So this is wonderful actually'

After having my little mind conversation with myself, I perched my self on a nearby branch of tree to watch the scene unfold before me.

With the sun setting over the town of Magnolia on one side of the clearing, the stars starting to show themselves and the breeze a soft melody in the forest. I found myself hoping that the blonde man would take Lucy to the guild. 'Where she can start a proper life, one with lots of friends and family to take care of her and watch over her. One where she is free to smile and laugh- not that she isn't free to now, I just feel as though she needs actual living humans. Not apparitions nor spirits.

No, my dear old friend needs real people. And that is why, Laxus, I hope that you can find it within yourself to bring this kindhearted girl to the guild.'

A/N: Sweet cheese and pretzels! First chapter of my first FanFic in now complete. I had so much fun writing this XD Thank you for anyone who bothered to read. Luv ya loads. Until next time.

~Flamey Owl