"You sure you know what you're doing, Impulse?" The tall dark looming figure looked behind Irey as she turned the knobs on the machine to get it powered up. Just being here was dangerous for them both, her companion more so than her; but the sense of impending danger was still there making the hair on her arms stand on end.

Irey took a deep breath, moving her goggles over her eyes as she moved to stand on the Cosmic Treadmill. "As much as you do Batman. Father told me a bit on how this works... But he also said it was like a feeling on when you make it to when you want to be." She had never been allowed to even touch the machine, everyone from her father to both Batmen telling her time travel was not something to be messed with.

"Of course he did." Batman sounded angry, not something out of the ordinary for the younger Dark Knight. It still helped put everything into perspective for Irey.

The only known speedster left that could even remotely use the Treadmill, she could feel herself shaking under the pressure. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, Batman looking down to her with what she could only call his attempt at a friendly gesture.

"You remember what you need to do, right?"

Irey gave a short nod, "Yessir, and I have the letter from Bruce in my pocket. I need to find him in Gotham, but make sure I keep identities secret... Which you know is kinda funny that theywouldhidetheiridentitiesnotsolong..."

"Impulse!" Batman snapped, "focus please. Yes, find my father and give him the letter. He'd be the most likely to accept who you are, though he will probably be skeptical. Be prepared for that, time travel is something no one's really trusted before."

"Yes." Irey found her voice small as she realized she would be alone on this. Even though she had followed her father to save people since she could run, she has never been on her own. Her father, the Titans, or even her other family members have been with her from day one. "And I am not to give away too much information away about the future."

"That's right." The visible lower portion of Batman's face suddenly became sad. "Imp... Iris, I'm not sure if you will be able to come back..."

Irey smiled, fixing her ponytail one final time before she hugged Batman. The man stiffened as the smaller girl clung to him for just a moment. "It's okay Damian. If I can save my daddy, it doesn't matter if I can't come back. And, hey, didn't Vibe say I could possibly just fade out of existence when the timeline corrects itself."

"Ramon is an idiot, but he could be right." Batman started as alarms started to blare. "We have run out of time, Impulse. Start running I'll hold them off."

Irey started to run, the numbers on the machine climbing higher and higher as Irey ran. The sounds of fighting started to reach her ears, the only thing stopping her from helping Damian being that she needed to help them all. Her mom, Jai, her teammates, the world, and her father.

She could feel the Speed Force filling her, whispering to her like a greeting of coming home. It reminded her of when she was younger, and it called to her like this. Her and Jai were aged, she could remember it feeling like multiple lifetimes, before her father freed them from its hold. This time was the same and she could have almost lost herself in it until she heard Batman crash through the wall.

He sailed through the air in front of the Treadmill, followed quickly by Superman. It was almost in slow motion as Superman's eyes glowed red, holding Damian by the neck. Everything was in slow motion as Irey continued to run, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as all she saw was red. Words seemed to reach her ears as she finally entered the time stream.

"Run, Irey. Run."

Irey landed on the ground, her momentum making her roll through a field. It seemed like it was days before she slowed enough to right herself back to her feet.

Her costume was shot, small tears from her tumble through what looked like a corn field. "Guess it could have been a busy city street." She shrugged as she got a better look at her surroundings. "Now where am I? When am I? Darnit, you aren't allowed to become a cliche!" She picked a leaf from on of the corn stalks from her hair. "If I'm in Kansas, I swear I'm gonna..."

Suddenly the wind picked up, like it was moving towards Irey and she saw a scarlet streak coming towards her. Her heart almost stopped as she thought she saw her father. She tried to reach out to him with the Speed Force... But it did not work. Instead the blur moved towards the start of her re-entry and then turned towards her.

He stopped a few yards in front of her, and her breath. She knew who was in front of her, but that could not be right. Barry Allen had died at least two years before she was born... That meant she went way too far into the past.

"Hey, kiddo." Barry, The Flash, said. His voice was a bit different than Irey expected him to have. "What's a kid like you doing all alone in a field like this? You okay?"

Irey remembered then what had happened as she was leaving. Damian was probably dead, and Superman was probably hunting for what was left of everyone.

Tears threatened to escape once more as she hiccuped, rubbing at her eyes after she removed her goggles. "I need to speak with Bruce Wayne."

Barry's eyes went wide as he moved closer, walking slowly as to probably not startle her. "Okay, kid. I'll help you all I can, but I can't just bring people from what looks like a bombing shit to see one of the world's top businessmen. Can I have a reason why you need to see Bruce?"

Shaking her head, she finally felt less like she was going to cry. "Can you tell me what the date is it is?"

"It's May 13th, 2008." Barry answered with a questioning.

"Shoot..." Irey breathed before looking at Barry. "I'm a speedster from the future... Something happened, something bad, and I was sent back to stop it, b-" Stopping, she rubbed at her eyes once more. "But I came too far back... And I have to see Bruce Wayne, I have a letter for him..."

"Hey, hey, come on." Barry said, squeezing Irey's shoulder. "Let's get out of this field and I'll make some phone calls to see if I can get you some time with Bruce. Now, what's your name?"

"Impulse." The name came out strong from Irey's mouth. It was a name her father had given her, and it was a name that meant more than anything to her now that he was gone.

Barry laughed. "Not what I meant, but well," Barry removed the hood on his head, "My name is Barry Allen. I'm the Flash if that means anything to you, Future-Girl."

"The Flash Barry Allen, member of the Justice League and the hero of the Twin Cities." Irey nodded, "I am Irey... err... Park." Of all the things that Irey had gone over before her mission, she never learned on how to address herself. If she would have arrived when she was supposed to she would have been still in her mother's womb. It would have been easier, but now she needed to improvise on her own.

"Mr. Wayne," Bruce rubbed his temple as the receptionist's voice came out of the intercom. "There's a call on hold for you from a Mr. Allen. He says it's quite urgent."

"He would..." Bruce said under his breath as he hid the button to reply. "Thank you, Molly. Why don't you take an early lunch?"

"Thank you, sir. Would you like me to bring you something from the cafeteria?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Bruce paused and then added, "I'll actually be leaving after this phone call, if you'll alert Mr. Fox when you return from lunch."

"Will do, Mr. Wayne. You enjoy the rest of your day."

"You too, Molly."

Bruce shut off the intercom, looking at the bleeping light showing that Barry was still on hold. The younger man may not be as careful with his identity as Bruce was, but he seemed to understand why it needed to stay a secret. Plugging in an anti-bugging device to the phone, Bruce finally picked up.

"... if he doesn't pick up..."

Barry's voice came through before Bruce could speak, causing the older man to clear his throat. "What can I do for you Barry?"

"Bruce, finally." Barry breathed, "I need your help, I found someone and they apparently HAVE to see you... Can we meet somewhere, like that place last time?"

Bruce sighed, "Of course. I'll be there in half an hour. I'll alert Alfred to expect you."

"Thanks Bruce." Barry said, a noise on the other end came through the phone and the speedster quickly added. "I'll see you when you get there."

Barry and Irey arrived at the Manor ten minutes after Barry got off the phone with Bruce. They would have been there sooner but Barry wanted to get a change of clothing for the girl. Her costume was not too badly torn, but she was just so young it hurt Barry's heart to see it look like she was just in a battle.

Irey of course was an enigma, she had not revealed anything past what she had already told him. She was from the future and a speedster. Of course, time travel was something that had been theorized he could potentially do; but he never even thought to try. There was things he wanted to do or see, his mother jumping out as the first thing to come to mind. He had seen enough sci-fi movies to know that was a bad a idea.

Now though, there was possibly a real life time traveler. A teenage girl would looked more elbows and knees than a superhero. Her copper hair now in twin pigtails behind her ears and covering her shoulders leading to the ill fitting sundress Barry had grabbed for her from his own Iris's closet. She stood quietly by him as he knocked on the door, fingers tapping on her arm as she tapped her foot. The fidgeting, Barry knew, a side effect of the Speed Force wanting to escape in moments of high emotion.

"Ah, Master Bartholomew, it is a pleasure to see you again." Alfred's calm accented voice greeted as the older British butler answered the door. "And who is your young friend?" There was a slight hesitance now in Alfred's voice. Barry probably should have told Bruce more over the phone but somethings are better to explain in person.

"My name is Irey, sir." The aforementioned girl said, extending her arm in greeting. "Barry brought me to speak to Mr. Wayne."

Alfred nodded, "Come in, Master Wayne will be here in just a few moments." Alfred stepped aside to allow them to enter. Irey's eyes grew wide as she laid eyes on the interior of the manor. Alfred seemed to chuckle at the girl's reaction and smiled, "Could I get the two of you anything to drink."

"Water would be great, Alf." Barry said with a smile, looking back at the gaping face of Irey. "For both of us."

"Of course, sir. Make yourselves comfortable, it'll be just a moment." Alfred said, retreating to what Barry guessed was the kitchen.

Irey spoke as soon as Alfred was out of sight. "I've never seen it like this. It's so beautiful."There was something in the girl's voice that almost made Barry want to hug her; something sad and lonely.

The room they were currently in must have been one of the sitting rooms. There was a few paintings on the wall and a few book cases full of volumes that seemed to glow in the light from the chandelier overhead. "It is beautiful." Barry agreed, though he would probably better describe it as museum like.

Irey sat down in one of the chairs after that, turning her head to look at all the things in the room. She kept her hands on the letter she said was for Bruce in her hand, surprisingly not moving her hands. As if the letter was the most important thing to her and she could not even put a crease in paper.

Alfred returned a moment later, a tray with two bottles of water and piled high with cookies and sandwiches. "I took the liberty of bringing some snacks for you two." The old butler eyed Barry with a knowing look as he set down tray on the coffee table in front of where Irey sat. "Master Wayne just pulled into the grounds. He should be with the two of you momentarily."

Irey looked at the spread before her, eyeing the cookies for a moment before grabbing on of the water bottles. "Thank you Mr. Pennyworth."

"Of course young lady." Alfred smiled, "And just call me Alfred."

Irey nodded, finally grabbing a sandwich. "I'll try and remember to do so."

Alfred simply nodded, "Very good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a few things to attend to." Turning on his heel Alfred left them to the food.

Barry ate a few of the sandwiches, Irey almost matching his own food intake. He paused mid-bite as something came to him. How did Irey know Alfred's last name? He eyed the girl for a second as she seemed completely enthralled by the foods Alfred had given them.

Before Barry could ask anything though, Bruce came into the room. "Barry, it is good to see you."

Irey's head shot up, and she stood in a blur before she was standing in front of Bruce. "Dame...Mr. Wayne, I need you to read this please."

"Sorry, Bruce." Barry said, having followed Irey. For half a second, he had been afraid he had really fucked up; but seeing Irey standing in front of Bruce he almost forgot what damage a speedster could cause. "This is Irey Park, it might be more helpful to read her letter. It's kinda complicated..."

Bruce took the letter from Irey, looking at the girl with a small look of surprise. Barry was almost certain that Bruce had some kind of database of all the people on the planet that had some kind of superpower; and if things weren't so weird right now, the surprise of little Irey being a speedster would have been possibly funny.

"Let's all sit and get comfortable." Bruce inclined with his head towards the couches and chairs that Irey and Barry had just vacated.

They all sat and Bruce started to read the letter:

'This may seem strange and unorthodox but I need your help. Now before you start questioning what I am about to say, let me tell you who I am. My name is Bruce Wayne, the son of Martha and Thomas Wayne. I am writing this from the year 2037, if things have gone right Irey should have arrived late in the year 2030; if everything has gone according to plan you will know her younger self, . If not, I apologize, but the situation is dire. If she has arrived when I hope she has, her mission is to save the Flash from an event that will accord in January of 2031.

If things have not gone accordingly, I can honestly not know when she has landed. I can only hope it is a time when you are the Batman and you can help her. Her return is statistically impossible unless you are in possession of a Cosmic Treadmill (blame the Flash for the name).

I'm sorry to put this on you Bruce, and I hope you can help her in anyway possible. She is a good kid.

Bruce Wayne'