A/N: This is a rewrite!

Please enjoy?

"Are you ready?" A booming rigorous authority made itself known.

"Yes." A small petite girl replied with determination.

"With your mission in hand, you must now follow your own path to defeat the common enemy. You know what to do, I assume?"

"Yes. Find all 88 celestial keys and find the missing links in the prophecy."

"Lucy Heartfilia, Princess of the Celestial Realm, I bid you farewell in your journey."

"Thank you. I will do my best." The girl of a 10 year old, flashed a smile before disappearing into the portal before her, traveling back into her home world, the world that she was born in. A world that was not the same before leaving it.

The first thing that Lucy wanted to do was to visit her mother, who had left the spirit realm to live in the human world with a mission, leaving Lucy in the care of the celestial king and the spirits. Not that Lucy minded, but she missed her mother terribly. How long had it been since her mother had left? For her, it had been 5 years. But what about here?

Lucy will find out first before starting on her dangerous yet unpredictable mission.

The first thing that had come to Lucy's mind was their family mansion. Lucy doesn't know where, but she can always ask for directions.

After a lot of questions and walking, and misguiding answers, Lucy found herself in front of a gigantic mansion. And it seemed abandoned. The mansion was riddled with vines and had dirtied pathways, but it does seem attended to in some areas, such as the windows and bushes.

Carefully, Lucy walks through the garden of the mansion and sees a beautiful run down statue on the right of the entrance of the mansion. Upon further inspection, Lucy sees that there was an engraving on it.

Couple seconds in, tears were formed the small girl's eyes as she stared at the engraving. She was looking forward to seeing her so much. How could this happen? She wanted to be embraced in the arms of her mother that she had not seen for years.

"You must be Lucy Heartfilia." A sudden voice reached Lucy's ears, making her jump, with her hand grabbing for her spirits.

"Who are you?!" Lucy demanded, trying to look intimidating, but failed because of her petite figure.

"I'm a servant that had been left with one last mission, and that was to guide you." The servant said, bowing. "I had been expecting you, Master."

"Master?" Lucy does not like the sound of that. "Wait, do you know my mother?"

The servant smiled sadly. "I know of her, yes."

Lucy stared at the servant before her for a moment. "Guiding me...what does that mean?"

"I have something I must give you."

"What would that be?"

"If you would follow me, I would gladly take you there." The servant bowed.

"Alright. Take me wherever."

Lucy followed the servant into the building, through couple of hallways and couple of turns, the servant finally stopped at a door, opening it, letting Lucy in first.

When Lucy stepped in, she was in awe. There was so many books in one place that made Lucy excited. She always had been a lover for books and such. So many information and stories that she had found fascinating.

The servant then proceeded to a desk on the far left of the room and took out a large box that rested upon the surface and handed it to Lucy.

When Lucy took it, she noticed how heavy it was. When she opened it, she sees a bulky letter, a ring, and a bulky cloth underneath.

Lucy takes out the letter first, sensing that it was more important than the ring or the cloth and sat down.

Dear Lucy,

If you are reading this, then you're on your third step of your journey. As much as I like to congratulate you, I am unable to do so, as I had already passed away. But don't ever forget, the stars will always watch over you. I will always be by your side.

I have a few tips to give for your journey. It will be harsh. There will be many enemies that will try to intervene in some way. There will be times where you will be lost, discouraged, sad, and angry. When you are in this situation, always remember the future that you will be changing, the past that you had lived, and the present that you are living in.

I encourage you to make friends. Friends on a journey is important. On your mission, friends can help you acquire new keys and become stronger, especially when the times comes.

Now, I assume that you have a large magic capacity inside your body, especially when you become stronger, you must wear the ring I had provided with this letter. The ring is powerful, capable of restraining your magic reserve, making it impossible for anyone to sense your magical energy.

Your magical energy is special. It is capable of many thing, reversing spells, enchanting spells, even healing spells. It is not lost magic, but you have advance celestial magic. So wear the ring to protect your identity, as people will be targeting you.

Now the last thing, I had also provided a special cloak. I had one of the best mage to prepare it, specifically for you. It's a cloak that won't come off unless you will it to. The cloak should also help you with your mission as well. Hope it will be helpful in any situation and such.

I only ask you one thing: Please be careful. As young as you are, don't get mixed up in dangerous missions unless you have to.

I love you with all my heart and wish I could be there and watch you as you succeed, and I know that you will. I am very proud of you.

Remember to smile in the toughest situation.

Love, your mother, Layla Heartfilia

Tears were streaming down Lucy's cheeks, tears dropping onto the letter. Lucy had only wished that she came earlier so she can see her mother before she had passed on.

"How did my mother die?" Lucy asked, turning to the servant.

"If I remember correctly, it was from magic deviancy."

Lucy stares at the man, suspicious about something. "When did she passed away?"

"137 years ago."

Lucy paled. If it had been that long...then why was she not told of her passing?

"And...how...why are you here?"

"The servant that served your mother was given a task of watching over this mansion, specifically for two things. To wait for you, and to watch over the mansion. The task, or mission had been passed down from generation to generation, this is, until you appear."

Lucy wanted to cry, cry for being gone for so long. "Thanks for...waiting."

The servant smiled. "Now that you are set, you are ready to start your journey."

Lucy was ready. For a 10 year old girl, she was ready to face the world.

"But before you go, you need money."

Lucy turned to the girl. "Money?"

"Money for food and a place to sleep."

"Oh, yes. How can I get them?"

The servant smiled. "Your mother left a fortune for you when you arrive. They are yours."

Lucy was...happy...that her mother did so much for her. That must be why she left the celestial realm...so she could provide Lucy essentials.

"Oh, and I almost forgot. Your mother has something else for you."

"Is that so? What is it?" Lucy asked as she put on the ring on her finger and held the special cloak that was made for her.

"Follow me, if you would." The servant left the room and made couple of turns and stopped in front of a door. "This is your room. I believe your mother had left you something else."

Curious, Lucy opens the door and walked in. It was empty, except for a table with couple of things sacked on it.

Walking to it, she sees another letter and a small box.

Lucy takes the letter first and reads it.


Your mother and I are proud of you. We miss you terribly, but knows that you are in good hands. If you are reading this, then the time is near, the time to fight back the darkness of this world...to fight Zeref. Right now, you are too young to understand, but while you still have time, use your powers to fight the darkness while saving it.

The celestial spirits that are scattered across the land, find and save them, before they become the fallen. You can still save them, but they will fight back...so be careful.

Your mother had made a promise with a mage that she is acquainted with. Right now, in your time, she is dead. But her guild is not. I'm sure the current guild master will be willing to assist you in your journey if you mention the first master. It is up to you to go to them or not. The guild is called Fairy Tail. They are remarkable group of people.

I had also left you a gift, to remind you of our time together. It was short, but treasure it dearly. Your mother and I love you dearly.

Your father, Jude Heartfilia.

Lucy had almost forgotten about him. Her father...he kept his distance for some reason...but she still loved him...

Lucy looks back at the small box. She takes it and opens the box. A necklace locket laid gracefully in the box. Lucy picks the locket up and opens it. On one side was a picture of her father and mother smiling into the picture. The other side was the picture of Lucy with her parents.

Lucy fought back some tears, wanting to see her parents again. But she had a mission, a mission that she must do...for her parents...for herself...for the world that she lived in. Lucy wraps the locket around her neck, and covered herself with the cloak her mother had given her.

"Where's my money?" Lucy turned to the servant.

"I'll take you there."

Lucy followed the servant through couple more turns and stopped in front of a door.

"This is only a part of the wealth that you owns. The rest is at Acalypha town, a guild called Love & Lucky."

Lucy nodded and opened the door, seeing sacks of money in front of her. Just how wealthy is my family?

Lucy opened a void and started throwing the money in there. The void can be used for couple of things. As storage, for transport, and going back to the celestial realm.

After throwing the last of the money into the void, she was ready now. Her journey starts now.

"Mister. Thank you for everything. May I ask for your name?"

"I'm Spetto." The servant smiled.

Lucy smiled. "Spetto, thank you. I must go now."

"Very well. I wish you luck on your journey. Be safe, little one."

Lucy grinned before walking out of the mansion and wondered...for a second. What will be her first destination?

Lucy closed her eyes, and heightened her magical senses...to sense if the magic of a celestial spirit was nearby.

Nothing. Lucy opened her eyes in defeat. Well then.

Lucy ran forward, looking forward to her journey...for her mother and father...and for the world she was born in.

A/N: The calculations for Earthland/Celestial world alike:
3 months on Earthland = 1 day in the Spirit World
12 months is a year on Earthland, which would be 4 x three months
Therefore, a year on Earthland 4 Spirit World days
(number of spirit world days) divided by 4 (number of Earthland years)
~Assuming a spirit world year is the same as ours, 365 days, five years would be 1825 days (could also be 1826 or 1827 with leap years). Divided by four, that would be about 456.5.

***So 5 spirit world years 456.5 Earthland years***

A/N 2: So...new story...hope you like :D

And, the cloak is white with a gold trim.

Please review and comment. I don't bite!
