"Mother f ## " I screamed out loud, teeth clenched in pain as I held onto the bloody stump of my right arm.

Alice looked back at me with blood soaked jaws, her claws still buried into the chest of the Ingen security guard who managed to get the drop on me as I came around the corner.
The bastard got a lucky shot that was for sure, and if not for Alice's fast thinking I'm sure the man would have riddled us both full of lead.

"You okay?" chittered Alice looking at me with worry, I snapped my fangs at her in reply.

No I'm not FINE! I just lost a limb you idiot. I wanted to scream, but I settled with a snap of my jaws and watched with a growl as my severed limb melted into a black goo and slithered into the folds of my flesh.
Slowly my arm began to rebuild itself, twisting and forming as it remade the bone and muscle.

After a few minutes, my arm was completely healed and I picked up my rifle from where it fell during the commotion.
Alice watched me as I walked towards her, stooping down briefly to grab the guard's pistol and holding it out to the red Troodon.

Alice eyes the weapon with hatred, blood dripping from her jaws. The Troodon turned her snout at the offered weapon with a huff and trotted off down the hallway without a word, I shrugged my shoulders and shoved the pistol into an empty ammo pouch awkwardly on my ammo vest.

Call me a hoarder but I love guns, I wasn't going to pass up an excuse to get me hands on a few fire arms. Grabbing a spare mag from the dead guys belt, I followed after Alice as she lead the way, sniffing at the air before looking at the fire escape map she had torn from the lab room.

"Were getting close" she said, wiping her jaws with the back of her hand as she spoke, the action was just so human. It was so calming to be around someone I could finally relate too, someone like me and not a wild predator.

I glanced over her shoulder at the map, before looking around the room and moving towards another glass door way. Like the others we'd found earlier, it was locked. Meaning I had to do one of my favourite tasks, taking a few steps back, I took a running charge and leapt into the door. My momentum shattered the glass, causing me to fall and tumble about the other side covered in small cuts.

"Men" muttered Alice shaking her head as she trotted past me, I growled in reply and got up, trotting along after her while wincing at the small shards of glass lodged in my scales.

We moved on in silence, until Alice went tense and hissed for me to stop. I came to a halt behind her, my head and chest hovering just over her tail.
It was odd hunting with someone smaller than myself, she was half my size yet still deadly. However that didn't stop my mind thinking of her as a child, if I squinted my gaze I could mistake her for a young raptor.

Raising my rifle into a firing position, I moved around Alice and down the hallway, taking note of a few scared voices echoing from a doorway off the right side.
Keeping an eye out for hostiles, I approached the door and knocked on it twice. The voices inside went silent as someone bellowed angrily, then loud footsteps echoed behind the door as someone drew closer.

I took a step back, drawing the pistol I'd taken and holding it in my right hand at eye level. The door was thrown open and an irritated looking Ingen soldier walked out clad in combat gear, he looked about but froze as I shoved the muzzle of my weapon into his neck.

"Easy their big guy, I'd ate for my claw to twitch" I growled darkly, Alice move up beside me with a hiss, glaring at the guy as if daring him to make a move.

"Who's in the room?" Alice's hissed, snapping her jaws in a frightening manner, the Soldier shifted a little but my weapon held him in place.

"Just me and a few prisoners" he muttered, glaring at us both with confusion and fright.

"aaaarrrr no funny business mate" the hammer of the pistol was drawn back with a loud click, making the Soldiers hands release his weapon which dangled harmlessly from its sling attached to his combat vest.

Alice reached forward and ripped the rifle from the man's body, tossing it to the side as well as his side arm and knife.
I gave her an approving nod before pushed the soldier back into the room, making him stumble a little as the pistol was moved now aimed directly between his eyes.

"This here is a .45cal 1911 colt, it'd make one hell of a hole in your pretty face so don't try anything stupid" I growled coldly, Alice shot past the man once there was room, leaving me to corner the soldier at gun point while Alice dealt with the prisoners.

I could hear the startled screams of men and women, likely from them freaking out at the sight of a dinosaur. It was hard not to laugh as Alice began speaking boldly, and the dumbfounded silence that followed.

"Listen up people, were getting you out of this place but stay out of the jungle, follow behind us and do as we say and you might get off this island alive" began Alice.

"They'll be dead by morning" sneered the soldier, I jabbed him in the forehead to shut him up and glanced towards Alice.

There was a big metal cage with people crammed inside, they all looked dirty and tattered. Like no one had bothered to look after them since arriving here, it made my blood boil that Ingen could be so cruel to their own kind. It's one thing to do it to dinosaurs, another to your own species.

In my moment of weakness, the soldier took his chance, knocking the weapon aside where it discharge by my startled reaction and shot the wall. The weapon was wrenched from my claws and all I could see was bright flashes as I felt multiple thuds across my body like someone punching me, then I fell over gasping in pain as blood pooled around my body.

Looking around feeling disorientated, I could only watch as the Soldier then began shooting towards the cage. Panicked screams were drowned by the boom of the high calibre pistol, until the weapon clicked empty and a blurr of red slammed into the soldier with a blood chilling shriek.

I stumbled to my feet, sickle claw clinking at the ground in frustration as I slipped around in a pool of red blood. But it wasn't my blood I was slipping in, Alice let out one last savage snarl of anger, before jumping back from the mangled form of the soldier.

Looking away from the horrible sight, I saw the prisoners all piled upon the floor in another pool of blood. My gut felt heavy as I took in the sight, sorrow swelling inside me as Alice looked away with what I think were tears in her eyes.

"We can't help them now…." She sobbed slightly, brushing past me as she strolled out of the room.

A soft whine left my jaws as I moved towards the slaughtered people, my eyes taking in the frozen expressions of horror on their faces. These people had families, children, parents and friends. They didn't have to die, why did they die? Was it my fault they were now lifeless corpses.

By hands shook violently and my sickle claw made a continuous tapping sound as it hammered against the floor in agitation, a sob left my throat and I slowly tore my gaze away from the dead civilians. But the image would forever be burned into my memory, I strolled silently out of the room to find Alice throwing up in the hallway, leaning heavily against the wall for support.

Slowly walking up beside her, I gave her a comforting nuzzle across the jaw. Garbling softly that it wasn't her fault, that I had let the soldier over power me, but she brushed aside my words. I watched the blood soaked Troodon stroll past me, her eyes still wet with grief.

"Ingen will burn…" I hissed to myself, by the end of tonight, I was going to make sure Ingen payed a high price for the cruelty and death it'd caused on Isla Sorna's soil.

Silently Alice and I made our way back to the research room, where Lucian was stalking about anxiously for us to arrive.
At the first sight of Alice, the raptor practically pounced at her with a worried bark and began licking her over, fussing over her appearance and checking for wounds.

It was cute to watch, and it momentarily made me forget the slaughter we had witnessed. Standing a little taller, I reminded myself that I was now an Alpha. I couldn't show acts of weakness before others, I had to be strong, brave and a beacon of support for others.

Alphas wouldn't grieve over so much death, they would comfort their pack. Make sure those who caused the harm were punished for their crimes, and most of all they would stand tall so that the others could feel brave and overcome their sorrow.

Looking around the room, I glanced down at the two nanite infused people before me. At the creatures that were so human, yet dinosaur at the same time. It was time to get them to safety, they'd both suffered enough for tonight.

"Follow the path to the exit and run for the forest, don't stop, don't look back, get away from this place" I said to them sternly as I checked my chest rig for ammunition and weapons.

"But what about you, what will you do now?" said Lucian with a stern glance over his shoulder at me as he hugged Alice.

I replied by pulling the pin of a grenade, holding the hammer tightly against the explosive device so the timer wouldn't initiate prematurely.
"I'm making ingen burn, now go!" I barked at them sternly, turning away from them and looking towards the gas bottles in the room.

I listened to the sound of claws clattering against the floor, listened to it echo through the room, before growing quieter as they drew away.
Once I was sure they were a safe distance away, I hoisted the assault rifle awkwardly in one hand and blasted several holes in the bottles. The bullets didn't ignite the gas, I'd knew it wouldn't. Mythbuster taught me that much as a kid.

Listening to the gas spew from the metal bottles, I moved towards the exit and looked down at the grenade. I cast one last look around the room, taking in the evil of Ingens research.

"Burn" was all I said in perfect English, before tossing the grenade into the room and sprinting with all my power down the hallway.

A few seconds passed and the only sound was my claws clattering against the floor, then a mighty 'BOOOOMMM' ripped through the air and I felt hot air blast across my back. But I didn't stop, I ran and ran, until I was outside once more in the humid night air.

"Return to the forest, the hunt was a success!" I roared throwing my head back into the air, several roars of triumph split the air across the Ingen facility, the Spinosaurus let out a monstrous roar that shook the heavens, before storming towards the bridge leading back home.

All around his feet darted the smaller forms of Velociraptors and Troodon alike, all darting into the darkness of the forest to return home to the safety of their nest. But as I joined my comrades in leaving this cursed place, I had to ask myself just how many predators had died tonight to make Ingen pay.

A small surprised came to me when we returned to the interior of the island, the air was full of triumphant roars of carnivores and herbivores alike. Compies darted amongst our feet and I strolled proudly alongside Xerxus and the wounded Troodon Alpha, behind me trotted along my pack, my family who were now safe from harm.

We approached the original meeting point, were I made the alliance with all 3 species to attack the Ingen facility.
All parties gave their version of a bow to the other, then as if on some silent cue. We dispersed, heading towards our respected territories.

I wished for more conversation, but these weren't people. They were predators, they didn't meddle over small talk. Our goal was accomplished, we made Ingen burn and suffer for thinking they could come to our island, now our alliance was gone. I knew that by tomorrow morning, all sides would be growling and protecting their territory from the other. I myself felt the urge to return home and ensure no other predators had moved in while I was absent, the thought of someone else near my nest caused my blood to boil.

But first I had to grab someone important.

Jarred gasped for breath as he clutched at his bandaged arm, pain racked his body and his vision blurred once more. He shuddered violently and rubbed at his eyes, trying to get his vision to refocus once more.

Ever since that dinosaur attacked him, Jarred had felt unwell. It was stifling hot inside the room and no matter how much clothing he removed, he continued to sweat bullets like an athlete. But what was scaring him the most, was how foggy his brain felt and his unclear vision.

His arm was also making a funny smell, he didn't like that. Why did the wound smell, it was only a few hours old it couldn't possibly be infected already.
Coughing slightly, Jarred wiped the back of his hand across his forehead, rubbing away beads of sweat in the process.

Then he heard clicking sounds, Jarred was confused at first and narrowed his eyes across the darkness of the room. But he saw nothing.
Hesitantly, the young man raised his flashlight and flicked it on, instantly loud snarls split the air as several burred forms jumped back in surprise.

Jarred tried to scream, but he couldn't make a noise. He just held the flashlight, eyes slowly adjusting to focus upon several large predatory dinosaurs all snarling in his direction.

Jarred knew he was about to die, he was about to be ripped apart by tooth and claw, to be mutilated by these monsters. But then a loud bark filled the air making Jarred flinch, and the dinosaurs parted to reveal one Jarred met before.

"Braden?" croaked Jarred, watching the dark skinned raptor draw closer and shove its muzzle closer to sniff his form.

Jarred didn't move as the head moved up and down, sniffing at his entire form until suddenly chittering something back at the other predators. A larger pale predator stepped forwards, its form covered in several scars. This new predator began sniffing at Jarred, until recoiling its head with a snort as it sniffed his bandaged wound.

The predators chittered and growled at one another, until Braden made a loud whine of distress before fixing Jarred with one of its hazels eyes.

"Jarred you're going to be fine, that Troodon who attacked you in venomous" said Braden, then something else jumped into view and Jarred went tense as he saw familiar glowing eyes.

"It's only a few hours, if we can get him to the old labs we should be able to stabilise his condition" said the evil looking predator, it was small with red scales, wearing what looked to be a tattered jacket with odd blotches across its surface.

"Thank you Alice, Jarred you'll be fine, just relax" as Braden spoke, Jarred's eyes rolled back into his head, and he passed out.

To be continued…..